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Cheesy but sweet...
8 April 2024
Romance. Christian. Cheesy but sweet! Not for everyone, but if you enjoy Hallmark flicks (and Christian films), you'll probably enjoy this IMHO. Really liked Jake Allyn (as Dawson) He said a lot with his eyes and body language, and he's adorable. I wish the writing, directing and acting were stronger, but it got a little better as it went along. And there were definitely plot holes, especially in regards to HIPAA (releasing health info to others). This is adapted from a Karen Kingsbury book (Christian author) and this is the first of her books that she produced under her own production company. I think the director/co-writer, and some other people that contributed to the film, are related to Mrs. Kingsbury as well. Definitely wouldn't give it a 9 or 10, but it doesn't deserve a 1 or 2 either IMHO! (5 from my hubby, 6 from me...but I do enjoy Hallmark movies...LOL)
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One Day (2024)
It got better as it went along...
9 March 2024
So confused by all the high ratings! Binged, but I almost gave up after a couple of episodes because the characters were annoying and it seemed an unrealistic, mismatched relationship. I honestly don't think a girl like Emma would have put up with Dex's narcissistic, self sabotaging behavior. They made him TOO unlikable in the beginning...but about halfway through when they mellowed him out a bit, the show took a turn and redeemed itself to be more enjoyable and even realistic and touching IMHO!. The acting was ok, but they needed a better script and directing. I give the first half 5 stars and the second 6.7 stars. (could've shortened this a lot too)
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Not as good as I hoped tension...
7 February 2024
First, I didn't read Agatha Christie and didn't know the story before hand.

I found the whole thing a bit of a mess. The editing, directing, story/script, and acting were all annoying. There was no tension or real suspense, but I did stick through to the end because it was bearable and I did want to see the reveal. I also hoped it would get better...which it did, slightly. The last episode was the best because it had movement, but the whole of the story plodded along with unlikeable characters, flashbacks, and just didn't have anything clever or gripping in the way it was written or acted out IMHO!

5.5 stars for me. Feb2024.
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The Blind (I) (2023)
It had its pluses and minuses...
14 October 2023
I've only seen a couple of episodes of Duck Dynasty, but I know a little bit about the family, the Robertsons, and as a Christian was eager to see this movie The true story of Phils redemption was interesting, but nothing we haven't seen in movies before. I enjoyed learning the story of Phil and Ms. Kay, but the quality seemed a bit low budget and came off more like a Lifetime/Hallmark TV movie. The acting and directing were not the best, but what was most frustrating is the lead actors were very hard to understand and you miss a lot of the dialogue due to the accents and mumbling. Phil, especially, barely moved his lips. I couldn't understand half of what he said.

The theater said this was a special showing/production so we couldn't use our Regal Unlimited, (which would've been nice to know ahead of time) so had to pay full price, as well is traveling a bit further to one of the limited theaters it was showing at. Was it worth it? I love movies, so I'm glad I saw it, just wish it had of been a better quality of movie. IMHO! 6.5 stars 10/2023.
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Farha (2021)
Didn't live up to the ratings IMHO...
16 December 2022
Although I think the Palestinian War and Nakba are important pieces of history, and more movies should be bring this time in our history to light, I don't think this movie is good enough to recommend. I think most of the high ratings come from the emotional subject matter rather than the quality of the film itself.

The subtitled movie, Farha, was inspired by a true story and although poignant, it was often slow and frustrating to watch. The movie mainly takes place in one room at the home of a Palestinian family, and is primarily focused on the experience of the teen daughter named Farha.

14-year-old Farha is determined to get an education. As she waits for her father to decide if he will allow her to go to school in the city (instead of focusing on getting married, like a good Muslim girl) her little village erupts into violence caused by the "Palestinian Catastrophe", the destruction and displacement of Palestinian society in 1948. Farha is hidden in a small pantry off her courtyard where she hears and watches through a tiny window the catastrophe overtaking her village.

The acting is decent, but the story is slow and drawn out. The film gets claustrophobic and stagnant at times, which I guess is the point. Although Farha is supposed to be intelligent and driven, you find yourself questioning and frustrated by her choices while in hiding (as well as the choices of other characters). The plot creeps slowly along in the middle part of the movie. There just isn't a lot of substance. It starts to pick up towards the last third of the movie and then, it just ends, and a few postscript/epilogue sentences leave a not so satisfying feeling for the time invested, IMHO! Didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. 5.8 stars.
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Super Disappointing!!
30 October 2022
Thought this would be a fun kid film that adults would also enjoy. I feel it fell short in both departments. As a parent I didn't like the intentional bleeped out cursing, which of course was obvious what word they "censored". What was the point of having this in a kid's film? It made no sense and it wasn't even funny nor fit the script/character. As a kid's film it was average, kids love animals but it's not super funny, or entertaining enough to hold kid's full attention throughout, and wasn't amusing enough to want to watch multiple times. The script was disjointed, super childish/bathroom humor in parts and other parts too adult for a kids movie. Except for a couple, most of the jokes didn't land well. The "villain" was corny and over the top. They, of course, had to make noticeable efforts to please all cultures/identities by changing the race and/or sex of well established superheroes, along with a few other forced additions. As an adult the storyline was tedious, predictable, and sometimes annoying. On the plus side, the actors/voices were great, loved "squeaky Bruce" and Batman scenes, and although it got boring in the middle I enjoyed the ending and I was wishing the entire movie had of been done as well as the ending. Although I didn't hate it, I wouldn't recommend it. This could have been so much better with some clever tweaks but its not even close to the caliber of films like, The Incredibles, The Mitchell's vs The Machines, Sing, Zootopia or Minions...which are good examples of how to make an animation movie enjoyable for both kids and adults, In My Humble Opinion! Note: stay for 2 post credit scenes, one at the very end.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Not super realistic but, entertaining enough!
29 August 2022
The script and dialogue were so-so, the plot had big holes, and the characters, and animals, did unbelievable, illogical things, (you know, like when you're screaming at the characters cause they are making foolish decisions, as is often the case in these type of movies) ...but with lots of action, descent acting, adequate pacing, and good CGI the film filled a boring Sunday afternoon and held my attention till the end. It is probably more engaging at the theater on the large screen (which is where I saw it) but I wouldn't necessarily pay a lot of money to see it either. (some blood/gore from animal attack, no bad language, no nudity, moderately intense, except for some of the intensity/blood/death could have easily been PG-13) 5.75 stars IMHO! Shutterbugmom 8/2022.
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Family Camp (2022)
An honest review...SILLY!
16 May 2022
This film is super cheesy! It is poorly acted, poorly scripted, not realistic, and has many plot holes. The characters are annoying more than funny, and, to top it off, there is a ridiculous beaver "character" and Bigfoot hunters to just push it over-the-top. I wouldn't say it's completely unwatchable, but barely tolerable, and I definitely wouldn't have paid to see it if I'd of know all this ahead of time. The only plus, is that it is a clean, family film. Younger children may enjoy the goofiness of this film more than the average adult. It's always disappointing when a Christian film is so poorly done. A missed opportunity IMHO. (note: First, I am a Christian, so I'm not an non-religious person bashing a Christian film. Second, after looking up a few of the 10/9 star reviews many are new accounts who have only rated this film, so they obviously were trying to bump up the rating, which is disappointing. Third, my husband gave it a 1 star) I say 4.5 stars. May 2022.
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Touching story, but poorly executed...
20 March 2022
Touching true story, but this probably made for a better book than this movie gave it justice. The first half is sooo slow. The pacing is just off, and the movie is way longer than it needs to be at 2:11. The acting, dialogue, and the leads' chemistry were flat. These are typically good actors, so a lot of the fault weighs on the script and direction (sorry Denzel). It's almost a little painful to watch in the beginning, when they are telling the love story, and all the flashbacks/flashforwards didn't help. The film finally picked up in the last third of the movie, when they focused on the mom and now pre-teen son (cutie Jalon Christian), as she started sharing with Jordan, the story of how he was born and his father's time in the army. I had really looked forward to seeing this, but the quality and story being more like a TV/Lifetime movie were disappointing, IMHO! March2022 (*true story*sappy*too long*poorly executed*)
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Drama not Action. Slow but interesting!
5 March 2022
Although not an award winner, this is a solid enough movie. First, this is not so much an action film, but a suspenseful drama about a prison escape. Second, this is a true story and followed the actual events pretty close. The real escapee, Tim Jenkins, was on the set and commented that some major scenes were 'almost exactly how it actually happened.' The film is based on two white South African men sent to jail for 12 and 8 year sentence for setting off minor explosions that released their anti-apartheid pamphlets (paper bombs). The acting was good. The sets were good. They had to cut out a lot of the character build up in the beginning due to time constraints, so they jumped right into the actual crime being committed, and them being sentenced and going straight to jail. Although the film did build some suspense and I was curious to see it play out, the movie's pace was occasionally slow as the plot plodded along in some areas, which did take the tension down a notch at times. Yes, it could have been better, but it was a decent and enjoyable film IMHO! Based on the book: Inside Out: Escape from Pretoria Prison by Tim Jenkins (had mild language, mild violence, no nudity) 6.5 stars March2022.
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Uncharted (2022)
Far-fetched but Fun!! Enjoyable Family film!!
19 February 2022
Fast-paced caper with tons of plot holes and unbelievability, but still a fun adventure. Tom Holland (Spider-Man) is as amusing and charismatic as ever. The film has great visuals and appealing characters. Lots of action, energy, and humor keep it enjoyable and entertaining enough. Has the feel of Indiana Jones (but not near as good) or National Treasure. Stay till the end for 2 post credit scenes (one at the very end.) PG-13 for murder/violence, minimal language (no F-bombs), no nudity. Good for the whole family IMHO! 6.5 stars.
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The beloved book has sold over 3 million copies since 1991
3 February 2022
Based on the book by Christian novelist Francine Rivers who co-wrote the screenplay, I have to say this filmed was closer to an R-rating than PG-13 due to content. The story is supposedly inspired by the Book of Hosea from the Bible, but if you know the book of Hosea, it's really not. In the book the central theme is the redeeming love of God towards sinners, but the faith-based theme from the book is down-played for this more secular themed movie . This story is a romance, and yes, somewhat cliché, but at it's core, it's a story of healing and second chances, learning to forgive and love oneself and others. When life has been so cruel and your walls are built so high can the love a decent, humble, godly-man ever break through? The actors were attractive and the acting was good, as well as beautiful cinematography and costumes. That being said this has some gritty and vile subject matter (child rape, prostitution, and abuse) that might not appeal to some. Although not the most original plot, I enjoyed the film and the story of redemption and love. A good chick-flick to watch with your girlfriends IMHO! 7.3 stars Feb/2022.
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Expected better w/ these actors but it is an older movie
17 January 2022
Nothing new or enjoyable here! Typical, predictable, marriage on the rocks movie. The acting, dialogue, direction, and pace were all average to poor. They made the wife and mom-in-law over the top annoying. We almost turned it off because it just wasn't entertaining to watch the wife browbeat the husband. I'd barely call it a Christian movie...they showed a wedding and the couple attending church, along with the mention of how God should be a part of your marriage, but that was the extent of the religious references. One use of the F-word - which you might even miss, no nudity. Not going to be missing much if you skip this one IMHO!
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Needed to be less predictable and more tense...
15 January 2022
It was a decent enough movie for a boring Sunday, but nothing I'd go out of my way to recommend (my husband loved it, but he has bad taste in movies, LOL!) Based very loosely on a real British Finishing School attended by all German girls, daughters of prominent Nazis. It's 1939 and the British spies are keeping an eye on the German girls expecting war to break out soon and the girls to be quietly summoned back to Germany. The acting was average. The pace was slow. The movie is predictable (I kept telling my husband what was going to happen before it did) There is no real tension, because it all seemed a bit pointless, but admittedly, I was engaged enough to keep watching and see how it all played out. As others mentioned it seems to go down hill towards the end when the tension should've been building. There is no foul language, nudity or gore. It was just ok IMHO! 5.5 stars Jan2022.
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I Didn't Love This Lucy...
2 January 2022
I Love Lucy, but something was just off. Two great actors in the leads but they just didn't work. Timing was off, script was off...there was little emotion/feeling (or humor) just running through the lines. It was mostly...boring, IMHO! Jan/2022 5.5 stars.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Not an action, revenge film...but a distinctive, well done, slow burn character study
29 December 2021
Go into this knowing as little as possible. It's a very slow burn, dark, and unique. This film goes in directions you never expect. The acting is top notch and subtle, the opposite of so many of Cage's B-movies. Direction and editing are great. There is much more to this film than just a man upset about his stolen pig. This is not an action, revenge film, it's a sociology and behaviorism study. It's not for everyone, but an interesting, albeit peculiar character study that is really worth it for those that have the patience, IMHO! 7.5 stars Dec2021.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Has it's ups and downs, but kept me curious...
23 December 2021
Pregnant Maddy has suffered several miscarriage and tolerates an abusive husband, but suddenly has much more to worry about when she starts having tangible visions of a gruesome serial murderer. With the murders hitting too close to home, and Maddy's insight she obviously comes under suspicion. Eventually, Maddy's sister and a sympathetic detective investigate and they start to untangle hidden secrets from Maddy's past that may link her to the killer. Malignant is a horror film with more gore than scares. The acting and direction is mediocre, but I was still curious to see how it would unfold... although it's often a bit campy, the film has some interesting reveals, and even though it has some unexpected twists, it goes a bit off the rails towards the end IMHO! Still might be worth viewing for your avid horror/thriller enthusiast.- 2.5 stars for me. Enjoy!
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An animated "I, Robot/Terminator" movie for the whole family!
23 December 2021
Fun, silly, and creative! The quirky Mitchell family is going through it's growing pains with an out of touch dad, loving but eccentric mom, and two unique kids trying to navigate who they are and who they want to become. As Katie prepares to leave home for film college, dad Rick tries to get the family to reconnect by pushing the whole family, beloved ditzy dog included, into taking a road trip. Their bonding journey is suddenly interrupted when a tech guru's robots decide to take over the world and the Mitchell's have to find a way to pull together to save their family and all humankind. Although the film can be a bit hyper and cheesy at times, it has a brightly animated, comic book look, is cleverly written, and well acted, with some good old nostalgia thrown in, as well as some moral messages about how tech can interfere with relationships, the importance of family (even a dysfunctional one), and seeing things from another person's perspective. Kids will love it, but it's enjoyable enough for adults too, IMHO! -- 6.7 stars 12/2021.
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This remake had it's highs and lows...
13 December 2021
Another version of Romeo and Juliet, this film was decent but didn't really move me. This rendition isn't really an improvement, retelling, or update of the original, it's just a pure remake. The acting was good for the most part and the singing and dancing were wonderful. The movie is 2 1/2 hours long, which you start to feel and are little ready for it to be over, so something was missing, in the writing? Editing? Direction?...but even with all that time, the relationship of Tony/Maria is barely fleshed out. They go from first meeting to instantly being in love enough to forsake all their friends and family. Another thing to be aware of, is that there is a fair amount of Spanish spoken, and although I understand why Spielberg decided not to use subtitles (because subtitles/English would make it more English/American and less authentic to the heritage/culture of the Puerto Rican story) it did make it more difficult for an English viewer, and it took a little bit away from the enjoyment, trying so hard to figure out what was being said. Even though I know a tiny bit of Spanish, I kept feeling like I missed something, so that was frustrating. The film is, for the most part, authentic to the original except for moving 2 songs around, and who sang them, and the wonderful Rita Moreno playing Doc's wife (in place of the character of Doc), and the original movie had a "tom boy" character that followed the gang around wanting to be included, which in this version is firmly established as a transgender character. All in all, it's an OK film, but IMHO not as wonderful as I was hoping for and not something I'd go out of my way to recommend. Dec2021.
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Cruella (2021)
flawed but creative...
25 October 2021
Although entirely too long, Cruella was more enjoyable than expected. The story is narrated by Estella/Cruella from her birth to adulthood. Born with half black and half white hair (think Sia) and an angel/devil personality to match, her single mom tried to teach her unusual, intelligent, precocious daughter Estella to keep her feisty, impulsive, intolerant "Cruella" personality in check. As Estella's life takes a turn and she struggles through tough circumstances with cunning, unprincipled persistence she finds herself clawing her way up, to try and land her dream job in the fashion industry to work for icy fashion icon, The Baroness...think Devil Wears Prada. The movie is dark with some shocking scenes that might be a bit much for the very young, and plays more for pre-teen to adults, and Cruella is no role model. There are definite flaws in the film but the acting is on point by all, with each actor fitting their role perfectly. Costumes are amazing. The soundtrack is filled with favorites from the 60's 70's 80's. There are some plot holes that won't jive with the Cruella from Disney's 1961 animated classic, 101 Dalmatians film (or the Glenn Close's 2000 version), but there is a scene in the closing credits that ties this prequel into that film, albeit a racially diverse version. Cruella is a decent origin story, that should have shed 30 minutes, but worth the watch IMHO. FYImom 2021.
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Watch for the amazing acting, not the twisted view of marriage.
14 October 2021
Critics love and audiences are mixed on this HBO mini-series, of 5 1-hour episodes, but everyone can agree on the captivating acting from Chastain & Isaac. There is great direction, good editing and palpable emotional scenes BUT... the story begins to disintegrate as it goes IMHO. This series has the feel of a theatrical play. The focus is on interaction between 2 characters, primarily filmed in one setting, the home. Each episode starts with us watching the actor walk from backstage onto the set and morph into their role, which was interesting. There's a definite and obvious agenda in the first episode (interracial, polyamorous couple, girl on girl kiss, etc.) that seems forced and out of place, especially because it doesn't add to the story, and mostly disappears after the first episode, thankfully, because the couple was annoying. This series is a character deep dive into a dysfunctional marriage where the couple is miserable/unhealthy but can't quit each other. At times it's very difficult to watch the choices, reactions, and dialog used. Sometimes so realistic and other times over-the-top and ridiculous. The acting keeps you hooked, but the characters just aren't likable. The last episode seems to be going well and you have some hope and then feel let down again. I hope people aren't really this messed up and emotionally bankrupt. There are some redeeming moments in this mini-series as they start to explore waning love, the permanent effects of selfish choices, and regrets in a marriage, but there are also a lot of irrational and melodramatic choices made. Depressing. Toxic. (TV-MA for language, adult content, nudity, explicit s*x scene and lots of wine lol)
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Cry Macho (2021)
Simple compassionate story, not an action movie!
20 September 2021
This film is a slow burn, character story not an action packed flick. It's not perfect, and not one of Clint's best, but it's enjoyable and sweet. Yes, the film is predictable, the mom's character was unrealistic and a bit over-the-top (as were others), and there were some elements that were definitely far fetched/unrealistic, but we really enjoyed the heartwarming relationship that grows between the old, ex-rodeo rider, Mike Milo and the 13-year-old ornery, skeptical, neglected boy, Rafo; and the rooster added some fun and humor. It's a clean movie without language or nudity and a tender story at heart, IMHO! Sept2021.
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Profile (I) (2018)
Not perfect but entertaining if you enjoy screenlife films...
26 August 2021
This film is loosely based on a true story from the book "In the Skin of a Jihadist" by Anna Erelle. It is filmed as a "Screenlife thriller" or "computer screen film." The entire film takes place on a computer screen through facetiming, direct messages, videos, google searches, etc... lots of clicking, screenshots, and opening multiple windows on the laptop (like Searching or Unfriend) and mixes real documentary footage with fictional social media and news posts. The story is about a journalist Amy/Melody who goes undercover on the internet propaganda channels posing as a young Islam convert, in order to attract ISIS recruiters, and investigate how they recruit women to their cause. As she connects with Bilel, a charming ISIS fighter from Syria, and begins talking to him regularly she starts to get pulled deeper into Bilel's world and begins crossing lines...for the sake of the story...or is she falling for him? Although the story is interesting and the acting is decent this won't be for every moviegoer (my husband hates these computer screen films.) The computer searches are fast and it's hard to read everything as she clicks around, opens and closes screens, apps, tabs, etc... lets just say, I used my rewind and pause button a lot... but it did hold my interest and I was curious to see how it ended, which was not disappointing. They close the film with an explanation of what happened to the real journalist. Not perfect, but entertaining and somewhat informational IMHO! Aug 2021.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Gets better as it goes along.
23 August 2021
The plot is decent but the script/dialog and acting are horrible, especially the first half. The plot has a few twists, but is somewhat predictable, and it seems confusing and all over the place at times, but it mostly comes together in the end. It's played straight/no humor and the typical heist, shoot-um-up action is to be had. Lot of F-bombs. If you can get through the terrible first half, it wasn't too bad IMHO!
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Reboot not remake or sequel...don't compare and you'll enjoy it more
20 August 2021
First off, this film is considered a reboot , not a remake or sequel of the Wrong Turn franchise. "Rebooting" -- that is, taking a franchise back to its origins and beginning again with a different take and a whole new movie. So don't expect it to be the same as the original. (In Australia it has been advertised as Wrong Turn: The Foundation.) This version/reboot film has a solid story with some clever and unexpected twists. Several times you think it's the end, but then it has one more scene, and then watch into the beginning credits. The film has it's expected share of blood and violence but nothing over the top for this genre. It's not scary, but there are some tense and suspenseful moments, as well as areas where it drags. The acting is adequate, and there's no nudity. It's not the best horror/thriller you'll ever see but it was a entertaining and different IMHO!
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