Transformers: Energon (TV Series 2004) Poster

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Transformer's "stupid-link"
xamtaro9 August 2009
If Transformers Armada was a painfully slow climbing theme park ride that came with a satisfyingly good payoff once it picked up momentum, Transformers Energon/Superlink(i watched both English and Japanese versions) would be like a rocket launch disaster; starting off really strong but blowing up halfway and getting reduced to one of the worse Transformers shows in recent years.

Taking place 10 years after Armada, Transformers Energon's opening episodes are extremely well written with many character subplots thrown in and for the first time, the human characters are actually likable.

Kicker has to handle his "coming of age" angst, the added responsibilities that come with growing up and to step out of the shadows of his father and the Autobots. Demolishor has a decent character arc regarding his wavering sense of purpose with the Autobots and his uncertain loyalty to the decepticon cause that he believed no longer existed. Even Ironhide is set up as an impulsive young rookie who grows up learns the true meaning of being a soldier over the course of the episodes.

Great, all the themes and subplots are in place. Then what happens? They all get conveniently forgotten over time, leading to subsequent episodes that have little to no character development or advancement of the subplots. The main plot itself, involving the decepticon's plan to revive unicron seems stretched to breaking point over the course of the 52 episodes. I feels like only 20+ episodes of actual story material sprinkled into 52 episodes. The episodes themselves never actually contain 20+ minutes of story material since A lot of time is wasted on necessary reiteration of plot points via dialogue, rambling monologues, stock footage of battles or transformations and senseless action.

The animation is actually a step up from the final episodes of Transformers Armada. It utilities a mixture of 2D for human characters and Cel shaded 3D animation for the robots. The 2D animation is superb. Vibrant and sharp colors with attractive character designs and a better attention to detail make the humans quite appealing to the eye.

The robots on the other hand do not warrant the same level of praise. Though done in 3D with least 8 years worth of better animation software than what Mainframe had to work with on Beast Wars, the animation here is actually a lot worse that the 1996 Beast Wars. Though character designs are nice to look at due to their insane level of art detail, their movements are extremely stiff, sometimes even stiffer than the 2D animated robots from Transformers Armada. "Body Gestures" just involve the 3D models "snapping" into different positions like still photographs in a slide show and "movement" is just the 3D models pulled across the screen. The 3D characters have no feel of "mass" in the way they move. Other CGI effects like explosions and laser fire look very primitive and are sometimes off model. The action scenes are exciting at first, with large scale yet fully animated fights involving many characters are made do-able with the CGI. But after a while, the uninspired directing and unprofessionally storyboarded battles get real boring, real fast.

Having watched both Japanese and English versions, i must say that both had its good and bad points. The voice acting in the Japanese version seemed a little too "flat". Many of the characters sound alike and the human characters tend to over do a lot of their lines, giving a very "high school stage play" feel to the whole thing. The English version was by far better acted with the voices having very distinct personalities and nuances to them. Basically Lines were more realistically delivered by the actors than the Japanese version. However good acting does not save a horrible script and by golly, the script was a complete mess. The dialogue, once boring or irritating, devolved to the point of senseless babbling and even turned illogical and contradictory. Some characters have up to three different names that interchange between different episodes and sometimes a line is spoken by the wrong voice actor for the wrong character. A terrible, stilted and cliché ridden excuse for a script that sounds worse that the most horrible episodes of Power Rangers. THe Japanese script fares slightly better but is filled to the brim with cheesiness and misplaced humour.

This series is a huge pity. It started off so strong and totally went on a downward spiral into the absurd. Even the Energon comic series which showed so much potential got cut down in its prime and is now left incomplete and open-ended.

This show may make an entertaining watch for anyone below the age of 6, and maybe for the "completist" who MUST watch every single transformers series ever made.

Other than that, Transformers Energon is not worth your money, or your hard drive space.
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The Power of Energon
Terryfan11 October 2015
The second of the Unicron trilogy Transformers: Energon takes a different take on the Transformers.

This time both The Autobots and Decepticons have gain different powers to battle with in this series.

However Transformers Energon really does lack in a lot of things that made the Transformers loved for many years and this was release around the 20th anniversary of Transformers.

There were some good things about the series but the main thing I enjoy about Transformers Energon was the action figures. There were so many good figures so while there are some who might not have enjoy the show can't deny that the line did give us some very good action figures.

The show did feature emotional moments and dark moments which you can expect from Transformers but Energon took it a little bit to the limit which you have to see for yourself to better understand and appreciate.

There were however moments that make you go what were they thinking? if you're a huge fan of Transformers give this one a watch
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It's Not That Bad.
lymondjulian4 August 2022
I Know Transformers: Energon/Superlink Is A Mess Because Of Crude CGI, Messy English Dub, Calling Characters Names Wrong, Autobots Downshift And Cliffjumper Switching Their Names Around, Stiff Facial Expressions, Error Laying Dialog, Animation Errors, Music Playing At Inappropriate Moments And Many More. But It's Not All That Bad. I Only Watched The Show For The Action And Humor. Transitioning Transformers From 2D Animation To CGI Is Actually A Good Idea. If You Hate The Show That's Fine. Everyone Has Their Opinions. Is This Show Worth Watching? To Me, Yes. Others No.
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I'm only giving this a 1/10 because you have to give a number
digitaldimensiongamin2 August 2018
I can't fathom how terrible this is stay away! Probably rock bottom for the transformers franchise
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Much better.
Ayatollah1 February 2004
When I heard about this show, I was rather skeptical. I was sorely disappointed with "Transformers: Armada" (or "Micron Densetsu," depending upon your language preference) and I really had very little hope for the following series. Called "Transformers: Energon" in the English-language version, "Superlink" had been airing for four weeks in Japan before the first Energon episode aired in the States. That being said, there are four episodes by which to judge this series, and I think that's a fair sampling for a preliminary evaluation.

Thus far, Superlink/Energon is superior to Micron Densetsu/Armada in every conceivable way. The animation is just that -- animated. Armada had a very distinct lack of motion that really detracted from it. Armada was more or less a comic book on television with mouths that occasionally opened and closed. Superlink is just the opposite. It looks like an actual cartoon (what a concept!). On top of that, the cel-shaded CGI technique makes it all look quite incredible.

Of course, it would be easy to disregard the inadequate animation of Armada if the writing was worth talking about. I suppose it goes without saying that it was not. Now, however, Superlink seems to have given us Transformers fans something to actually look forward to. Whereas the dialogue and plot of Armada was incredibly stale and not at all engaging, Superlink is very in your face and quick.

The biggest improvement, however, would be the voice acting. Although I have yet to see or hear the English version of this show (Energon), the Japanese version is much better than its predecessor Micron Densetsu and I can only assume that since this major problem has been cleared up at the source, it will be like that when it gets here. The dialogue isn't flat and there aren't awkward silences for no reason. The actors actually sound like they're -- gasp -- acting. Overall, this is a very worthy successor to the holy trilogy of Transformers series (the original, Beast Wars, Beast Machines). Great stuff all around and I can't wait to see what else develops.
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Absolutely abysmal- truly the measuring stick of bad Transformers cartoons
legotransformerguy22 August 2018
Energon is 51 episodes of a show with no plot. In fact, it actively tries to cut out the plot for some reason. Its Japanese counterpart, Superlink, actually had 52 episodes. The one they decided not to dub? An essential episode that reveals critical backstory for one of the major characters.

Everything is terrible- the writing, the dialogue, ESPECIALLY the animation. Did you know that the American version of the show was so rushed it actually uses unfinished animation for several episodes? It's true! The only thing not utterly terrible is the voice acting, because the voice actors are actually good at their jobs. Sadly they were obviously given terrible direction so even that is soiled.

Anyone who enjoyed this was either half asleep while watching it, has absurdly low standards, or is looking at the series through the rosiest rose-tinted glasses. I usually hate saying things like that, but for this show it's absolutely true.
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If you don't mind subtitles...
theredcomet200021 June 2006
When I first saw Energon on TV, I thought it was pretty bad. I found a lot of the main characters to be annoying, poor voice acting, you name it.

Then I was convinced by someone to watch the original Japanese version with subtitles.

Wow! What a difference! Characters who are annoying in Energon are actually very well fleshed out and much more tolerable. The two characters in Energon who I liked least (Ironhide and Kicker), became my two favorites (although Ironhide is called Roadbuster) in Superlink! This makes all the difference, as these two are core members of the cast, and probably the closest things to being main characters.

I also really enjoyed the portrayals of Alpha-Q and Megazarak (Scorponok in Energon). David Kaye is always a treat when he does English voices for Megatron, but I found the Japanese voice actor to be very good as well.

It's a very high-energy show with plenty of action, and a surprising amount of character development.

Also, I hear that the Japanese version has a better quality CGI animation. The version sent to the US for dubbing was about not quite complete, as it had to be sent well ahead of time to get the dubbing process started. The Japanese had plenty of time to clean up the animation and still beat the English dub to TV. I stopped watching Energon, so I can't quite confirm, but I've read this on many sources. I also found no reason to complain about the animation in Superlink, while one of the biggest complaints about Energon was in the animation.

I highly recommend tracking down the Japanese version, if you can tolerate subtitles. It's certainly a different animal than Beast Wars, but I found myself enjoying it just as much in the end.
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A marginal improvement over Armada but only just
TheLittleSongbird26 September 2013
As said already, Energon is a little better than Armada, which was a mess. However it could have been much better, nowhere near as good as the original show or Beast Wars. Some of the battles/action(more than Armada and much better quality-wise) are epic status- the highlights of the show by some distance-, the rise of Megatron was a good idea and is the best idea the show had, Megatron is still a cool villain and the voice acting from Garry Chalk, David Kaye and Scott McNeill is decent(though all three were better in Beast Wars, where all give some of their best ever voice acting. The animation is not as bad it is in Armada, but it is rather flat and scrappily put together with some overly-saturated CGI. The character designs take some getting used to, never really dug them personally. The music lacks urgency and atmosphere and the theme tune is at best forgettable. The writing is rather stilted and isn't that involving, not giving the voice actors much to do. Pretty much the same with the stories, which are both juvenile and dull, the best ideas they have read of too much of drawn-out-retreads and that is including the rise of Megatron. Not much characterisation to write home about either, the human characters are over-used and annoying, the lead human character is every bit as obnoxious as any of Armada's human characters combined, while with the exception of Megatron the robots lack personality. The voice acting on the whole- Kaye, Challk and McNeill excepted- is not great, as dry, emotionless and stilted as the writing, they also sound like they're recorded in a helium balloon. All in all, a marginal improvement but could have been so much better. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Aneurysm inducing
hntrhardiman25 May 2021
I attempted watching this years ago and couldn't finish it. Still struggled to finish it this time around.

It's a frustrating show. Felt like they were literally making it up as they went along. The inconsistencies, slow pacing, terrible decisions made it the most slow 17+hrs of show I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

Kicker was the most unbearable human character I've seen in literally any show or movie in my entire life. All the humans were agonizing, except for Rad and the others from Armada.

Cyclonus/Snowcat once again was the best part of the show and I still enjoyed him a lot at least, and Demolisher!
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Superlink is great, but avoid Energon at all cost.
Mr_Garak16 February 2004
Energon is as bad as Armada was, the voice acting again sucks because again they decided to make it in Japan and animate it before recording the voices.

Set 10 years after the end of Armada and has the now Adult versions of the 3 brats in Armada, but they must've all skipped puberty because they still sound like they're in their early teens like the where in Armada, Alpha Q (who has had not introduction as to who he is or how he came to be inside of Unicron, since he was not in the Armada series) is Energon's attempt to bring back The Quintessons from G1 and doing a very bad job of it, Alpha Q is a three headed alien inside a robot body which is linked to Unicron via something like an Umbilical cord, he activates a couple of Robot's inside of Unicron, Battle Ravage and Divebomb I believe to go to earth to collect Energon, in order to revive Unicron, Unicron is in a terrible shape apparently, again no explination is given as when we last saw Unicron in Armada he had Transformed back into his Planet mode, when Galvatron sacrificed himself to stop Unicron from comming back to life and Destroying Cybertron, Galvatron was sucked into Unicron, who then just Disappeared, but then appeared from behind a planet at the closing moments of the final Armada episode and looked to be perfectly fine...

The Animation is a mix between CGI and normal Cell Animation but the problem is where the Cell Animation is far superior to that of Armada's, the CGI looks badly done and really doesn't mix well with the other animation, for a start the robot's seem too bright, brighter than the cell animation, and when they move, it's like they move faster than you'd expect a 20 to 30 foot robot to move, the head turning also seems to have this problem, another problem with the CGI is like the previous 2 Transformers show from Japan they Transformers with mouth plates such as Optimus Prime and Tidal Wave, don't actually look like they're talking since their mouth plates don't move at all, unlike G1 where Optimus Prime and the other Transformers with mouth plates would move up and down when they spoke, or in Wheeljack and Warthpath's cases the side lights on the side of their heads would flash when they spoke.

The Problems I feel with Energon that have been brought over from Armada, re-writing the cartoon, the horrible voice effects for The Autobots and Decepticon (neither G1, Beast Wars or Beast Machines had horrible voice effects that made the voice actors sound like they're talking in the bathroom) the horribly lame Transforming sound from Armada (Superlink has the G1 Transforming sound, why can't Energon?) There are more annoying kids, and an even worse Intro and ending theme than Armada's was, Superlink has an awesome intro theme again vastly superior to what Energon has to offer...

In G1 they didn't dub the show, I'm pretty sure they recorded the voices before the show was actually animated and they sure didn't re-write the episodes from Japanese like they've done for the past three Transformers shows now, the story's where written in America for a western audiance.

What's the point of re-writing a story that's already been written? surely someone can translate it and the could just use the same story for the show, it'd be alot easier...

or better still why can't they just write the show in english like they did with G1, Beast Wars and dare I say Beast Machines, and have the voice acting recorded before animating it....

that way the voice acting would'nt be so terrible, they wouldn't need to re-write it and people older than 5 years might actually get into the show and stop hating every new TF series that comes out...

Take Beast Wars, it was animated using CGI by Mainframe in Canada, it had various differen't writers from the states writing the episodes, it had two great executive producers Bob Forward and Larry Ditillio who actually took the time to study the comics and the original cartoon to better prepare themselves for working on the show.

Is Transformers in such a bad state now that it's required to be written and animated in Japan before being sent over to the west I.E. Canada or The U.S to be badly re-written by talentless hacks who do a horrible job at re-writing it, and then is horribly dubbed by people who really prefer recording voices before the show is animated, but don't really like dubbing because it's such a hassle.

Hasbro seem to be that obsessed with saving money and being tight fisted nowadays they might as well do the same with the comics...

Sadly I just don't think that it is possible possible nowadays for Hasbro to bring out a Transformers series that can be watched by kids and adults, the way the series are made they might as well not bother making them at all, because they can't even get it right like they did with G1 and Beast Wars.

Take my advice if you are a true fan of the original G1 Transformers or a Beast Wars fan avoid this and watch Superlink insted, no horrible voice effects, no lame transforming sound, better intro/outro theme.

I honestly don't know why Hasbro have taken this path, this year is the 20th anniversarry of Transformers, but instead of doing a G1 Revival series with the remaining members of the original series,we get Energon, another lame, badly dubbed, re-written show from Japan.

Way to go Hasbro.
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ENERGON is the worst tf show ( in my opinion )
eirikspringer25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's energon. Ugly cgi ,beast machines had better. And it was made for years before it. And it was so bad after cybertron, it was the logest time before animated saved it. And the entire show is about 4 cyber planet keys that is it.
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Best Transformers Series in a Long Time
bonzo_buddy7 June 2004
Since the fantastic Beast Wars, and the decent Beast Machines, Transformers fans have not been very lucky. We've gotten Robots in Disguise, which I never really got into, due to lack of interest. Then, came along, Armada. The action was sparse, the jokes were horrible and I couldn't stand the kids they partnered the "Minicons" with. They had Pokemon'D Transformers.

Now, here comes the light at the end of the tunnel. I was skeptical about Energon, since it was a direct sequel to Armada, but when I started watching I was quite relieved. The fighting and explosions are quite fun to watch, and this time its in a new 3D cell shading form, which at times, can feel awkward, but still is a great addition to the show. Plus, while Armada tired me out with its boring storyline, Energon had me hooked.

And finally, my favorite enhancement, the characters. It seems like they really upped personalities in Energon. A perfect example would be Cyclonus, not so much of an interesting character in the predecessor, but here, he's a Quickstrike-like madman.

While this series isn't the best, its still a nice little candy for us Transformers fans, who have suffered for so, so long.

8/10. Recommended.
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It's Basically The Same Cartoon.
blackarachnia227 August 2004
I have enjoyed this cartoon a lot and I think that it's basically the same cartoon only it's dubbed into english. It's not a bad little cartoon actually. I think all of you nitpickers need to lighten up. Energon or Super Link, or whatever the hell you want to call it, is just a new degree of Transformers. They have a rough and tumble female character instead of a female character who relies solely on her male counterparts to get her out of whatever jam she's in. Transformers:Energon is a welcomed change from all of the other series of Transformers shows from Japan that I've seen so far. More than marginal thumbs up from me.
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Under rated!
Wmill2206910 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Much better then everyone thinks it is. I like the Energon version, I haven't seen the Superlink version, I don't don't think I want to, for now anyway, maybe sometime in the future. Transformers Armada is UNDER RATED as well. It's more then a comic, it's a really cool show! So is Energon! The humor is hilarious, like when Kicker (the main human character)kicks Ironhide for no reason, such as when Arcee called Kicker "little man", he began yelling and kicked Ironhide instead of Arcee, and Ironhide said, "What are you kicking me for, I didn't do nothing'!", Yep,that's what he said! How are three giant robots laying on beach chairs for a knee slapper? I thought it was pretty funny! Wheeee! Well, Ja-Ne!
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The weakest link of the Unicron Trilogy. That being said... said...
JaAmPoWeR6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Energon/Superlink certainly has its issues. While watching the show I noticed that many of the episodes were quite repetitive with a "we've got to stop the Decepticons from stealing the Energon" plot that comes with plenty of powerlinking/superlinking, and then Optimus/Convoy would link with his four drones, Wingsaber, or Omega Supreme and defeat the Decepticons. While the show has 51 (52 if you count the special episode), I feel as if there was only enough story for 35-40 episodes. This leads to the show's pacing feeling off, Energon is either slow and repetitive or moving at a brisk pace.

Many viewers have also noted that there is some character regression. For a start, Optimus doesn't seem bothered by the revelation at the end of Armada/Micron Legend that he had a desire for conflict and battle, hence why he gave up the Matrix at the end of that show. In Energon, he's pretty much back to normal and I'm fairly certain that he has the Matrix again (I looked up and Optimus reclaimed the Matrix between shows). Starscream also returns having been brought back to life, however he remembers nothing of what he did in Armada/Micron Legend (he's also called Nightscream in the Superlink version) and is Megatron/Galvatron's loyal servant throughout the show. While Energon/Superlink does bring back the human kids from Armada/Micron Legend (Rad, Carlos, and Alexis), they're given very little to do overall. This is a shame since there could have been a character arc for Starscream like Scorponok's character arc, but nothing ever comes of it. Energon even backpedals on its own character development, Demolishor starts off the show working for the Autobots, then joins back up with the Decepticons. However, Demolishor still feels some loyalty to the Autobots since he has worked with them since the end of Armada. During a battle, Demolishor dies saving Megatron. However, Megatron can save his Spark and makes a new body for him, the only thing is that he doesn't remember anything of the time that he spent with the Autobots or humans, nor does his personal struggle ever come up again. There are other odd character choices such as Shockblast, being an underling of Megatron who openly brags that he will one day control the Decepticons, being killed off to only be replaced by his identical brother Sixshot who is the same character. This I particularly found odd since Transformers shows are known for recoloring characters and giving them a new name, the Autobots get new color schemes ¾ through the show; Demolishor, Tidal Wave, and Cyclonus get new bodies (the latter two even being renamed to Mirage and Snowcat); and Megatron get a powered-up form and becomes Galvatron. All of this begs the question as to why the writers didn't just have Shockblast go through the same process and be renamed Sixshot? Considering that this show aired almost immediately after Armada/Micron Legend ended, it wouldn't surprise me if there was some behind-the-scenes rush to get this show out on time and this was the result, this feels like a heavily compromised show.

The first thing anyone will notice when they watch Energon/Superlink is the animation. I get what the animators were going for with the 3D CGI Transformers trying to look as if they seamlessly blend in with the 2D animation. Nevertheless, the animation of the Transformers comes off stiff and is worse than Beast Wars and Beast Machines animation which was a decade old when this show aired. The animation is so stiff that sometimes 2D animation is used to convey the Transformers emoting or doing something that the 3D animation wouldn't be able to do, and these brief moments actually look pretty good. It's kind of sad, while having the animation be 2D wouldn't solve the writing issues or the show's pacing, it probably would have made the show more watchable.

All this being said, I didn't hate Energon/ Superlink. It defiantly ranks as one of the weakest Transformers shows, but I wouldn't say that it's without merit. For a start, I would like to say that I watched the Japanese Superlink version. This is important because Superlink has finished animation, dialogue that makes sense and doesn't muddle the plots and character motives, and the Energon version removed an episode (Return! Our Scorponok) which is crucial to the rivalry between Ironhide and Scorponok. I also found Kicker and Ironhide (Roadbuster in Superlink) to be far more likable in the Japanese version due to their voices being less grating. Kicker is still overly shouty. However, I was able to appreciate the pairing of Kicker, being a rebellious teen, and Ironhide, being a devoted and loyal soldier, and both characters changed by the show's end.

When the show follows up on plot elements from Armada/Micron Legend, it's neat and felt like what a proper sequel should do, build off its predecessor. Seeing the kids from Armada grown-up and having supporting roles was nice, especially as someone who didn't mind Rad, Carlos, and Alexis. Hot Shot continuing his character arc from Armada, he now acts more mature and even like an older brother to Ironhide. We even see Demolishor dealing with the era of peace that started at the end of Armada, which ends when Megatron's resurrection. It was also neat seeing the Transformers God Primus. Granted, he's presented as a glowing ball in this show, but this was the first depiction of Primus in any Transformers TV show. Energon/Superlink even shows new depictions of old characters reimagined since this was the 20th anniversary of the original Transformers show. Characters such as Rodimus, Downshift (Wheeljack in Superlink), Shockblast (Lazerwave in Superlink), Scorponok (Mega Zarak in Superlink) and the Terrorcons representing G1 Ravage, Lazerbeak, Insecticons, and Dinobots not only get updates on their designs, but made for decent reinterpretations of G1 characters. I also thought the redesigns for Optimus and Megatron/Galvatron were successful homages to their G1 versions. Granted, none of these reinterpretations come close to Armada Starscream's character arc, but I appreciated this show reintroducing old characters and doing something new with them. I especially liked Shockblast being a homicidal maniac, and Scorponok who turned out to be a noble character who was made to restore the planets that Unicron devoured. However, Scorponok is brainwashed by Megatron and it's not until his last moments that he regains his memories.

The main aspect that I liked about Energon/Superlink was the scale and ambition of its story. While the story starts on Earth, it eventually evolves into a Star Trek-esq show where the Autobots and Decepticons go to new planets and battle for Energon, then both factions travel to a newly created Universe for the Autobots defeat Unicron, and then the Autobots reclaim Cybertron at the show's end. As flawed as the execution was, I liked seeing a story as grand and as ambitious as this. I don't think it's until recent years with shows like Cyberverse and the Netflix trilogy that we got a Transformers show that takes place on a galactic scale. I also liked the dichotomy between the Autobots and Decepticon characters. The Autobot characters seem to mostly get along with each other. Meanwhile, the Decepticons all claim to be loyal to Megatron/Galvatron, yet I think every Decepticon character barring Starscream (ironically) and Tidal Wave/Mirage was glad that Galvatron died, and the Decepticons were always fighting in amongst themselves.

Superlink is still a very flawed show, and Energon is a terribly rushed translation. That said, if you can sit through the show's animation, odd character choices, and sluggish pacing you might find that there are some ideas in Energon/Superlink that make it worth watching at least once. If nothing else, there's no other show or movie where a giant Optimus Prime combined with Omega Supreme has a one-on-one brawl with Unicron, so Superlink/Energon has that going for it.
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