Legend of Frosty the Snowman (Video 2005) Poster

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One of the Worst Christmas Specials Ever Made
gavin69423 December 2014
Frosty the Snowman goes where he is needed most, and the town of Evergreen sure needs a visit. Mr. Tinkerton, the mayor (Tim Kenny), runs a tight ship, and there is no room for talk of magic or any other such nonsense.

What brought my attention to this film was the casting of Burt Reynolds. Now, I figure if the film has a big enough budget to have a known entity narrate (and sing), it can't be too bad. But I would be wrong. Reynolds was alright, but his presence did not make up for this disgrace.

Most of the characters are annoying, the special runs too long, the plot seems to flatly contradict earlier Frosty stories (all of which are better). Even the jokes, which could be funny, are delivered in such a way they just fall flat. How did this happen? Something went horribly wrong and this never should have made it to completion.
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This is bad
Christmas-Reviewer19 September 2016
Though technically a sequel to the classic 1969 Rankin/Bass Frosty the Snowman, The Legend of Frosty the Snowman holds only loose continuity with it. The characters in flashbacks resemble those of the original film but have different names and roles. The young Mayor Tinkerton strongly resembles one of the unnamed children from the first film, and his father also shares the design of Professor Hinkle. Hocus Pocus has a cameo during the bob-sled scene. On the cover of the comic used in the film are two other children that also resemble the original film's cast. Frosty's back story is strongly altered, but still features him coming to life due to the hat's magic.

If you love the original classic then you will hate this. The charm and innocence of that feature is lost here. There isn't any likable or Relatable children in this.

The animation also comes across as cheap and tacky.
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What in Frosty heck was this?
brchthethird11 January 2022
I can imagine Jordan Peterson saying something about how Frosty is the embodiment of necessary chaos when order becomes too rigid and stifling. But that's being a little bit too generous. This was an insipid and longwinded insult to the first one, and makes the other sequels look like masterpieces. That being said, the animation style was ok and it had a decent voice cast, even if they were wasted on this tripe. At the end of it all, I can say that I've finished this series. The only one worth returning to, of course, is the original.
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Manages to be worse than Frosty Returns
TheLittleSongbird10 June 2011
The original Frosty the Snowman special is a classic, Frosty's Winter Wonderland was not as good but still delightful, while Frosty Returns was excrement. Watching Legend of Frosty the Snowman was like having my intelligence insulted again, except much worse. If you thought Frosty Returns was a mockery to the original, this thing in my opinions literally urinates over it. The animation consists of poorly drawn characters, flat colours and backgrounds that don't look completely finished, while the music is mind-numbingly bad with dull melodies, so dull in fact it makes you want to throw your Christmas dinner up. The voice talents consists of talented actors, who are wasted by their dialogue and characters, Frosty has absolutely no personality and Bill Fagerbakke's voice work is monotone and sounds as though he's bored. Speaking of the dialogue and characters, they are enough to ruin this on their own. The writing is unfunny and forced, and every single one of the characters are forgettable and annoying. The story is what really sinks Legend of Frosty the Snowman, it is thin, drawn-out and predictable, filled with disconnected scenes, and there are a few contradictions regarding the magician, his son and Karen. The pace feels stretched and considering how thin the story is the special feels too long. Overall, dreadful and an utter disgrace. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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I agree with other reviewers: one of the worst Christmas specials made
Machiavelli8411 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the town of Evergreen, Mayor Tinkerton, who has a gold statue of himself in front of city hall and thinks he controls the sun, enforces tight rules and regulations upon his town, with everything from the street being clean to all children walking with their backs straight. (Pretty sure that's not how most American towns operate, but we'll roll with it). Enter this picture the disembodied magical hat of Frosty, which begins to go around town stalking certain kids. He waits until they're alone, then leads them away from their parents and compels them to break rules with the promise of having fun together.

Did that last part sound a little creepy? Yeah...

Parents, unable to notice Frosty (even though he's BLATANTLY RUNNING AROUND THE CITY IN BROAD DAYLIGHT), are curious why their children now disobey them, sneaking out at night, and spending time with this Frosty fellow. While Charlie Tinkerton investigates the story of Frosty, the kids begin to love Frosty so much that they are practically worshiping him, getting mad at one another when Frosty shows special attention.

Did that last part also sound a little creepy? I seriously thought they were going to head down a "Children of the Corn" route. I was half expecting the kids to start talking about "He Who Walks Between the Snow Banks".

Things worsen when Principal Pankley (whom the mayor disturbingly refers to as "Hanky Panky") melts Frosty by dropping him in ice water (not making this up), then proceeds to suspend habeas corpus and install himself as a tyrannical parent state over the children (again, I'm NOT making this up!). It's up to the kids to resolve things in the predictable conclusion.

A lot of holiday specials nowadays have the feeling of being rushed in order to cash in on the holiday season, and this is no exception. As hinted at from my plot description, the storyline is extremely convoluted, introducing elements that are either never fully explained, or never resolved. For example, the magical comic Charlie comes across is never fully explained; you never know how it came into existence, why it exists, or why it acts the way it does. It solely exists as a plot convenience to explain things to the viewer.

Another big problem lies in the inconsistencies in the story, as well as plot holes that you could drive a semi through. Frosty's Hat is perfectly capable of breaking out of the chained box, but for some reason he just now decides to break out? Why? Never explained. Furthermore, they establish that Frosty's power rests in his hat, not in his body, and yet after Frosty "melts", nothing remains but his hat, as if he's been defeated. There's also a scene where Frosty's hat leads Charlie into the library...while, at the same time, Frosty appears to two boys at the school. Huh? Is Frosty omnipresent? Are we supposed to assume Frosty is some kind of winter demiurge?

There are other problems. For example, Frosty and a kid go to a lake of thin ice, and Pankly removes the sign which says "DANGER: THIN ICE"...though he does it AFTER they've already been skating on the ice. What, they didn't notice it? Then the kid asks Frosty to do a figure eight, in order for the ice to crack under him. You know how this works? Because instead of doing a figure eight, Frosty just goes into the middle of the lake and spins around like a top. What? And apparently, Frosty has control over the elements of snow, winter, and ice, but ice water melts him. Makes sense, sure. Then later on, even though Mr. Pankly KNOWS Frosty is gone, the kids made a Frosty similitude that just looks like a tall pile of snow, and Pankly thinks it's Frosty come back. Again, what? Then when Charlie finds the comic in the library, he reads the title as "The Secret and Neverending Adventures of Frosty the Snowman"...even though the comic on the screen simply says "Frosty the Snowman". Did no one in the animation department notice that?

Perhaps one of the strangest parts of this special is how it supports breaking the rules. Now, I get the whole "let kids just be kids" shtick a lot of these specials try to get across, but they go well beyond in this. In one scene, Frosty vandalizes someone's car and gets a girl involved, and it's treated as a GOOD thing. What's more, one of the charges lodged against Frosty is that the kids are being disobedient to their parents - and again, this is treated as a GOOD thing. I have children, and I fully support them expressing themselves, having imagination, etc...but sorry, I'm still their father. I still have authority over them until they're adults.

Yet another major problem (I could probably write a book) is the length of the special. It's literally just over an hour, but the story feels like something that could have been resolved in thirty minutes. A lot of it is just corny visual gags or fluff that does nothing to the story. It doesn't offer any laughs. It doesn't offer anything groundbreaking to the plot. It's just there.

Let me make it clear that I realize this is meant for little kids. Sometimes you have to give leeway in regards to suspension of disbelief. However, I think children deserve at least a decent story, and shouldn't be treated like idiots. I also think they deserve a better Christmas moral than "car vandalism is cool so long as you're stickin' it to the man". As a parent, I ask other parents to just avoid this, and not subject your kids to this. Not only will your mind hurt, but they won't get anything from this. If you want a Frosty cartoon, stick with the two Rankin/Bass specials. I'm not going to say they're perfect, but they still hold up.
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Embarrassingly bad -- Read a good book with your kids instead
sputnik115 December 2005
December holiday specials, like the original Frosty, ought to be richly-produced with quality music and a wholesome, yet lighthearted storyline. They should have a touch of the mystical magic of the holidays. Basically, they should look, sound, and feel...well, "special" and they should have a decent and appropriate December holiday subtext.

So when I saw Legend of Frosty the Snowman in the TV listings, I got my kids (6 and 8) pumped up for it by telling them the story of the original Frosty and passionately relating how much I enjoyed it as a kid. As my wife and kids cozied up on the couch to watch the movie the expectations were high, but 10 minutes into it my kids were yawning and my wife and I were giving each other "the look" and rolling our eyes. After 35 minutes my kids were actually asking to go to bed -- I guess they were fed up with the insensitive language and pointless, disconnected segments. I was actually embarrassed about their (and my) disappointment with this movie.

Unfortunately, Legend of Frosty the Snowman is more like a bad episode of Fairly Odd Parents crossed with a worse-than-normal episode of Sponge Bob than a classic holiday movie. Don't get me wrong...those shows are fine and I like them as much as the next guy, but when I watch Fairly Odd Parents or Sponge Bob, my low expectations (for mediocre, off-color, zero subtext, mind numbing episodes) are always satisfied.

We picked out some good books and spent the rest of the evening reading together. A much better choice than the embarrassingly bad Legend of Frosty the Snowman.
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This Is No Jolly, Happy Soul
Jace_the_Peanuts_Fan26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This and three other long "overdue" Rankin-Bass sequels (Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys, Here Comes Peter Cottontail the Movie, and Frosty Returns) are not well liked by fans of their predecessors, and it's easy to see why. I watched The Legend of Frosty the Snowman on Cartoon Network a couple times when I was little (I don't know what year or how old I was), and I liked it back then for some reason. In early 2015, I found it on Netflix and watched it for the first time in many years, and I still liked it. 3 years later, in early 2018, some not so great things about the movie came to mind, and I realized it wasn't very faithful to the previous Frosty movies. I was starting to become neutral to it, and I anticipated I would later lose interest in it altogether and start to hate it at some point. At the time, I decided to watch it again at some point to help myself decide whether I should hate it or if I should still be neutral to it, but I kept forgetting to. 2 years later, in late 2020, I found the full movie on YouTube, and I finally remembered to watch it. I watched the full movie and hated it since then. I can't believe I used to like it when I was younger. What was I thinking? Maybe I was blinded by my love of its predecessors. I've loved the original Frosty the Snowman and Frosty's Winter Wonderland for all my life, but I never thought The Legend of Frosty the Snowman was as good as them.

One of the biggest problems with the movie is that it has little to no connection to the previous movies, despite being a sequel to them. Frosty still has his original design (except in a different animation style), he still says "Happy Birthday!" when he comes to life, and the titular Frosty the Snowman song appears, but that's it. It doesn't follow up or acknowledge the events of the previous installments at all, making this more of a standalone movie. The only returning character is Frosty himself. Where is Karen, Hocus Pocus, Professor Hinkle, Santa Claus, the cop, Jack Frost, Crystal, and all the other Frosty characters? Shockingly, the Frosty the Snowman song isn't in the story at all, only in the beginning and end credits. This isn't a musical, unlike its predecessors, much to my disapproval. The story is mostly about the winter season and has little to do with Christmas. In fact, no mention of Christmas is made at all. Like its predecessors, it's narrated by a celebrity: in this case, Burt Reynolds. The previous narrators are their voice actors in animated form, but the narrator here looks nothing like Burt Reynolds. Right before the end credits, he reveals 2 twists: he's an elderly version of the main character, Tommy Tinkerton, and he's now married to his childhood crush, Sara Simple.

The title is misleading. Our titular character doesn't appear until 10 minutes or so after the movie starts, and it's mostly about the kids. Enough said.

Frosty was flanderized, and he was way off character. A number of the other reviews say that his portrayal ripped off Patrick Star, and I'd have to agree. He also has Patrick's signature voice and is voiced by the same person who voices Patrick, Bill Fagerbakke. Why couldn't they hire somebody who can do a good impression of Jackie Vernon's Frosty to voice him? He is shown to have wintry powers here, like blowing wind and freezing things with ice. Jack Frost always had these powers, not Frosty. The titular character does look accurate to his original design, much to my liking, but I have one minor complaint about it: he has teeth, even though he had no teeth in the previous movies. He's not the Frosty the Snowman we all know and love. However, there is a brief scene where he is shown interacting with another Frosty. It's possible that the Frosty who appears for most of the movie is a Frosty clone or lookalike and the other one is the real deal.

Another one of the biggest problems with the movie is that they got Frosty's origin story wrong, which contradicts the events of the previous films. Tommy Tinkerton reads a comic book about Frosty, which shows that when his father, Teddy Tinkerton (who is currently the mayor of Evergreen, the main setting), was a kid, he built a snowman, named him Frosty, and put his (Teddy's) father's magic hat on Frosty while his father was running errands. The hat brought Frosty to life, and the two befriended each other. When Teddy got to school the next day, he told the other kids about Frosty. A kid named Hank Pankley (who is currently the principal from Tommy's school and the main villain) had a hard time believing Teddy and bullied him for it, which caused him to stop believing in magic and to think he made up Frosty for the longest time. Frosty's hat soon got locked in a treasure chest for many, many years, and that would mean the original Frosty, Frosty's Winter Wonderland, and Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July never happened, so maybe this non-canon to its predecessors. This story wasn't in the original Frosty at all, and it hasn't been explained why Frosty's hat got locked away for a long time.

The plot and writing are weak for the most part. I already explained most of what makes Frosty's "origin story" weak, but it has a plot hole that I didn't address before: Is being bullied for believing in magic enough to stop believing in it? Magic is hard to come across, but Teddy has seen it right in front of himself before thanks to Frosty. The characters all live in a normal, no-nonsense world where magic isn't known to exist, which goes against the premises of the previous installments of the Frosty series. At first, all the kids are forced to be clones of their parents, much to their chagrins; Sara is forced to wear her hair in a bun like her mother and play the piano like one of her parents, Tommy and his brother Charlie are forced to be all work and no play people like their father, etc. Haven't the parents ever heard the importance of accepting others for who they are or being true to yourself? This is America, not North Korea. This is a free country, and besides, the world would be boring if everyone was the same. When Frosty's hat escapes the treasure chest, Frosty is resurrected, which brings me to another plot hole: Since when did his hat have a mind of its own? He meets the kids of Evergreen, plays with them, and encourages them to follow their dreams and be themselves. The kids all take his advice, which leads to the rules breaking, Mayor Tinkerton losing his mind and stepping down from being mayor of Evergreen, and Principal Pankley becoming the new mayor. Mayor-Principal Pankley and the parents unite in attempt to put an end to Frosty and his nonsense. The former is the worst character of them all and has some of the same rules Mayor Tinkerton made, but he's stricter and more threatening. This so-called Legend of Frosty makes everyone's favorite snowman sound like a menace to society and gives both him and the idea of being different a bad name. There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself, and I still wouldn't like this movie if it was supposed to be its own thing. However, this problem is fixed later.

There are a couple of things I like about this, besides the connections to its predecessors: the ending and the moral, but that's it. At the end, the kids play in the snow together. One of them accidentally throws a snowball at one of the parents, and the latter finds enjoyment in that. All the parents play with the kids and have fun, and Mayor-Principal Pankley falls in frozen water and possibly dies. Teddy becomes the mayor again, reunites with Frosty, and starts to believe in magic again. All the parents finally let the kids have fun, let them not be all work and no play people anymore, tolerate Frosty, accept the kids for who they are, let them follow their dreams, and start to get along with them better. The story has a good moral: follow your heart.

Out of all the long "overdue" Rankin-Bass sequels, this one is the worst. It's nothing like the original Frosty the Snowman, and I do mean nothing. It feels like a remake of Frosty rather than a sequel (sort of). At least Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys and Here Comes Peter Cottontail the Movie acknowledge and follow up some of the events of their predecessors, bare some sort of resemblance to them, bring back some of the old characters besides the namesakes, and are musicals like their predecessors, but I can't say the same things about this abomination. Frosty Returns isn't as good as its predecessors either, but this heap of garbage is way more mean-spirited and horribly written, and at least the former is also a musical. Don't watch this. Watch the original Frosty the Snowman, Frosty's Winter Wonderland, and Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July instead.
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Utter rubbish
leducjjr12 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show is an example of how sequels ought not be done.

Basic plot line and assumptions: Parents and adults are uptight idiots. Kids in the viewing audience can't pay attention long enough to string two thoughts together. 1950s attitudes about cleanliness and social norms are only silly things to be mocked. Having sat through this with my 4-yr old grandson, I can say that's all I got out of this.

I echo the other reviewers' statements about disjointed scenes, especially at the "commercial break" cuts. The warm old-timey music and Burt Reynold's resonant voice were the only things that brought my attention back to the screen from time to time. Everything else was just annoying or tuned out.

This did keep a 4-year-old's attention so maybe this is who it's aimed at. Not a classic by any means.
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I actually
red_rassberry01-115 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really liked this movie, it aired on CBC last weekend and i taped it, along with The Grinch and the REAL frosty movie.

I love Spongebob and was glad when the chose Bill Fagerbakke (aka Patrick) to be the voice of Spongebob. I think he greatly suited the part.

Also, the whole part between the two kids Tommy and Sara was very cute, since now a days kids have crushes at that age.

But the whole magician having a kid? who would have thunk it!

I gladly enjoyed this and highly recommend it.

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kdcowan052125 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
All I can really say is that this must be an insult to those who grew up watching Christmas specials like Frosty the Snowman, and a big insult to children. They would be better off watching the original movies of Frosty from the 80s. Those were cute and Frosty actually showed concern that a child could get sick from being cold, and taking care that she would be safe and warm at least. Not this Frosty...

The main idea in this movie is to conform and be perfect like EVERYONE... @_@ Or, you can wear a cone of shame in front of your peers (because that always is the best and only option for redirecting a young child, ostracize him or her in front of peers...) Enter Frosty the escaped convict... Derp. So basically with THIS Frosty, it's okay for a young child to go out in the dark and grab on to some odd flying hat, hanging on for dear life about 20 feet in the air and freezing, it's supposed to be OKAY to throw wet snowballs at people, even without someone else's say so, when that can actually injure or heck, even cause an ear infection (personal experience, not fun!) All this time, his mom had assumed he was in bed even though he had to do piles of dishes in the kitchen while she nags him the whole time. There is no logic, just a gaping plot hole and then all she does is faint, and his dad is just busy reading the paper, wow, that kid must be invisible except when needed for chores!

He gets called in front by name next school day (no such thing as getting sick or hypothermia, right...) and gets a dunce cap in front of peers, simply to be made an example of not conforming to the crowd. This movie is just wrong on so many levels and that was just the first 15 or so minutes of it... I just could not finish the rest of it. It could have been so much better but this... NOPE! I'm very surprised that the same director did this movie, it just wasn't the best. I love Bass's work, like the Hobbit and LOTR but NOT THIS!
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Film Critics suck and this movie is awesome
kylesellars-3377626 November 2019
The movie teaches you to be creative and to never let go of the child inside of you
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Nobody's gonna say it? Okay.
Channeleven27 November 2023
This movie gets more flack than it deserves. Don't get it twisted, it's not a good movie, but it's also not as bad as people claim it to be.

A lot of the flack it gets comes from its attachment to the Rankin/Bass special, but don't take my word for it, note how a stark majority of the 1-2 star reviews compare it to that special. Nobody ever saw it on its own merits, and they rarely even talk about the actual special to boot.

To explain what I think of this film in a vacuum, it's pretty forgettable, nothing offensively bad, any attempts at being quirky come off as either forced or don't get the kind of laugh they're hoping for, and all of it is wrapped up in a Footloose-style story, hold the dancing, which is better or worse depending on your point of view. Also the animation is decent, especially since its production company primarily makes flash animation.

About the only big positive I could give this movie is that when the kids stole the hat they were just stealing it back. Seriously, the original Frosty special was fundamentally flawed, if it wasn't nostalgic, it wouldn't be considered good these days.

I'm all for criticizing this special, but all I ask is that you forget about the Rankin/Bass cartoon, because that can only get you so far.
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Hidden and overt social and political messages
doctorjsmythe25 November 2018
This is nothing more than a thinly veiled indoctrination video that attempts to promote an anti-family and anti-education agenda.

It is also pretty boring.
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Another poor garbage frosty the snowman film
kill-the-boxtrolls11 June 2009
I disliked Frosty returns and this one. Both of the films are absurd with poorly written characters and bad voices. The voices could have been done but Frosty returns was worst than this because of the unalike snowman they drew. Frosty's winterwonder land was great and so was the original heartwarming Drama. The only good thing about this film was Frosty the snowman was alike of the classic 60s and a funny line like when they were talking about things that are not real and then Frosty walks by the window humming, whistling whatever he was doing but everything else was badly written and badly animated and I barely got the plot. I saw the DVD cover at the library about 2 or 3 years ago and the art looked crappy so I didn't pick it up until this year because the pictures on the back looked a little touching but I played this film. It was a hassle poorly art characters just like the DVD and it was just terrible about what's going on. I watched this at night and found it dull that I fell asleep on the whole thing (Wait I always do that when I watch something while I go to sleep) But this movie was overall boring

Overall rating: Grade -C

This is like another holiday special bad rip-off in the frosty returns and this one. This one is the badly 4th sequel like Home alone 4 well i thought that movie was OK but home alone 3 was great. But it's like a bad home alone 3 and 4 people hate like this. My sister didn't watch it that much because when she came into my room to watch 2 minutes and a half of it, she walked away like "I hate the animation!" I agree to her just like the 3rd one Frosty returns. Plain awful!
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Makes "Frosty Returns" look like a classic!
makuribu15 December 2009
The John Goodman program was pretty awful, but this thing just plain stinks. The one and only thing in this mess that made me smile was recognizing the voice of Patrick Starfish as Frosty. The story is hopeless, written by somebody who has garbled memories of childhood rebelliousness but has never gained any adult sense of perspective in the intervening years. Paranoia rules the dark world that these characters inhabit. Everybody is unpleasant, and for no reason. The plot is predictable but the show lurches from one inexplicable, unconnected scene to another in such a pointless way there is no fun in watching it. The worst thing is nobody in the production crew seems to have ever seen snow!
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A Waste of Time
bgthomaswriter12 December 2016
This is quite simply one of the worst animated movies I have ever seen. It was just plain stupid. The animation was more or less awful. The voices poor. The script was quite simply abysmal. The timing of every "joke" was off. So many of them just went flat. The father character was bizarre. The principle looked like and came across like a child molester. And Frosty acted as if he were brain damaged in some pre-movie accident.

Awful. Just awful. The only good thing was its relationship with the classic Christmas special. I hope you read this before watching the movie. Don't waste your time!
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Anthonyjkb26 November 2018
I don't know why this was made but it was a mistake. The first Frosty the Snowman is amazing but this one was just boring.
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Watery trash. Put this Snowman out in the hot sun.
slimvader12 December 2020
I love the original Frosty movies, but why did they turn Frosty into Patrick Star? I know they share a voice actor, but that doesn't mean the writers had to make Frosty so dull-minded and stupid. It was so awful, I barely made it through. General curiosity had me start it. Morbid curiosity had me suffering through it.
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rondadams3 December 2020
Don't waste your time, unless you're wanting something to fall asleep with.
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An excellent new Frosty special.
Canadiacookie27 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I picked up the Frosty 3-pack at Toys R' Us this weekend and the first thing I did was watch this special. I have to say if you loved the original you should love this one.

I wouldn't call this special a direct sequel to the original but unlike Frosty Returns it does make connections to the original special. So here's a bit of a spoiler as to the connection between the first special and this latest one.

In this special the mayor of Evergreen is apparently one of the kids from the classic TV special. We get to see a younger version of him as well as Karen in the pages of a comic book explaining the origins of Frosty. There is a slight problem though, it turns out that he's the son of Professor Hinkle and that Frosty's hat was captured by a bitter kid. This contradicts what we saw in the original special as Frosty flies off on Santa's sleigh and there was no mention of Hinkle having a kid.

My only other complaint not withstanding the continuity error is the voice actor for Frosty, they chose Bill Fagerbakke, otherwise known as Patrick from Spongebob. It's hard to take Frosty seriously when he sounds so dumbed down. Fortunately Frosty is barely noticeable throughout the special as the story concentrates on the cast of human characters instead.

Nevertheless, despite the continuity error and Frosty's voice this is a highly enjoyable special that every Frosty fan should pick up. The problems that bugged me can be easily overlooked. This special may not surpass the original one but when compared to Frosty Returns this is a masterpiece.
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smagyarown29 December 2017
Looking at my watch and realizing we're only halfway through this thing. I honestly have nothing else to say about this.
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n-solis199615 August 2018
I saw this movie when I was little most of the time watching this film is just confusing to me Ike what is the plot suppose to be Frosty existence or a life just sad and cannot be any fun?
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magic vs rules
SnoopyStyle2 December 2019
Frosty's magical hat escapes from a series of locked boxes. Tommy Tinkerton in a town called Evergreen needs Frosty more than anyone. There is no magic in this pristine town. Walter has overprotective parents. Frosty befriends Walter who breaks curfew. Tommy discovers a hidden basement in the library. News of Frosty starts to spread and the parents fear the kiddie rebellion.

The Tinkerton dad is obsessed with rules. That is presented as wrong and opposite to magic. First off, the rules need to be more draconian so that opposing them would make sense. Magic is mostly reckless. It's not until that town hall meeting when the evil of oppressive rules is shown. The principal should have a bigger role earlier in the movie. The theme, the structure, the characters, and the animation are all a bit wonky. This does not have the magic of the classic Frosty.
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It keep my.older kid watching
bryantmadeline4 December 2022
Ok, first off casting the voice of Patrick was wrong. Ww hated that frosty sounded so dumb. The story seemd to be making fun of parents and rules . It glorified children disobeying their parents. It also glorified sneaking out at night with a stranger which was really creepy. Things happening in daylight was ignored by the parents. They never explained why the principal was the way he was. They also never really explained a few other things. Frosty, was sweet and innocent and suddenly he became a hoodlum. That's not frosty.

However, I did lile the animation when everyone else didn't and that was enough.
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"Meh", an adult review
GMGoodwrenchGirl6 December 2019
I gave this 1 star because it is a kid-friendly show and they might like it.

Plus 2 stars for the very retro animation and use of color, which I really like. Actually the biggest reason I tried to watch this.

Total of 3 stars. I really wanted to like this, it was just incredibly boring to me and it couldn't hold my attention.
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