Maniac Nurses find Ecstasy (1990) Poster

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Demented in concept if not execution
Eegah Guy23 January 2001
I have to wonder how bad this movie was before Troma got its hands on it. I bet Troma is responsible for the overwrought voiceovers and tourist footage of the porn palaces of Paris but this is still one snail-paced piece of exploitation cinema. A lot of time is spent on watching the nurses lounge around in lingerie and walk around the woods in tall boots and cutoffs with Uzis. Some heads explode and feet are sliced off but this movie just doesn't quite cut the Grey Poupon mustard.
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Extremely horrible pseudo-horror film.
HumanoidOfFlesh20 May 2005
In this bizarre horror film,Ilsa and Sabrina are a mother/daughter team of lesbian nurses with sadomasochistic tendencies who,with their compatriot Greta,enjoy luring unsuspecting strangers back to their remote clinic and subjecting them to various homegrown tortures.Somewhere down the line,Sabrina falls victim to a cadre of feminist terrorists who have decided that she is to be part of their plan for world domination."Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy" is a truly abysmal exploitation film which was released in America by exploitation film masters Troma Team Pictures.It has also appeared under the title "Bloodsucking Freaks II",though it has no connection to Joel M.Reed's memorably sleazy 1977 cult abomination.The film itself is boring and there is very little nudity.The acting is amateurish and the storyline is completely absurd.The funniest thing is that "Maniac Nurses" is apparently a Hungarian porno film that's been edited into one of the most delirious stinkers you'll ever see.The hardcore sex scenes were cut out and Troma or somebody else decided to dub it.Some women are absolutely gorgeous and there is a gory moment where a guy's feet is sliced off his body when he runs into a trip wire type booby-trap,but you'll suffer watching this mess.2 out of 10.
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The title is the best about it...
insomniac_rod24 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this movie by mistake and I regret watching it. I expected plenty of sleaze. You know, with a title like "Maniac Nurses" you can imagine sexy women in nurse outfits (short skirts for example) getting to torture innocent victims in old fashion soft core with a touch of hard core. Did I get what I expected? Absolutely not!

This is an atrocious effort of exploitation or hard core. It's almost as terrible as "Fraternity Demon".

The plot is sleazy and made me think I would get some decent erotic horror. Mistake! The film is so bad filmed it hurts. The gore is terrible and you can only expect to watch an uncomfortable cat-fight that ends up with a stabbing.

The torture situations are lame and make you lose interest on it. I wonder if the sex scenes were hardcore because most of them are ridiculously cut.

Avoid this one. It's one of Troma's finest mistakes.
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Worse than merely bad
Scoopy8 July 2000
The full title is Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy. Interestingly enough, Ecstasy was in Vermont, not far from Montpelier.

Here's the formula to duplicate this movie: shoot some cheap videotape footage of women in white lingerie. You don't even need to shoot sound footage. In fact, it's more flexible without sound. Just make sure there are plenty of shots of the women from behind, so you can dub in some voices later without having to worry about lip-synching. This gives you the additional advantage of having the movie in any language for later distribution. Why just imagine your masterpiece in Catalan or Frisian, or even in Latin for its run in Vatican City. Include a little bit of nudity and gore, although this will have to be cut when the pope watches.

"Hey, now that I have the footage of them doing various things in my backyard, how does that become a movie?"

Easy, make up a story. Any story. Just watch an old episode of Alfred Hitchcock on Nick at Night, and copy down a plot summary. Now have one of your friends with a deep voice read your summary aloud, and tape him. Add this here and there throughout your footage as a voice-over narration. It worked for Blade Runner, and it can work for you.

"Hey, I did that and it's only 44 minutes long."

No problema, amigo. Here's how to lengthen it. Watch a travelogue on TV and tape it. Let's say it's about Venice. Choose about 10 minutes of good stuff, insert it in your footage somewhere near the end, and have one of the characters say something to another, something like "you wonder how it all began? Your mother and I met in Venice, where I was working as a gondolier." Have him or her recite some background activities, some interesting facts about Venice, or just some generic thoughts like "those were the good times, I tell you. Yessireebob". If you have a friend who can say it with an Italian accent, all the better. Or for that matter, any accent will do. People who watch movies like "Maniac Nurses" can't tell the difference between a Chinese accent and Estonian.

"Hey, no travelogues on tonight. Just some shark specials on Discovery."

No problem, my friend. Just change the monologue to "your mother and I met off the great barrier reef, where I was hunting the Great White with Captain Cousteau's crew." Pretty much any real-life footage will work.

"OK, done, now I still need another 15 minutes?"

Easily fixed. This is where you add some fine art which will make your film much admired at Cannes. Does your script take place over four days? That's three sunsets and three or four sunrises which not only add to the beauty of your masterpiece, but provide an all-important time marker for your film, and do so much more subtly than ripping the top page off one of those desk calendars. Do your characters live in a house? Surely there is a beautiful old home near you which will make for some good exteriors. Your narrator simply needs to say something like, "meanwhile, in Stately Wayne Manor, ... ".

Finally, perhaps one of your characters is reading some magazine. Right after the footage of the character, show some of the articles he or she was reading. If you show some warning signs of cancer or something, you'll not only add educational value but also provide redeeming social importance, which is so critical to those obscenity trials. And this has an added plus. Later in the film you can add the exact same footage back in as a flashback, while your character tries to remember that third warning sign. Use the same footage again and again to add to the fun, as you provide valuable insight into your character's psychological development, or deterioration, as the case may be.

Now the only thing left to do is to dust off the mantlepiece, and make a little extra room for your Palm D'Or.
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A film so bad that it even manages to make semi-naked women with machine guns seem boring
BA_Harrison25 July 2008
I've been known to enjoy awful films, but even I have my limits: Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy (released by Lloyd Kaufman's Troma studio, home of many a z-grade crap-fest), is a heavily cut, re-edited and dubbed Belgian porno flick that is so atrocious that even copious amounts of nudity from a bevy of beautiful, lingerie-clad women and the occasional bit of bargain-basement gore cannot stop it from ranking as one of the worst films I have seen.

Once they had finished hacking the XXX action from their original acquisition, the guys at Troma obviously realised that the collection of disparate scenes they were left with didn't make an awful lot of sense. Rather than cutting their losses and binning the mess, they improvised, adding a narration track that appears to have been conceived on the fly (the story about a private clinic run by sadistic women is utter garbage), and using some stock footage to pad out the running time.

When I watch a film featuring exploding heads, severed feet, a man impaled on a gnome, a self-flagellating monk ridden like a horse by a hot brunette, machine gun-toting babes in suspenders, a baby born with an Elvis tattoo (!), and a scorching blonde sadist who likes violent comic books (that look like like they've been drawn by a ten-year-old) AND I'm still struggling to stay awake, then I know I've discovered a genuine stinker.
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anthonycwhittle14 January 2001
The full title for this film is Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy and yes do they ever. This film actually started out as a porn flick back in 1990 and now we have only other pantomimed versions available. Although not as graphic as other reviewers have mentioned but none the less quite gory. Not a bad film overall but I would reccommend to watch Bloodsucking Freaks instead. Oh did I forgot to mention that this is the sequel to Bloodsucking Freaks. Check it out.
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Lacy lingerie, high heels, and lots of blood
lastliberal5 June 2008
This was bad - really bad. It was some Belgium film that Troma bought and slapped on some cheesy narration to make some sort of a story that never really made sense.

In truth, it could have been a slide show for all the action that was in the film. The only time anything at all happened is when they were blowing some poor soul's head off, or chocking some picnicer.

There weren't even any sex scenes. This was supposed to be some sort of lesbian horror film. Well, it was a horror all right, and, if there were any lesbians in this film, they were all virgins.

Stay far away from this one, even if it is free on Netflix.
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"Maniac nurses...find ecstasy!"
Sandcooler18 May 2015
"Maniac Nurses" is really a fever dream rather than a movie. It's one of those flicks you just have no control over, you have no idea what's going on and every new scene just makes you more confused and frustrated. Whatever plot they have is clearly ad-libbed by the annoying narrator, who tries to make scenes of bored women sitting on couches deeply philosophical. He has uhm, mixed success. Without the narrator this movie would be a lot more fascinating, because he's the only voice that seems to be coming from this planet. Once he shuts up for two seconds the movie almost becomes a pleasant hallucination. The cinematography is butt-ugly, the colors are all washed out, the production values aren't even good enough for 70s porn, none of the actors has a single other credit: it's exploitation at its trippiest, it meanders from random death to random death with no idea what a beginning, middle or end looks like. To beef up the running time every scene goes on about ten times longer than it needs to, but this movie is so slow, tedious and repetitive than it's almost hypnotic. So what I am to do, recommend it? I can't, I hated this movie. And perhaps I'll hate it again when I rewatch it. "Maniac Nurses" has a bizarre effect on me.
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Bizarre, pretty stupid but fascinating
Maciej Miasik19 March 2000
This isn't "true" Troma production, Troma probably only distributed it, but it is good example of same of the most bizarre Troma productions. I'm now convinced that Troma's policy is: "You have the most stupid idea for the movie, we will make a serious feature film based on your idea. We are not afraid of the most bizarre ideas, they give us the chance to make another film".

If you want to see something really strange, see this movie. But be prepared for strange experience. I watched entire movie late night fascinated how far they could go. And they really went quite far. Fascinating.
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Terrible....Even for Troma-standards!
Coventry10 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
People familiar with the Troma-repertoire know they should never except masterpieces (or even "good" films), yet this piece of junk is worse than all their other incompetent productions put together! "Maniac Nurses (find ecstasy)" is an unendurably sick fantasy that obviously sprung from the perverted mind of some untalented weirdoes and Troma decided to distribute it as a horror/exploitation film. The initial ineptness-chuckles this movie cause quickly turn into tedious obstacles and, eventually, you have to struggle very hard in order not to throw the DVD far out the window. 'story' revolves on a group of deranged women who entrench themselves in some sort of heavily guarded private-hospital (God knows why). They fill their days by whipping each other, walk around in sexy lingerie and – occasionally – they play sleazy variants of the "most dangerous game" with unfortunate campers. The things that went horribly wrong in this production are too numerous to mention, and I guarantee that you'll never ever come across a movie more retarded than this one.

MST3K-fans would orgasm over watching this flick: the narration is hilarious (seriously, what the hell is this guy talking about all the time?), the editing is a joke and the dialogues sound like they were written by an army of illiterate monkeys. The only aspect mildly admirable about it is that the creators obviously knew their sleaze-classics. The über-nurses are named Ilsa and Greta (after the infamous 70's exploitation franchise) and there sometimes are (unintentional?) references towards classic WIP-movies. "Maniac Nurses" also contains loads of graphic gore and tons of blood and I'm sure that, if it would have been filmed more professionally, it could had become one of the grossest and most offensive films ever. Instead of this, it only looks ludicrous and pathetic. It has to be said, though: the girls all have pretty faces and ravishing bodies. They probably all secretly hoped that this production would be their spring-board to ultimate Hollywood success. Awfully sorry're not even talented enough to make it in the porn business.

However, one element of "Maniac Nurses" is downright brilliant and I can't resist mentioning it (spoiler): at a certain point in the film, they refer to a child supposedly born with an Elvis-tattoo on its little chest! Priceless!!
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This is accidentally hilarious
tromatical10 September 2002
This movie is one of the funniest things that has ever been released. The only problem for the filmmakers is that none of this humour is intentional. No matter how many times I see it, I always laugh. This is one of the movies that pretty much defines the genre of "Cult Movie"; when watching it, try doing so with plenty friends, so that you can all enjoy laughing at it. The narrator is perhaps the funniest part of this.

Beware of any babies born with Elvis tattoos!
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Good Fun!
pleasendlost31 December 2007
Watched this with my wife one night, she doesn't normally like trash type horror movies. It's a little bit trashy, a little bit gruesome, a little bit sexy, but doesn't go full on for any of these things.

Lots of girls in sexy nurse outfits, stockings on display, someone gets mutilated on an operating table, there's a "hunt" in the woods, the usual stuff.

It's not as bad as people are making out, I mean what do you expect with a title like that? Obviously influenced by the Ilsa movies, also euro porn, it's worth watching if it's on, but I wouldn't pay much money for it! Oh, and Ilsa's daughter is seriously hot!
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"Your not even worth one bullet." Possibily the worst film ever, certainly one of them.
poolandrews31 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Maniac Nurses, also commonly known as Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy, is set in a medical clinic of some sort somewhere in the middle of a forest. This is no ordinary clinic though, it is run by the evil sadistic Ilsa (Hajni Brown) who wants to have lesbian sex with her daughter Sabrina (Susanna Makay), or something like that. Ilsa used to have lesbian sex with second in command Greta (Csilla Farago) but has now shunned her in favour of her daughter. Greta consoles herself with two nymphoid maniac nurse sisters Ush (Magdalena Ryman) & Gretchen (Any Schultz) & erm... Well nothing else really as Maniac Nurses really has no fathomable storyline at all, honestly I just can't remember an semblance of plot at all. I tried to write a synopsis but the film has no story to write about.

This Belgium American co-production was written, produced & directed by Leon Paul De Bruyn as Harry M. Love (I knew all those stupid sounding names during the credits must have been pseudonym's!) Maniac Nurses is truly one of the worst films ever, period. It has no redeeming features at all, not one single ounce of entertainment value, no character's, no excitement, no story, no action, no laughs, no scares, no exploitation worth mentioning & is really painful to watch even at a mere 73 minutes long. Personally I don't know how I made it to the end, I really don't & it's criminal that a piece of crap like Maniac Nurses is spared the IMDb's bottom 100 films because of a lack of votes. This is a film that needs to named & shamed, do you get the feeling that I don't like this film? Good because I can't stress enough how rotten this pile of elephant dung is. The sort of film that gives low budget film-making a bad name, horror a bad name & film in general a bad name. Absolute crap, plain & simple.

Director De Bruyn obviously doesn't know how to make a film. Most of the film is narrated to try & piece the odd bits of mismatched footage together with some sort of story but it fails miserably. I could have made a better looking film than this, this has all the grace of being shot on a camcorder by someone having an epileptic fit. Forget about any decent gore, a severed foot, an awful looking exploding head, someone is impaled on a branch & a few splashes of blood, that's it. Forget about any exploitation, there are a couple of scenes of very mild S&M, a really tame striptease, a few lame bits of nudity & the nurses themselves dressed in varying outfits (none that sexy) carrying guns. I cannot stress how bad this film is no matter how good it 'sounds' & how nice the artwork on the box is.

With a budget that probably wouldn't stretch to a can of pop these days Maniac Nurses is a pitiful example of film-making. The entire film is dubbed, really badly too. In one scene the click of someone's high heels on a hard floor is way out & add that to the fact she isn't even wearing heels at that point & you get the idea of badly & incompetently made this thing is. The acting is even worth mentioning & the female cast isn't that good looking either.

Maniac Nurses is easily one of the worst films ever, that is not an uneducated opinion just check out my comments list as I've seen some real stinkers in my time. Real bottom of the barrel stuff. Total crap. You would have to be a real masochist to obtain any sort of enjoyment out of this wretched abomination. A complete waste of video tape & time. Avoid at all costs, you have been warned!
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This is as bad as it gets my friends....
Soucriant9 October 2006
I caught "Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy" on the Horror Channel a couple of weeks back. Now i've seen my fair share of bad movies in my time, some fall into the "so bad it's good" category. "Maniac Nurses" however, falls into the "bad bad bad" category. And somehow manages to scrape inside the barrel, the outside and under it.

I have to be honest, i didn't really know what was going on. The director and the characters make virtually no attempt to explain anything. But from what i could gather; Isla, her daughter Sabrina, their accomplice Greta and two other "nurses" reside at a clinic in a forest. Because clinics are often situated in forests as we know. When not indulging in lesbian activities, the nurses walk around in little clothing and "torture" males who manage to find the clinic.

These "torture" scenes, are extremely unconvincing and laughable. As is the gore, acting, camera work and storyline. But make no mistake. By laughable, i don't mean in a; "Oh, that's funny" way. More of a; "Oh my God. How could something so terrible be released?!" way.

The only thing in "Maniac Nurses" that can possibly be considered arousing, is the nurses who aren't bad looking, and the various outfits they sport during the film. That is the only halfway decent thing about this film. Bar a semi-amusing scene where a guy gets whipped by the nurses, while wearing the most bored expression ever, and making shallow sighs. But even this managed to become monotonous as the camera focused on his face the whole time, and the whip-athon went on for a lot longer than was necessary.

I really can't think what anyone would get from this abomination. Except a possible few laughs, confusion and boredom. There isn't anything that i think would keep slasher/sleaze/porn fans occupied, save the nurses. But believe me, if you want to see some nurses, just take a trip to your local clinic. It will be a lot less painful than watching "Maniac Nurses."
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Interesting but not great...
whammy66620 February 2005
Well, I wanted to see this since I am a Troma fan. I saw it was supposed to be the sequel to Bloodsucking Freaks. I knew then it would be filled with nudity...well you know it will be by the name and cover...and since it is from Troma. But anyway...this is one weird film. It really does not have much of a plot. Though it has some fun gore and fun kills. One funny kill in particular, though I can't give it away. This is also a really, really short film, 75 minutes. The narrating is also kind of annoying...but at the same time funny. The woman who plays Sabrina is one of the hottest girls I have seen in my life, stare at her throughout the film and you will make it through. So not a bad film, but seen better. Bloodsucking Freaks is better.
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Maniac Nurses, the truest meta-narrative on film
soccergoon1311 October 2006
So this movie is one of my favorites, along with City Lights, Vertigo, and Little Dieter Needs to Fly. It's a perverse amalgam of a rumored Hungarian porn film, set up by Troma to act as an inane and confusing trifle regarding nurses in a random clinic finding random people on random abandoned roads and then randomly torturing them. Of course the acting is non-existent; the movie has no real linear direction; the music is from a low budget box; the dialogue insane and murky.

Yet through the narrator's non-stop ramblings, the viewer can find a sense of amusement resulting from what they experience. Troma didn't alter this in order to add it to their own library as a mounted and highlighting piece. Rather, the studio took Woody Allen's "What's New Tiger Lily?" and played around with the concept, experimenting the same way teenagers would after receiving editing and dubbing equipment.

The aforementioned narrator tries to connect and explain what we see on screen. The problem is, he's watching a different movie. He claims these nurses are sick and twisted, beyond reproach. But in that dour sense, he's wrong. Nurses, /people/, who reach this level of absurdity are going to be kept in an abandoned, desolate "clinic". They're not sick, twisted white trash. They're hyperbolic heroines who are stuck with a bad plot.

For whatever reason, the gardener sees the nurses as bizarre, yet works at the clinic in the middle of nowhere. The true purpose of the gardener in the movie is beyond the scope of this exploratory exercise. Overall he isn't a non-sequitor. His role isn't as philosophical as the Plate O'Shrimp from Repo Man, but it isn't just a reason to cut to randomness. The gardener doesn't provide a moral view, he's in this just as much as the nurses. At least the narrator is an intentional ruse who tries to solemnly explain to the viewer what isn't explained on screen.

As for the post-editing touches such as the swirl, the flashing names, and the score card, Troma includes this only to further push the outlandishness of the movie. Afterall, Sabrina stands in her room with a gun and shoots in a 180 arc, making soft gun noises. The movie was already mind-boggling. As with Terror Firmer: if you're going to try something, why not go all out?

The point is: there is no point. It's a nihilistic take on film, not on "sex-u-ality". Troma steps up to the plate, looks at the critics who say their feature films have no substance, and then swings for the fences with this movie. But it turns out to be a foul ball on a full count. It accounts for nothing in the long run while managing to anabolically load Troma's other films by allowing them to say "Hey, at least it isn't Maniac Nurses"

See this movie. You'll have to get it through an online rental place. Watch it with at least two other people. Only then will you realize that it's a joke by Troma. It's an attempt to show that we all live in a meta-narrative, and the post-modern approach of satirizing film with film exemplifies the point of no return which our modern collective has reached.
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unbelievable terrible in all ways
trashgang21 June 2011
I had seen so many reviews on this piece of shite that I had to watch it. And knowing that the director, Leon Paul De Bruyn, came from Belgium made it worth watching. It's available on Troma DVD but doesn't come available that much. But this you must see to believe, the editing is awful, the acting is terrible, the storyline is so weird you just can't understand it, well, you do but it just doesn't make any sense. All girls do walk around in their underwear and now and then they take of some clothes to show their tits. One of the actors is called Ilsa, do I need to say more. Their is gore in it, but so cheap that it becomes laughable, just see the removal of some guy's feet by a metal rope. Or the slashing of a throat happening by accident because a frog stood in the way of her foot. Man, you really must dig it to believe it, and the typical mistake as if they are dead you just see them breathing, or see a girls head being smashed, it's so softly done...Nothing is lip sync and as I said, some editing is huh, go get it, SBIG (so bad it's good)
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tinetsu-202-4467592 January 2015
This movie was really bad. Not Michael Jackson Bad, but heading down a river to a water fall with no way to escape bad.

I've had the displeasure of watching this movie twice. Once because my friends and I were looking for terrible movies and the second because I got caught in a second group I showed it two and they wanted to watch the whole thing.

I give it a 2 simply because its so spectacularly bad, and there is one scene, that was so amazingly bad, that we still talk about over 5 years after discovering this movie.

Its a movie to bad to even have a party and attempt to pick it apart with jokes with a group of friends.

I do recommend watching it if you are looking for the worst movies, especially if its a contest as you'll likely win.
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You can't watch it sober
slake0912 July 2008
Maniac Nurses, or Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy, isn't the worst movie ever, despite what other reviewers have said. I've seen the worst movie ever and this isn't even close.

Instead, it's an incoherent mess of a plot featuring scantily clad nurses killing people for no apparent reason. Note that the nurses are generally dressed in skimpy costumes, there isn't enough nudity in the film to catapult it to genuine sleaze status. There isn't enough campy kitsch to make it into a so-bad-it's-good movie. There isn't enough bad humor to make it into any kind of comedy, and there isn't enough of anything else to make it very watchable.

It's not awful; it's just plain bad, with the only redeeming quality at all being the skimpy costumes. They've maximized on that with the title and the box cover, but it's just not enough.
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Flashes of Genius
rob266112 September 2006
The first sign that there is a genius at work in the making of this motion picture is the long (some might say far too long, but I'll not hear of it) sequence where the narrator explains why the Maniac Nurses, even though they came from white trash origins, were even worse than everyday run of the mill white trash because they had lost their enthusiasm for life's pleasures. This narration plays over footage of the nurses shooting up and half-heartedly watching another nurse performing a rather lethargic striptease for their benefit. Although I can't prove it conclusively, I believe the footage of the striptease is looped and just plays the same sequence of moves over and over again. The looped footage and the over the top pseudo-sociological narration are perhaps the greatest synthesis of sound and image ever perfected in the art of film-making.

Also there is the baby born with an Elvis tattoo. Its not a birthmark, its a tattoo. And he didn't have it tattooed onto his skin, he was born with it. Once you get past your initial resistance you can see the genius inherent in this plot point.

And if I remember right the first baby born with an Elvis tattoo died inexplicably, but then another one was born with an Elvis tattoo as well. Fortunately the second baby born with an Elvis tattoo managed to live long enough to have some impact on the movie's plot.

Even if I did the best acid in the world for three weeks straight, I never would come up with this stuff in a million years.

Other than those flashes of genius, this is a real stink-bomb. Not even a good T&A exploitation or gruesome violence exploitation flick. Just some cheap footage shot by neophytes that Troma studios bought for a song and then probably threw a few hours and a few hundred bucks into adding narration too. (Just a guess on my part, this is not the kind of film to inspire exhaustive research.)
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the value of cheese and tack...
fleakins124 November 2005
what can you really say??its a must see for fans of the ridiculous,bizarre and so far fetched its actually really funny. any film that has a baby born with an elvis tattoo,women running around with shorts so small you can tell their birth signs brandishing BIG guns,and insatiable desires for sex and violence is alright with me. complete escapism and fantastic cheesy narration make it a tack lovers dream... i am not sure any of the actors worked again but i know if i had made this film i would be proud as it seems to mock the very core of the bad action and porn films that so often take themselves to seriously. hats off...lingerie out.
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