The Raven (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Oh boy
kirekeep3 February 2007
I have no clue why a movie of this quality was released to major video stores. It's supposedly based on the Poe story, though the main connection is the lead character is named Lenore.

But this is a glorified amateur movie. It's shot on digital video. The "actors" seem to be friends of the movie maker and the acting is the quality of porn acting, without the sex scenes to dull the pain. It's "arty", which can be described as random video shots with no context or meaning with generic music in the background.

Ed Wood made bad movies with intent, with passion. This is just utter tripe, made to make a cheap buck. Read the reviews of the director's other films and you'll see a pattern.

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If you're cRAVEN something terrible...
CutPrintJope12 February 2007
The Raven,

By Edgar Allan Poe, by way of Ulli Lommel


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

I, not thinking, brought back The Raven from the movie store.

While I watched, I wished for napping, to save me from this horrid crapping,

As Ulli Lommel's vicious trapping made me feel like his dirty whore.

'Tis god awful,' I muttered, 'this movie I abhor-

I wish I had rented something more.'


Ah, distinctly I remember, this would have offended famous Edgar,

As he clawed the lid of his coffin, deep below the graveyard floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow; - nothing's brought me greater sorrow,

Had I just been somewhat stronger, I'd've thrown this out the door,

Perhaps shook it off and ascended to the store,

…But I stayed for Ulli's hellish tour.


What this movie was about, I can't be certain,

It filled me with boredom - a boredom I'd never felt before.

An hour's time, the cast sat eating--and only talking, ain't that cheating?

With nary a reference to Mr. Poe, what was this movie made for?

If not to honor a genius, why suffer through this chore?

That it is, and nothing more.


'Damn this movie's scent of farting! Damn it all!' I shrieked upstarting-

'This movie doth much offend me, I wish to hear me snore!

Does Ulli think my brain is broken, perhaps a boob who is soft-spoken,

As to not see in this 1800's sequence a very modern bedroom door?'

I pressed fast forward; the movie soared, thought of watching; held it more.

Qouth the Raven – 'I'm a bore.'


And The Raven, so unfitting, please leave sitting, PLEASE leave sitting,

It can't bore you if it stays unseen, sitting in the movie store.

Late at night, it haunts my dreaming, I even sometimes wake up screaming,

And shake away haunts of Ulli's movie, filled with nothing but corny gore.

Nightly I pray o'er us all, my knees tucked 'neath me on the floor,

I pray to God that no luckless soul ever lift The Raven from the movie store.

Quoth the Raven – 'I'm a stain and nothing more.'
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Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen
Kleptoaffe21 June 2007
I wish i could give it a 0. I'm doing a project on Edgar Allan Poe so I though it might be a good idea to watch some movies relating to Poe so I went down to blockbuster to get this, and while waiting in line we read the description and we all knew it was going to be bad, but oh my god I couldn't imagine it would have been this terrible. The story doesn't even make any sense and there's all this random crap in it that doesn't have anything to do with anything. I've seen some bad movies (we actually try and find the shittiest looking movie we can find for fun) but this one easily has the lowest budget I've seen, it looks like they just used a regular video camera and couldn't afford real actors so they just had friends act in it. Afterwards my friend even said "God, I can't believe we didn't stop watching it" I even just made this account so I could comment on it.
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danimal9752031 January 2007
I watched this thinking it would be good. Im a huge Edgar Allan Poe fan. I sat back thinking it would be great. Such potential. Then it started. That is where the trouble began. The first 5 minutes make absolutely no sense. It's here, there and everywhere. Once the story starts, it has so little to do with the poem by Poe that its irritating. It was also very, very obviously done with the lowest possible budget imaginable. If you like good movies, pass. If you like B movies, pass. This is worse than a B movie. They don't actually show you much of any of the killings. You get the joy of seeing only shadows and being left to guess just what happened. When they do show you the dead bodies, you see blood, but strangely no wounds. The one good thing I will say on this movie is that at least they had the good sense to put trailers for some good movies on this DVD. Do yourself the favor of skipping this terribly made movie. You will be very, very glad you did.
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Patrilot12 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(might contain spoilers)

This movie has managed to make it's way to number one on my list of worst horror movies ever created. I'm a big horror movie fan, and some of my favorites are B rate, low budget ones.. but this was just awful. It had absolutely nothing to do with "The Raven" aside from some annoying old guy reciting a line every now and then.. and I they managed to shove some clips of a Raven sitting around for no apparent reason. I would recommend this movie if:

1. You like nonsense plots involving a killer that looks like he has the mentality of a 7 year old and says stuff like "Huh huh i kill them... ALL" in a stupid voice accompanied by writing on the screen. 2. Someone there for absolutely no reason running around a grassy field with long black finger nails and plaid pants. 3. Someone taking a metaphorical dump of a piece of Edgar Allen Poe's work. 4. Sticking abstract scenes in that make no sense and don't even fit together. 5. Wasting an hour and 20 minutes of your life.

If you said you would like any of those.. first I'd say go rent this movie right away.. then get your head checked.
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Poe-1711 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yech! One of the few films I could't watch to completion. Nothing redeeming. A cinematic atrocity. No plot. No anything. They should be sued to bankruptcy for using Edgar Poe's name. I'll give any film a shot. Try to find its creators motivation and intent.

There is nothing here. Nothing. Nothing at all.

Find them. Prevent them from making another movie.

No one involved in this film has a clue.

I don't know how a studio backed this.


Do not watch.
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It's Horrible
scottlukaswilliams19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watch a lot of direct to DVD horror films and I really appreciate the work that goes into them. I've given Ulli Lommel's films several chances and I'm sorry I have to say this one is no better than the others. It's horrible.

There is possibly 20 minutes of actual story. If you got a really exceptional editor, he might be able to cut out 60 minutes of crap to create an interesting short...possibly. As it stands, the editing is as ridiculous as the story. You can't go 10 seconds without some pointless trip cut or jump cut. There are agonizing periods of minutes where Lommel tries to create suspense and succeeds only in creating boredom.

I don't know why it's billed as "Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven." Poe appears as a character and recites some passages from his work but the story bears no resemblance to The Raven we know. I'd love to know how Lommel keeps getting deals and money to make these things.

I have no problem with movies shot digitally. They can look really great. This one, however, does not. In scenes where they use more than just natural light, there are all kinds of double shadows and other weirdness.

Finally, the acting is really beyond comparison. I can't imagine the direction the actors were given was very helpful but still...
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Piece of garbage wtf
necroscope2412 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK I don't know how to explain how horribly bad this movie was. So lets start off with the first thing I noticed. The filming. Wtf? The film style was rather late night cable on CBC style. Very low budget, possibly done with a handicam. And lets continue on with the amateurish acting. I think Jenna Jameson is actually a better actress than most of the folks in this one. In their def however, how can you take a movie this lame seriously? They took one look at the script and were probably thinking 'Well, everyones gonna hate it so might as well just have fun!' The kill scenes were lame, very poor to no SFX. And what was with the jagoff killer running around in red and green checker pants. Is he santa claus? Now lets get to the worst part. The storyline. Some weird emo kid reads a bunch of poetry and then grows up to be an even more emo kid in a rather crappy all girl band. The recording studio is filled with complete skid marks when they go there, including some guy about roughly late 40's with a haircut he's about 20 or so years too old for and makeup. Then we get to the end of the movie, and edgar allen poe, who's been really really dead for quite some time comes in and saves the chick and then walks off. I'm not clear if this was supposed to be some dream sequence or that the writers just got lazy, but regardless, it was rather silly. I rented this from a video store, it had a real case, I was under the pretense it wasn't some piece of do it yourself garbage. I was horribly wrong. If you're going to put a movie out for public release to video stores, at least put a few decent screen shots to warn people of the low film quality. I made a better film than this at a summer camp as a teenager. Surely they could do better, honest to god I should hope so.
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Beware of this film!
hammerfanatic-128 July 2007
The cover looked cool. We were tricked into renting this, thinking it would be a Poe related film. IT IS NOT. It is beyond bad, not even funny bad. It is a home movie made by goth dilettantes. Our intelligence was insulted and our precious time and money were wasted. Why was this high-school level goofy video shot with dad's handy-cam ever released into the public? I don't want to rent a video made by this director and his goth friends ever again. Who puts make-up artists in lead roles?...Please just release films done by people who know what they're doing, please. I can't waste my money on these things, why is Blockbuster putting them on the shelves???
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My apology
torsten-gebel5 May 2008
Just one thing.

I am German. And I feel ashamed by movies like this, by Lommel, by Boll, and all those other German directors, that recently entered Hollywood to produce the worst movies, that an human mind can ever imagine. This movie right here actually is even worse than anything I could imagine before.

So... Just understand: it's not our fault... Nobody in Germany knows these guys, nobody knows, where they are coming from and who pays them money to produce this. We like good movies, too, and yes, we hate these guys, too.

I honestly feel ashamed. As a German, I apologize for this. Thank you for your attention.
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leahrhanae7 December 2007
omg...This is the absolute worst movie I have ever, ever, ever, ever, ever seen. The only thing I enjoyed about this movie was reading the other User Comments about it, while the movie was on. After about 15 minutes, I just had to come to this site to see what type of rating it had...the rating is far too high.

I spent a whole $7.00 (about $6.75 too much) on this unimaginably stupid movie. Now I have to donate $7.00 of stupidity to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Envision "shouting" with the proceeding:

Warning!!! Do not attempt to watch this atrocity!

Save yourselves! Learn from our mistake.
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One of the best low budget horrors
steventulay25 February 2007
As some others have said the thought that went into this low budget horror film is good and the editing is very very good.

The movie is about a beautiful blond girl who has nightmares and flashbacks to a time when a man was killed in a bath tub. It might have been her boyfriend but now she sings in a rock band and is trying to put all of this behind her.

Unforuntaley for her the worst has still to come because the man is not dead and is stalking her.

I found this to be a good example of low budget horror and the inexperienced cast (male and female) at least looks good with plenty of young people who seem relaxed.
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This was a joke, right?
venusplutonian19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad that I can't help but suspect, wrong though I may be, that the ten-star reviews are either from studio plants or friends of the guy who made this turkey. I liked some of the background music, but I deplored everything else. It's not even put together like you expect a movie to be. I think that was supposed to be edgy and art nouveau, but it just came out being jumbled, childish, and annoying. Scenes would contain very little dialog and jump from one shot to another of just random whatever stuff, and there are other scenes the drag on and on with nobody saying anything or doing much of anything significant to the point of making the viewer fight off sleep.

Eventually we get a very vague idea of what is going on. A figment of the main character's imagination came to life, raped her, then she killed him, but he came back being a supernatural being and all and starts killing and dragging off to who knows where without a trace everyone the main character knows. And the fact that the character, named Lenore, is in some way never explained Edgar Allen Poe's Lenore is somehow supposed to be relevant. The things that are supposed to connect everything just cause the whole thing to make even less sense, and the ending is just moronic. The crazy-slasher guy is about to kill her but Edgar Allen Poes comes along and saves her and supposedly redeems her so she can just go and live her life (what about all her friends who were killed, huh?), but then the crazy-slasher guy comes back again and kills her to supposedly take her to hell with him.

The script comes off as if it were written by a thirteen-year-old. Make that written by a dumb thirteen-year-old, as there are a few smarter teenagers who can write stories way better than this one on Perhaps this cinematic effort was intended as a joke of some sort? From now on, I'm staying well-clear of anything that appears to be straight-to-video.
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Nevermore! Nevermore! …NE-VER-MORE!!!!
Coventry12 September 2007
I realize he's dead since quite some time now, but I sincerely hope that the spirit of Edgar Allen Poe still has enough strength and energy left to rise from the depths of eternal darkness and HAUNT Ulli Lommel (as well as everyone else involved in this blasphemous turkey) until he opts for premature burial. Yes, I do realize that sounds cruel, but … have you seen this movie?!? "The Raven" is the type of film of which you initially think: "Hey, how bad can it possibly be?" The film is inspired by the writings of the legendary Edgar Allen Poe, so as long as the script remains faithful to its source, very few things can go wrong. Clearly a lot of things can go wrong when Ulli Lommel is in charge! The plot is a seemingly endless bunch of retarded nonsense that has NOTHING to do with the original poem, the cast members are a gathering of insufferable losers that don't even deserve to star in an amateurish YouTube video, the digital camera-work and editing appear to be the work of toddlers and the arrogant wannabe-artistic atmosphere nearly causes you to vomit. Lenore is a twenty-something untalented singer whose mind is inexplicably linked to Poe's and he even appears to her in nightmares. There's a killer (the penis-munching freak from "Cannibal") on the loose and Edgar commands her to go after him. Or something like that, whatever, nobody cares anyway, because it's all pure rubbish. Lommel himself makes a brief appearance as the girl's grandfather when she's five. He wears a ridiculous eye-patch and a sea captain's hat, which pretty much states that he hasn't got the slightest bit of self-dignity left. Once upon a time the promising director of the video-nasty classic "The Bogey Man", Ulli Lommel now just appears to be on a mission to become the world's record holder of repugnant films linked to his name. The amount of crap this guy unleashed upon the world is literally incredible. "B.T.K Killer", "Zombie Nation", "Green River Killer" … You better just avoid everything he did.

Enough about this piece of junk! Back in the 1960's, director/producer Roger Corman made a cycle of films based on the writings of Edgar Allen Poe; all starring the magnificent Vincent Price and all close to brilliant. Corman's reputation is questionable and his nickname is "King of the B's", but he surely had (and probably still has) more sense of class and finesse in his smallest toe than Ulli Lommel in his entire body.
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Don't Waste Your Time With Ulli Lommel Films
phillipsc428 February 2008
I love low budget horror films as much as anyone else but this is the 3rd Ulli Lommel film that I attempted to watch and found it just as bad as all his other films. I've seen student movies that looked like they had higher production values than any of Lommel's films. Everything in these movies: acting, writing, lighting, story, sound, etc. really could not be any worse than they are. To ask someone to pay to watch one of these movies is criminal. Do NOT waste your time watching anything by Ulli Lommel; every movie of his that I've seen is just as bad if not worse.

Other Ulli Lommel films I've tortured myself to watch: Diary of a Cannibal and Zombie Nation. Both of these films were pathetic to say the least.
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A new standard for "BAD" in movie-making
mickspix20542 September 2012
What can I say ? Anyone who believes that "Plan Nine From Outer Space" is the worst movie ever made REALLY NEEDS to see this stinkburger. The writing is the essence of stupidity, the acting is an embarrassment, the direction is non-existent, the cinematography, done on disc and never even transferred to film, is horrible.

This thing definitely has set an entirely new standard for how terrible a movie can be. As someone who has been an actor for 35 years, and has been a true lover of the medium of movies, and as someone who has seen ALL the bad ones, from "Plan Nine From Outer Space" to "The Undertaker and His Pals" to "Shining Through", I will tell you all that if you see this in a store or in a library STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM IT AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN !!!!! It's so bad that you shouldn't even read the cover !!!!
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Never more
sdupree90819 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible,low budget. bad plot.Poor Edgar Allen have his name put on this crap! the only thing that was good about this movie was the cover art. Don't do it..Don't rent, Don't buy! I don't know exactly when this movie was made but it looks like something made in the 80's . this movie could have been good if the had used better film the darker a scene is the more the makeup look convincing less fake nails on guys..Much less fake goth look. more than one location ( like in the convent scenes when the convent look like her apartment with the furniture moved around and the wheat field scenes could just be eliminated all together..i mean couldn't you find a grave yard for your villain to stroll through. and yeah the villain what were you thinking.less useless nudity yeah the girl would be sitting at the table nude next to a nun for no reason.those guys need to learn the value of story line and flow before their next project. I will rent this movie Never more!
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moonlitdreamer2526 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe I watched all of this movie.

There was very little plot with a lot of random nudity. Obviously the director was a very horny man who wanted to see a lot of boobs that day. The acting was worse than porn acting. When the credits rolled I didn't even know who the characters were. This movie was full of random flashes of images and writing with bad voice overs.

And was this girl in love with Edgar Allen Poe or something?

Don't take this movie seriously.

This is my best attempt at the plot: The girl named Lenore had a grandfather-like figure who ended up not being her grandfather at all, but rather a random man that found her and then gave her to a convent. (He had an eye patch; it was weird.) Lenore grew up and her hair went from brown to blonde and she became "goth" with lots of awful black clothing and bad lipstick. She was in a band that sounded suspiciously like Evanescence. Lenore was a very bad actress in general, but she was especially bad at sleeping. It kind of looked like she was having a seizure.

She was raped, but that may or may not have been a dream. She killed a man in a bathtub, but that also may or may not have been a dream. This random bald man in plaid pants was frolicking through a field of flowers. This man (who might have been the bald man she killed, or the bald man in the flowers) went around and killed all of her friends, who had no wounds, but lots of fake blood. Lenore didn't seem to care. Lenore was about to be killed by this man, but Edgar Allen Poe (who I think she was in love with) said "She's mine" and saved her. But that also may or may not have been a dream.

There was lots of ravens everywhere, which was the only real connection to Edgar Allen Poe's "the Raven" at all.

All in all, this was a waste of life, but it provides a great deal of entertainment if you want a movie to make fun of.
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Possibly The Worst Movie Ever Made?
LoveIsTheVaccine23 January 2008
I was walking around Blockbuster, and noticed the movie. I picked it up, and it seemed very cool. The plot had a great concept, and even though IMDb said it was bad, I figured "What the hell?" and rented it.

Worst. Movie. Ever.

As a previous commenter said, it looked like they used a cheap video camera, and they did all the editing in Windows Movie Maker.

I have to admit, the plot line was a good idea, but it was executed so poorly that the plot got lost in translation.

The girl is in love with Edgar Allen Poe, and the only time we see the Raven is when there are shots of ravens flying around at the beginning of every scene. The death scenes are laughable.

Hell, I could make a better film than this, and I'm 15 years old! I'd rather do my geometry homework than watch this movie. It's not even good enough to be called a cult movie.

Don't waste your time.
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Just awful, not even 'arty'...
AVeryAptPupil11 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It could've been a comedy if it were written and edited better and didn't have so much gore and sex. No wait, scratch that...It wouldn't have even made a good comedy.

A family member talked me into seeing this film. After I read the plot outline on the back cover, I had a change of heart and said "Okay, we'll see it." I wish I hadn't. A lot of what could have been meaningful dialog and action was totally wasted on building suspense for the dumb killer, who took too darn long on each kill. Toward the latter part of the film, both of us burst out laughing. It was all we could do to save ourselves from having our brains completely messed up by the stupid plot. The killer looked just plain ridiculous with his plaid pants and foo-man fingers. I almost wished for Michael Myers to come in and do away with him. The stupidity of the killer is outdone only by the stupidity of the victims. Only one of the victims even fought back for God's sake! And the dialog of the killer? "All B****es Must Die." What is that?! There is good nonsense and bad nonsense. This film is not even good nonsense.

If you pick it from the shelf, PUT IT BACK...
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What the Hell
Psychokid25 May 2007
This movie made me want to kill my self. I am a big Edgar Allan Poe fan and i just have to say WTH!!!. It didn't make much since, it didn't have any plot line....This is what the devil makes you watch in hell! It's not even worth voting a 1 i give it a -99.9x10to the -999999. What is even worse is there are people who enjoy it ( look at loved it for ratings.) No offense but those people must be retards to like this.If anyone got any remarks about me post them I don't care. a some movies i do suggest tough is goodbye Lenin and Pans labyrinth. They are in subtitles but are very good.Also i think that there should be a more modern version of Tale-Tell Heart which personally would be a good movie as long it is done right. This is my first post on this website and there are to many rules.
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I liked this!!
crww08106 February 2007
Creepy low budget serial killer thriller with some PoeTENT (get it?) homages to old Edgar himself. I have enjoyed some of the low budget films out there and this one was well done with a very fine looking lady in the lead part which was very welcome. I also enjoyed the killer who looked scary and there was enough gore and some silly stuff to keep me amused. I would recommend this to anyone who wants their horror a bit more rough than usual and who doesn't mind if it is very low budget or not. I have not read a lot of Poe but I have read The Raven and no this has nothing to do with it so remember that before you come in. I would say you should treat this more like a slasher horror.
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A Disgrace To Edgar Allen Poe
infirmarychild19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First I must say that I am a HUGE fan of all of Mr. Poe's works, of which I own several books. On top of that his poem "The Raven" is my favorite work of his.

I picked up this movie a movie rental store, and thought that I might enjoy an adaption of the lovely poem. As I sat in my home, watching the film, I noticed the horrid cinematography, which appeared to be made by a high school students. The story line was like a childs twisted imagination. It is bluntly obvoius that the stabbings were fake, I mean if you are going to make a film in which people die, make it seem a bit real.

I did like two things from this movie:(1) The poem being read, and (2) the song "Dead of the Night". Saddly the likening of these things did not, and does not, change how I fell about this film.
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Don't bother watching this dreadful film
roychris2028 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is beyond awful! Plot, straight from Ulli Lommel's ripoff bookshelf. Oh, did I mention that the sound is awful? The casting is dreadful. There's one thing I've noticed about Lommel: he always uses someone else's ideas rather than his own. I guess he thinks it's all right if he uses real cases, right? Wrong.

Perhaps if he'd actually based his movie on Poe's work, it would have been worth seeing. Unfortunately, he didn't. The only thing he used is the name. A capitalist attempt to steal a good writer's words;and then he doesn't use what's available. This movie is worse than "Borderline Cult." The stabbing sounds were more like a dribbling basketball than a stabbing; the blood looked like watered down Kool-aid. "The Raven" is probably one of the worst movies ever made.
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I want my money back
gpopik15 April 2007
This movie sucks so badly that it made Borat look like 5 star high drama.

Read the other reviews carefully. I think the director really did run out of money, and needed to hire his relatives.

Personally, I don't know if they have less talent than he does.

Maybe thats what's so brilliantly "suspenseful" about this film -- finding out who sucks the worst.

Did I mention yet that this movie really sucks?

I was so shocked by the poor quality of this video that I bothered to register as a user here so I could warn off other unsuspecting purchasers.

My God, can you imagine a show being so poor, so physically sickening, that it motivates you to rapid action to warn others against it?

Do yourself a favor and rent a copy of fat Asian granny porn instead. Even polka music would make for a better score.
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