Hell's Highway (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Tacky, but very entertaining micro-budget horror trash with Phoebe Dollar
Wuchakk16 August 2016
Released in January, 2002, and written/directed by Jeff Leroy, "Hell's Highway" is a cheap slasher about two couples traveling through Death Valley to the California coast where they pick up a hitchhiker from hell (Phoebe Dollar). Havoc ensues. The infamous Ron Jeremy is featured in a glorified cameo.

"Hell's Highway" proves that an ultra-low budget doesn't mean a movie can't be expertly entertaining. Yes, some of the gory parts are cheesy (while others are pretty impressive) and the miniature sets are obvious, but both are serviceable (and somewhat charming) and keep the story flowing. Viewing the trailer, I thought this was going to be a horror comedy, but it's not; it's essentially a serious slasher with campy elements – particularly Phoebe as the over-the-top nefarious hitchhiker – and cheesy effects. Jeff Leroy shows his genius in that "Hell's Highway" is adept filmmaking and genuinely entertaining DESPITE the obvious cheapness of it all.

Without Phoebe in the key role, however, it wouldn't be half as effective as it is. She's not blow-your-mind beautiful or anything, but she has a unique look and there's something alluring about her demeanor, not to mention she has curves in all the right places. Beverly Lynne (Monique), with her conventional "hot blond" look, can't hold a candle to her (she has an unnecessary softcore sex scene, for anyone who might be offended). Kiren David, as Sarah, is the third main female in the cast and is a convincing actress. Actually, all the main cast members take the material seriously and offer respectable performances.

The score/soundtrack didn't do much for me, unfortunately. This is a movie that needs a few rockin' numbers.

The last act features a couple of creative twists in the story and shows that Leroy put some time into the script.

The film has no filler at a mere 70 minutes and looks like it was shot in Southern California.

GRADE: B or B- (6.5/10)
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A good Laugh
Shadow_Destiny8 July 2002
If you enjoy a good cheesy movie I suggest you pick this one up. The sorry acting, the 5 cent effects, and Ron Jeremy. What more could you ask for in a good cheesy film? I would get it on DVD so you can get some real slow mo so that you can see just HOW cheap the effects really are!
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oh man
gothfuqqinzilla29 April 2003
another bad movie, from another bad movie company...but, this is not a bad thing, i love bad movies. this one though, i would love to see on mst3k...with joel, he's funnier than mike, but, anyway. good amusement, enough blood to keep one entertained for awhile. and, surprisingly, had an ending i did not expect.
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Remember Folks, It Is Meant To Be This Cheap
StvSpiel4 September 2002
What can I say, what can I say?? "Hell's Highway" is a piece of art. Well, not really but, then again, it was not meant to be. This is a straight to video movie about four friends traveling from PA to CA, who meet up with a "sexy thang" who just might be the devil herself, himself, itself...?? Look past the Matchbox Cars and the horrible effects(personally I liked the feel they bring to this movie), and what you get is no better or no worse then any other straight to video horror movie you have ever seen. With an ending that caught me off guard and, hold your breath, makes sense!@#, some decent acting, eye candy for both the men and the women, and a short enough running time to hold one's interest, you can do a lot worse then "Hell's Highway". P.S.- As a side note, these film makers obviously have an affection for what horror movies once were, the gratuitous nudity and all out gore show it!

*** 1/2 out of *****
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Seriously? Warning: Spoilers
This was an AMAZING WASTE of my time. I mean, I LOVE stupid movies. I pretty much feed off of them. They make me feel so much better about my own movie making escapades, but this film, this dirty pile of gut wrenching, fake looking, I.Q lowering SLOP makes me feel like I should be up for Oscars. To begin with, the effects in this movie suck. That's putting it LIGHTLY. Now, I don't know about you, but when I watch horror flicks, I like to be persuaded that someone's ACTUALLY GETTING KILLED. Instead, I was persuaded that Phoebe Dollar was slicing through a red Jell-O filled rubber bag. Secondly, a lot of the sequences, a long with most of the acting, is more than laughable. Allow me to point out three of the MANY things that made me die laughing.

1. There was an unneeded sequence involving a cellphone/beeper that went on entirely too long, and just consisted of them looking at each other with a bunch of close ups. As an added bonus, I got to see a makeshift cardboard satellite hung up against a blue sheet with paper stars taped on it. I guess it was supposed to pass as space?

2. Toward the end, when we finally get to see what the Hell was actually going on, they try to pass off a TOY building as a research facility. WTF!? Oh, and the real kicker? They used TONKA DUMP TRUCKS TO PASS OFF AS REAL TRUCKS!!! SERIOUSLY!? So yeah, those toy trucks you're toddler plays with in the sand box, you know, the plastic ones? Apparently those can pass off as real trucks now. Go figure. You could see the sunlight right through them.

3. Last but CERTAINLY not least, the credits. Now, normally, people just skip through these, but with five-dollar-bin movies, I like to see what kind of stupid stuff they credit people with. For this movie in particular, it was additionally satisfying. I won't spoil it on here, but check the crazy credits on this page. It's fantastic. So, to wrap things up, the premise is horrible, the characters are horrible, all of the acting is horrible, the effects are horrible, and the ending is the worst ending I've ever seen in my short life. Promise me you won't waste your time.
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Don't even think about renting!!
harleywmn695 March 2002
This movie can't even be classified as a "B" rated movie! Acting was terrible. Stupid plot. Dumbest ending. It was similiar to a porn movie with clothes on! Failure to be able to act. No plot. It was actually more humerous than scary. About the only scary part was returning it to the video store without a disguise!
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Hell's Highway
Scarecrow-8819 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lucinda is evil incarnate, a demon masquerading as a young female hitchhiker. The film opens with a priest picking her up. We believe she's just a young woman, and he's a psychopath about to make her his eventual victim. Instead we realize that he seems to be on a mission to rid the highway of a demonic spirit terrorizing motorists, and, lets just say he's unsuccessful. A group of four, two couples, from Pennsylvania, are on their way to a beach in California to party and have some fun when they have the misfortune of picking up Lucinda. Lucinda almost immediately goes Rutger Hauer on them, pulling a gun and threatening to kill them. Ron Jeremy has an amusing cameo as a movie-maker who becomes a castration victim at the hands of Lucinda! Low, low, low production values, tacky gore, non-acting from a mostly porn cast(including Beverly Lynn who is actually a better actress in sex flicks directed by Fred Olen Ray under the pseudonym Nicholas Medina), crappy sound, and cringe-worthy dialogue sink this Bismarck. Lynn's naked body doesn't hurt, although you can see her in lots of pornographic material with better budgets than this turkey! Funniest scene could be when Sarah(whose crotch was fondled by Lucinda at gunpoint)has a nightmare of being attacked by a hideous demon. "Where's her head?! Where's her *bleeping* head?!" HELL'S HIGHWAY might be notable for the one scene where Lucinda's body is dragged down the road by her intestines! Jeff Leroy does get to homage Blair Witch Project with one camcorder scene where a girl's face is emphasized while running from danger and Texas CHAINSAW when Lucinda wields a chainsaw after severing an arm with the sun in the background. A corny toy satellite, stare downs and silence, and even some hogwash about cloning experiments using a serum which causes insanity are injected into this goofy horror movie. With Phoebe Dollar as Lucinda and Kiren David as heroine Sarah.
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You really will feel like you're in hell...
ditship30 August 2002
This movie started out OK. When the preacher takes a shovel to the head causing a HUGE explosion of blood I thought: "Hey, that looked incredibly bad, this might be fun to watch!" Oh, how I was wrong.. so very, very wrong. From horrible acting to special affects that were done by 5th graders with a 10 dollar budget (they got a pizza) this movie was a nightmare. Just wait till you get to the scene consisting of matchbox cars crashing into a plastic gas station. What the hell was that anyway? Bad news folks. Bad news.
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Highway to Hell Indeed
jamhorner15 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Coincidently I just came back from a road trip when rented this lovely piece of art. I knew right away it would be a horrible film. In fact, I knew I should have watched it or rent it a second time just to watch it. I did and I wasted 1 hour and 10 minutes of my life with this one. It's about a sexy female hitchhiker who is a homicidal maniac and kills anybody who picks her up *cough The Hitchhiker* but when a group of teens decide to take revenge and murder her, she keeps popping up behind every other bend. I will say this, it seems like somebody had already tried this clever idea and worked. Um, I think his name was Rodger Andrieux. This rendition is a lot gorier and sadistic, practically S&M.

With that I will rant about its fatalities. The acting is atrocious. I can't stress that enough. I thought that I was watching a horrible ABC Family movie that had a psychotic twist. However, with these sorts of b-movies and indie movies you can't expect outstanding and award winning acting, which I can forgive this time. But the looks of said homicidal vixen kind of distracts from the poor acting, but its still, nevertheless, there and annoying.

The set, being a highway and its shoulders, are obviously low-budget but I will give them the benefit of the doubt, they did conserve a lot of money that way. The cinematography was horrendous. I think it was more of a satire of driving movies and travel films that it was trying to be creative, and that in its own sense is creative. But nonetheless, still was pretty sucky.

These were very crucial elements to the plot and wellbeing of the movie and I think that not having those key elements kind of spell death to the whole film, no pun intended. However the excessive gore (i.e. dragging intestines on the road) made up for a little less than half of the damage. The gore was cheesy but its not the design than it is more of the principle. The gore was there as well as the action that caused it. I liked it. But what is excessive, unnecessary gore with out the sadism and masochism? Well this female has it all doesn't she? I think that these ingredients saved the film for some audience but not for me. To a point it was ridiculous.

I was completely sideswiped by this road thriller and in turn I thought it was a little less than okay. The acting was horrible, as well as the cinematography was terrible as well as the overall picture of the movie but the sex, gore and masochism saved it for some audiences. The ending was sort of a shocker, which I will give it that. Overall, I would recommend this movie to cult horror movie fans but not professional horror fans. It was sort of a waste of time and didn't meet its standards.
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Amazing and Horrible
roslyntherogue10 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrible, but it's also really fun to watch! This is probably one of my favorite bad movies because the camera-work is ridiculous, the effects are laughable, and the acting is just plain silly. If you like bad horror movies, then you'll probably enjoy it! A few things in particular that caught my attention:

1. In most of the shots where someone is screaming, they look like they're smiling or trying not to laugh.

2. At the beginning of the sex scene, the guy is having a bit of trouble because he can't stop worrying about his brother. The dialogue makes it sound like he'd rather be getting it on with his brother.

3. Stab wounds and gunshots look ridiculously fake in this movie. I think my favorite part is when the priest gets his head shot off because it's so obviously fake.

4. The scenes with buildings are also silly looking. You can clearly tell that the buildings and vehicles in front of them are fake. With the bulldozers in front of the lab, you can tell that they're made of plastic!

Like I said, this movie is stupid and entertaining. It's a good way to waste a bit of time!
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Awful, just awful
misfit14619 February 2005
The quality of this movie sucks... I mean, this movie takes low budget to an all new low. This film appears to have been shot with someone's home camcorder. The acting sucks and the "special effects" were just terrible. When we saw Ron Jeremy's name listed in the beginning, we decided to trudge through this muck, in order to see his role in the film. After that, we shut it off because neither of us could stand to watch anymore of this poorly done attempt at a movie. So, if you're looking for a good horror flick, pass this one up. If you're looking for a good laugh, pass this one up. If you're looking for high quality good acting, pass this one up. If you hate your life and you want to hate it even more, and enjoy putting yourself through miserable experiences, then this is the movie for you.
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A slasher flick starring the captivating Phoebe Dollar
bhy197629 May 2006
Part of the fun of watching this film is due to the "special effects", as they appear humorously unrealistic. Another element of fun are some of the lines and the way in which the actors deliver them. What is interesting is that these elements draw attention to the medium through which they are transported, which helps add to the surreal mood of the film. Phoebe Dollar is as irresistibly hot as ever (the finger bang scene is very erotic), even when she plays to the 'southern white trash' stereotype. All in all, this film achieves, what in my opinion, it set out to do: entertain the viewer. Give this film a look, and check out some of Phoebe's other work too (Goth), if you like, what I call, "surrealistic cinema".
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Excellent low budget indie that delivers in bucket loads
CorblimeyGuvnors24 February 2015
Hell's highway is about a group of four teens on a road trip. On their travels they pick up a hitchhiker called Lucinda. After a short while she says she is going to kill them all, just like their friends before (who had set off on the same road trip). They expel her from the car forthwith, but have they seen the last of her? It also appears that many have met an untimely fate on the Devil's highway, judging by all of the crosses on the side of the road.

Directed by Jeff Leroy, who is still making horror today. Joe Castro, also a familiar name for practical special effects, in low budget films provides some excellent work here.

Excellent cast that include. Phoebe Dollar and Beverly Lynn, both well established scream queens on the indie circuit, and with a cameo by porn legend Ron Jeremy, who is suitably killed with tongue firmly in cheek.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It had a good story, acting was good. Kept my attention throughout. Some of the special effects were excellent and really delivered on the gore groceries. Nothing is quite what it seems and this will keep you guessing to the bitter end.

Great little homage to the original Texas chainsaw massacre as Phoebe wields a chainsaw like Gunner Hanson.

I would wholly recommend this film to all gore hounds and those that like low budget horrors.
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Extremely gory movie...
dwpollar17 March 2002
1st watched 3/17/2002 - 2 out of 10(Dir-Jeff Leroy): Extremely gory movie about a hitchhiker who turns out to be a killer(who could be even worse, maybe Satan?). But of course I won't give away anything for those of you who will attempt to watch this. Be prepared for a relentless attack on the senses which is the only reason that I didn't give this movie a one, because it did what it wanted to do(scare the bejeepers out of you). This has the most disgustingly specific(many different body parts are blown to pieces) violence that I've seen in an American made movie and I hope not to see in many others. If this is your thing watch it but don't expect much else.
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The eyes have it
Dr. Gore4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers

I bought this video for four bucks. Four friends hit the devil's interstate. They pick up a female hitchhiker with funky eyes. Those eyes bewitch the travelers and the viewer. She may be the devil, or psychotic, or both. Much blood will be spilled to find the truth.

I bought this video because I saw that Ron Jeremy was in it. For some reason, I thought he would be the devil but the hedgehog only stays around for one scene. If you know what Jeremy is famous for, you'll know what to expect. He's a pretty good actor. I always like to see him in other kinds of flicks. I was not disappointed.

"Hell's Highway" is gory stuff. Not scary, but nice and gory. I was laughing my head off at some of the nastiness. The funniest thing in this one is watching Lucinda, (Phoebe Dollar), attack. She is not athletic at all so watching her run at a moving car with a shovel was quite amusing. It put the SPLAT in splatter. Her carcass being dragged behind the car was also humorous. In other good news, Beverly Lynne provides all of the abundant nudity. What a trooper she is.

Overall, I was entertained. Isn't that what it's all about? The blood, the guts, the eyes...it's all ours...
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dorianagray12 September 2007
I bought this movie at a used movie store (luckily it was cheap), thinking it would be another good road terror movie, like The Hitcher. Hell's Highway was pathetic. It looks like it was filmed with a home video camera, the special effects were painfully fake, and the plot was very boring. The picture quality is incredibly bad. The acting was lame, and it seemed like all the cast knew how to do was smoke pot, like they were doing for most of the movie. It reminded me of something a bunch of high school kids threw together. Don't waste your time. Watch a good "road horror" movie like The Hitcher or Joy Ride instead. Quicksilver Highway is much better.
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"My name is not Lucindia but it is close enough"
Flushey200028 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers

What drives a person to do such horrible things, no I am not talking about the evil Lucindia, but the makers of this film, how could they sink so low. The movie is about a bunch of wild crazy teens who are driving through the desert, when they pick up a mysterious girl who later attacks them. When they finally escape from the crazed killer, they do what all crazy teens do after being attacked, have sex. some other stuff happens like a guy getting his penis cut off and the finding of a tape which explains the mysterious Lucindia. later the crazy teens drive off but unfortunatly run into Lucinda again. But this time she has a chainsaw that she uses to attack and kill one of the teens which is a extrimly strange scene. the survivors run off for what seems to be forever untill it cuts to a night scene and a man dressed up like a sniper pops up and kills one of the guys and brings the other one to a secret government base. It ended up that Lucidia is not satan but instead is a clone of one of the nurses, in fact there are a few clones, 4 total thats how it seemed like she could appear evrywhere as well as the fact that she died a few times, and for some reason two of them have a scary tattoo on the side of there faces. some other stuff happens which i dont care to mention because I cant belive I typed more than 12 words for this review.
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spammer-088845 January 2019
I sat through this rubbish. The gore is laughable; the nudity is miniscule and the acting is crap. The best actor in the whole film is Ron Jeremy.

The film has rip off moments. A chainsaw scene straight out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and found footage that resembles the Blair Witch.

Don't bother with this pile of steaming manure. Paint a wall and watch it dry. It will be more entertaining.
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Oh how horrid it was
heatherashley2 December 2002
The only thing good about this film, is the Main Hottie Guy- Jonathan Grey. I could watch him all day, with those sexy Blue eyes, and kissable lips. Another thing worth Watching: Ms. Dollar as Lucinda. I also Caught a glimpse of her in TED BUNDY, and I have to say, she's enchanting to watch. Beautifull girl. Everything else was CRAP, Crap, and Cheaper Crap. You cant Blame the Camera man, or the blow-up effects guy. You have to directly go to the Director, and ask...why, oh why.....did you shell out your piggy bank funds for this ball of kitty litter? Crap folks, I tell you. Crap. Go rent something else almost as painfull, like something with Ben affleck in it.
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Should be rebooted but with a much higher budget
jordondave-2808520 July 2023
(2001) Hell's Highway HORROR

Super duper low-budget straight-to-rental cinematography, edited, co-written and directed by Jeff Leroy from "Brain Damage" films via- hand held camcorder, has young lady, Lucindia Polonia (Phoebe Dollar) hitch-hiking on the desolate desert highway for the purpose of slaughtering it's drivers to please the devil! Then the film centers on a group of four teens who of course, picks up this unknown hitch hiker, only that she appears to be hard to get killed. Bad acting, very poor production values with an interesting idea that should be rebooted again but with a much higher budget.
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Fasten your seat belts!! Micro-Budget Joy ride!!
hauntedtree10 June 2005
If you ever decide to watch a film like this, please take into consideration that it was probably shot for the price of a used car and in the spans of a week. Total Roger Corman/Ed Wood style, so you should never expect a Spielburg quality film(His catering budget is usually bigger than the entire budget of a film like this.) So what does a film like this have to offer a viewer? A dialog heavy script with thick subplots and well known actors? Mind blowing special effects? Beautiful breath-taking 35mm Cinematography? No, but it has couple things that make it unique. Despite the fact that it was probably shot on a camcorder, some of the shots were well planned and executed. Unlike the normal all-hand-held Shot-on-Video features usually do. Of course the Director and the Cinematographer were the same person, which can be difficult. The Characters were unique, yes at sometime they were over-the-top or flat at certain times, but I feel that they were tolerable. It's also obvious at time there was a lot of ad libbing and some of it didn't work. I am a fan of Beverly Lynn though. She started out in the Brain Damage world and has definitely out-shined many of her counterparts. I do hope that she will grow in her craft and lands roles that will gain her the respect that she deserves. This was Phoebe Dollar's first film credit, she definitely shines as the evil Lucinda. She is definitely a presence that will go far in the future. The story also is unique for the fact if you actually try to follow what's going on, you will be pulled in many different directions and will be left still wondering what exactly happen. It definitely had some interesting twists in it. Now onto the special effects, outside the low quality of the video image the special effects look even worse than normal. They are totally laughable. Especially Joe Haggerty's blow to the head.( Which can really be the charm of a film like this, where the gore is so over-the-top that it's actually funny. I can imagine how a movie like this would be in a college dorm, with a room full of drunk men.) Especially when watch the toy model cars driving by or see the miniature gas station blow up! That was funny!! I had to rewind to make sure I saw what I thought I saw!! The Sound was something to be desired. It was for the most part inconsistent. Some of the sound effects were very "fake" sounding and again laughable at times. There also obvious continuity issues like switching props, road movement in the background in a car scene when the car is supposedly stopped. But what do you expect when you can afford re-shoots? To me this movie, seems to be a turning point for the whole Brain Damage world. Where their movies started moving up the ladder from their pocket-change budget beginnings. Good job Jeff LeRoy!! If you want a movie that scares you, it probably won't. If you want a movie that will challenge your intellect, don't rent this. But if you appreciate the micro-budget, and want to see something different that the normal movie studios wouldn't put out, then you might want to check it out.
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Thank God for the One Hot guy and Girl in this movie. Otherwise, save your Time, Mind, and Money.
heatherashley30 May 2002
There are only Two things worth watching in this Horror Film. "CHRIS" Played by JONATHAN GREY- AKA (JON PRUTOW) I've seen him in other stuff,(Joys of Smoking) and He's most exellent. A very Strong Actor, and shouldnt be wasting his time in this Bad, movie...The Lead brunette, Pheobe. Pheobe does and awesome Psycho Job, and really seems to "get into" her Role, as the Killer/Ghost. (She IS the Hottest and only hottest) Female in the Movie. Beyond Doubt. Otherwise, this film is a Great example of REALLY Bad acting. The special effects were okay---except the fake body/dummy thing being run over by a car. that looked sooo bad, but having her head pop back up under the tire-was impressive.
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Really liked this gory film!!!
JimSthers13 September 2002
I rented this movie and liked it so much I will buy one of the extra copies at my local video store... Many people don't like movies shot in such a low budget , but I do, I love them!, anyway, there was enough nudity, sex, graphic violence and gore to satisfy fans of slasher movies, I even liked the ending (which I was expecting), the cast is hot, especially Beverly Lynne who is gorgeous!!!
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One of the better Brain Damage Films
Northtribe35 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This fim is by far nothing original but it still has some really good things about it.

The story overall is very cliché and begins with a hitchhiker (Phoebe Dollar) hitching a ride from a really creepy preacher. The preacher decides to kill her by poisoning her. After that he buries her but right after that he begins to hear vocies from her. Is she really dead?

Cut to a couple of friends on a car trip through the desert road on their way to California. Right from the get go I though these characters were gonna be an absolute nightmare to follow but hear me out, even though the might at first come across as unlikable douchebags the longer into the film you get the more you start to care about them and their attempt at survival. They pick up the same girl that we saw in the intro and right after that all hell breaks loose.

I'll leave the soryline right there since I don't want to spoil anything else.

For a low budget film I have to say I was gladly surprised. The acting overall was ok (the better one being Phoebe Dollar) and we also get a really funny cameo by Ron Jeremy and his demise is truly something that gorehounds will love! Speaking of gore, this film has some really awesome and cool splatter and gore effects, I would also say this is the biggest highlight of the film, since we see both awesome gunshot wounds, swinging chainsaws and more! The cinematography is pretty good, lighing is also good and we do get a couple of really cool atmospheric shots with a bunch of fog machines doing what they do best (makes me think of 80's horror films in general).

If there's something I have to complain about it has to be sound and audio which sometimes does seem a little glitchy but I can let that go since it didn't bother me that much.

The biggest complaint I have with the film is the ending which in my opinion was incredibly stupid and irritating. It felt like the director had seen really many horror films that ended with a twist but I would've thought this one would be so much better if it didn't end with a twist.

I will end this review by saying that if you like low budget films with great gore and splatter effects, this one's for you! Also don't let yourself get fooled by the fact that it is a Brain Damage Films production, most of their films tend to be garbage but this is one of few occations which I thought this felt more like a Full Moon or heck even a Troma film to a certain degree.

My rating: 6 out of 10.
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Nifty little NO BUDGET shocker, made by talented kids but still kids...
rixrex12 June 2005
This nifty little NO BUDGET shocker was a surprise to me. It was made by talented kids but still they're kids and it shows. There's a lot of stuff that's either lifted from other films, or supposed to be in homage to other films. You'll know it when you see it, and this is typical of kids just starting out making films. They have this whole sensibility that it's funny and hip to reference other films in their work, little "in jokes" that their social circle all get. The interviews with cast and crew at the end show this level of immaturity. Still, there's enough original stuff here to make it worth seeing. I got this because of the nice box art and well written synopsis, but when I saw it was shot on video, and not even very good video, I thought it was a mistake to watch. But I gave it a chance and was surprised at the many good points, and of course it is uneven yet there's enough good in it to give congrats to the writer/director for coming up with a literate and interesting script with a nice plot twist that's totally unexpected. Good acting by Ms. Dollar as the evil "entity", and some good grisly effects, though I wish she had handled the chainsaw a little better. Plus there's not really any slow or tedious points. It would be interesting to see the director do this again but in about 15-20 years when he's grown up and got more experience and a bigger budget to shoot it on film or HD. The basic story is literate enough to do it again and make the weak parts stronger, cut out the silliness and kid stuff, give it an overall sense of maturity and really develop the twist ending more. It's actually a good enough weirdo story to rank with the film stories of DePalma and Stephen King. Anyway, you won't be bored.
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