"Robin Hood" Too Hot to Handle (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Jonas Armstrong: Robin Hood



  • Isabella : What was she like?

    Robin Hood : What was who like?

    Isabella : The woman that my brother killed.

    Robin Hood : [sighs]  She was Marian.

    Isabella : She must have been a pretty special woman to have such a hold over you. And my brother.

    Robin Hood : She never gave your brother a reason to feel anything for her.

    Isabella : And you?

    Robin Hood : I just want to forget.

  • Isabella : I had a dream about you and me.

    Robin Hood : Did you? What was it?

    Isabella : I dreamt that we - we lived together. Lived in a - lived in a farm house. Had a few animals. Grew all out own food. And we had children.

    Robin Hood : How many?

    Isabella : Four. Two girls and two boys. Freckles on their little knees. The boys had your - your strength and your courage.

    Robin Hood : ...and the girls, your brains.

    Isabella : We were so happy. You probably think it sounds ridiculous.

    Robin Hood : No. It sounds... sort of perfect.

  • Kate : Robin!

    Robin Hood : Kate? What happened?

    Kate : We tried to get to the river but I got caught.

    [lowers voice] 

    Kate : You can't trust her.

    Isabella : Robin, we've got to get out of here, it's only a matter of time before someone comes down.

    Robin Hood : Can't just leave her, Isabella.

    Isabella : We've got a chance to escape...

    Kate : Robin!

    Isabella : ...escape out old lives. Come on! We've got to take this chance, here, listen. What we talked about down there - the dream. It can be our dream... our reality. But we have to go now!

    Robin Hood : Isabella... I like you. I really do. But I'm afraid for me, it'll always be just a dream.

    Isabella : ...what?

    Robin Hood : Whether I like it or not, and believe me, sometimes I *hate* it... but I am Robin Hood. I am an outlaw. And I can't change that.

    Isabella : But surely, Robin, surely in time, we can just start fresh. Become someone new, come on, please...

    Robin Hood : No, no. I am who I am. I tried to have it all once before. But it just caused so much pain for everyone.

    Isabella : No, I'm not her.

    Robin Hood : ...I'm truly sorry.

    Isabella : NO!

  • Robin Hood : You're a dead man walking, Gisborne.

    Guy of Gisborne : Never seemed to do you much harm.

  • Guy of Gisborne : This isn't over, Hood!

    Robin Hood : YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!

  • Robin Hood : So, what's his name, then?

    Eleanor : Actually, his name's Robin.

    Robin Hood : Is it? Well, thank you very much, that's very flattering.

    Eleanor : No, after the bird. One landed on his crib the day he was born.

    Robin Hood : ...of course it did. Right. Good, good.

    Eleanor : Joke. It was after you.

    Jack : He's always been a poorly lad, so we uh, thought we'd give him a name of strength.

  • Isabella : Take it back.

    Robin Hood : Take what back?

    Isabella : The bit about being a rubbish kisser, take it back.

    Robin Hood : Fine! You're not a rubbish kisser.

    Isabella : So why did you say it?

    Robin Hood : To make you angry.

  • Robin Hood : I swear, if I get out of here alive, I will KILL YOU!

    Guy of Gisborne : Swear all you want, Hood, it won't make any difference. The legend dies here. Slowly... and painfully, I'd imagine. Meanwhile, I get to be Sheriff. Life is sweet, isn't it?

  • Isabella : Yeah. It sounds so simple. Getting a tiny arrow through that tiny ring...

    Robin Hood : You're forgetting one thing.

    Isabella : Yeah?

    Robin Hood : I'm Robin Hood.

  • Prince John : "Dead," you said. "Taken care of," you said.

    Isabella : He's always lied, Sire. In fact, he was going to let me go and not tell you about it.

    Guy of Gisborne : No...

    Isabella : ...until I knocked him unconscious.

    Guy of Gisborne : No, Sire.

    Prince John : You let the team down, Guy. You've let yourself down. In fact, you're a liability.

    Guy of Gisborne : No...

    Prince John : Gisborne, you're fired.

    Guy of Gisborne : No, you will not fire me. I've waited all my life to be Sheriff and I will NOT be fired by YOU!

    [Draws sword on Prince John] 


    Guy of Gisborne : You're not a monarch. You're a pretender, a fake, a fraud!

    Isabella : Oh no, not as big a fraud as him

    [points to Robin] 

    Isabella : I've been a fool, Sire. A weak, vain woman, blinded by his flattery. But now I see the truth, and I beg you, Sire, let me show you how sorry I am!

    [Holds club out at Robin] 

    Robin Hood : Isabella, put it...

    Isabella : ...save your honeyed words for someone who cares... Hood.

    Prince John : Be my guest.

  • Robin Hood : This is what you do...

    Tuck : ...and you do it well.

    Robin Hood : No. WE do it well.

  • Robin Hood : [sneaking up on Isabella]  Good evening.

    Isabella : Oh! God, don't do that!

    Robin Hood : Sorry. Just thought I'd pop in on you.

  • Much : Hey. What's wrong?

    Robin Hood : I envy them, Much. You know, they have nothing, and yet I envy them, their lives, because... they have each other. You know?

    Much : Well... we've got each other.

    Robin Hood : That's not the same though, is it?

    Much : No. It's not.

  • Robin Hood : [sneaking up on Isabella]  Well, I am punctual, if nothing else.

    Isabella : You have to stop doing that.

  • Robin Hood : What do you think your brother would say if he knew we were together?

    Isabella : Guy still wet the bed when we was 12. He doesn't scare me.

    Robin Hood : Yeah? Be sure to mention that to him the next time I see him!

  • Isabella : Guy, let me go! You are my brother, you let me go! Please, Guy.

    Guy of Gisborne : All right. I will. I'll give you another chance, Isabella. I mean, we all make mistakes, don't we?

    Robin Hood : What a shame you didn't show that same compassion to Marian before you ran her through.

    Guy of Gisborne : Shut it.

    [to Isabella] 

    Guy of Gisborne : So, I'll unshackle you...

    Isabella : Thank you.

    Guy of Gisborne : ...on one condition.

    Isabella : Why is there always one condition with you?

    Guy of Gisborne : Prove to me that you understand the terrible error you have made. Kill him. In front of me. With this.

    [Waves sword] 

    Guy of Gisborne : If you do that, I will lie to Prince John.

    Isabella : What does he know?

    Guy of Gisborne : I will tell him that he misread what he saw last night, and your life will be spared.

    [holds out sword to Isabella] 

    Robin Hood : Just do it. You're a rubbish kisser, anyway. Just save us all the pretense and do it quickly. It'll make his day.

    Guy of Gisborne : Fine, I will then! Huh. You were right. It was obviously a mistake having anything to do with this weasel.

  • Robin Hood : You were gonna do it.

    Isabella : What are you talking about? I was tricking him. I helped you fight him.

    Robin Hood : That was helping me?

    Isabella : I gave you the piece of wood, you fool.

    Robin Hood : What do you mean, "gave it to me?" I took it from you!

    Isabella : Oh yeah, of course you did. 'Cause you are so perfect.

    Robin Hood : Oh, shut up!

  • Robin Hood : [alarmed as Isabella wields sword over her unconscious brother]  What are you doing?

    Isabella : What I've wanted to do for 17 years - consigning him to hell.

    Robin Hood : Isabella, once you do it, there's no going back. There's nothing more to be said or done.

    Isabella : This'll do all the talking I need.

    Robin Hood : Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. What about what he may have to say?

    Isabella : The only thing I ever wanted to hear from him was a plea for forgiveness. Some admission of guilt that it was his fault that I was so unhappy. He sold his own sister to a man who made my life a misery.

    Robin Hood : That's why you shouldn't let him off so easily. Come on. Give it to me.

    [takes sword from her] 

    Isabella : You will pay. Someday, you will pay.

  • Isabella : Clun's this way.

    Robin Hood : It's this way.

    Isabella : I know which way it is.

    Robin Hood : Isabella, I live in the forest. I know which way Clun is. It's this way!

    Isabella : All right, you think I'm going to lead you into another trap, right? Fine. We'll go your way.

    Robin Hood : Well, if you think...

    Isabella : No, no, no.

    Robin Hood : ...then we can go your...

    Isabella : No, really.

    Robin Hood : Isabella. I am letting you have your own way. Surely you can't get angry with me for letting you have your own way, can you?

    Isabella : You've not been out with many women, have you?

  • Tuck : Change is coming, Robin.

    Robin Hood : Is it, now? I'm beginning to wonder if we can ever really change anything.

    Tuck : The Sheriff is dead, is that not change enough?

    Robin Hood : Well, in his place is a Prince who does nothing while his peoples wells run dry and they die of thirst.

    Kate : Thank goodness for me, then.

    Robin Hood : Your recce went well?

    Kate : 2 guards, 1 door, and 20 barrels of Prince John's cool fresh water hidden in a barn, just begging to be sampled!

  • Robin Hood : You can still try and escape

    Isabella : Escape? To where? My brother was my protector. Without him, I have nothing.

    Robin Hood : ...you have me.

See also

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