"Columbo" Dagger of the Mind (TV Episode 1972) Poster

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Not exceptional, but definitely worth seeing
TheLittleSongbird26 June 2010
I may be biased, but I have yet to see a Columbo episode I absolutely hate. Even with its problems, I did like Dagger of the Mind. It is quite slow in pace, with a rather thin plot and the build up to the finale I agree could have been better. But the scenery and photography are wonderful, the script does have its humorous moments, the direction is good enough and the music is effective. The acting is fine, Peter Falk is great no problem with him whatsoever, while Honor Blackman is wonderful, looks beautiful and has some memorable scenes with Columbo. Richard Basehart overdoes it a bit, but he seems to be having fun too. Overall, worth watching if not the best Columbo. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Columbo abroad
Leofwine_draca27 September 2016
Despite some of the other reviews on this site, I had a ball with DAGGER OF THE MIND. I always enjoy the Columbo episodes that take the detective out of his Californian home ground and allow him to explore a little further; I've previously seen him both in Mexico and on a cruise ship, but this story takes him his furthest yet - to London itself, at least a Hollywood version of London that few British viewers will recognise.

And it's a real hoot. There's more comedy in this episode than in most of the others. Columbo runs around like the typical bumbling American tourist and has to take snapshots of everything. All of the British characters act in the exceedingly old fashioned way, owning country houses with butlers and driving 1930s-era sports cars. However, I wasn't upset by any of this stuff, I found it quite amusing.

The murder itself is a good one that well utilises a theatrical backdrop. Richard Basehart can be accused of hamming it up something dreadful as the Macbeth actor caught up in a vicious crime, but it's the lovely Honor Blackman who really shines here as his accomplice and Lady Macbeth of the piece. I fully believe she's the loveliest murderess seen in a Columbo story, and the episode benefits hugely as a result. Watch out for some fun at a waxworks, a droll Wilfrid Hyde-White in one of his most developed supporting turns, a typically ingenious climax (isn't that illegal?), and DIAL M FOR MURDER actor John Williams as the victim.
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Columbo Tours London -Leaves Wife Home
DKosty12329 December 2008
Columbo shows up in London without his suitcase as even when this was filmed, they lost them. He says it is his wife's case but why he came to London without his wife when I am sure Scotland Yard would have paid for both of them? This is a nice tourist episode as a lot of Londons sights are shown. The cast is great as almost the entire cast became well known to American audiences after this was made. Honor Blackman is a bonus as she is a great performer and she was already known as Pussy Galore before this.

The plot on this one is a little weak in that the murder is an accident and Columbo has to result to trickery to trip up the murder solution rather than using his usual proved police methods of homicide investigation. Then again, as this episode was done more for the famous cast and London scenery, I didn't really mind.
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A favourite Columbo
vaughan-birbeck2 June 2004
This may not be the best ever Columbo episode but as it's set in England it remains a favourite of mine.

Apart from the plot the main interest lies in location spotting. We get scenes at London airport and outside New Scotland Yard near Victoria Street which means Columbo could pass Buckingham Palace on the way.

The "London Wax Museum" is actually the Imperial College Library, near the Science Museum in South Kensington (also used as a location in "The Ipcress File"), but it does allow an impressive closing shot of the Albert Hall. We also get to see the Royal Court Theatre and lots of English rain.

Apart from that I'm not sure how much of the film was shot in the UK. The stately home has a definite California feel.

This is a good Columbo entry, only marred by the usual American view of the British: we're either "Pip, pip, old boy" types or " Gor blimey, gavner" cockneys. At the time this was made the top cop show in the UK was 'The Sweeney'. Columbo meets Regan and Carter, now that would be worth watching: "Oh, just one more thing sir, er...you're nicked!"
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Not the best, but entertaining
digby-1129 July 2015
At least there are some English actors, with real accents. Not surprisingly Richard Basehart's accent is hilarious - but better than Dick van Dyke's Cockney. While far from the best Columbo, this is a favourite as I was studying at Imperial College at the time and saw the crew preparing for the scenes. At one point there were a lot of jeering students (definitely 'Miners' - Imperial College graduates will understand) interrupted things. For this reason it brings back very happy memories of College days.

The "London Wax Museum" is not, as was stated in an earlier review, Imperial College. It's the entrance to the Royal College of Music, which is surrounded by Imperial College. The RCM would have got the cash, not IC. The Ipcress File scenes were further east, on the corner of Exhibition Road and Prince Consort Road. I spent two years living almost opposite the RCM, so knew the area very well.
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Is this London that I see before me?
rmax30482318 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good entry in the early series, this episode takes Columbo to London where he more or less guides a dilatory Scotland Yard through a maze of clues to the solution of a murder. The murder has to do with the social world of British theater and the culprits are a pair of Shakespearean actors (Richard Basehart and Honor Blackman).

There's nothing particularly innovative or amusing about it except the locale. Columbo loses track of his wife, as usual on his trips. And there are some scenes in which an audience might properly feel it's being talked down to, with Columbo running around (followed closely by the camera) and taking pictures of the changing of the guard as if the pageantry hadn't appeared in a dozen other movies. "Is that BIG BEN?", Columbo asks his guide at one point. Yes, Leftenant, it's Big Ben. "Waddaya know -- hundreds of years old and it's not off by more than a minute."

I mean, fumbling around and being gauche is one thing, but has he been raised in some cave? However, that silliness aside, the writers have folded Columbo's usual tactics neatly into the British mix.

And it has Wilfred Hyde-White as an unctuous blackmailing butler and he's peerless. And it has John Williams, too, who has played more British detectives, inspectors, and lawyers than you can count. I mean it. I tried to count them once and ran out of toes. Alas, he's bumped off early -- by a cold cream jar Honor Blackman throws his way. (People die so easily in Columbo's environs; his presence is hazardous to your health. On the other hand, the villains usually give up with an easy shrug.)

Basehart and Blackman seem to be having a good time and they're a jovial couple of murderers, chuckling and making wisecracks about their own duplicity, a regular pair of Richard IIIs.

A quick gag because I don't want to forget and it's easily missed. Someone is talking to the egomaniacal actor, Basehart, and remarks that Irving was "the greatest Shakespearean actor who ever lived." Basehart for a moment looks put out, then adds, "Well, let's say 'one of the greatest'."

Enjoyable -- AND you get to see Tower Bridge! From a boat on the Thames!
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The Worst Columbo I Have Ever Seen...But Still Enjoyable In It's Own Way
stubbers4 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I received a box set of Series 2 DVD's for Christmas and rapidly devoured every episode, even though I have seen nearly all of them before. Yesterday I finally plucked up the courage to watch "Dagger Of The Mind" again, this time with my reviewer hat on.

The result was that I saw more good in this episode than I had noticed before, having been comprehensively turned off last time by the appallingly bizarre parallel-universe version of London on show here. It can't be London, England. Maybe there's another city called London somewhere in California where people speak with these peculiar accents, but it sure as heck isn't the London I know and love. (And it's not an era thing, as one poster pointed out, look at The Sweeney or The Professionals for a much more realistic glimpse of 70s London, not REALLY that different to today).

But yesterday when sitting down to watch "Dagger Of The Mind", I was prepared. I KNEW that what I was about to view bore no resemblance to any real location, so I deducted points for the misrepresentation of London at the start of the episode, and from then on simply allowed myself to watch the detective story, which isn't that bad.

It's not that great either, but there's so much going on that despite its flaws, this episode is never boring! Richard Baseheart and Honor Blackman actually made pretty good Columbo villains, and it was a good touch having two villains instead of the usual lone operator. Columbo's UK host Durk is played rather more subduedly, one of the less cartoony characters here.

Needless to say Columbo himself was played perfectly by Falk. It never ceases to amaze me that even in the worst Columbo episodes, whenever Falk comes on screen he elevates the quality of the viewing experience. I would like to see more of Columbo in London, because the idea of the LA cop checking out an important London murderer has real potential IMO, once over the novelty of Tower Bridge and Big Ben (which according to my DVD copy has the most bizarre chimes ever - did the sound guys drop a cassette of the chimes in a cup of hot coffee or something? The chimes play ridiculously slowly, and start speeding up halfway through, even though Columbo and Durk are having a normally pitched conversation over the top of this strange noise). One thing's for sure...I'd like to see Columbo detour into Harlesden or Peckham!

If the nature of my review is slightly scattergun and disorganised, that's a reflection of this real mixed bag of an episode. It has great actors mixed in with awful ones. It has a good murder mixed in with a bunch of unbelievable clues and coincidences. It is a silly episode, but yet it's actually quite watchable.

I'll give it a 6 out of 10, because of the watchability factor.

Finally...do actors really ponce around quoting Shakespeare in real life? As Lily says to Nicholas: "stop acting!" This could have been a lesson for the makers of this episode. Real acting doesn't mean affecting a hammy voice that nobody ever speaks like in real conversation, it means bringing a character to life and making him or her believable. Less is more, as Falk proves. If only a few of the extras hadn't "acted" so much, instead just played their parts in a more low-key, well-observed way then the show may have been more realistic.

The only reason I bring it up is that in almost every Columbo episode (possibly not the Sky High IQ one), the beautifully subtle, understated bit-parts add to the realism and atmosphere of the show. Whereas with "Dagger Of The Mind", it's this out-of-place "acting" that causes all the problems with this episode. A bit less acting and the whole thing wouldn't seem so ludicrous!
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columbos finest hour
gorytus-206728 May 2022
May 2022

Yep here we have my very favourite episode of Columbo, and i know i am in the minority here, as there are plenty of reviews saying this is peoples least favourite episode.

Personally i prefer all the Columbo episodes where they tried something different rather than the usual format.

This was is set in London, which allows for a much different setting and quite a lot more comedy elements, as well as a really strong cast in this one, Bernard Fox, Wilfrid Hyde White, Honor Blackman and Richard Pearson amongst others.

So for me the most fun episode of all.

8.5 out of 10.
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Fish and chips and ham
mickcsavage12 June 2022
Colombo never disappoints, but this exercise in English hokum is far from his finest hour... The clichés abound of course. From Buckingham (stress on the ham) Palace to fish and chips (A little greasy for me, Superintendent...) But you'd expect that.

Even Richard Basehart's accent stands up quite well (I'm English and it fooled me). And Honor Blackman adds glamour and sexiness in bucketloads.

But as an English viewer watching Colombo, it's often the LA location that delights me most. I love the hazy deep blue skies and dark shadows, the Strip malls, the street furniture and fast food joints. So when we stray into foreign territory (so to speak) I shudder a little.

Not sure why the Producers decided to take this excursion, but it was a rare false step for the series and luckily not (Mexico apart) repeated.

Hollywood's greatest attraction - in my view - is the quality of its light. Rarely mentioned perhaps, but -for me - essential.
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Columbo matches wits with Scotland Yard
Sylviastel19 May 2006
In this Columbo episode, it features Honor Blackman (who denied a C.B.E.) and Richard Baseheart as an aging acting couple. The wife, Lilian Stanhope, played deliciously by Honor seduces a powerful older British gentleman to produce Macbeth for them to star in so they are not washed up like most actors and actresses in their predicament. Anyway, the plot is more like Macbeth and the film could be useful in an English class if you're teaching Shakespeare's Macbeth. Anyway, I have always enjoyed watching it from beginning to end. Let's not forget Wilfred Hyde-White who should have been knighted in the episode. Anyway, Columbo is a guest in their country and he becomes wrapped up in the investigation. While others have assumed it's just a robbery gone awry, Columbo always comes through. It's fun watching this delectable group of characters and props like an umbrella. It's great to see London location. I believe apart from the Mexican cruise that London was the only other place that Columbo got to travel too.
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Ham it up for Hamlet!
vivlempereur15 September 2019
Yes, I know it should be about the Scottish Play, but Dagger if the Mind was a delightful suspension if disbelief. Honor Blackman is a delight to watch, and her voice and accent is simply divine. I like Baseheart from The Bird Men and Voyage, and he was quite good here, and utterly convincing. Scenes if London in 1972 were a time capsule, note how filthy the monuments were. Obvious California scenes with the mansion, but what a cast! Felt like an Avengers episode. Falk is superb, especially in the scene at the gentleman's club, where he is trying to eat, and nit look at the grisly photos. Bernard Fox did a bit of Colonel Krittendon in the Vic and Al embankment scene, where he is prattling on and Columbo is somewhere else. I was waiting for him to say "Ay Hogan, what!" The plot is the plot, I enjoyed the cast, and to see London in those days was a treat. The trilby hats, cars, and raincoats all were wonderful to see again. Anyone catch the Bond filming sites?
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Most accurate depiction of London in the 70's I've ever seen!
SamMalone0721 February 2021
How did they get this so right?!? This fish out of water 'Columbo' tale really nailed all the period sets and nuances of the swinging 70's London!! The only thing missing were the Koala Bears!! I swear, you could've had Columbo go to a whole other Continent like France or something to really shake things up, but to put him in London you really have to nail it. And nail it THEY DID!! They did, however, miss the mounted cops on horses, but that's easy to overlook. Great accurate episode, I could smell the 'shrimp on the barbie' just watching it!!
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Quaint setting but over-plotted
enochsneed25 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It must have seemed a great idea to bring Columbo to London. Imagine the fun you could have with our rumpled hero mixing with Limeys, with all that history and those cute accents! If Columbo had met up with real Metropolitan Police detectives in the 1970's he would have found them either on the take or ready to beat a confession out of the nearest suspect. Happily, those days are gone...

However, this is Hollywood England where the upper classes reign supreme in wood-panelled clubs (some nice comedy here from Peter Falk trying to eat and being faced with post-mortem photographs) while the lower orders are happy with their lot and regard any favour from their betters as "very gracious of you indeed, sir" - Joe the door-keeper should have been strangled at birth.

The plot of this Columbo episode is equally lacking in realism, with the killers having to visit the victim's home several times (supposedly English but obviously Californian), silence the sneaky butler, and break into the 'London Wax Museum' (which hasn't seen fit to invest in a burglar alarm system). The final confrontation with Richard Basehart apparently suffering some kind of breakdown is rather embarrassing, with Honor Blackman having to overact terribly to try and put the scene across. The running time is very long for a Columbo, too, at almost 95 minutes.

We get some views of Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge for local colour. Ironically the Royal Court Theatre was the home of some of the most ground-breaking and controversial plays of the 1950's and 60's, not Shakespeare (and certainly not such an old-fashioned production as we see here). It's cute to see Columbo in England, but this is far from his finest hour.
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below average Columbo
fcasnette13 April 2006
I've watched this a couple of times now and it gets worse the more you analyse. Compare it to the episode in Mexico where as a "fish out of water" Columbo has to help the local police. That episode is tightly scripted with a believable Mexican policeman and reason for Columbo to help out. Here we have lazy scriptwriting (exchnage visit) and cartoon English policemen going to their "clubs". Laughable! The theatre setting and "luvie" murderers have possibilities but marred by Basehart's Canadian drawl. The pub scene with "cockneys" is just ludicrous. The difference between the location shoot and the Californian and studio scenes is glaring and off putting.

The problem is Falk is not on camera enough to lift it, and a wealth of British character actors are wasted with not enough nuance in the script, and no interesting villain like Patrick MacGoohan, Jack Cassidy or Robert Culp to mask the story shortfalls with screen presence. The murder and denouement is just lame and it is surprising this episode came so early since it bears all the hallmarks of the type of episode you get when the series is going down the drain and a desperate attempt is made to liven the pattern up with a new location. Columbo has done far better than this, but I must admit that compared to more standard TV fare a bad Columbo is still better than a lot of other things you can pass the time with because Peter Falk is in it.
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A tepid "Columbo" effort featuring a shallow view of Londoners, weak comedy relief and a pair of cartoonish murderers
J. Spurlin20 March 2005
Richard Basehart and Honor Blackman are Nicholas Frame and Lilian Stanhope, a famous husband-and-wife acting team about to do "Macbeth." Just before dress rehearsal, Sir Roger Haversham (John Williams), the impresario behind this production, discovers they have tricked him – Lilian has seduced him for his money and Nicholas put her up to it. He secretly visits her dressing room to tell her the show is off. Nicholas joins them, and the three wind up in a scuffle that ends when Lilian hits Sir Roger on the head with a cold cream jar, accidentally killing him. They move Sir Roger's body back to his home and make it look as if he fell down a flight of stairs. Too bad for them our rumpled Lt. Columbo, visiting London as a guest of Scotland Yard, brings his sharp eye to this case.

Some English IMDb posters have already noted that this is a shallow and condescending view of Londoners, and I believe them. Nothing about this episode rings true, and the plot is thin stuff.

Basehart and Blackman have no trouble playing affected stars, but their roles are caricatures of actors, not real people. There's no fun in watching Columbo play cat-and-mouse with a couple of cartoons. In fact, this episode starts going badly the moment he enters the scene. We first see him bumbling and inadvertently creating havoc at the airport, a would-be comic sequence that falls flat. Columbo is funny only when his seeming ineptitude causes his quarry to underestimate him. Whenever the writers have him clowning like this, you wonder if they underestimate him, too. They even having him stumbling through crowds, trying to take pictures of all the London landmarks. For all these scenes add to the story, the producers might have scrapped the location shooting and spent the money on a better script.

This whole thing just feels like a cheap imitation of an English murder mystery down to the unsatisfying conclusion at a wax museum. If Basehart and Blackman weren't having such obvious fun with their roles (they even get to play a little Shakespeare), this would be a complete bore. Columbo may be a fish out of water in England, but so is "Columbo."

MISCELLANY. This is the second episode so far to feature an unpremeditated murder. The first was in "Death Lends a Hand."
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A Jolly Good Effort
danrs0000087 February 2021
1. I agree with others that this was not a great Columbo story, but as a fan I say that they are all worth watching. 2 It was interesting seeing the lieutenant in the London environment. He really seemed to enjoy his stay. 3. Normally he has to deal with people who become angry when he keeps questioning them, but here this doesn't happen to him as everyone is so prim and proper. 4. The producers felt the need to cast Sharon Johansen (Miss Dudley) in this story (Richard Baseheart's character flirts with Miss Dudley more than once). Sharon Johansen is a model from Norway who was Playboy's Playmate of the month just one month prior to the broadcast of this Columbo Episode. Also starring is London's own Honor Blackman, aka Pussy Galore in 007's Goldfinger. In my opinion there was no need for a Playboy Playmate in this episode, because even at the age of about 47 years, Ms Blackman still had it. She provided plenty of beauty and glamour for this story. Sadly she passed away in 2020.
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Probably the weakest episode of all
Vindelander16 January 2022
Hopelessly overacted throughout with a totally implausible plot. Almost an embarrassment to watch.

I'm a great fan of the series and had never seen this episode before. Sorry I did now.
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imdbjoeking11 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Un credited Jenny Lee-Wright http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0496751/ I think plays a bar maid in the pub.

Did Columbo actually plant some evidence?

Honor Blackman looked gorgeous in this one. The American actor Richard Basehart did a fairly unconvincing English accent. They both acted the 'overacting' thespian lovely clichés quite well. The streets of London looked grey and boring. An American who seems to get up the nose of a British Policeman - why didn't he get arrested? I really didn't know that a white china cup could kill anybody. She must of had a killer throwing arm.

But, didn't Columbo plant some evidence though?
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Murder in mind!
jw-063431 March 2021
Colombo actor Peter falk ls brilliant no one else could have made Colombo as successful then him! murder in mind was probably one of the best ones have watched
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Fun,slightly Disney version of London....
stevelarner13 August 2012
This wasn't too bad plot-wise,but they should have paid a bit more attention to the details,ie the blue Jag with the whitewall tyres was clearly two different cars,the music and lack of pint glasses in the pub, the mansion house being clearly in the US, but the worst part was the bad Cockney accent of "Joe Fenwick" (who staggeringly,was actually born in Hampshire,England!!) His accent was less convincing than Richard Basehart's! Columbo planting evidence was a bit naughty but the important part it got the confession,OK it was a bit unrealistic but the fact we knew they did it and as Columbo fans we forgive a lot of "inaccuracies" shall we call em? :)
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"The Scottish Play darling"
ygwerin14 November 2019
Just watching this great episode on 5 USA I have seen it innumerable times, but its not been on the box for ages and I haven't seen it in quite a while.

I am a diehard Columbo fan as was my partner Nonie, and we always enjoyed watching every single episode.

I always particularly enjoyed episodes set outside Columbo's usual stamping ground, and this has a special appeal as its set over here with some British actors.

As a Brit I am always somewhat suspicious of American shows that purport to portray anything remotely British, particularly actors and accents. So much so that I have actually got caught out in thinking an accent inaccurate, and found that the actor was actually a Brit after all.

A good example in this film is Bernard Fox, playing Detective Chief Superintendent William Durk. I am mostly familiar with him from the brilliant TV sitcom Bewitched, where he was one of my favourite characters Doctor Bombay. I mistakenly assumed that because he was in an American show, that he was a yank putting on an British accent. But when I checked it out, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that he was actually a Welsh actor.

Looking through the other film actors it was interesting seeing actor John Fraser who played Detective Sargent O'Keefe as he was a familiar face, and I had no idea where he was from and he is Scottish.

Actor Arthur Malet's character Fenwick had such a strange accent that frankly I couldn't believe it was genuine, nice to know he's actually English.

Another small part of a country constable was played by the actor, John Orchard again English. Interestingly looking through his Filmography I found he was also in the American TV shows Mash as both Captain 'Ugly John' Black and MP Muldoon. And The Man from U.N.C.L.E. as the character Forrest in 1 Episode.

I've concentrated on what may be considered as bit part actors here, as other reviewers have covered the well known Brit actors. Such as the simply gorgeous Honor Blackman, the Inimitable Wilfred Hyde White and John Williams from near to my English woods Buckinghamshire.

I am not really bothered with the American actor Richard Basehart's accent, as his character Nicholas Frame is apparently a Shakespearian actor 'luvvie'. Shakespeare actors have acquired a reputation for such over acting, since the days of Sir Henry Irving himself.

A postscript about the play depicted in the film that of Macbeth there is a superstition, as old as the play itself involving accidents and misshapes in its production. Actors are notoriously superstitious and this is especially so, for anyone appearing in this play. Such that they refuse to say the actual name, preferring instead to refer to it as The Scottish Play.
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Dagger of the mind
coltras3511 December 2023
Lillian Stanhope(Honor Blackman) and Nicholas Frame(Richard Basehart) are two famed actors in London set to act in 'Macbeth'. Producer Sir Roger Haversham had been Lillian's lover but finds out he has been deceived by the couple and is about to cancel their widely anticipated and lucrative engagement. During a dressing room brawl between the three, Haversham is accidentally killed by Stanhope. As Haversham had not been seen by any of the cast or crew before he entered the couple's dressing room, they decide to hide his body and later take the corpse to his mansion and stage his "accidental" death. However, Lieutenant Colombo, in London to learn about new investigation methods used by Scotland Yard, smells something fishy in this supposed accident.

Macbeth, theatre, actors, posh accents, and dark humour isn't something you associate with Columbo. Mostly Columbo -especially the earlier stuff - mainly has gothic overtones, but here, Dagger of the Mind, the humour is very much like arsenic and Old Lace and it's all very English. Columbo appears like a fish out of the water here, and he seems to be in the background. The mystery side is ok, but the interesting parts is the self-deprecating tone of actors and the English customs, and Honor Blackman and Richard Basehart act brilliantly and are the main attraction. Richard Basehart, whose character is described as a "ham" by the victim, is really hammy, but in a fun way. For the performance of the murderous, yet lovable duo, it's entertaining.
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The Music REALLY sets this one apart
tfmiltz10 October 2015
In few other words I can find disparate This episode of Columbo is DIFFERENT from the rest WATCH and you will see from the ENTRY Music that will have you wondering WHO SCORED THIS ? to the expected complexities of JUST HOW yet ANOTHER murder has identifiable social causal factors really this episode is unique Of course- I can say something unique of all but ONE episode ENJOY - music sets THIS scene more than anything else to me forget a clever CIA assassination THIS episode BEATS the Iranian regime change.

Strangely- they never DID do an episode where Columbo figured out who killed Mossadegh.

Well he WAS just out to his house - to where he died in 1967 so sad a man who wanted a TRUE democracy for Iran and Allen Dulles said- NO F DULLES AND THE CIA and the horse they rode in on DOWN WITH LANGLEY LET THE ENTIRE FACILITY CRISP IN - oh never mind.
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mwakes6 October 2023
I have never written a review before on IMDb before, but felt compelled, after seeing this episode of Columbo.

Now - this is in no way a derogatory review of Columbo itself..... Which is definitely one of the greatest TV shows ever made.

No.... I speak as an English person, seeing this particular episode through English eyes.

At one point, I began to wonder whether the producers of the show, were as ignorant as they appeared.... Or had it come full circle, and they were actually geniuses, creating some kind of bizarre parody of England, with a nudge and a wink?

Everything from the "tra-la-la" fanfare of the coronation trumpets in the incidental music, to the "toodle pip, old bean" accents, to the truly awful performance by the guy, playing the handy man in the theatre.

In fact, his accent was so Mary Poppins era dick van dyke, that I was so absolutely certain, it must be an American playing him, that I got a huge shock, looking him up on here, to discover he was actually English.

What on earth persuaded the man, to act in such a manner is beyond me.... I can only surmise, that he grew up watching only old Charles Dickens adaptations, with his favourite character being little Bob cratchett.....bless yer 'art, gavna!

But do you know what the huge irony is, in this Hollywood vision of an England that has never actually existed.... Even a hundred years ago?

Go now, and watch again, the Columbo episode, a couple of shows before this one ... The one where the orchestra conductor murders the pianist.

And just study the guy, who plays the mechanic.

I literally couldn't believe my ears, when I heard him open his mouth.

No "cor blimey".

No "bless yer 'art".

No "I say.... This is ripping fun, what, old bean!".

Not only did he have an English accent, but a REALLY authentic one.... PLUS.... He was northern English!!

Shock! Horror!

A northern English accent, in a mainstream American 70s show?!!

I think it must surely be the one and only example it ever happened.

And the thing is.... His acting was fantastic. Very down to earth. Very realistic. Very northern, in fact.

So how on earth, the producers got it so wrong when they actually came to this country, after getting it SO right, only two episodes earlier, I'll never know.

I must repeat, though.... This is in no way a criticism of this wonderful series... Simply a head scratching reaction, to the view of the UK, America had for a long.... Long ... Time.
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Am I wrong but....
Greta_Garbone15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Am I wrong but did Columbo plant evidence? It seems that Lt. Columbo did something illegal to catch, or it could be taken as frame these two. I love Columbo movies, but this one was so-so. It's not the best one.
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