Ninjas vs. Zombies (2008) Poster

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The title writes a check it's ass can't cash.
BA_Harrison9 June 2011
I love ninjas and I love zombies, but I don't love Ninjas vs Zombies; it's not that I hate the film, per se—I've seen much, much worse—but any film with such an amazingly awesome title yet such a low budget is almost always going to disappoint.

To really do such a cool concept justice, one would preferably have martial arts choreography by Donnie Yen, make-up effects by KNB, and visual effects from ILM. Director Justin Timpane's budget doesn't stretch that far, so what we actually get is fight scenes performed by a few guys from the local dojo, make-up and costumes from the fancy dress shop round the corner, and digital trickery courtesy of someone's home PC. Some of it works (the fights are reasonably fun), but most of it doesn't.

This, combined with a script that strives to be funny, but which frequently falls flat on its face thanks to poor delivery by an inexperienced cast, results in an admittedly brave attempt by a group of enthusiastic film-makers, but one that consistently betrays its amateur status.

I rate Ninjas vs Zombies 3/10, but generously bump it up a point for a couple of brief and utterly gratuitous moments of female nudity: Tara Moore flaunting her curves in skimpy underwear and a busty blonde giving full frontal in a blink and you'll miss it shot towards the end of the film.
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corejava228 September 2010
Saw this at a local indie movie rental place, was expecting a blend of zombie horror with random ninjas thrown in. Didn't like the attempt at humor as it felt really cheesy; (one of those "hah we know we're a B- movie" so we'll just deliver the lines really bad). Don't get me started on the dialog.

I knew the production value wasn't going to be up there in quality, but the cinematography and overall feel made it look more suited for Youtube than my DVD player. I hate to be so blunt as I'm sure a lot of love and work went into this project... you have been warned though, go into this movie with very low expectations.
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Better than I thought it would be.
kittenkongshow2 April 2017
Picked this up for a pound under it's UK name 'Zombie Contagion'.

I wasn't expecting much when I read the reviews on here and finding out it's original name...Why change a winning sounding title (Zombies Vs Ninja's) for the above and give it a cover that has no real link to it.

It's actually quite a funny film with several moments actually making me laugh. OK so if your watching it expecting Zombie carnage you'll be disappointed...The make up and effects are poor...The acting is mixed but somehow it fits with the level the film is aiming for - You can also play spot the reference...

It's better than many straight to DVD Zombie flicks.
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Panning for Oscars: Template for new "reality" series
charlytully2 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
NINJAS VS. ZOMBIES has all of what you would expect if some film equivalent of Simon Cowell (think a panel composed of Ulli Lommel, Uwe Boll, and Steven Soderbergh) stopped at the home of the most obnoxious big family in your neighborhood, condo complex or apartment building with a pick-up truck full of cheap film-making equipment and a few disks of tacky special effects. Carefully coached toward the lowest common denominator by the panel, you would end up with a finished flick featuring wooden actors delivering hokey lines to convey an implausible story line with absolutely terrible production values (which describes NINJAS VS. ZOMBIES in a nutshell). Skimming the NZ credits reveals lots of nepotism and many people wearing at least three hats (which for most of them is a hat trick too many). Why not make lemonade out of lemons such as NZ? If the bozos involved with this lame movie could make such a perfectly extended version of the purposely poor sketches done by the BE KIND REWIND crew, why not a weekly TV series, with a few shows devoted to the selection of "finalists," and each week thereafter featuring the coaching process on the first night, and the finished product on the second? Based on audience votes, the top three amateur feature directors would get a second bite of the apple. If my show had been on the schedule in time for NINJAS VS. ZOMBIES, I think it unlikely NINJAS VS. VAMPIRES would have gotten off the ground. America would have voted this crew off the island much sooner than that.
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Terrible movie this movie parody of Dance of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead with Ninja movie parody
seckinlergafri7 August 2017
Ninjas vs Zombies (2008) is a horror movie, comedy, parody of the ninja genre and directed by Justin Timpane about seven people trying to stop a man named Eric who rose from his death. Because Eric has a lethal power to change people around him turns into Zombie. He also sucks the spirits of his victims .. Will the seven people can stop the chaos? I watched this movie through DVD a few minutes ago, the movie made me curious at the beginning of the movie but in the battle scene in the theater so boring, in the middle and end of the film so flat .. Its visual effects are so bad .. Acting is ordinary .. .... dialogue dialogue of the characters are so cheap, the characters in this movie so strange and do not have chemistry .... Do not waste your time to watch this movie ..... This movie is not creepy and not stressful at all .. .
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Criminally bad
Leofwine_draca19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
NINJAS VS. ZOMBIES is your typically stupid indie comedy horror cross-genre collaboration. This one features a squad of typically overacting zombies with a bit of fake blood smeared over their faces and other random scenes featuring tubby ninja wannabes dressing up in black and doing a few moves. Mostly this is about cringeworthy humour and terrible FX; there's certainly reason why any sane viewer would wish to tune in.
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Over all a very funny movie
starcry16 August 2009
I was aware of the making of this movie along the way and recently finally got a chance to pick up a copy at a local gaming store and was very happy with it.

I am a huge fan of the grade b horror set up and was a little concerned that this one may go to far for even me. Instead it turns out to be very funny. The entire idea from start to finish was well done. I will say the movie did feel like it dragged on towards the end and certain parts needed to be cut back on but over all it was great.

Do not go into this movie looking for horror and do not expect it to look like something filmed in Hollywood with a million dollar budget. However if you are able to look past the effects you will very quickly fall in love with this Kevin Smith style movie.

I cant wait to see what Justin comes up with next!
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Ninjas VS. Zombies - a DjfunkmasterG review
DjfunkmasterG26 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The guys behind Ninjas Versus Zombies invited me down so we could have a double bill of movies, via a private screening. My film, and Ninjas Vs. Zombies. Because each of us had worked on perspective projects for sometime it was undecided which film would go first, but the guys behind NvZ wanted to see Deadlands 2, so we watched that first, then they unleashed Ninjas Vs. Zombies on me.

Now before I watched the film I let Justin (The Director) and Daniel (The Exec Producer) know first off that I am not a huge fan of people goofing on the zombie genre. it is one Genre I hold close to my heart, and take very seriously when it comes to any level of film-making. Having just finished Deadlands 2, they could tell I took a very serious approach.

Now let me first say that, the theme song for NvZ is really catchy. I actually found myself humming the tune on the way home from Virginia to Maryland.

NvZ, is pretty much a comedy, action zombie flick. There are some very funny moments in NvZ, and most of the humor comes from the many references to films we all know, love or hate. Films such as, Pulp Fiction, Indiana Jones 4, Dirty Harry, Evil Dead, Clerks, etc etc. The list goes on quite a bit. One of the films biggest references is probably D&D (Thats Dungeons and Dragons to those who aren't familiar with the initials).

Basically a spell to resurrect a dead friend, goes awry, and not only brings back the friend, but gives him the power to make an army of the dead. Now in order to stop the army, the same spell, gives a group of friends the power of the Ninja, which makes it hard to keep a straight face when typing that, but that is one of the films funnier moments,as of all the weapons in the world to fight off zombies, these guys get the power of the ninja. So if you're a Ninja fan, you will probably dig it.

Now in terms of story, NvZ, lacks a little in the story department. There is a story there, but you really just don't really worry about it too much because honestly you watch the film waiting for the next gag to come about, not too mention the many one liners associated to film references, or the smart ass antics of Daniel Ross who plays Kyle. In fact another portion of the film comes off like a horror comedy version of Clerks to an extent. However, Daniels character is easily the most likable, and the guy you want to see on the screen the most. Too bad the entire movie didn't center around him because he is the one solid reason to see Ninjas Vs. Zombies.

The other shining member of the cast is Carla Okouchi, who plays Lily, a female filmmaker who wants to leave her drag on life, down on his luck boyfriend, played by her Husband Corey Okouchi. While like I said there really isn't much of a story to follow in terms of, needing to know how it ends, this kind of hurts NvZ just a bit because Lily is a very interesting character who isn't explored to her fullest potential, nor used to her fullest either, but thats OK, because this is the type of film where you walk into it just see some action, zombies, and quick one liners. Not for the story.

The best way to describe the audience for NvZ would be people who dig Troma flicks, but want to see one with better than your average Troma flicks production values. Basically, NvZ is full of decent production values which set it apart from most Troma films, but it has that cheesy Troma vibe, which works for the film rather than hurts it.

Other stand out moments for NinJas Vs. Zombies would the music, there is some really outstanding production value in the music, although the use of Hard Rock is overdone at times. The editing looked pretty tight, all though I did note some moments to the filmmakers where they could speed it up a bit more.

NvZ marks director Justin Timpanes feature debut, and with the films Microbudget, listed on IMDb as $30,000.00, it still has some faults, but they are faults even I made with my first flick Deadlands: The Rising. One of the weakest areas of NvZ is the cinematography and Camera work. It is not a disaster by any means, but it is nothing spectacular either, but overall you won't care because as I have said the film is funny, and honestly could really become a Horror Comedy classic, yes it has that potential. I picture the film being a drinking game film for droves of Frat House boys. It does have that marketability to it.

Now some of the flaws, other than technical do reside in the performances by some of the lead cast and second billed. Daniels work is good, but the work of Cory Okouchi, and Dan guy, who plays Randall is sometimes trying to sit through, although Cory looks Badass in the Ninja outfit, I will say that.

Now some popular MD, DC and VA talent make appearances throughout the flick, including some members of Some Cameos if you will are nice to see, but really do nothing to move the flick along, but if you follow the DC Baltimore film circuit you will definitely be able to say ... hey... Thats whats his/her face... so its kind of nice to know the circle is kind of complete in those aspects.

All in all, I would recommend checking out Ninjas Vs. Zombies.

Grade B-
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