Shadows of the Dead (2004) Poster

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You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
jmbwithcats8 November 2004
Shadows of the Dead is a rather longwinded lesson in appreciating your life, because it can be taken away so quickly. I do appreciate the moral, just not the execution.

A valuable lesson, but the movie lacked enough to make it interesting. The movie is very slow, and every scene seems to be leading to a inevitable conclusion, one we know from very near the beginning, so perhaps the film could have had a little more meat on the bone, while still getting across a solid message.

Overall I give the movie a 4 because although the atmosphere and intention was good, it wasn't a joy to watch in any respect.
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Sid and Nancy meets...nothing really.
rglassel13 April 2007
Two people lying in agony with a zombie virus in their veins waiting to be transformed is truly a great synopsis for a movie, but this movie did not take advantage of that. One can spend numerous hours discussing so many cool angles with a story like that, but the only thing this movie delivers is boredom and lack of initiative. Sad, very sad.

Make them like addicts. Let us hear their thoughts, as they loose their ability to think as humans. Show us how their rationality forms into a reptile mind act, and please, show us the killings, not just sublime cuts. They're zombies, that's what they do. It would have brought a deeper insight for the viewer. Now it's just a two side empty bed with repeated dialog...and we have seen this before...but Sid and Nancy had Gary Oldman, and this, well, sadly has...nothing really.

//BoyNoir Deux; Founder of Elmsta 3000 Horror
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Watching Paint Dry
ghoulieguru1 March 2005
I watched this movie, and many brain cells died. I felt like the lead characters. The story concerns a guy who gets attacked while taking a woodland stroll with his girlfriend. For reasons unknown, the attack causes our hero's heart to stop. He's apparently dead, but he doesn't seem to know it. So, he hangs out in his apartment and his girlfriend brings him hot soup and tries to nurse him back to health. Of course, it's only a matter of time before our guy decides to infect his girlfriend with this lovely gift. So, now she's kinda undead too. They hang out in their bedroom and bemoan their fate. Lots of caked on white makeup ensues. She hates him for doing this to her. The End.

I understand that when you have five dollars to make a horror movie, one of the first things you decide to do is find a way to contain the story. Movies like "Saw", 'Cabin Fever", "Evil Dead" and "Misery" show that you can have a very effective horror film with a minimum of locations. But setting your entire movie in a bedroom with two undead characters who don't really do anything but bicker is just plain lazy. It's about as scary as watching paint dry. Maybe that's the sequel to this one.
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Low budget film-wasting
Scudpipes12 September 2006
This was a plish poor effort, a feeble script from the outset. An INSULT to the viewer. Work on the script before you commit these crimes to film. It sucked harder than George Michael in a public convenience. If I came across a dead body in the woods, I sure as Sherlock wouldn't react the way these two dopes did - as if they had just been told MacDonald's was out of ketchup. Kind of put out, but not really too fussed a whole deal. The woman was HORRIBLE. She looked wrong, she couldn't act, her character was foul, selfish, unhelpful. She actually looked more attractive with the ghoul make-up on at the end. And God, the ending. Wha the fuh? Was it, or was it not, the zombie's point of view. Or had the cameraman fallen down dead of boredom. Get the hell out of here!
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simonize-229 January 2005
I rented this movie. I take full responsibility for this. I will not forget this. Ever. What in the Holy Moses hell was going on in the head of the person who conceived this .....thing. Movie? No way. Bad teleplay more like it. The dialogue was dreadful enough only to be made more repugnant by Beverly Hynds delivery. She is the only actress I have ever seen who was acting trying to act. Five minutes into the movie and I was repulsed. I mistook her dramatic pauses for a series of gas attacks. I was more worried that the two main characters would live. I needed them to go. Quickly. But they didn't. And it went on...and on.....and on. Blockbuster should be ashamed of itself for renting this to me. I'm trying to defer the blame. Alas, I can't.
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Needs to be said
fitch-37 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that this was the most horrible excuse for a movie, low budget or not. The so called "plot" sucks. No hats off to Lindberg. I wish I could take back the 92 minutes I wasted of my life on this movie, not to mention the 4.99 renting fee, the gas money it took to get there and back as well. If the option arose, I would rate a -10. Thanks I'll say it one more time... I have to say that this was the most horrible excuse for a movie, low budget or not. The so called "plot" sucks. No hats off to Lindberg. I wish I could take back the 92 minutes I wasted of my life on this movie, not to mention the 4.99 renting fee, the gas money it took to get there and back as well. If the option arose, I would rate a -10. Thanks
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Together even after death.
michaelRokeefe3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
John(Jonathan Flanigan)and Jennifer(Beverly Hynds)are a couple badly in the need of a weekend getaway. A short cut ends up being ill fated. A tire blows out on a country road in the middle of the woods...and its in the wee hours of the night, of course. They believe they have discovered a dead body along side the road. Well, that was wrong. By morning the two are infected with a disease that has the skin falling off of their bodies. They're rotting to the core and death is inevitable. This is very low budget and the acting shows very little talent. My favorite scene is where both John and Jennifer kick and pound the body they think is already dead.
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Boring and poorly written take on zombification
ThrownMuse27 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
(This review features slight plot spoilers from the first 20 minutes of the film, but less so than what you would get from the plot summary and back of the rental box.)

John and Jennifer are a young couple driving to their vacation cabin. They take a short-cut through the woods but night falls and they blow a tire. They decide to sleep in the car until morning, but then one of them notices what appears to be a dead body. John investigates and gets bitten by the creature. They run off to their cabin, but John seems to have been infected with a disease. After a trip to the hospital, he realizes that he is the living dead. Then the craving for flesh begins.

Shadows of the Dead has a unique and potentially fascinating premise in that it is told from the perspective of the "zombie" (which means here "dead, rotting, flesh-craving, but otherwise the same") and explores the new dynamics of his relationship with his lover. Unfortunately, the perspective of this "zombie" isn't very interesting. John's attempts to be poetic and philosophical fall flat. The first line of the movie is a voice-over where our protagonist is apparently trying to tell us that he listens to too much Lisa Loeb: "I once thought I'd live forever, but now I am not too sure." It doesn't help that the actor gives a delivery that is void of believable emotional injections, making the voiceovers sound like the type you would hear in the beginning of a porn. The acting isn't completely awful--the lead actress (the only other developed character in the film, and a much more interesting one than John) delivers a fairly decent performance as the woman struggles to help her diseased/deceased lover. However, she is limited by the poorly written dialogue, which is laughable for a film that is attempts to have a serious tone.

This has very little gore for a zombie flick. That isn't a problem, as the bulk of the film is supposed to be an exploration of the post-crisis relationship between John and Jennifer (think Open Water). The problem is that these scenes drag endlessly and never fulfill the potential of the concept. There are a few sequences that should be suspenseful, but the attempts fail, mostly due to an an ill-matching score and bad camera-work. As a result, these scenes happen and you don't care about them, just as you don't care about the characters' feelings on the zombification process.

Shadows of the Dead isn't a complete failure, and I suppose is a commendable effort considering the miniscule budget. There are some interesting scenes and concepts put forth, but I cannot discuss them without spoiling major plot points, and by no means do they make up for the mind-numbing ruminations by the lead characters. I would only recommend this to anyone interested in seeing a different dramatic twist on zombie movies. But be warned that the awful dialogue really hampers this one.

My Rating: 3/10
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Does the zombie movie have more wretched entries than any other genre or what?
MBunge22 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about the most boring couple in the world who take the most boring vacation in the world and turn into the most boring zombies in the world. It is both tediously stupid and stupidly tedious. The writing, direction and acting are so uniformly dreadful that it's hard to understand why the cast and crew didn't mutiny halfway through production to find something better to do with their time.

John (Johnathan Flanigan) and Jenny (Beverly Hynds) are driving through the woods one night on their way to their cabin. Their SUV gets a flat tire, John gets bit by a zombie and they walk the rest of the way to the cabin. Once there, they essentially lay around for days while John decays and infects Jenny. As our zombie duo develops the urge to kill, Jenny refuses while John is happy to slaughter and eat anyone who wanders into the woods. This goes on and on and on until this 92 minute movie feels like it's 76 hours long before it mercifully puts itself out of its misery.

I'll give writer/director Carl Lindbergh credit for one thing. T his is a good idea for a story. But you know what? Everybody has good ideas. Very few have the talent and ambition to do anything with them. Lindbergh is an example of the bane of modern cinema. He has a good idea and a little ambition but absolutely no talent at all. You can make a movie so cheaply and so easily nowadays that the marketplace if drowning in irredeemable pieces of crap from deluded half-wits like Lindbergh.

This movie has bad lighting, bad sound, bad make up and bad camera work. The plot will put you to sleep, the dialog will put you in a coma and the acting will put you six feet under. Even the hairdos on the main characters are notably wretched. Johnathan Flanigan looks like Luke Perry from the middle of the second season of Beverly Hills 90210 and Beverly Hynds is sporting a feathered bob cut that looks like some sort of medieval half-helmet.

Shadows of the Dead is such a waste of time that it even screws up a zombie sex scene. Just think of that phrase, "zombie sex scene". It conjures up all sorts of gross, crazy, disturbing and cool images, doesn't it? Well, Lindbergh takes this awesomely freaked-out concept and films it like makeout session from a PG-13 teen romance where his zombified couple suddenly looks completely healthy and human. Here is a scene that even a retarded chipmunk could have made incredibly gross and/or incredibly funny, and Lindbergh just makes it incredibly blah.

Even if you're a huge fan of the living dead, avoid Shadows of the Dead as though your life depended on it.
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Nobody would act this way!
El Duce9 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie hoping to find a low-budget gem. Instead, I watched one of the lamest films I've ever seen. This one ranks up there with "Howling: New Moon Rising" in total ineptness.

The storyline has much promise: a young couple on a drive through the woods stumble upon a "body", they come into contact with the "body" and are infected with a disease that starts to turn them into zombies, they find a cabin and proceed to act like total morons while they rot. As you can see, this is where the storyline takes a dive.

Nobody would handle this situation like they way these two do. Here are some major flaws: 1. A flat tire means that the vehicle will not start. The girl asks the guy to turn the headlights on and he doesn't want to because the battery will drain. Turn the damn thing on! 2. A flat tire means that the vehicle will not move. Your lives are in danger, do you run through the woods or drive away on a flat? Heaven forbid you drive on the rim. That could damage your vehicle. Running through the woods is the obvious choice.

3. The girl wants the guy to check on things that don't need to be checked on. Go see if that's a body; the bodies gone, go check things out, here's a shovel. Are you kidding me? 4. Getting help is instantly out of the question. Why? What are they hiding? Are they fugitives? 5. The cabin becomes their safe-home. Where were they coming from? Where were they going? Do they have friends or family? None of this seems to matter. Even the girl, who isn't infected for a while, doesn't seem to want to do anything but sit around the cabin. There's a hospital around the corner!!! There's more to write but I've realized I'm wasting my time. No more time needs to be wasted on this movie.
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horrible waste of time
smmjr200419 July 2005
this film completely wasted an hour of my life! from the get go i noticed that the dialog was weak, and appeared as though it was written by a middle school teen for an English project. it almost seemed as thought the actors knew how s***ty the story was an did'nt care to pretend like they could act. there was no emotion in either of the two main characters. i almost felt like i was in high school watching the drama club perform a play i don't know i guess i just want to warn you guys!!! please don't waste your time. what kinda catch line is "they're rotting to the core" anyways? hahah please go rent any other zombie movie you can find

maybe "night of the living dead" (remake)
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a stylish take
silence24248 July 2005
a pleasant surprise, and a stylish take on the tired zombie formula. highly recommended for fans of the horror genre that want a different take on the whole zombie mythology. I enjoyed the questions it raised. People are way to hard of this film, it seems most people just want the same story told over and over again, with people baricaded in some structure as zombies swarm around them. I personally would appreciate more different approaches to zombies like this film. My main complaint is the horrid American packaging. Why would you take a movie that presents it's story in a unique way, and then just slap on the most generic cover you can find on it. Why not play up to the strengths of the film, instead of dumbing it down. Sigh, I still recommend this film.
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Not that great as an horror but still a good movie.
Boba_Fett113818 November 2010
This movie is certainly not as bad as some people try make you believe it is. It's by no means a great movie but it's still one I have to respect for what it's trying and also simply for what it is.

It's a low budget movie, made without many resources but for what it is, it's simply being a good film. The directing and overall story-telling is simply good, even though the story itself is actually being one of the weaker points of the movie.

The story, to be frank, can get quite ridicules at times. The whole way the two main characters are handling their situation are just beyond believe silly and highly unlikely. Without giving too much away about this movie, no way normal thinking humans would ever respond to a situation like this the way the characters in this movie do. It's still obvious what they tried to achieve with its story and attempted to make it more of a personal characters movie, rather than just an ordinary horror-flick. They tried to be original and till some extend they still succeeded in this. Even though the story wasn't that good throughout, it still makes this movie an original and good watch.

One of the things that the movie failed at was delivering some good horror. Especially in its beginning this movie was obviously meant to be horror-like but to be honest, some of it's moments were unintentionally bad and made me laugh at how clumsy it got all done. Every time the movie tries to get tense or scary the movie its shortcomings start to become more and more obvious.

Despite some really bad dialog, I still have to give credit to the movie its actors, who simply did a great job with their roles. It's a mostly character driven movie, so it's of course very important to have some decent characters and actors portraying them, which luckily is the case with this movie.

Just give this movie a shot and changes are you might end up liking it, despite of all of its very obvious flaws.

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Flawed, but not that bad...
jluis198422 May 2007
Zombies in film have certainly gone a long way since director Victor Halperin directed his Voodoo themed classic, "White Zombie" in 1932. The 1968 release of George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" would change the story of horror forever by removing the Voodoo aspects of the zombie concept and reinventing them as mindless beings, driven only by the hunger for human flesh. After that influential classic, zombies became iconic villains of the horror genre and many different explorations on the subject began to be done by future filmmakers, creating an entire sub-genre around the supernatural flesh eaters. One of the most recent variations on the theme has been the idea of zombies being conscious about their condition, with Andrew Parkinson's "I, Zombie: A Chronicle of Pain" being a good example of this. Carl Lindbergh's "Shadows of the Dead" takes this one step beyond, by adding an interesting twist to the tale.

"Shadows of the Dead" is the story of John (Jonathan Flanigan) and Jennifer (Beverly Hynds), a young couple on their way to spending a nice weekend in a cabin. As they travel through the woods by night, they blow a tire and are left stranded without knowing where exactly they are and without any way to repair their car. The couple decides to spend the night there and fix everything by the morning, however, this is only the begin of their problems as next to their car they find what seems to be a dead body. However, the corpse wasn't really dead, and to their surprise it bites John, infecting him with a strange and unstoppable disease. Hiding in their cabin, it won't be too long until the couple discovers that what John has is not a normal infection, but the early symptoms of a rare disease that will change their lives and their relation forever.

Written by director Carl Lindbergh, "Shadows of the Dead" is a very interesting take on zombie films that attempts to mix the horror and suspense elements of the zombie sub-genre with a more ambitious psychological drama. In the same way that "I, Zombie" did before, "Shadows of the Dead" explores the process of dehumanization of the zombie disease, as the characters begin to experience the rotting of their bodies and an unstoppable hunger for human flesh. However, what makes this film different is the addition of romance to the mix, as unlike "I, Zombie", this movie is based around the relationship between John and Jennifer and how they face the horrors they have ahead. The dynamics of their relationship becomes the main theme of the film, and one could say that more than a horror film, this movie works like a "supernatural drama".

Aware that his screenplay is not one that plays with shock and scares, director Carl Lindbergh opts for a very restrained and subtle approach to the story, focusing on creating an atmosphere of dread that fits very well with the sense of impending doom that fills the character's contaminated lives. Taking advantage of his own budgetary limitations, Lindbergh gives good use to Roderick E. Stevens's minimalistic cinematography to achieve a realistic look, almost documentary, pretty much in the same spirit as Andrew Parkinson's "I, Zombie: A Chronicle of Pain". While the low-budget certainly hurts the film a lot, the movie showcases some pretty nice looking make-up effects by Frank Jackson and Ryusakae Yamaguchi that Lindbergh uses well; however, while most of this sounds perfect, the movie suffers from two major problems that diminish the success of its other elements.

The first of those problems is without a doubt the acting. While both Flanigan and Hynds have some good scenes and show some talent at times, for the most part the couple seems to be bored and uninterested, delivering their lines with a tone that attempts to sound deep but ends up sounding indifferent. Flanigan is the one with the biggest problems, as since his character is the narrator he's the one in charge of carrying the film, but in his narration he sounds simply uninterested in what he is saying. Hynds fares a bit better, and she manages to make some scenes truly work despite the poor script; but sadly in a film completely character driven, the poor performances end up damaging the final product in an enormous way. Still, the blame should not fall entirely over the actors' shoulders, as to be fair, the script they had to work with wasn't exactly a masterpiece, and most of the acting problems could be traced to the screenplay.

As written above, Lindbergh's take on the zombie genre is interesting and with an enormous potential to explore. While comparisons to the excellent "I, Zombie" can be made, the element of romance in the plot truly adds a new dimension to the story that makes it fresh; sadly, Lindbergh's screenplay fails to exploit that enormous potential and delivers a story that at times attempts to be deep and philosophical, but ends up being slow, boring and simply uninteresting. The problem is that in his attempt to make his horror film a meditation about love and death, Lindbergh uses very poorly written dialog that sounds amateur. While Lindbergh clearly has the talent to direct a good movie (for an indie film, this one looks very good), his flawed script tragically brings down a product with an enormous potential to succeed.

Working on independent cinema is hard, but despite the lower production values, the same old rule for mainstream films applies here: it's harder to make a good movie from a bad screenplay than from a good one. I have no doubts that Lindbergh, Hynds, and the rest of the crew did their best in the making of this movie; sadly, the screenplay was way too flawed to make a masterpiece out of it. Still, if you liked Parkinson's take on zombies in his "I, Zombie", check out Lindbergh's "Shadows of the Dead". Just keep your expectations low. 5/10
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A nice change
Ravensfaireyes1 September 2004
I saw this movie and have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. It is not the typical boring slasher horror film you get used to seeing and that was a nice change for me. The director did a wonderful job with the look of the film and the dialogue was very tender and profound. If you ever wondered what it would be like to become a zombie then this is the film to watch. It actually gives the zombies a human side; a face behind the gore. Don't go into it expecting blood and guts because this movie is not at all like that.

However, if you appreciate the art of film and are open to the idea of viewing horror from a different angle you will enjoy this film. Don't get me wrong, a good slasher movie is great but this movie takes a look at the other side.
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Inept film-making at its best
LARSONRD4 July 2005
Another inept independent horror show with a dumb script, thoroughly illogical actions on behalf of the protagonists that make no sense, and ultimately uninteresting characters. Story has to do with a young couple driving into the woods for a weekend getaway who become afflicted with a strange skin-wasting disease so they decided not to seek help but instead waste away in their forest cabin, eventually needing to kill others for sustenance. In the end, a couple of CHP officers investigating something (CHP? In the forest?!) bring an end to their misfortune. Story is thoroughly plot less and pointless, with story changes thrown in purely at the whim of the writer (by producer/writer/editor/director – a dangerous mix for an independent film) even though it is thoroughly illogical and makes no sense.
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This move crawls
nogodnomasters9 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie crawls and deserves a double punch on your hacker's card. It begs the moral question, "Is it okay to kill others to stay alive?" We all already know the answer to that: Tele-marketers-yes, Pizza delivery boys-no. Beverly Hynds does a great acting job on a poorly written and developed script. The beginning scene of the boyfriend/girlfriend interaction during the car's flat tire was done well and brings out the differences between the sexes. However, once their flesh starts to rot, so does the movie. Beverly's back must be hurting from trying to carry this whole movie. A great movie to watch with emo friends you don't like.
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they got it right
ZOBIEFAN198913 July 2005
These film makers got it right. Yeah, so you don't' have a budget to compete with the big boys, don't try. They approached the zombie film from a different angle, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I do think they should have shown the people being attacked in the beginning of the film. I know it's not what the film is about, but just a little more gore wouldn't have hurt. I have no idea why this is rated R, I'm sure the film makers wanted a pg13 rating for a wider audience. I don't remember seeing this film advertised on TV though. Tight story though, I can only watch Dawn and Day of the dead so many times. I liked the mood and general sad tone of the whole film also. no cheesy ending where the zombies rule the earth, or they get cured by some serum. More zombie films should be this stylish.
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you have to know what to expect
KRSMKP17 July 2005
I learned a long time ago, that you can't trust any cover of a movie. You can get a positive review anywhere. With that being said, I go into any movie with a open mind. I never trust the box art. If I rented this movie based on the artwork, I would be disappointed. But again, I don't go into any movie with any expectations one way or another. This was a character driven film, about what it's like to be a zombie. People just don't understand this film, cause all they want is sex, blood, and guts in their horror movies. I'm tired of that manufactured dumbed down crap for mass human consumption by teenage boys. If you want to see naked titters, go rent a porn. If you want a horror movie with some deep characters, then check the film out.
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If you liked this, take a look at "I Zombie: The chronicles of pain"
np_bundy10 December 2005
That's right. This is a pretty good movie if you like the horror drama... but guess what? There's another movie with the same story... and it is much better. It's name? "I ZOMBIE: THE CHRONICLES OF PAIN" (Directed by Andrew Parkinson, United Kingdom, 1999, i think, check it in the database by title or by director). It's pretty obvious that Lindbergh tried to make a similar story, but unfortunately the result is TOO MUCH similar. I definitely recommend much more the ZOMBIE movie. It's more dramatic and very scary... and it was made before Lindbergh's film. So... watch both movies and decide yourself. I prefer Parkinson's movie. Even if SHADOWS OF THE DEAD is more obscure, ZOMBIE is very more... artistic. A masterpiece. No doubt.
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a love/hate relationship
alienrezz1 August 2005
a movie that I have a love/hate relationship with. In many ways I love (well maybe thats too strong a word) this movie because it is a great horror film. It is well conceived and introduces fascinating new characters. The movie shows you can bring horror to the screen with the use of intelligence. I hate the film, cause it's obviously hurt by it's low budget. Couldn't the filmmakers held out for more financing, just so they could have done the story justice. "Shadows of the Dead" is an important interesting horror movie that all must see. Though it focuses on a young couple, it is not a teen-scream movie that relies on bloodshed and a bunch of half-naked chicks running around the set. If the masses would follow these type films away from a lot of the trash that Hollywood throws at us today. We we be a lot better off. Oh, well, such is life.
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a well thought out film
alienrobo2428 March 2008
good story, good mood.... a good film. people seem to misunderstand the film, I guess since they are expected a horror film, which this film clearly is not. the film is more or less about the human condition. what is the value of life? what is the value of your life compared to others? at what cost will you sell your soul for, in order to maintain your own existence? This questions are asked, but not necessarily answered in the film. I would recommend this film as a "thinking man's" horror film. I eagerly await the next film from this producer/director. it's a shame that something like "zombie honeymoon" can come along and steal this films ideas/premise, repackage the product, dumb it down, and somehow that film gets more notoriety. This is by far the better version, so please do yourself a favor and check it out.
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Hats off to Mr. Lindbergh
Jennapurrs798 March 2005
First off, I have to say that this film was a breath of fresh air in the day and age of over produced pop-corn cinema. The director took what is normally a very cliché genera and did something different with it. In what is normally a blood, guts, and sex filled market, we now have a horror film with heart. My hat goes off to the director and writer for originality and taking a chance. Next I have to comment on the visuals. If you are one of those people who loves a movie with metaphors hidden in exceptional visuals then you will want to check this movie out. Don't expect bloody Night of the Living Dead when you see this movie or a high budget mega flick. It's not. Keep an open mind. If you are a true lover of cinema then you will appreciate what this movie has to offer.

I do have to comment on one review I read though. In one review the poster talks about the bad acting of Beverly Hynds. This is a low budget film. Even high priced films deliver bad performances. It sounds to me like he had a problem more with her performance than with the movie as a whole. Do not let reviews such as this stop you from seeing this film. The poster also mentioned he "will not forget this. Ever." He didn't like the film, but he will never forget it. So obviously the director did his job. He directed a piece of cinema that even HE will never forget. Now I'd say that is one quality that makes a great director.
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Unique film, track it down
srviver10430 August 2004
Caught a screening at CSULB. This is NOT your standard, cliché horror film where a group of people are killed one by one until one predictable hero is left to kill the monster. This is a horror/drama film that tells a story from the "monster's" point of view. It deals with a couple's relationship as their bodies rote and they have to kill others to sustain their lives. The main character must comes to terms with the guilt of killing to survive, and placing his loved one in such a dire situation. The hero's girlfriend must comes to terms that her beliefs are different, as she must accept her own inevitable death. In the end, we are left with no happy Hollywood ending, but a more realistic outcome. Unique film, check it out.
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very good film
Jnnsbtta5 July 2006
This is a very good film, not great, but solid nonetheless. People on this board are such haters. Reviewing a movie, and talking about the opening credits definitely shows me that the negative reviews are really stretching it. There is a lot of symbolic religious metaphors in this film. Social commentary on AIDS is also prevalent in this film. These deeper aspects of the film are wisely hidden, since most horror film viewers just want the blood and boobs. (this film has neither) so that's why I assume the haters come out of their parent's basements. This is a smart man's horror film, and if you don't appreciate that, then you have nothing to say in my opinion
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