Profoundly Normal (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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Profoundly Touching
view_and_review19 February 2021
Of all the movies I've watched with leading characters with mentally diminished capacity, I've never seen one with a woman playing the leading role. "Nell" doesn't count because Nell (Jodie Foster) wasn't mentally slow though they made it seem like it. The fact is, she was raised completely isolated and had a mother who couldn't speak correctly, hence Nell was socially maladjusted and couldn't speak correctly. "Profoundly Normal" stars Kirstie Alley who played Donna Thornton, a woman who was legitimately mentally disabled.

This movie is a memoir of sorts that highlights her adult relationship with her husband Ricardo Thornton (Delroy Lindo). Ricardo may not have been mentally disabled at all, but he was labeled such and so it was. The two of them met at an institution called Forest Haven in Maryland. Forest Haven is just like what you'd imagine a big institution for the mentally handicapped would be in the 60's: big and soulless with a cruel and abusive staff. They sought to marry and live a normal life together even if those with the smarts and the degrees said otherwise.

This is a darling movie along the lines of "I Am Sam," but based upon real people. And I think that knowing "Profoundly Normal" is about two real people makes it more endearing, sentimental, and sympathetic. I've never seen Kirstie Alley in anything serious and I thought she had a marvelous performance in this movie. I expected nothing less from Delroy Lindo. He was as professional as always.
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Donna and Ricardo overcome their label and prove themselves to be "profoundly normal".
mscherrie10 February 2003
This was a sweet movie, based on a true story about the often forgotten mentally handicapped population. Kirstie Alley and Delroy Lindo both do an excellent job of portraying Donna and Ricardo. Each character captures your attention with the reality of their world. This movie is reminiscent of the struggles to "be normal" in the movie The Other Sister starring Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi.
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Profoundly Incredible
funky_cherry8610 March 2005
At the age of eight Donna Selby (Bouffard) was sent to live at Forest Haven a home for the mentally challenged a place with children of different levels. There she meets fellow resident Ricardo Thornton (Wilson) they form an amazing bond of friendship, years later when Forest Haven is closed down Donna (Alley) & Ricardo (Lindo) find themselves faced with difficult challenges . Tasks such as cooking, cleaning, shopping , working and living on their own is tough but they manage to do well their friendship turns into love soon enough Ricardo asks Donna to marry him. They face social services who don't think that retarded people should get married their social worker Charlotte (Dunsmore) helps them out and eventually Donna & Ricardo exchange vows and rings. If getting married was hard enough they decide to have a baby, months later their son Ricky is born now they raise their son in a world full of struggle but through it all their love keeps them together. 8/10 Stars
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Beautifully done
Cynder9 February 2003
I went through an emotional roller coaster watching this movie. I laughed, I cried and I got upset.

The story was extremely touching and the acting was fantastic.

The Thornton's are extraordinary people and I felt very privileged to have the opportunity for the glance into their spectacular lives.
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Why Did It Take So Long To Televise The Thornton's Story?
richard.fuller110 February 2003
It was years ago that I saw Donna and Ricardo Thornton on Sixty Minutes and heard their story. Upon seeing the premiere of this movie, I realized who Kirstie Alley was portraying, and Alley did it superbly.

In the movie, Ricky Thornton, their son, says his father should have never been institutionalized, and in all liklihood, Donna shouldn't have been either. As portrayed by Alley, it was clear Donna was a capable and determined woman who was not mentally challenged or retarded. We should all be as able to accomplish what Donna Thornton did. When I saw the Thornton's story on Sixty Minutes, it was a story that was made to be told, I just can't figure out why it has taken so long to do so.

Emmy worthy? Only if the Emmy award means anything. Alley should be nominated, but if five other actresses are chosen instead, it will hardly mean any of them diminish this performance or this film. Kirstie Alley spared no punches in depicting a true woman of character.

Told in the form of the news interview, Alley and Delroy Lindo were beyond convincing, looking as tho nothing was scripted.

Thankfully, the film followed Donna Thornton's example and didn't focus on the travesty of the institution, instead portraying the love story, a fascinating uphill saga.

Disease-of-the-Week telemovies can get tedious and annoying. This cannot be said of the Thorntons. They are truly a blessing to have heard about. Absolutely magnificent.
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good plot
gloria-is-a-puppy22 March 2014
I watched this movie a long time ago but it stuck in my mind. The plot is good, but it is hard to "act mentally retarded" and Kirstie Alley was not up to the challenge. I grew up with a mentally retarded uncle and had a friend who was mentally retarded, and I found her presentation distressing. If it is a book, it's probably better to read that than to watch this. I don't have much more to say, but I need a few more lines. Well, I checked, and there doesn't seem to be a book. Another option for a movie would be "Caught of Tard" which I haven't seen, but I imagine is better. Apparently it won an award at a film festival. Ah, 10 lines...
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Unfathomably Normal
LLWC9 February 2003

I had turned to channel 3 to play some video games, and was rewarded with this movie. I was blown away, and I loved every moment of it. I was immediately attached to the characters during the opening credits, and I was never let down.

I'll begin by saying I never considered Alley to be a "real" actress, and that may be because of the unfortunate shows and movies she has been in (not that they're bad, they just never required real acting). But I've taken a 180 and am now convinced that this woman is phenomenal. She embraced her character and performed so realistically that it took me several minutes before I realized that was her. I had to come to imdb just to make sure. It can't be easy to play a mentally retarded character, especially when so many stereotypes and prejudices exist. Ms. Alley, though, was beyond convincing. She was profound.

Perhaps some people may consider this to be a simple battle of overcoming society, but imagine the difficulty of surmounting the woes the world presses against you unfairly and without cause. Imagine being told every day of your life that you couldn't do something over and over again, and believing it for yourself. What do you do when you HAVE to do it? When you have to survive?

Was the story heartwarming? Of course. Was it endearing? Most definitely. But what I loved about it was the reality you could feel from the people. There is one argument (and I don't want to give away about what) between the two characters where I suddenly couldn't tell they were retarded. It was a real argument that anyone could have, and I was convinced that these two souls were completely normal...

Profoundly normal
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makes me believe in everything I work for
deestk9 February 2003
As I am currently training to become a Community Support Worker and am looking forward to my career in this field and being an advocate for people who have disabilities. The movie gave me an opportunity to sit down with friends that don't understand the importance of of a disabled persons independance and they now understand what it is we are trying to bring to our community. That people who are disabled have the right to live lives like anybody else. With respect and dignity.
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Amazing...I loved every moment of Profoundly Normal.
BrettE68710 February 2003
I watched PROFOUNDLY NORMAL, the made-for-tv-movie on CBS last night, and I really enjoyed it. This remarkable story of two mentally handicapped people was amazing in that it grabs you right where you are and pushes you into a world seen through the eyes of The Thorntons (played truly amazingly by Kirstie Alley and Delroy Lindo.) You really should get around to seeing this movie. I also watched the 60 Minutes special with them, talking about their son and how life has been as a retarded couple who went against all odds, got married, and had a child. Breathtaking.

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A well-told, brilliantly acted movie
festrada7 March 2003
I didn't know what to expect from this film, having no prior knowledge of the Thorntons. But after seeing this movie, I had gained a tremendous amount of respect for the couple and their struggles. They overcame so much to reach their current state of autonomy and proved that those who society believes is not "normal" can actually live profoundly normal lives.

The pitch-perfect performances of Kirstie Alley and Delroy Lindo are what really bring this TV Movie to a higher level than your average Movie-of-the-Week. They impressed on so many levels and after seeing the real couple on 60 Minutes I realized that Kirstie Alley successfully captured Donna's spirit so much that I forgot I was even watching Kirstie. An overall great film and kudos to everyone involved.
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norespectatall244 September 2004
When I watched the previews for this movie i could already tell thatt it was going to be incredible. This movie is one big emotional roller coaster. It gave you everything a movie should. You no when you watch a movie and after its finished you want to go out into the world and be a better person. This movie gives you that. Kirstie Alley gives an incredible performance in this film. She made me feel as if i was in the movie and she made you feel all of her emotion(especially when she fell asleep on the bus trying to go to work and the bus driver wouldn't take her back, she made you feel sad and thats what I like about actors like that. That whats so special about this movie.
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Profoundly Normal was Profoundly Brilliant
rwilkie12 February 2003
Kirstie Alley's performance was a joy. We laughed and cried and were filled with a quiet sense of hopefulness by her performance. This is a particularly strong endorsement of her role because I have not thought her to be a very skilled actress in the past. Again - a bravura performance.
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amazing.simply amazing.
starlette11222 July 2003
im still getting over the fact that kirstie wasnt nomainted for an emmy for this. it was WELL deserved. more than well deserved. the story about two handicapped people coming together and showing people that they can succed on thier own is enough. but her preformance? if you didnt see it,you missed out. all those people out there that dont consider her a real actress. despite the fact shes done as much drama as she has comedy. but this really gave everyone the chance to see what she can do. what everyone could do,the movie was the best tv movie ive seen in a LONG time. kirstie alley should win an emmy for this. to go along side with the one she won in 1994 for 'davids mother'. also amazing. but i cant believe she was just ignored for this. anyway the story which is based on a true story by the way is captivting.the actors are dead on but its kirstie who shines. what can i say? nothing but the best..from the best ever.
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a truth about how far we've come for peole with developmental disabilities
sb11088231 December 2006
great movie it gave a rare insight to give people examples of how things were and how far we've come.....i also want to comment that there is a huge difference in developmental, or mental DISABILITY and mental illness........while there are people who have both. a mental or developmental disability is not an illness...its a disability, in fact it is the opposite of illness... but regardless of disability or illness or both people who were ''different;; were thought to be ''sick or ill' and were shut away not respected or wanted or accepted, luckily today with civil rights and ,more and more education for all coming up.. people with disabilities also people with mental health issues are advocating and being advocated for, and gaining equality, inclusion, acceptance, and support and respect. and we want to always continue to move forward and learn from our mistakes and treat people the way we want to be treated

( i am a scientist specialized in medical, life and laboratory sciences. also i am a social services worker and advocate i work in the services disability department (pardon my terrible typing ) for advocacy speaking or any questions email me at
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Wonderful and Touching
jennic241112 April 2008
Excellent work, Props the the actors!!! I have 15 years of experience working with mentally handicapped, the acting was great and portrayed the difficulties of my individuals so well. I am a Therapeutic Consultant and I love it. I work with two married couples and see the struggles similar to this movie. My heart goes out to the Thornton family. I love each and every one of the folks I work with, many of which were "de-institutionalized" in the 1980's and had so many challenges to overcome. They have lost track of biological families and often times all they have is us, their staff. I am very much an advocate for them to make their own choices and I will utilize this movie in training new staff. I would absolutely love to hear the couple speak and meet them. What an inspiration to my friends with the same challenges.
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A truly inspirational film. Please watch it (n.b. it is a true story)
louiseaj0817 April 2007
I didn't even see the film right from the start but what I did see has truly inspired and touched me. Donna and Ricardo individually and as a couple do things that nobody ever thought they could do, they are courageous people and an inspiration to all. And remember, it is a TRUE story when you watch it. There are sad parts in it but I think it is necessary that people watch it as it shows you the true reality of the world we live in and hopefully it will inspire people to try and ensure that we live in a more just world.

And as someone mentioned earlier, Kirstie Alley, I never thought she was a serious actress, this film proved me entirely wrong. She is talented, the actor that plays Ricardo is too but I have seen him acting in other films and could see he is a talented actor. As I said, please watch the film if you can. It is a lesson to us all.
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Oh my God!!!!!!!
wingnut7717 February 2003
I too had never considered Kirstie Alley a "real" actress. She is a very good comedian, but "Serious Actress" is not a description I would have ever used with her. . . .until I saw this movie. I was actually at work (at a sportsbar) when it came on. I was flipping through the channels looking for sports, when I stopped for a moment, and in that short moment I was amazed! I sat entranced for the next 2 hours (ignoring customers, and killing my tips), but it was worth it! Not since Sybill (with Sally Field in the 1970's) have I been so awe struck with the performances in a TV movie! Congrats to Kirstie Alley! You have proven yourself to be brilliant, talented, inspired, and most of all a "Serious Actress" on a par with the great film actresses of today!!!!!!
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Proundly Normal
vernonwoods2000-13 August 2017
I saw the movie and the portrayal of Donna Thornton was spot dead on. I had the pleasure of working with Donna while at Walter Reed and indeed, she's a very wonderful and insightful woman. She's determined and driven even still to this day. I was truly surprised that they made a movie about her. She's so modest about it. It wasn't until I saw the movie and thinking it was a total coincidence that the main character in the movie was about Donna. I worked with her almost 5 years and she's never once mentioned it. We ate at the same lunch tables and talked about various things including work. After watching this movie, I took on a totally different outlook of her and truly am amazed of who she is after all she'd been through. I never detected an inkling of bitterness, distrust, or any of the expected reactions any other person would've had if they've been through the same situations. God Bless Her
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Outstanding film, I want to meet the Thorntons
dennis_speer27 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Having had relatives and friends classified as "retarded" during the same era the Thornton's were institutionalized I feel ashamed of how this society behaved. Now I deal with some of the results of closing down most 'Fair-Haven' institutions. Unfortunately not all the displaced residents of such places fared so well. Many did end up as Margaret did. However, Kirstie Alley was wonderful and Delroy Lindo displayed the subtle problems that may have been Ricardo's, or may have been created from growing up in a place like Fair Haven. Both were excellent and when I watched the argument scene it sounded like someone had been listening to my marriage. From what I read there were no great awards for either actor or this film and that is merely another layer of tragedy.
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This Movie Is Profoundly Academey Award Winning!
BreanneB24 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is excellent. I too have a developmental disability, a very mild one. I'm a very high-functioning autistic college student. This movie sends out the correct message about labels. To put it in my own words labels are nothing but meaningless pieces of crap that should never be relied upon. Each case is different.

The point is also made here that people with these and other kinds of disabilities can make and find their way in life. Richardo and Donna getting married and having a child is absolutely no different from other people doing the same things. All this nonsense about them having to ask is just that. They are not children, no one else has to ask.

Yes there are some people who can't live on their own but not all. Margaret just could not. She was just not capable of it. There is nothing wrong with that.
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Mental Health Professional View Points
lmrowell10 February 2003
As a mental health professional, I felt this was one of the most tastefully performed movies that I have ever seen involving issues related to mental illness.

I must admit that I am an fan of both Alley and Lindo and wanted to see the movie based on this affection to both. I was presently surprised to see that the basis for the movie was involving mental illness.

Over the past decades, mental illness and treatment has been view in such a negative way, with absolutely no humanistic qualities involved. And for the most part, that was the truth! This movie put the humanistic aspects back into focus. In fact, I saw it as a love story that rose out of darkness. So many lessons to learn.....for all of us!

The acting was superb! The chemistry of Alley and Lindo was invigorating! They must have researched their characters well! I see academy award nominations for both.
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A Surprising Find
barb_s1317 January 2009
I was flipping channels last night, trying to find something to watch, when I came across this movie. I was immediately drawn into the story and thankfully, tuned in close to the beginning. The performances of both Kirstie Alley and Delroy Lindo were outstanding. I worked with developmentally and mentally disadvantaged youths for a few years each summer as a teen and I feel their portrayals were spot on. However, I did not see the Thorntons on "Sixty Minutes." I always knew Kirstie Alley could act, but this was incredible. It was obvious to me that she immersed herself completely in the role. These two people were not just profoundly normal, they had more strength of character and drive than most people I have met in my lifetime. After watching this movie, I feel like I am a better person and I would love to meet them. I can relate to the beating/rape scene because I am a rape survivor. To see that it did not affect her big heart and her love of life is inspiring, to put it lightly. We need more movies like this!
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Profoundly Normal is Memorable ***1/2
edwagreen7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Even with the some errors, this is a very good film again showcasing the dramatic acting talents of Kirstie Alley. Some years back Ms. Alley was absolutely brilliant as the abolitionist Vergilia in the television saga "North and South." She displayed outstanding dramatic depth and then soon faded into oblivion when it came to dramatic acting.

Once again she comes through with a phenomenal searing performance as a retarded woman, who recounts her life after her institution, where she has resided, is closed and she is forced to fend for herself.

What makes this film so good is that there is no effort to dramatize the race factor when her character marries a black man, excellently played by Delroy Lindo. Both characters, classified as retarded, were categorized as high functional but the Lindo character seemed far superior intellectually to her. Notice that he is driving a car.

The film also represents a stinging indictment of these homes that care for the retarded. From utter neglect to downright molestation, an unforgiving image is created.

Hard to fathom that her friend, who couldn't adjust to the outside and displayed anti-social behavior was first allowed to live with her. Also hard to fathom how the state would not permit such a marriage to take place between retarded individuals.

While some people may see this memorable film as exploiting the retarded, it is well worth seeing mainly due to the superior performance by Kirstie Alley.
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Wonderful drama!! Where can I buy a copy of it? Will it be shown again?
pburch27 January 2007
Well acted. Heart touching.I cried, laughed, and wished success for the couple, as they struggled thru their problems. I have hunted and hunted for a copy of the movie (drama) since it was aired on CBS February 9, 2003, and have not found it. How can I get a copy of it, or find out if it will be aired again on TV? I didn't know Kirstie Alley had that great drama talent in her! She did a wonderful job portraying the part. I am not as familiar with the man who played opposite Kirstie, but he also did a wonderful job of acting. The Drama deserves being shown more often, or at least, listed someplace for sale. It certainly is a Drama, based on real life, that needs to be show to the public often! Thanks for letting me air my feelings.
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Profoundly Normal is profoundly moving
grammie-212 February 2003
Profoundly Normal is profoundly moving... It is well rounded, I laughed, cried and got very disturbed at times. This story of a couple who just happen to be "retarded" and in love is beautiful. The story covers the lives of both Donna and Ricardo from about the ages of 10 until the present. Sharing their lives, their triumphs and their heartaches, in the institution where they met and out in the world. This is a must see for anyone who has a heart, even one 2 sizes too small, it will grow.
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