A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994) Poster

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Truth in name.
Ky-D31 March 2005
The title says it all.

A woman is accused of the murder of her husband. In order to extract a confession the court subjects her to a series of violent methods of torture. Most of the story is told in flash backs, recounting how the story leads to the ultimate gory death of her poor husband (his penis explodes). Along the way we found out about sexual martial artists, lesbian frolicking, adultery, lost love, back stabbing and a very potent aphrodisiac.

The torture scenes are appropriately brutal, but generally short. There is nudity aplenty and some sex, but it never gets excessively graphic. Also there is an odd unbalance of dead serious scenes and goof-ball humor; half the film is comedy. Genre fans familiar with exploitive flicks will likely find this a tad prodding and slow, all others will sit slack jawed muttering "what the hell..."

It may be a little too violent for some viewers and not sexed-up enough for others, but those willing to take a shot might enjoy it. Maybe...

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Lots of Category III Goodness
TheExpatriate7006 February 2010
This film revolves around the plight of the oddly named Little Cabbage, a servant girl who finds herself in a heap of trouble after she takes up voyeurism. Through a series of plot twists too long to summarize here, she ends up accused of murder and facing a judge with some rather unpleasant methods for extracting confessions.

This is Hong Kong Category III cinema at its weirdest, a grotesque mixture of sex, comic sex, sexual violence, torture, and even a comedic rape scene meant to challenge the viewer's limits. It will either have you laughing aloud or running for the bathroom with your hands over your mouth. It also has an ending that will have you pounding the table and yelling "Now THAT'S justice!"

In seriousness, the film does have a certain level of misogyny. The torture scenes involving females are shown very graphically, and there is a somewhat disconcerting theme of sexual pleasure being fine for a man while totally unacceptable for a woman. However, the film itself is so broad and over the top that it is difficult to be too offended by it.
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Weird, confusing mess
Groverdox27 July 2017
"A Chinese Torture Chamber Story" is one of the more inexplicable movies I've seen from the Asian continent. It's not so much balls out weird, like "Holy Virgin vs. the Evil Dead" or "The Eternal Evil of Asia", as it is hard to explain. Is it a porn film? Torture porn? Or just a light comedy? The only thing consistent about it is the comedic tone, which you may find doesn't sit well in scenes of graphic torture and exploding penises.

It's not really that graphic, though. Most of the torture scenes are played for laughs, and if you're familiar with Category III films, you know "The Untold Story" makes this look like Sesame Street. These scenes are nowhere near as intense as you might expect; there's nothing on the screen to make you cringe.

So it doesn't really work as torture porn. What about regular porn? It doesn't really work in this regard, either. There's some sex but it's not erotic, and there's very little full-frontal nudity. While there are at least a couple of beautiful actresses, they mostly only bare their breasts to have some weird sex/torture toy attached to their nipples. We aren't given any opportunity to admire their bodies.

I think the problem is that the direction is dull. The filmmaker knew what people wanted to see so he showed it. But we're never given any idea how we're supposed to feel about any of this stuff, so we don't really feel anything.

The plot is something about a princess married to a man who tries weird (though not interesting) methods of pleasing her, like potions and stuff. She is observed by a young servant girl called Little Cabbage, who is then sold to another man. There's a bit of torture to work out who is having sex with who, or something. The plot surely didn't need to be this obtuse, but aren't they always?
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A very original, unique film...
KGB-Greece-Patras28 June 2006
Not being the typical hong-hong film fan (actually I have seen very few HK films) but having seen many of the world's most extraordinary films, I have to say that I loved "Chinese torture chamber story" in a very special way.

Most reviews here, although not losing the point, are representative of the western exploitation-type-of-viewing, with which I cant't really identify with, at least in regard with this film. I actually thought this blending of comedy, horror & erotica resulted in a most magnificent, poetic, weirdly funny, wildly violent result. This is quite unlike everything I have ever seen - I always had a tension to love any original and extraordinary film.

Okay, I admit, I have seen the majority of violent & strange films, so it's quite understandable that I am not offended or shocked by the bold erotic element or the horrific tortures, and so I could dive in deeper in the films story and concept which is by no means shallow. I have the feeling that it's for the most part the filmmakers craft and smart use of humour and the way the story was presented make the violence & erotica a means to a higher end. Yet, extreme violence is not hidden or implied - on the contrary, it's on display every once in a while.

Go after this film, if you can tolerate some violence, this is one of those one-of-a-kind films which can make the difference....
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Loved it for Yvonne Ying Hung
ebiros29 February 2013
To be very honest, I've watched this movie just to see Yvonne Ying Hung. It didn't matter what role she played. I think she was one of the outstanding star that can carry a lead role.

She didn't disappoint here. She was beautiful, and even showed some skin. The movie is in the style of many Cat III movies of the early '90s. The bluish lighting that contrasts with the red clothing of the actresses, humor mixed with sex, and few odd twists to the story (this one is the torture angle). The extra bonus is that Wong Jin was the producer of this movie, putting in his extra spice of entertainment that made the movie a delight to watch.

Loved the movie, and I wish Yvonne Yin Hung will come back to the screen even in a cameo role one day. This was also one of the better Cat III movies of the time too. Production quality is very high.

For entertainment, this movie is highly recommended for viewing.
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It's not so much about torture..........
bassrat7 January 2006
When I got this movie I assumed by the title that it would be ALL about torture. This is not the case. Within all the comedic scenes with the kung-fu sexaholics and the invisible guy, I did find satisfaction in knowing that the two main characters did seem to love each other. As I was sitting there watching, I thought, "Oh, what a horrible movie." I am a huge fan of the actress Gong Li (who does not appear in this movie) but a new interest has sparked within me for the young Yvonne Yung. I will be looking up some more of her movies. As far as a recommendation for you, I would say, it's twisted, funny & weird with lots of titties. If you can stomach that kind of stuff, then you should be able to get through this. Yvonne Yung makes it worth the watch. Beware: It's subtitled, so pay attention!
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A bit boring actually
bchang_22 March 2009
I found this movie from the hilarious "kung fu porn" clip floating around the internet. So I was expecting more of the same, perhaps some sort of cliché kung fu background story with goofy wire-fu sex.

Instead, it was a cliché story about adultery and wrongfully framed. It has torture, which I don't particularly care for, naked boobs, soft-core sex, and lots of mediocre story telling.

There were some comedic moments that made me laugh, but really the highlight by far is still the wire-fu sex in the forest scene.

I would classify this move as drama actually. I ended up fast-forwarding through some of the torture and drama scenes to get to the unsurprising ending.

Mediocre movie.
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Sex and Zen is Better
saint_brett31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Picking out movies to watch is kind of like playing Craps in Vegas.

It's potluck if anything turns up good.

As for "A Chinese Torture Chamber Story," this movie is like when the dealer throwing your dice has two broken wrists and the croupier never pays out.

"A Chinese Torture Chum Bait Story" starts out with a vampire advent calendar that peels away new torture methods each day for every new condemned soul unfortunate enough to meet Chinese justice.

One's made to bearhug a heated Titanic pillar, another is emasculated, and this poor sod is flayed from the skull down and then topped with hot wax on his brain for good measure.

A sunburned woman, named Yang Ni-mu Little Cabbage, is sent to trial due to overbaking her husband in a steam bath, and this whole fronting the judge courtroom stuff plays out really fast.

Little Cabbage begs to be spanked with a rattan twenty times even before she's found guilty. You could safely say that a confession is beat out of her. And that's basically every person in front of the judge in this movie; they're punished until they confess, and it gets tired after the second time.

Little Cabbage's lawyer is held in contempt for colluding with her and impounded while she's guillotined with a method to reduce finger size.

The movie lost me as soon as Little Cabbage started harking back to what led to her being arrested and retelling past events.

All sorts of other characters were introduced, and the story is muddled.

I mean, how do invisible men have anything to do with the main trial?

And what's the big deal that everyone slept with each other?

The movie's not "Sex & Zen," it's about a lady called Chinese Cabbage who's put on trial for supposedly killing her master and retells the backstory of the build-up that led to his death. Apparently his doodle explodes? (And that was her fault?)

I was told once by a Chinese book store owner that it's forbidden in China to make X-rated material. They're sent to prison if caught doing so. The Japanese haven't had a problem with it.

As for this crap, it's lost me. I checked out ten minutes ago and no longer care about the storyline.

All this crying and wheezing is getting on my nerves.

How many times can they keep repeating that they were framed?

Purple Cabbage marries some ugly, shrunken-headed chap who's bigger than Justin Bieber, and I don't know how he fits into it.

Maybe I'm not paying enough attention?

It's kind of like a comedy with a touch of horror and martial arts thrown in.

A Chinese rendition of Unchained Melody plays, and I take it copyright doesn't apply?

A naked "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Parcel" scene unfolds, samurai swords and all (it's a ripoff of "Sex & Zen" with the guy on the chain,) as two weirdos do aerial moves and spinning wheel George Costanza techniques.

I'm losing interest really fast. Like an ice cube checking into hell's reception desk.

And the grammar in the subtitles is beginning to annoy me so much that I can no longer ignore it.

The movie fails to entertain me, so I find interest in pinpointing all the subtitle errors.

Here are a few examples: "Why so hurry?" "How'd you take my wife's advantage?" "Will the form changed?" "Give my your birth date." It goes on and on.

"A Chinese Torture Chamber Story" ambles along with little interest but a lot of fake tears and pleading.

For no reason, two dudes turn invisible; others constantly cry and beg on their knees; and others are tortured for not confessing to crimes they didn't commit.

And the subtitle errors continue as well.

"After my death, you've to take good care of my wife." "Take off your hands." It goes on and on.

At the end, after a lot of tears and pleading - did I mention that already? One of the guilty party's punishments is to ride a wooden donkey for a parade.

The other should be drowned to death in a cage for pigs. Hey, the subtitles words, not mine!

Staying true to their promises, she is indeed made to ride a wooden donkey that comes equipped with a wooden baton that impales twits on the saddle.

She's also pummeled with fruit and vegetables from Aldi.

Unfortunately, we don't get to see the drowning technique with the pig cage. I assume they'd put someone inside and just throw the guilty idiot into a pond. I've never heard of a pig cage before.

Not that it matters, but I watched part 2 in fast forward in less than 5 minutes, and it doesn't look like much. And it managed to rile me up with this doozy: "Not only you a liar."

The lady who sells me my lunchtime special Yum Cha has a nasty habit of saying, "Two dollar." Come on, lady, it's plural! Two dollars, dammit.

I won't stand for this garbage, and neither should you.

Can you believe this crap outpoints "Sex and Zen" on IMDb?

That's a far superior movie to this by a country mile.

Avoid this nonsense.
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Silly Cat III "Fun" - (If You're A Twisted Bastard Like Me...)
EVOL6669 October 2005
A Chinese TORTURE CHAMBER STORY isn't a great film by any stretch, but it sure has some fun stuff going on... Long and short: a woman goes to work for a rich guy, the rich guy's wife gets jealous that her man is constantly eye-ballin' the hired help, and the wife decides to murder the servants husband and pin it on her husband and the servant-girl. The servant-girl's husband is known around town for having a big donkey-cock, and decides to slip an aphrodesiac in this poor cats medicine, causing his penis to explode (believe me, I couldn't make this sh!!t up if I tried...). Anyway, all goes according to plan until some of the other hired help rat the rich-guy's wife and her lover out.

The torture scenes are relatively tame if your used to this sort of thing, and the sex scenes aren't explicit compared to porn - but there are some truly funny and original things going on in A Chinese TORTURE CHAMBER STORY. The aerial-acrobatic-kung-fu-sex-submission and the invisible-stalker-man-in-the-middle-blow-job scenes were worth the price of admission on this one (not to mention the exploding-penis-hand-job...). The whole film is handled pretty tongue-in-cheek, so the f'ed up subject matter is a little easier to "swallow"...Definitely worth a look - 8/10
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So comfortable...
Snead-227 April 1999
My favorite part of this bizarre movie, aside from the graphic violence and sex, was the poorly translated and wholly inappropriate sub-titling. The entire film already had me precariously balanced between disgust and hilarity, but the way they presented some of the dialogue pushed me over the edge into falling-out-of-my-chair laughter. What sticks in my mind the most (apart from the exploding phallus and aerodynamic coitus) was a scene where a woman in the midst of seriously pounding and fairly graphic sex moans something that was translated as "So comfortable... so comfortable..."
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This one defies categorization.
tritisan24 February 1999
I saw this singular film double-billed with The Naked Killer (one of my all time favorite movies). Chinese Torture Chamber is weird through and through.

It takes place sometime ago in China's glorious past, when the courts utilized Spanish Inquisition-like techniques to get the truth out of defendants. The opening scenes are a fairly graphic, though oddly funny, demonstration of ghastly tortures.

Then, we are taken to the estate of a rich prince, married to an insatiable princess. He tries to please her by employing exotic "marital aids", but to no avail. She seeks fulfillment through another man. Sexually curious housemaids secretly watch their trysts through holes in the rice paper walls. One is caught, and becomes the subject of the wrathful princess' ire.

Throughout the rest of the movie, as told in flashbacks, this poor maid must prove her innocence of murder (by exploding penis!). The court systematically tortures her and the prince (a suspected accomplice) first by spanking, then through more excruciatingly depicted techniques.

What's odd about all these precedings is that they are simultaneously horrifying, erotic and funny. Kind of like the Japanese film Tokyo Decadence.

Oh yes, there is one sequence that totally blew my mind: The prince spies two heroes flying through the trees, fighting each other kung fu-style, ripping each others' clothes off (ends up being a man and a woman), and then f***ing while still mid-air!

Only Hong Kong could come up with a "porno/horror/fantasy/comedy".
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Get the dubbed version!
ozzwepay26 October 2001
I saw this movie when I was in Hong Kong on business in 1993, it was on pay-per-view in the hotel I was staying in. The movie itself was hilarious. There is a lot of sex and violence but I found it so over the top as to be neither titillating nor disturbing. Some of the other reviewers found it to be too violent or sexist. Hey, people did bad things to each other in the past, get over it, they still do. Anyways, I knew this was a movie I had to show to my friends when I got back, my descriptions could not do it justice. Not being a Chinese speaker, I found the video in HK before I left and took a picture of it. Upon my return to the US, I sought out a Chinese video store and excitedly rented it when I found it. It had Chinese and English subtitles, and the English translation was HORRIBLE. It totally killed the humor in the movie. My friends, whom I had been babbling to about this movie, at this point, all thought I was a complete loon. I found a dubbed copy on DVD and I am awaiting it's arrival. I hope it's the same version I saw in Hong Kong, because the movie does truly rock, with proper interpretation of the dialog.
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Puppetmister4 September 2001
I've seen so many Hong Kong movies now that when I eventually came to watch this notorious Category III melodrama I took it all in my stride, but thinking back on it now, it has to be one of the most startling viewing experiences available to any viewer unfamiliar with HK cinema. Its part of a string of CAt III movies seeking respectability through use of historical settings (Sex and Zen, Sex and the Emperor, Lover of the Last Empress etc.), and for all its horrors, its not as sickening as Escape from Brothel or Eternal Evil of Asia. Yvonne Yung-Hung has perfected a set of wounded facial expressions that render her a perfect victim/fantasy figure, and feminist critics will find much to deplore in films like this, finding as they do eroticism in sadistic beatings of defenceless women - when one couple is executed, we only hear about the man's horrible death, but we see a graphic depiction of the woman's killing by wooden horse/dildo contraption. This movie is packed with ideas of how to find sexual grotesquerie in contortions of the human body, and the motif of escalating levels of torture is perfectly apt for Wong Jing's style of producing imaginative variations on his favourite preoccupations of sex and violence. He's only the producer, but his presence is tangible - I guess his closest Western equivalent might be Roger Corman. Fans of historical Cat III films will be pleased to see that the great Elvis Tsui once more steals the show with some spectacular sexual wirework.
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Humor Lost in Translation
wongsaur13 January 2006
As a native Cantonese speaker, I found this film hilarious with its over the top depiction of Qing dynasty court procedure, Taoist sexual practices and Confucian moralizing.

I have watched this film with some Chinese people who were very westernized or Chinese who were very uptight. They were offended as much as some Western viewers. Other Chinese have found it just as funny as I did.

There is a lot of very fine dialogue that unless you are a Cantonese speaker you cannot appreciate it. The acting is modern and naturalistic. It does not appear stylized or affected in a manner that a historical costume drama would suggest.

The voice over narration at the beginning and end of the film was also hilarious in putting a pseudo scholarly & historical tone to the proceedings.

This is a must see if you have any serious interest in Hong Kong films. Top notch entertainment if you are into this stuff. 10/10
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It's like Russ Meyer went into the future and meet Takashi Miike and they made this *beep* masterpiece
Fulci_Kills19 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this film it really did seem like Russ Meyer hopped in a time machine and traveled to the future to 1995 Japan and forced a young Takashi Miike to travel to Hong Kong to make one of the most bizarre and more importantly schizophrenic films I've seen since I watched Eternal Evil of Asia for the first time, which also happened to have been released that same year. Man 1995 was a great year for screwed up " Drama / Horror / Adventure / Fantasy / Comedic...all in one films", that the Chinese audience are so fond of. The Chinese audience really does want to get their moneys worth when they go to see a movie and want to experience as many genres of film in one trip to the cinema as they can.

So let it be known, Chinese Torture Chamber Story switches from a horror film, to Love Story, to martial arts mayhem, to raunchy sexual antics, to slapstick comedy, back to toe cringing horror all in a flick of an eye so be prepared. The title of the film suggests plenty of Torture and trust me you do get that but mainly only at the beginning and end of the film. In between you should be prepared to expect a lot of drama, which can be quite boring when you want to watch a gore film but at least all the love story soap opera zaniness that goes on between Yvonne Yung Hung (Little Cabbage), Lawrence Ng (Scholar),Ching Mai (his wife) and Julie Lee always leads up to some soft-core sex. Which is lustful at times;Scholar and his sexual apparatus enjoying wife or flat out laugh out loud gut busting hilarity; famous Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon sex scene anyone? That's what probably makes this movie so good. The hilarious, freaky sex always going on.

For a good idea of what I'm talking about, think about the scene in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon where they're running along the tops of tree branches fighting as they defy gravity, only the two characters in Chinese Torture Chamber Story *beep* each other as they fight on top of the tree branches. Very pee your pants funny moment. Maybe not as funny as when it happened in Eternal Evil of Asia. That's why I mentioned that film earlier.

If you're looking for another hilarious martial arts sex movie, pick up Eternal Evil of Asia (1995), directed by Man Kei Chin. Even cooler, the same martial arts sex master from Chinese Torture Chamber Story, Elvis Tsui, is also the same martial arts sex master in Eternal Evil. The movie also stars Julie Lee who also happens to be in CTCS. So be sure to pick that DVD up if you liked this one.

So while the main story is basically a love story between Little Cabbage and The Scholar, it eventually leads to the murder of Little Cabbage's husband whose cause of death was, "death by penile explosion." Little Cabbage and the Scholar are then accused of adultery and murder of Little Cabbage's husband and put on trial. They are then tortured by the court as a way to gain a confession, while the entire time, the two love birds claim innocence, screaming "I am framed". So the film begins with Little Cabbage being tortured and through flash backs the main story is told. Then as a framing device for the movie, snippets of Little Cabbage's torture and court hearing is thrown in.

In the end, i really liked Chinese Torture Chamber Story. Although I now come to think of this movie as more of a sleazy sex comedy then a gore movie. I was definitely laughing more of the time then I was disgusted. The gore is very few and far between, with the best of it occurring during the first five minutes. For the most part as well, the gore and violence was very tame and held back compared to something like Oxen Split Torturing or Miike's Imprint. That's why I mention him before. After watching Chinese Torture Chamber Story, it becomes fairly obvious where Miike got his inspiration for the "to hardcore for TV" Master's of Horror episode Imprint, although I think in terms of violence, Miike's film is far more effective. So if you liked Imprint, Eternal Evil of Asia, Russ Meyer or Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu's work, I highly recommend this movie. I'd score this movie higher if the gore was more satisfying so if that's what you're looking for I'd rate the gore and violence in this movie a 6/10. It's not that bad. Just not enough and held back to much at times. The exploding member is definitely a gore classic moment though on par with dare I say the bloody end of Nekromantik.

The sexual craziness and plain sheer bizarreness of this movie is enough for me to give it the score of 8/10.

Find this movie at all costs, you won't be disappointed.
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Seriously messed-up Cat III madness.
BA_Harrison23 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
For fans of mind-bogglingly bonkers cinema, the weird and wonderful world of Category III is a veritable gold-mine, and with endless scenes of sheer lunacy, bizarre sex, and sadistic violence, A Chinese Torture Chamber Story is like hitting the mother-lode!!!

Totally mad and breath-takingly inventive, this erotic martial-arts/fantasy/horror comedy, from writer Bing Cheuk, director Bosco Lam, and prolific producer Wong Jing, opens by graphically depicting a variety of nasty torture methods, which include being forcibly held against a red-hot brazier, castration, being chopped in half (although this seems like less a method of torture and more a means of instant death!), and skin removal. If you make it past these scenes without switching off in disgust (in particular, the image of the castration victim's bloody junk being slung into a metal dish), then you're exactly the kind of twisted deviant Cheuk, Lam and Jing had in mind when making this movie, and you'll have an absolute blast!

The story revolves around the trial of a beautiful young maid known as Little Cabbage, who is accused of murdering Got Siu-Tai, her well-hung husband, via an overdose of aphrodisiac (which caused his penis to explode—and not in a good way!). Also implicated in the crime is Little Cabbage's boss, Scholar Yang Ni-mu: he is in love with Little Cabbage and had hoped to make her his concubine—until his jealous wife sold her to Got in order to get rid of her.

Little Cabbage and Scholar Yang continually protest their innocence, even after they are viciously tortured in a variety of nasty ways, but their judge will not accept their cries of innocence. Perhaps this is because he already knows who was really responsible for Got's death: his own son, who has been secretly having an affair with Scholar Yang's wife!

During the course of the trial, we get to see, via a series of flash-backs, the events leading up to the exploding donkey-schlong incident. Including tales of adultery, lesbianism, mid-air kung fu sex, and invisible rapists, it's the kind of salacious case that would evoke gasps of disbelief and shock from the jury—if there was a jury.

Finally, broken, battered, and missing a few finger nails, Little Cabbage and Yang are tricked into pleading guilty by the corrupt judge, and are sentenced to death. Fortunately, however, their crack legal team (which consists of Yang's tasty sister, a pair of sex-mad martial artists, and a flat chested nanny who yearns for bigger breasts) do not give up hope, and discover, in the final hour, a vital piece of evidence. Yang's sister convinces a supreme judge to arrange a re-trial (proving her sincerity by rolling on a bed of pins), and wins the couple their freedom.

Meanwhile, the real guilty parties are punished for their crimes: the judge is exiled, his son is sentenced to drowning, and Yang's wife gets to ride a wooden horse with a particularly uncomfortable looking saddle.

With tons of hot Asian women in various states of undress, steamy soft-core sex aplenty, ejaculation jokes, and that unbelievable shot of poor old Got's pecker erupting blood over his bare-breasted wife, A Chinese Torture Chamber Story is an extremely entertaining example of Asian sexploitation.

8.5 out of 10, rounded up to 9 for IMDb.
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One of the Best Opening Sequences in Cinematic History
ElijahCSkuggs23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Oh man, this is a treat. As soon as you start this flick you're treated with a few fantastic scenes of...yup, Chinese torture. With such a great start to a movie, you always wonder if movies can keep up the pace. Most of the time they do not, but not with Chinese Torture Chamber Story. This movie is fun all the way to the end.

Story is about a man and a woman being accused of adultery and possibly a couple other things in front of a Jerk of a Judge. Well, as you learn the man and woman are completely innocent and evil scheming is prevalent. What you're watching is the woman's retelling (to the judge) of her history with this man she is being tortured with. There are side stories of cheating wives, invisible rape, gigantic weiners, a woman who wants larger breasts, a Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon duo of sorts that you'll never ever forget. The movie seriously has it all.

Chinese Torture Chamber Story is easily one of my favorite CATIII films, like I said it has tons of entertaining moments, and I didn't even mention the torture or the hot babes. The story is involving, the comedy silly, the women are horny, the torture is sadistic. Seriously if you don't find this flick a blast and you call yourself a fan of CATTIII cinema, you better check yourself partner. And I've heard from good sources the sequel is just as good! 9 outta 10.
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Classic erotic Hong Kong Cat III!
Musicianmagic24 December 2023
This is a fun movie to watch if you don't take it too seriously. It has a bit of Cat III violence but most is not really extreme. Quite a bit of nudity by gorgeous women.

Simple story but one that keeps your attention throughout. It's the torture scenes, nudity and softcore sex scenes that take up a lot of the movie. It's very creative how the combine it into a movie but nothing feels detached from the story. A lot of the sex scenes are partly played for laughs or at least have a funny component. I didn't find those erotic myself.

When western movies attempt this kind of movie the funny bits come before or after the sex scenes. Hong Kong it's during.

This is an excellent film if you've never watched a Hong Kong Cat III sex & violence movie.
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Funny movie with a lot of bad sex scenes, and beautiful naked Asians
EasternZZ15 November 2018
This movie is funny, like really funny. We have a dude who is flying in the air with a girl having "battle-sex." There is even a scene where he is mounting the girl and suddenly begins spinning around like a helicopter blade, then the two of them fly back up into the air having sex, then they dive bomb into the earth while still having sex, cause a giant explosion!!

The story is a mystery and basically all the sex takes place in the past. A guy and a girl are getting tortured, and they slowly reveal what happened. It is one of the funniest movie I have ever seen. I do recommend watching it because you get to see a ton of breast in this movie.

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