Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom (1999) Poster

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I Don't Know If I've Ever Seen A Suckier Film In My Life...
EVOL66619 March 2006
Wow...I can't believe just how bad ZOMBIE DOOM (aka VIOLENT SH!T 3) really is. I'd heard the rumors, read the reviews - but had to make my mind up for myself. Well, let me tell ya - IT BLOWS!!! The worst acting of any film ever made, dubbing that must have been done while everyone involved was completely wasted, inept and laughable gore FX, no discernible plot, "cinematography" that looks like my grandma filmed it with her camcorder, weapons props that are no joke - made out of tin-foil - the list goes on and on...

Three guys get stranded on an island where a bunch of weirdos run around with plastic and tin-foil swords. Two of the captives are freed along with a rebel of the island freaks, and are given a day's head start before they are hunted down by the rest of the "tribe"...that's pretty much it...

Honestly - this is one of THE WORST films I've ever had the misfortune to subject myself too. The budget had to be about $200 and was spent entirely on the gore FX (which actually may not have been a bad idea...). There is NOTHING to ZOMBIE DOOM other than strung-together ridiculous looking gore scenes with lots of HORRIBLY dubbed dialog. This film makes other no-budget outings like PREMUTOS: LORD OF THE LIVING DEAD look like TITANIC. Some may rank ZD in the "so-bad-it's-good" category - and I guess if you're REALLY drunk or high and watching it with a few friends MST3K-style - I guess it could be looked at that way. But not by me. I hated pretty much everything about it. If ZOMBIE DOOM or ZOMBIE 90 (which is equally appalling and is included as a "bonus" on the Shock-O-Rama release of ZD) is indicative of Andreas Schnaas' other works - then he should be banned from ever having anything to do with making a film ever again under penalty of death. There is one amusing kung-fu battle in the latter half of the film, and a lot of blood - so I'll grant this one a VERY generous 3/10 - Do yourself a favor and skip this.
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What did I just watch?
nogodnomasters5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Father and son are alive and well living on an island somewhere creating an "army" of followers while the doctor creates a zombie army. Some guys wonder onto the island, get caught, and are then released to be hunted. A boring film compared to the others. The spine removal scene was different. And was that claymation? Guide: F-word and nudity.
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Cheap but fun
eer8516 November 2004
Compared to the previous videos by Schnaas, this one is a some sort of a kolossal. There is also some film footage: unfortunately, it's just Super8 and the results are quiet poor, especially in dark scenes. I think this is the only feature where I prefer video than film stock! Schnaas's style has grown a little and, thanks to digital equipment, the editing is much better than his previous movies, even though still far from perfect. The storyline is weak and quiet messed up: you simply follow different characters, while never understanding who is the main one, in different gory situations. The special effects have improved too, even though many of them are still quiet cheesy (the backbone out of the anus for example) especially because of the way they're directed and cut. This time a major inspiration are Hong-Kong films: the action sequences ain't that bad despite their poor nature. If you don't get it seriously, it can be funny to watch.
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Violent Shit indeed
toomuchman6828 January 2003
I couldn't believe I spent $14.00 on this. The only redeeming quality is the outrageous gore. The dubbing was worse than any I have ever experienced. It looks like it was shot with a VHS camcorder. I think every pfennig was spent on the special effects because there was a whole lot of blood and body parts everywhere. Its one of the worst movies I have ever seen but I do have to acknowledge the plentiful gore that wasn't as disgusting as it could have been because the whole movie is so silly and unbelievable
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Oh man - this is total crap!
goomage21 July 2003
Ok, I like B movies...I know what B movies are supposed to represent. But this is just awful. I am amazed it got such a decent overall score. The only redeeming qualities of this flick are the (mostly) marginal splatter effects. Don't get me wrong, gore abounds in this flick - but few effects really jumped out at me (like the anal "probe"...that was great!).

I believe this movie was filmed on a camcorder. C'mon - rent a Betacam at least, I've seen porn with better production values (and better acting as well).

Acting - sucked! But not in the Troma or Full Moon sort of way.

Story - contrived! But thats what you get from films like these. Very loose!

Sets & Props - sucked! My 16 year old brother makes more elaborate sets for our house on Halloween.

Dubbing and dialogue - sucked! Horrible voice acting (I shouldn't even call it acting) and every other word is "S**t" or "F**k".

There are tons of good classic and B rated horror / splatter flicks out there and they are not that hard to track down. Do yourself a favor by not wasting time on this crap!
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Excruciating waste of time
boldelmo10 April 2003
I felt obliged to watch this movie all the way through, since I had found it in a bargain bin and bought it for my own, but I came close many times to turning it off and just writing off the money I had paid for it. If you are a fan of gore and sadism, this movie is OK. If there is one thing that the makers of this film know, it is the creative use of fake blood and body parts for a sickening effect. If that doesn't thrill you, then stay away.

This movie is shot on a home video camera, with grade school props and terrible actors. It's dubbed from German, but even allowing for that, the sound is awful. This film is about as budget as budget gets, except for the aforementioned special effects. If they had spent a little more money on actors and a real script instead of blood and guts, the film might have been a little more enjoyable.

The story is about three men that land on an island inhabited by an army of tin-masked sadists. They are captured, and the rest of the movie is about their attempt to escape. I call this a story in the loosest sense, since it is really a series of scenes of torture and combat strung together by inane obscenity-filled dialog.

There is nothing whatsoever redeeming about this movie, unless you like mindless gore. Consider yourself warned.
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so very bad, made my eyes bleed
movieman_kev10 October 2005
Karl Jr and his dad are now running an army on a remote island. They capture a trio of guys who stumble upon the island. Whom after a while fight back. (well the survivors) This one has non-stop blood, gore and carnage, which would have been good if any of it looked remotely real, or if the production didn't look like it was made with a weeks worth of saved up lunch money (I may be overexxagerating there. it was probably just a couple days worth). The horrendous dubbing didn't bother me as much and I suspect if I had been really drunk, some of it MIGHT have been slightly humorous....maybe. But as it is, at merely 78 minutes the movie still felt way too long by.. Oh I don't know... 78 minutes. Don't waste your time.

My Grade: F

DVD Extras: Bonus movie: "Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence"; and Trailers for other Shock-o-Rama released films
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What a piece of Garbage!!
mob_rules26 February 2008
I am a big fan of low budget horror movies like this, but come on! This has to be the worst piece of monkey S@#t I have ever seen! I ignored the reviews posted on this site figuring that it would fall into my taste in horror, but I got bored and turned it off.Let's see:

The wardrobe: Consisted of cheap cameo outfits and painters outfits from home depot. The masks were made from what looks like tin foil.

The Gore: The Gore was pretty good, I must give it that. But Ittenbach's Burning moon was better for a low budget movie.

Acting: Was horrible! I didn't mind the dubbing. I find this humorous like in Ittenbach's "Premutos" (great movie). The fighting and action sequences were pi$$ poor.

Bottom line: Don't watch any of Schnaas's movies. There are much better directors like Jorg Buttergeit and Olaf Ittenbach with movies of the same gore and subject matter. Check Premutos, House of blood, Schramm and the nekromantiks.
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Stupid fun for everyone!
dhrupick29 March 2003
Horrible acting, bloody chunks and cheesy special effects highlight this buddy movie. I really enjoyed it and look forward to tracking down the other Violent Shit movies. Although not quite as gory as I was led to believe, it was sufficient and had some cool death scenes that I have never seen before. If you think watching Zombie Doom will provide an hour and a half of provocative thinking and stimulating conversation, you are a jackass. If you think that watching it will pass the time and make you and your drunk friends laugh, pull up a floor and push play.
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My spoiler: It does end!
randeclip-117 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am dumbfounded that I actually sat and watched this. I love independent films, horror films, and the whole zombie thing in general. But when you add ninga's, you've crossed a line that should never be crossed. I hope the people in this movie had a great time making it, then at least it wasn't a total waste. You'd never know by watching it though. Script? Are you kidding. Acting? I think even the trees were faking. Cinematography? Well, there must've been a camera there. Period. I don't think there was any actual planning involved in the making of this movie. Such a total waste of time that I won't prolong it by commenting further.
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Hysterical trash gore genius
Bloodwank13 November 2011
Like any great film-maker embarking on the third part of a trilogy, Andreas Schnaas really knocks things up a notch with Infantry of Doom. Where the first two had just one Karl, Infantry of Doom has both Karl Sr., Karl Jr., and a whole army of Karl wannabees, tin masked but lacking the same imposing menace. Where the first two were almost entirely set in forests, Infantry of Doom takes place on an island which holds hills, swamp and a militia camp as well as forest. And where in the first two every non villain cast member was no more than a faceless meat puppet to be bloodily abused, Infantry of Doom makes a token effort to present some actual characters, with motivation and everything. With all this ambition one could be forgiven for fearing Schnaas has bitten off more than he can chew, but Infantry of Doom is an absolute delight. Huge bodycount, loads of gore and levels of idiocy lingering at the hysterical, classy from start to finish. The dubbing is first noticeable. It has the raucous quality of a drunken slanging match between friends, with constant profanity and barely a minute going by without somebody calling another some combination of retard, bastard, sh!t, f#cker and so on and so forth. And the few minutes not packed with people swearing at each other contain violent death instead, the characters and their behaviour make standard Rob Zombie crews look like aristocracy. The gore stands out even in comparison with the first two films, being considerably more frequent but also a lot less mean spirited. Sure a great array of hooks, knives, spears, cleavers and other sharp objects as well as good old hands and feet get used to behead, dismember, disembowel, flay and more, but its generally done in good fun without such a feel of lingering meanness, tons of fake blood and cheap prosthetics but very much the sort of thing to chuckle at. And since this instalment has a plot of sorts the gore comes across more dynamic as well, unpredictable and even vaguely thrilling. Karl and Karl Jr. (now the Meister and his assistant) get to rise to villainy beyond merely acting as butchers too, fine and imposing antagonists with Karl Jr sporting decent scar make up and his par creepily semi skeletal. As is inevitable things do eventually wear thin and for the most part the pyrotechnic work is just pitiful, the film is thankfully short and definitely limited in its appeal but as far as micro budget amateur trash gore epics go this is just about the most fun I've seen and easily the best of the series, with virtually none of the irritating editing and inept style of the first two and less of the idiocy of the fourth. 8/10 from me, well recommended
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Mark Seems To Like Puke
Humdinger6915 October 2013
I saw this movie under the title Zombie Doom, I would imagine that the only differences between that version and the original version entitled VS3 Infantry of Doom is that it is dubbed instead of subtitled.

This movie has it all, gore, action, ninjas (one of them even has a flying guillotine), hilarious dubbing, even more hilarious and usually nonsensical dialog, the director as a masked killer in a diaper, gore, gore and more gore!!! This isn't what you'd call a "good movie", but there is a lot of fun to be had.

For instance, the comical dubbing I mentioned earlier, yeah it really is hilarious. So is the dialog, especially from the character mark, or as I like to call him "the philosopher", spouting such thought provoking lines as:

"Trouble is this starts to make us puke at each other, I make them wanna puke, they make me puke and so on"

"You reach a point, where you just puke at each other. I'll kill 'em all"

Watch the movie and you'll understand. As you can already tell this guy seems to be awfully fond of puke.

Now for the most important part, the gore. It's there, and it's amazing. Highlights include faces and stomachs being pulled apart with hooks, Karl Jr.'s minions showing one unlucky guy what a "pain in the *ss" he is (emphasis on "pain in the *ss"), a guy who gets sliced clean in half with a machete and then gets his head cut in half as well, a guy who kicks right through a ninja, a guy getting experimented on by having all of his innards pulled out of his body, and much, much more.

Several more things of interest include the Black Demons...err... Ninjas...err...Demons, unexplained zombies, the tiny robot killer, not to mention a scene where two characters hide in the bushes from a minion looking to steal his jacket and rather than sneaking up on him, one casually walks out and says "hey retard, I want your jacket", the scene where Karl the Butcher Jr. gives a speech about "friendship" and "peace", and a decapitated head squirting out blood (with the hose visible).

All these things make the movie a comical and worthwhile watch, I have never seen any of the other Violent Sh*t movies, but it's not essential to enjoy this movie.

"The world is full of puke and sh*t, and now a horde of tin masked *ssholes are puked in our faces filled with sh*t" - Mark
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I thought I had a Stroke while watching this crapfest!
slvrfox2k30 November 2008
I cannot believe how bad this piece of garbage is! I want my $3.99 back! Words defy description of this poorly made piece of crap! The dubbing in no way shape or form aligns with the actor's mouths. The movie looks like it was filmed with a 1970's vintage camcorder. I have shot better movies with my cell phone camera. The gore is laughable due to the silly unbelievable plot. The acting is what one would expect if you called all your friends over on a Saturday afternoon and proceeded to get completely ripped, then tried to put on a play in your garage. Don't get me wrong...I wasn't expecting O'Neil and I love Zombie movies, but the production values are so low in this film as to make it unwatchable. Avoid!
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Painful To Watch, But I Couldn't STOP Watching It!
Jordan-M25 December 2002
I actually got this movie on DVD as a Christmas present, and although I have to say that it has some of the worst acting, directing, and writing of all time, it was really enjoyable - in a jumbled, visceral sort of way.

One of the monologues given by the protagonists early on gives the overall tone of the movie:

"The world is full of puke and (bleep). And now a horde of tin-masked (bleep)s are puking in our faces, filled with (bleep)."

The first half of this picture is really miserable and pointless - just a bunch of gratuitous murders and dismemberments. Things only begin to get interesting when ninjas show up.

That's right, Ninjas.

From that point on you get to see some of the slowest Kung Fu ever seen, and the smallest rocket launcher explosions ever dedicated to film. Yeah, I'm really downplaying this - but if you're into B-movies...

This is the cream of the crop.
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Different location, same quality
Horst_In_Translation20 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Violent Sh*t III: Infantry of Doom" (yes I have to censor this title, so that IMDb will accept my review) is a German movie from 1999, so this one will have its 20th anniversary two years from now. The title already tells us that this is the third of so far four films from the "Violent Shît" movie series written by, directed by and starring Andreas Schnaas. This time the gang is at a (not so) deserted island where a bloodlusty cult keeps killing everything they meet, so when a trio of strangers enter the island, they are obviously in for a lot of trouble. The island inhabitants (a strange cult led by Schnaas' character) allows them to flee for a day, but then the relentless chase begins. Who will prevail in the end? Does it even matter? I'd say no as I cannot say I enjoyed these 75 minutes (without credits) at all. Then again, this is probably not too surprising as I found the previous two films were pretty crappy too. Amateur filmmaking really means amateurish in Schnaas' case from what I have seen so far and I don't think the 4th and so far final film will be more to my liking, even if Schnaas was not the only guy in charge there and many years passed after this third movie. Eventually, this one here is about nothing other than the gore, exploding heads in particular, which are a recurring depiction in here. Story really sucks and (voice) acting is just as bad. The only positive thing I can say here is that sometimes the film was so trashy that it had moments of guilty pleasure potential. But these were not enough (not even close) to make up for all the garbage moments in here to be honest. I wish I could say I enjoyed this movie only for 1% of the way the actors here enjoyed it as it seems pretty obvious they did. It's crap from start to finish. Highly not recommended.
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Title is program
McLane-27 October 1999
Dear Users,

this movie was the first of the trilogy I saw. Lets start with a short plot summary: three men end up on a deserted island where they get caught from a bunch of strange masked people, reigned by the master and his son. The master is Karl, well known from first two movies. Being captured the three men have to witness lots of cruelty and executions in the camp. One of them gets killed whereas the others and a young asian guy, an outcast of Karls troops, become the subject of a manhunt. The young Asian lost his woman, who was tortured to death and abused for some kind of fertility experiment. During their escape they decide to fight back and use their only chance to survive - therefor they match up with two other Asians, also former members of the troops. From this point a bloody battle begins in which lots of people loose their lives very brutally. Their fight is becoming even more difficult when they meet the strange creations of Dr. Senius ( mixture between Hitler and Mengele ) a mad scientist in the camp. In comparison to the former two movies you get the best one with this part. Technically and in regard of the acting skills displayed. It is still an amateur movie but the quality has increased strongly. With all its killing and torturing, lots of guts, brains and liters of blood it is a must see for all splatter-fans !!!
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This is the best film of all time, kinda
quincy-wofford18 November 2005
No one can say with absolute certainty why the powers that be gave man the ability to think creatively, and that reason was probably not Zombie Doom. While the movie generally is enjoyed by those who watch it, artistic genius is not among the reasons for its success. Written and filmed in 2003 by an under funded German film crew, Zombie Doom pushes the limits of human tolerance for scenes depicting disembowelment, decapitation, and ninjas.

The film begins innocently with three friends casually sailing on a nameless sea, where they happen across a nameless island, the serenity, however, wouldn't last long. About 5 minutes and 163 curse words later, the crew is ambushed by a horde of sword carrying tribesmen whose trademark is a cardboard mask covered in aluminum foil. Their leader is known simple as, "The Meister" (The Meister deviates from the cardboard mask tradition and opts for a more stylish horned paint can with holes for the eyes). The Meister leads his horde of men in a quest to…kill people who arrive on the island? Unfortunately the Meister is a mysterious man, so mysterious in fact that he wouldn't even tell the writer of this masterpiece what his goals were. After another 30 minutes the plot not only seamlessly integrates three ninjas who literally descend from trees, but also eliminates the original main characters from the film. The movie carries on with zombies popping up every now and then, only long enough to have their faces literally punched in by the three ninjas. As Zombie Doom came to a close the Meister fell victim to an unknown disease and is succeeded by a lesser minion with an obtusely hairy gut accented by his rather dashing rabbit skin loin cloth (note sarcasm). The new Meister attempts to thwart the enemy ninjas, but is overtaken by the ninja's acquisition of a bazooka.
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Wholesome Family Entertainment Part 9: Someone's Going To Hell
Tromafreak18 November 2009
So, your're one of those gorehounds who considers yourself "desensitized"? Such an over-used word, when referring to what one has witnessed in the way of fictional gore. And you still haven't seen Andreas Schnass's third entry in his V.S. series, Zombie Doom? Well then, I think it's time we stop using the D word, all together. Zombie Doom is unbelievably graphic, with gore coming from every direction imaginable, and if you're not already extremely familiar with gore flicks, then you might want to rethink this, and go watch Twilight, or something. Well, to be blunt, I suppose you could just go ahead and call it torture-porn. Nice going, Schnaas.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate title if I tried. Not much of a Zombie movie at all, although, the living-dead are present. The word Doom describes the tone of this movie, perfectly. An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness from beginning to end, which has a lot to do with the score. We begin with three schmucks on a boat, heading to an Island. The schmucks think the schmuck nephew of one of the schmucks is there, who the schmucks want to find for whatever reason. What they do find is none other than Karl the butcher. Now known as the Meister, Karl has somehow managed to conjure up an army of loyal, aluminum foil mask-wearing barbarians, hell bent on the destruction of... well, I guess, anyone who happens to show up on the Island. Karl's Infantry Of Doom is like a well-oiled machine, ready for combat at all times. Anyone who loses a step must be destroyed. Now that the schmucks are tied up, slow, agonizing death is inevitable. Meanwhile, Dr. Senius has helped complete Karl's vision, a vision involving reanimated corpses, making his Army even greater. With an Army such as this, one has to wonder why Karl doesn't try dominating something other than this one Island. Poor Karl's never been all that bright. I'm sure it'll occur to him, sooner or later, that is, unless the ninjas get involved, in that case, all bets are off. All joking aside, Zombie Doom ain't no joke. Definitely torture-porn.

Exactly how lousy of a childhood must one endure to one day, make a movie like this? Besides being a gloriously unflinching gore film, Zombie Doom is one hell of a bad one. We're looking at terrible dubbing, that "filmed in a back-yard" look, and of course, that old trusty video camera. Can't forget that. With that said, Zombie Doom is for those who at least believe that they've seen it all. This is Horror with guts. Some might even say that Zombie Doom is true, untampered with Horror. No social statements, no clear message or point, just full-blast evil. I would really only recommend Zombie Doom to those who have actually seen, and approve of Schnaas's other stuff, otherwise, you may not be prepared for something so ferocious. But let's not forget the other half of this double feature (that is, if you watch the Shock-O-Rama DVD). Zombie '90 Extreme Pestilence... on second thought, nevermind, you're on your own with that one. As for this one, well, someone's going to Hell, indeed. And that someone just might be Andreas Schnaas. 8/10
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This is hell
t-h-fields6 August 2002
Three lost sailors are stuck on a remote island, not knowing that it is controlled by Karl Berger (aka Karl the Butcher, or "der Meister" as he is now known) and his son Karl Jr. They have an "army" of psychopaths called the Infantry of Doom, with a variety of small arms.

How to describe this movie? Just to give you an idea, here is some sample dialogue:

Condemned prisoner -- You'll burn in hell for that! Karl the Butcher Jr -- This IS hell!

This is the last of Andreas Schnaas' Violent Shit trilogy. It's better if you're survived the other two (which are actually harder to find). But even by itself, it is quite a gore-fest. The Violent Shit trilogy really is the closest thing to hell that I've ever seen on film. Despite the crude special effects, campy acting, and amateurish photography, it's an experience you will not soon forget.
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This is the film to end all films...
hardcoremoose9 January 2000
This film is critic-proof. Any film that blends horror, kung-fu, and action with such reckless abandon while demonstrating such a blatant disregard for even the most basic elements of narrative structure simply can not be judged in any normal way. Oh yes, you can certainly form your own opinions about it, but to analyze it critically (which presumes an intellectual dialogue of some sort) puts you in the same category as all those helpful people who keep trying to tell me that pro-wrestling is fake - you're way too serious for your own good. I know pro-wrestling is fake, just like I know this movie stinks by all normal standards, but I love them anyway, not in spite of those 'shortcomings', but because of them.

So if you love gore, crazy action, bad dubbing, and general strangeness, this is the film for you.
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Best of the trilogy
Viva_Chiba19 September 2010
This is probably the best of the VS trilogy, it has lots of gore and it's mixed with Hellriser-style of killings, martial arts, zombies and action, it's a non-stop gore fest.

The Plot involves in a group of people who ends in a mysterious island, our heroes get captured, they bring them at a camp, we discover that Karl JR and his father made their own army. After some tortures, Jr decides to play a manhunt with the survivors and a ex-soldier of the Buthcer's army.... LET THE BLOODBATH BEGIN !!!!

You can't complain that this movie is "boring". Many people hate this film because "DIS MOVIE SUCK BECAUSE DA EFFECTS LOOKS SUPER FAKE", oh really ? what the hell you was expecting ? Anyway VS 3 proves that you don't need a BIG budget for do a entertaining and gory movie. Long life to the German ultra gore !
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Good gore, horrendous dubbing
m_deathbringer7 October 2004
I got this on a very 'undergound-looking' video from some horror site, under the title Zombie doom (annoyingly, it was recorded off a DVD, and they decided to play all the trailers on there before the film). I was after sickening, brutal gore, and i got it!!. Think of a nasty way to be killed, add in more blood than it is physically possible to store in the human body, and it is in this film somewhere!. You get face-ripping, chest-opening, decapitations by the bucket load, shooting, stabbing, slicing, burning and drowning, in a virtually non-stop orgy of violence (especially near the end). Of course, being made on a budget of about 100 Deutschmarks, the sets are just tents and forests, a 'life raft' is a child's inflatable dinghy, and the assistant to 'the meister' (played by director Andreas Schnaas) gets killed 3 times, thing is, i didn't even realize it wasn't supposed to be him but 'just another guard' until the end. Also the worst part of this film is the dubbing, it seems to have all been done by one person, and in many scenes it is hard to tell who is talking. I feel safe in saying it is the worst dubbing i have ever heard (and i've watched "Zombie 90"!), they should have used subtitles. But apart from that, this comes highly recommended to anyone who just wants splatter, not high art
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Check this sh*t out!
BA_Harrison4 May 2010
Although part three of Andreas Schnaas' Violent Sh*t series is as technically inept as the director's other work (crap dialogue, lousy photography, awful acting etc.), the director's comic-book-style approach to this chapter—which is replete with an insane Mad Max-style villain, a bloodthirsty scientist with a Hitler moustache, very mouldy zombies, and even ninjas—means that, despite being even more gory than its excessively violent predecessors, the whole affair feels much less mean-spirited than before and is consequently much more enjoyable.

The film begins as three men arrive on a seemingly deserted island, only to be immediately taken captive by hordes of mask-wearing soldiers who have obviously been lying in wait for such an intrusion. The unlucky trio are escorted to the soldiers' training camp, where their mutant leader, the Meister, and his bloodthirsty son Karl, force them to witness a series of brutal executions (chest ripping, face tearing, teeth chiselling, and multiple decapitations), before killing one of the men and setting the other two free as the unwilling prey in a Turkey Shoot/Most Dangerous Game-style hunt!

What follows is a totally bonkers splatterfest that occasionally even rivals The Story of Riki, Tokyo Gore Police, and Braindead for ridiculously silly but incredibly creative scenes of gory mutilation: amongst the juicy stuff on show, we get a pair of lips torn off with hooks, a head sliced in half, eyes poked out, assorted spine removal, experiments on living corpses, nose slicing, multiple deaths by samurai sword, and even one guy who is punched so hard that his attacker's fist passes right through him.

Andreas Schnaas might have made some of the crappiest low-budget horror it has ever been my misfortune to see, but I have to hand it to him, as far as pure unadulterated trash entertainment goes, Violent Sh*t 3 is the sh*t!
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Great for what it is
Semih19 June 2000
This is only episode I have seen out of the trilogy. I really liked this film. I was amazed at how well the special effects were made considering the low budget (which is very obvious in the lighting, and acting). I found myself laughing at some scenes such as where there are three Asian men who are fighting these zombie ninjas. This film was great with violence, bloodshed, and special effects. It also had a pretty good sense of humor too. But what was real bad about it was the acting. Even if you have a low budget you can still find people who can act. Terrible acting, great special effects, lots of gore and violence, and good sense of humor: 9 out of 10.
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Insane and great!
ultra_tippergore17 September 2006
This is the third installment in the VS series, the pioneer saga of the German ultra-gore. This is ,by far, the best of the three. Schnaas deliver the goods in this one. Looks like he made all what he always wanted to film in this movie. It have zombies, ninjas, Karl the butcher, Karl JR, Nazis (even a Mengele clone or something like that...) Over the top gore, in very gross variations. This movie from a gore fan for gore fans. I recommend this one, if you are into movies like Story of Ricky, you will love this one, a must see (a must have!) for splatter fans. If you like this one, i also recommend a movie called Sadomaster, that is less famous but its also very cool and similar to this one.

8/10 for VS 3
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