Das komabrutale Duell (Video 1999) Poster

(1999 Video)

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A German ultra-gore bore!
BA_Harrison21 March 2007
In my quest to see the 'goriest movie of all time', I finally got my hands on a copy of Das Komabrutale Duell— a low budget German gore-fest which I had seen mentioned as a possible contender for the title. My DVD was in the original language with no subtitles, but I thought I'd give it a go regardless; from what I had heard, the story made little sense anyway.

And whilst it is true that this film offers wall-to-wall gore and some scenes that are in extremely questionable taste (foetus stomping, anyone?), I have got to say that I really struggled to sit through this one, finding the endless amateurish effects tedious in the extreme.

As far as I can gather, the film revolves around two warring gangs who seem to be indestructible (possibly zombies): no matter how often they are beaten, stabbed, shot or chopped, they always manage to get back up and continue fighting. What the viewer gets is an hour and a half of endless fight scenes featuring oodles of bargain basement gore. Papier-mâché heads explode and are sliced apart and fountains of fake-looking blood erupt from every wound, but these effects are executed in such an unrealistic, cartoonish manner that the results are laughable.

If you too are searching for the ultimate in gory movie-making, you'll probably end up watching this one just so you can cross it off the list. But be warned, it's a real stinker and a test of endurance for any horror fan.
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More Cheezy German "Ultra-Gore"...
EVOL66628 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I have no f!cking idea what DAS KOMABRUTALLE DUELL is about. I have a Geramn language only copy and as I don't speak German, the "finer points" were totally lost on me. I will say that it ranks up there with some of the goriest films ever made - but from what I witnessed, it also ranked amongst the stupidest films ever made as well.

The storyline seemed to revolve around some rival gangs that are trying to slaughter each other. Problem is, it doesn't seem like anyone can ever die. People get shot 100 times, chainsawed, beaten with objects, and all other sort of mayhem, and they just keep coming back for more. At one point, some of the gang-members come back as zombies (or something to that nature) but this doesn't seem to have any real effect either...

Again, I really don't know what the hell was going on here. It seemed like a retarded cluster-f!ck of a film that I think was trying to be some sort of splatter comedy. The gore FX, though plentiful, are weak and laughable, and the whole production seems like it was shot on a weekend by a bunch of drunk teenagers. Some will be interested strictly because of the ridiculous amount of fake blood used in the film - but even that does not save this piece of garbage. The only people who I can seriously see gaining any sort of enjoyment from these films are those that REALLY like crappy zero-budget gore films, like Andreas Schnaas' sh!tty films. If you're a fan of crap like the VIOLENT SH!T films, then you'll probably love this one. All others should either steal this from someone or pass altogether, as it is ABSOLUTELY not worth paying for...2/10 (and that's only for the "fetus" scene)
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Braindead vs. Premutos vs. Das Komabrutale Duell
ElijahCSkuggs14 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Im not even gonna attempt to tell you what this movie is about. My copy like the others around here was without subtitles. You can look at theirs if you want to know what the story is. But really, that ain't the reason why you're watching this. You're watching it because it could be the goriest movie ever made. If you got your mitts on Das Komabrutale Duell, you've most likely got your mitts also on Braindead and Premutos. Well, I'm gonna go into what each offers, and tell you which one is king of what.

Let's start first with DKD. Out of the three, this is by far the most amateur. It's really just a crappy movie. But, it's so packed with blood and violence, it's semi-watchable. For pure violence, this is in my opinion, the most violent movie out there. I haven't seen the Violent Sh!t movies, but I'd put money down that this probably beats it. It's non-stop stupid violence. Punching, kicking, slicing, stabbing, shooting, sawing, stomping etc, etc. Like I just said, it's non-stop violence, but it's so amateurish, it never feels impressive. The blood, if you wanna call it that (since it looked like brown, soupy diarrhea for apart of it) is all over the place in this flick, but it's mostly just little sprays. But those little sprays add up and probably number close to 100. That means, there's alotta blood. DKD also has probably the most blood with the least amount of people dying in a film. Unless you wanna count movies like The Shining when the elevator opens and blood floods out or Army of Darkness where gallons of blood shoots out of the well. But all in all, I'd say DKD is the most violent movie out there, and is the third goriest. But it's also easily the worst movie out of the the big three.

Premutos on the other hand goes down as king of the most deaths. With a total of I think 139 deaths, the other big two don't even come close. It's not as violent as DKD or as gory as Braindead, but it definitely takes the cake with the most deaths and head explosions. Oh and it's pretty funny, thanks to the horrendously awful dubbing. Which is also the preferred way to view the movie.

Braindead aka Dead Alive is the king when it comes down to almost all important aspects concerning to a splatter flick. The effects were top notch, the creativity was high (though the tank in Premutos was I guess creative), the amount of blood is gigantic, the deaths were many, the body parts and innards are also aplenty. Unlike DKD which was basically all blood spray, and Premutos which may come close to gore, Braindead does it best with a plethora of all things a splatter fan could want. Not only is it easily the best of the big three, it's also one of the best horror/comedies out there as well. Some may think DKD has more blood, and that just ain't the case. You're just a hater.

So there ya go, what most real hardcore splatter fans already know, I'll repeat again. Braindead rules as the best and goriest splatter flick. Premutos comes in second as with the most deaths and gore. And Das Komabrutale Duell places third in the gore contest, but is definitely the most violent movie out there. You could argue that it's gorier than Premutos just because of the large amount of fake blood (which looked awful), but who gives a crap about second and third....and being boring as hell doesn't help it much either.
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Ultra-gore and Ultra-bore
ultra_tippergore3 December 2006
Das Komabrutale Duell is maybe, the bloodiest and goriest movie ever. Maybe it is. I love bloody movies, i love gore, so i should love Das komabrutale duell if its one of the goriest. Well, this is not math. I can hardly watch this movie complete. The fast-forward help me a lot on this one. Its ultra-gore, ultra-bloody, but its boring. You need at least something like a plot at least. This movie is just a juxtaposition of gory scenes, one after the other without any plot (well, its about some gangs that fight or something like that, but that its not a plot, believe me). Lots and lots of blood (lot of the blood is brown....) but it sucks big time. 3/10.
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the most brutal...no way
trashgang12 October 2010
If you are into horror like I am and are a regular visitor of conventions in Germany than there is one flick you won't find, Das Komabrutale Duel. It was made in 1999 but banned in Germany in 2004 due the splatter. Oh yes, the blood flows from shot one until the last shot. Yes it's gory and yes it's brutal but were is the storyline. The blood sputters from the bodies in a Eastern way, when they fight the blood flows but when the use a chainsaw than a few mistakes are shown. One, it doesn't work, the chain stands still. And all actors being hit by the chainsaw are trying to hold it back with their hands but aren't hurt at their hands!! But the blood flows from their bodies. In fact, the movie is just some kind of promo by the crew to show that they could deliver splatter. But again, a good movie also needs a story...
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Gore For Gore's Sake
osborneshawn8 May 2013
So this movie has been given the distinction of 'goriest movie ever'. OK..well does that mean it has to be absolutely horrible and have no decent acting or storyline twists ? I'm a lover of macabre cinema and watch a lot of extremely violent movies, as well as movies about controversial subjects. I'm not afraid to push the envelope a little bit, more than the average viewer, perhaps. But this movie is just gore for gore's sake and really is just plain gross. Its not even worth watching in my opinion. I gave it a three just for the distinction it carries, but other than its designation as 'goriest movie of all time ' there are no real reasons to watch this movie. Its not even put together very well and the plot is only in place to support a horrific splatter fest on screen. I am glad I didn't pay for it..and I can see why it was included as a free 'bonus' item in a shipment I won through an Ebay auction. The bonus will be the $2 I sell it for at a garage sale, I guess.
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Amateurish failure
Horst_In_Translation13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Das komabrutale Duell" or "The Coma-Brutal Duel" is a German 80-minute film from 1999. The writer and director here is Heiko Fipper and he is also one of the actors. I am not sure you can say "actors", as no cast member has any acting experience apparently. From what I saw here, I refuse to call Fipper a filmmaker. It is actually his second movie. His first work is from the early 1990s and then he took a break of eight years and then he made this one here. I have no idea why he returned to filmmaking as it is certainly not the case that he improved his skills whatsoever and his first can't be worse than this one here I guess. Anyway, the title is already as baity as it gets, but the film is not good at all, or probably right what you would expect looking at a title. It's gore and splatter from start to finish, but the production values go close to zero really and it looks amateurish during its entire 80 minutes. And sadly, the effects, an area that these films usually make up for weak storytelling, are not good at all either. Is there a good thing about this film? Yes there is. It shows aspiring young filmmakers that you can still make a somewhat known movie, even if you have no talent at all. Apparetntly, Fipper has understood that filmmaking is definitely not his area of expertise and he has not made a new film in the almost 2 decades since this one. I highly suggest you stay far far away.
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BandSAboutMovies21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Coma-Brutal Duel is one of two movies made by Heiko Fipper, along with Ostermontag or I Spit On Your Fucking Grave Bitch! If you think that you've seen everything there is to see when it comes to German ultragore shot on video movies, get ready.

Less a film than a series of shorts created between 1984 and 1999, this starts with Stephan Bandera losing his father to a drunk driver named John Eisentempler and enlisting an organized crime family to help him get revenge. It seems that the drunk driver won't get any prison time, so Stephen pledges himself to the family and what follows is a calvalcade of carnage and human body destruction.

Only Heiko, the son of John, survives and just barely. He ends up in a coma that lasts ten years and walks into the sunset, only to be met by a still-alive Stephan and another bloody battle that takes out both of them.

He awakens, crucified, as the mob has their way with him while they bring Stephan back to life just as a zombie attacks. By the close, zombies are in nearly every scene as the leads continually battle over and over again until there can be only one alive.

Everyone was obviously having fun making this, no matter how tense some of the torture scenes get. How else can you explain characters scooping up their own brains, putting them back in their heads and getting back out to fight again? It's like playing army in your old neighborhood where every wound magically heals except these ones send brown sprays of blood everywhere. It also has a mob made up of eight identical members, so at least it realizes how ridiculous it is, but those of a more delicate stomach may want to skip a movie that has a baby ripped out of a womb and stomped into oblivion.
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Probably the worst movie that I've ever seen
fzaghini-120 March 2016
Hi to everyone. Usually I don't review movies, specially the 'WTF movies', here but for this title I'd make an exception just to clarify two points.

First of all such title isn't properly a movie rather than a 'patchwork' made of amateur videoclips shooted between 1984 and 1999 by a group of friends. These videoclips share the same elements like a non existent plot or continuity, a terrible acting, cheap special effects and moreover the boredom reigns on such 'blockbuster'. Honestly a comparison between such 'movie' and titles like 'Braindead' and 'Premutos' doesn't come out from the Earth as far from the Heaven: they're instead movies in the common sense. But there's another and more important reason for that: I can watch and re-watch such movies having every time fun due their irony and 'political incorrectness' more than their amount of blood (following such way of thinking then a title like 'Dead Next Door', for example, would be better than Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead'... that's simply absurd). On the other hand is this 'Komabrutale Duell' a real pain-in-the-ass to watch: I barely watched it to the end. After that it can be relegated to the oblivion without problem.

Indeed here as in other sites I've noticed that such 'movie' was positive reviewed: that's the biggest surprise that comes to me from such 'blockbuster'. For an explanation of such phenomenon, excluding a financial corruption by the director or his staff, may I'd review another movie called 'Idiocracy' then... Thanks for your attention anyway.
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Very Gore, but sin rhythm
art-bizarre8 October 2012
A bad movie, that's the truth. Despite being film Z is not a criteria to recognize this movie as good or fair, though, the film has what promises too much, much gore, no rhythm completely, a nonsensical story and uncreative ... to the make a gore movie, consider that by having 125 minutes of blood and violence, means that the viewer enjoy the gore, like me for example, I was pleased with the film ... must have rhythm, knowing when to and when not gore. In this sense the film fails ... But if we see Faces Of Death, but fictitiously ... clear Komabrutale Das Duell served, if we see gore film, with all that has to be a movie ... only see gore and not a movie.
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the REAL goriest film ever made
Viva_Chiba21 October 2010
This is the real goriest film ever made, gorier than Braindead and Premutos, i love the "german ultra gore".

Everyone doesn't like this movie because, it's "boring" there are "crappy effects". The gore is present in every scene (example: bloody fights, decapitations, gunshot wounds, "autopsies"), i really can't see why people says that this movie is "boring" and seriously, do you care about acting ?

The soundtrack is cool.

The plot involves in a man called Heiko (played by Heiko Fipper, the director himself), who kills a mafia boss of the bandera family. The Bandera Family is not happy for this and one of their sons starts to kill all Heiko's family. Heiko, his three brothers and his girlfriend are the only who survived to the massacre. Now, Heiko and his brothers are going to plan a brutal revenge, after several years spent in coma.

Don't listen to all the negative reviews, if you are searching for the goriest film ever made....you found it ! Check out "Ostermontag", not listed here on IMDb, but it's directed by Heiko Fipper also.
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