Sound of Violence (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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WTF did I just watch??
rickgallardo-6323824 September 2021
Giving this a 4 is being generous. All I can say is the premise of this film sounded interesting but the execution (pun intended) was completely ridiculous. I don't mind elaborate kills but these were preposterous. To top it all off the ending makes you just want to slap yourself for engaging in this nonsense to begin with. You have been warned.
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Silly and dull
pasaribuharisfadli4 February 2022
I feel sorry to Jasmin Savoy Brown for wasting her talent on this film which clearly suffers from some identity crisis. It's rather laughable when Sound of Violence thought itself highly without realizing how silly and dull it was.
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Sound proof
kosmasp29 October 2021
In hindsight I reckon this could make an interesting double bill with Titane. Having said that, Titane is way better than this film. Though that does not mean that this movie is a bad one at all. It is just inferior in certain aspects. Not in casting the main role imho.

It's funny because I just saw her over the last few weeks in a tv show called for the people. Well in her characters mind she is doing what she is doing ... also for the people. Keeping them all in her memory ... or rather in her sound. I reckon what she goes through and what she can "hear" is not scientifically proven or right in any way shape or form - no pun intended.

There is a lot of violence here (Sound of Violence seems more fitting than Conductor, but you may feel different I reckon) and a lot of blood is being spilled. And there is the visual aspect of it all. Because it isn't just "sound", but also a visual treat - at least for the viewer.

Interesting main idea, unfortunately not as gripping or enticing as it could be. A very strange yet quite expected ending caps it all off.
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Good ideas, but not enough
PedroPires901 June 2021
I can't say this is a good film. There are good ideas here, the main actress does a good job and some violent/gory interesting scenes.

However, the plot (and the explanation for the occurrence btw) is not developed enough and that trio/romance story blaghh. It just didn't keep my interest.
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billcr1230 September 2021
A ten year-old girl witnesses a bloody murder and later has dreams of the events as an adult. The story makes no sense as the grown up woman lives with another woman and neither seems to have a job. They record music for no apparent reason and the only point of interest is the boyfriend of the killer being played by James Jagger, the son of Mick. I can't get no satisfaction from this film.
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Leofwine_draca3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another silly, low budget horror film with little bearing on real life. The main character suffers a tragic childhood incident and also develops an unusual disability, but it's not really enough to justify what she does next. The rest degenerates into SAW-style traps and torture.
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Finally a unique slasher!
BandSAboutMovies21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Noyer made the documentary 808, which was all about the Roland TR-808, the drum machine that has been at the root of so much hip hop and pop music. He also wrote and directed a short called Conductor, which was about a music engineer who helps a young musician create music for a once-in-lifetime competition.

Inspired by that film, Noyer has created Sound of Violence, which is an incredibly unique take on the slasher. It's the tale of Alexis Reeves (Jasmin Savoy Brown), who was deaf until witnessing the murder of her family when she was ten years old. This devastating event awakened her synesthetic abilities and a musical ability that is fueled by the literal sound of violence.

While she works on her career as a teacher and enjoys a loving relationship with Marie (Lili Simmons), she keeps everyone unaware of the dark secrets behind her musical gifts. Yet when faced with the prospect of losing her hearing again, she'll do anything to stop that from happening.

Alexis can see colors inside music thanks to the neurological condition synesthesia, which she first discovered when she murdered her brutal father as a child. Now, she continues enjoying those swirls of color due to her musical collages of fighting children, mayhem and pain. Yet once you get addicted to a song or to creating them, you can't stop. You need a bigger high. And Alexis is headed down a path that may doom anyone close to her.

Sure, it may go over the top when Alexis discovers how to create all manner of complex torture devices that tie into her ability to compose music while tearing human beings to shreds. Yet in a time when most streaming slashers seem content to toss some synth music and 80s clothes on while replaying the same bad cliches of the end of the genre's best years and proclaiming themselves as bold throwbacks.

This is a high concept movie with acid trip visuals and no small shortage of gore all united to create one of the most unique slashers the form has seen in decades. It's not perfect, but it feels like a dramatic step forward and I can't wait to see what Noyer creates next.
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From bad to worse
bgmagic229 January 2022
Skip it! Horrible storyline. This movie was worse than I expected and it only got worse. The main characters were annoying and the acting & directing was below average.
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Super bizarre and unrealistic, but I still had fun!
becky-923462 March 2022
The Sound of Violence (2020) follows a young woman who regains her hearing and realises she experiences intense pleasure when hearing humans in pain. This film was entertaining, and had a very original and interesting concept. I just wish there was a bit more to it, and the narrative was stronger.

The cinematography felt quite amateur but the visuals were fun and psychedelic in some places. The gore was also quite unrealistic looking but it still managed to get under my skin! I particularly liked the harp scene which REALLY freaked me out.

The characters were a little bland, and the acting was fairly decent apart from Sonya's actor who I found to be unbelievable. However, a character I genuinely really liked and wished they'd explored more into was Duke, he seemed sweet.

The movie as a whole was very bizarre, outlandish and not realistic at all. But, I don't think it needed to be! The film is full of strange moments. I appreciated that the filmmakers tried to take a very experimental and original turn with the film, even though it didn't always succeed, you could see the effort!

The pacing was steady, and in the middle it got a little dull as it wasn't gripping enough, and it ended up dragging a bit. On the other hand, there was quite a good build up of tension which made me want to continue watching to see how crazy the main character's life could get.
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Why not go to the UFC?
teachlearnadvisor10 June 2021
There are plenty of places she could of gone to get her rocks off, but she just chooses silly things that make no sense.

So many avenues for her, child birth, cage fights, bull riding.

That's why it is a very dumb movie, with unconvincing motivations.
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Fun experimental craziness
sielu-4481924 May 2021
I was going to give it a 7 but seeing the troll comments I went all the way to 10. Ignore the trolls and watch this indie. It's not perfect but has some of the most original kills I've seen in a long time.
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It's a weird little horror movie....
lmcmtm18 January 2022
A short film about, er, killing!

I liked this weird little horror movie, not because it's plot was feasible, or because it's script was full of amazing dialogue or anything like that, just because for what it is; a low budget horror film, it's not too bad. The effects and audio mixing are pretty damn good considering the size of the movie, and the lead actors could've been far worse in this genre.

I wasn't expecting it to be the next fellini movie, but for what it is it's not too bad, some very nice complex audio editing and some creative and colourful (if ridiculous) death scenes.
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A real missed opportunity
Milk_Tray_Guy11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sound of Violence


A young girl named Alexis loses her hearing due to some (unspecified) emotional trauma, only for it to return at the further trauma of seeing her father murder her mother. Jump ahead to 'now', and a twenty-something Alexis is a university music student, specialising in experimental sound composition. She also suffers from synesthesia (seeing sounds as shapes and colours) - but only in relation to sounds of human pain and suffering. It's a condition she finds addictive, going to increasing extremes to experience it. Unfortunately, with signs that her hearing may go again, the clock's ticking for her to experience as much of it as possible before she's no longer able. It's a great premise. Unfortunately, first time director Alex Noyer bungles it...

1) Alexis lives with Marie, another student at the university. Right from the off it's clear there is a sexual chemistry between them, even bordering on parody (remember that scene in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, where we all thought Cameron Diaz and Demi Moore were going to kiss?). It's clearly meant to be an 'is there-isn't there' thing, but ends up as 'there obviously is'. Yet it plays absolutely no purpose. Whether Alexis and Marie are 'involved' or not doesn't change a single thing. Okay, Alexis gets a little jealous of a guy Marie has been seeing, and makes him her next victim. But it doesn't need to be him she kills; there's no payoff because it's him, it could be literally anybody. And when Alexis and Marie do finally declare their love for each other, 15 seconds later Alexis attacks her!

2) Alexis's line of corpses (understandably) attracts the attention of the police. Enter the grimly determined Detective Sonya Fuentes. Every now and then we cut away from whatever's going on with Alexis to catch-up with Fuentes and her investigation. But again, it plays no purpose. Fuentes never catches Alexis. She never even comes face-to-face with her. This movie would not play out any differently if Fuentes wasn't in it. Her inclusion doesn't introduce a 'race against time'; it's already a race against time, as Alexis is losing her hearing!

3) Alexis's torture/killing devices would give Jigsaw or any Batman villain a run for their money. They're interesting - but at the end of the day all she needs to do is inflict injury and death on someone to experience the shapes and colours of their suffering, and to record it for use again later. A hammer and an iPhone would have done the job.

None of this, of course, would matter in just 'some dumb, slasher flick'. Unfortunately, it's clear that Noyer was aiming for more than that.

Good cinematography and performances (especially Jasmin Savoy Brown and Lili Simmons, as Alexis and Marie) scrape this a 5/10.
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Pretentious amd.empty hipster horror.
maxwellsnake2426 February 2022
Imagine if you will a group of app designers creating a horror film, the end result wouldnt be unlike 'sound of violence', it must be said that the folk responsible for this movie are 'NOT' app designers, but they might as well be because their movie is as slick,.functional.and an app.

The idea of sound as a catalyst for evil isn't anything new, but at least recent offerings like 'berberian sound studio' and 'a.quiet place' used noise (or.a lack thereof in 'a qp's' case) to perfectly build tension and unease. ' sound of violence' despite its self descriptive title uses sound as an afterthought and the subtle use of it in the aforementioned movies is absent here as the movie just relies on heavy handed visual.shocks that you are more accustomed to seeing in the torture porn or slasher subgenres of horror movies, not the the art house horror this alludes to being. I Too arty and contrived for gorehounds and not challenging or idiosyncratic enough for your chin.stroking film buff, this movie is all froth and no coffee.
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The usual short to feature film problem
dschmeding22 May 2021
This movie is based on a shortfilm named "Conductor" which seems to have received a lot of praise for the director and has been made into a feature film.

The short basically had one idea going for it... surprise and a sudden turn into a grotesque horror idea that appealed to fans of the Saw franchise. It was very well done and it looks like the same team worked on this movie as the lead actress is the same and several elements look like this is a movie that is supposed to tell the story of the woman who appeared in the short only as a kind of sadistic sound engineer.

First of all... this movie like the short is very well done visually. The cinematography and effects are great, the acting is fine and they have a kind of new idea for the "main villain" that sets the movie apart from others because luckily they did not choose to go for another Saw rip-off movie as one could have expected.

The movie reminded me a lot of "Bliss" with the trippy aesthetics and damaged artist on a weird killing spree theme and a little of the recent Netflix movie "The perfection" in tone. Add the basic Saw torture-porn with creative technical devices to that and you basically have an idea of what "Sound of violence" looks like.

The trailer looks good and the movie has several things going for it for sure. But what does not work at all is the mix of drama and horror. They tried to make the back story of the woman dramatic but it feels rather lame as the plot has so many holes and things just suddenly happening. The character is not really fleshed out when suddenly building technical torture devices and becoming some kind of cyborg surgeon working wonders in an RV. The drama falls flat on its face and does that all through the movie until a very unsatisfying ending that totally killed this movie for me.

The kills seem random and often border on the comedic as characters in this film act really stupid like the guy getting electroshocked into a remotecontrolled theremin or the woman being turned into a mobile surround sound system. Yes, this sounds totally dumb... but that basically is what is happening. I wonder how these scenes read in the script and how no one said "Come on, this is too stupid... lets make this a little more realistic". All that dumb B-movie horror stuff clashes heavily with the polished surface and drama that often looks like a lesbian Dawsons Creek. Just like the ridiculous kills the scenes in the university look like a satire playing on the movie cliché that the deep part of the story is told in some classroom by a teacher in front of a chalkboard with very relevant words on it. Except... there is absolutely no depth here.

No... it happens way to often when a short movie is turned into a feature. I respect the effort but it does not work at all and is a huge let down in the end. Watch "Bliss" instead... that movie had way more edge.
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pdelage-237-47730814 December 2021
That was so bad it was funny. A total waste of time. The premise makes no sense at all. This could be the worst movie of all time. Everything about it is subpar.the acting the script the cinematography. You would be better off watching centipede it was at least funny.
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A Visceral and intriguing thriller
kyleallencole97 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Finally got to see this, came across it on showtime through Amazon prime and it was quite a flick!

Jasmin Savoy Brown, who is in the upcoming Scream movie, did a wonderful job in this as the deeply disturbed Alexis, who seemed normal.

Didn't know what to expect at first with this one, but that first experiment she does while torturing a homeless man to death with some kind of chair like machine, was insane!

It was sure crazy how they filmed the death scenes and the deaths were like music to her ears.

Definitely a disturbing thriller and I wished it would of ended differently though.

Overall I enjoyed it!
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Stupefying, sick, and utterly pointless
bob_meg24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sound of Violence is a film that's so inept on so many levels that it's truly disturbing --- not in the way horror films are meant to be, either. It's a product of a truly deranged mind. There are more vomit-inducing films out there (Salo, Blood-sucking Freaks), but I'm not so sure Alex Noyer understands that Sound of Violence is repugnant. That's the disturbing part.

The premise is interesting, but the execution is haphazard and sadistic, the acting is marginal, and (most of all) the script just doesn't make sense. Things occur in this movie that defy logic and rationality, and I'm talking about how events just seem to "happen" with no lead-in, background, or reasoning barring that maybe the anti-heroine has super-powers. That leaves the possibility that it's a black comedy.... no, that's not it either. Sound of Violence would have to have something to parody, and it doesn't, except maybe itself.

Alexis grows up deaf and to add to her trauma, she witnesses her PTSD-addled father brutally bludgeon her mother to death. Then she grows up to go on a killing spree of her own to (I guess?) relive the trauma in some euphoric attempt at self-healing through the sound of her victims being beaten, cut up, and tortured to death in a variety of twisted but not very interesting ways (think of a dull version of "Happy Birthday To Me"... wow).

Why does she have this sadistic psychopathology? No one knows, or seems to care except for the ridiculously stapled-in cop character and Alexis' best friend, Marie (I actually felt sorry for Lili Simmons here. Her performance is the only one in the movie that feels genuine).

Alex Noyer apparently gets off on gross-out special effects. There's literally nothing else to enjoy here unless you're a serial killer. A shame someone who could actually craft a script wasn't in the budget. The last time I saw something this amateurish was a film called LA Slasher, another Cali-made home video cheapy with no sense of style, sense, or coherence.

This is more a warning than a review, and I echo others here. Please, stay away. Unless snuff movies are your idea of a fun time.
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Frightfest 2021 - Sound Of Violence
gillman1110 September 2021
An impressively original concept is let down slightly by the derivative development of the story. The director passionately defended against these criticisms in the Q&A but the proof is in the pudding and if you watch the film, you will be able to guess what the points being made were.

I wouldn't want to put anybody off however, there is much to enjoy here. Top of the list being a fantastic central performance from Jasmin Savoy Brown.

The overall quality of the production is high, this does not feel like a low budget cash in at all.

There is striking imagery scattered through, gore fans are not shortchanged. The sequence with the harp in particular will have some viewers squirming.

It's conclusion is impressive enough that you will come away with a higher opinion of the film than you would if you'd stopped watching half way through.

As a feature debut, it's very impressive and interested to see what the filmmakers do next.
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Horrible... Don't even Bother...
thefighting7823 May 2021
This movie is so bad. I have watched almost EVERY horror movie. From different countries, time periods, etc. This movie has to be the most stupid, piece of trash I have seen. Take my warning and don't waste your time.
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Sold acting and great story line
suzbgut124 May 2021
***No spoilers*** Really enjoyed this movie. Overall, all of the actors were solid and believable. The story line was unique and kept me on the edge of my seat. Great job all around!
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Just Awful
whooperdooper2 December 2021
If only I could give it less than one star. That's 1 hour and 34 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. EVER!!

You owe me Alex Noyer. Absolutely awful movie.
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Can you hear me now?
nogodnomasters4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alexis lost her hearing in an accident and regained her hearing when she bludgeoned her PTSD father with a meat tenderizer. (Little girl Meat tenderizer, kitchen for clue fans). As an adult she discovers she loses her hearing unless exposed to violent sounds. For some reason simple recorded sound do not work, but she must need a new human victim each time who she tortures for the screams. She doesn't clean up the crime scene as well as she should.

This was a different premise, but the execution didn't do anything for me. This seemed so out of character even with her smile as a child.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Puzzle not fit
ks-6050016 October 2021
For the bloody scene it kinda of up to standard but when look at the master who did this, early 20sgirl, student. All her work is way behind her age and she just not get a psycho look. Things just not add up, lame lame lame.
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Very Dumb
rotini-5258623 May 2021
One of the dumbest movies I've ever had the misfortune to watch.
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