30 Coins (TV Series 2020–2023) Poster


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Oh dude, you gotta see this
teocrito29 November 2020
It is hard to explain what this is about. It starts weird and ends even more weird... But I need to know what is going to happen... As always Alex de la Iglesia does a great job to surprise the audience and in this case you end up saying "what the heck just happened?" If you like weird and extremely original series this one is for you. I really like the actors by the way, for the Spanish audience they are pretty recognizable.
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Really intense
arimollar29 November 2020
Another intense horror intrigue suspense movie from Alex de la Iglesia. It reminds me of El día de la Bestia. Really good. Waiting to see what happens next!!
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Good and evil even in the script
MiguelAReina19 January 2021
Great production effort for a series that contains the best and worst of Álex de la Iglesia, but in an ambitious format. It is excessive and sometimes clumsy in its development, it leaves characters without course like Elena, but it has great moments of terrifying fantasy with touches of typical Spanish humor. It is better when it pays homage to the Italian giallo (excellent Episode 7) than when it emulates "The Da Vinci Code", but as a whole it offers spectacle and entertainment.
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Unexpectedly good!
ghost-mutation15 January 2021
First, I'd like just to say that it speaks volumes about the credibility of most reviews on the internet that people are actually complaining about not understanding Spanish. There's always an agenda huh? Some of the best shows in the world right now are coming from other countries, while most American shows have started to become stale. Dark on Netflix is a perfect example of this, and it is the best show on the service. That's why the subtitles are there for you non-Spanish speakers. How do you in good faith leave a bad review because other languages in the world exist besides English? You people don't realize that you're only embarrassing yourselves? Why do this? You look moronic and the joke's on you.

30 Coins (30 Monedas) is a really interesting show. Reminds me of Penny Dreadful and Hellboy so far. Good concept with good performances, some pretty horrifying visuals, good pacing (so far), and weird stuff happening that I can't even describe. This show is cool and it's refreshing to see some of these actors in a horror show, as they're usually in dramatic love stories. Will keep watching and hoping it stays like this or gets even better.
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Season 2 - depth is gone
wezsiemamo21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being over the top, season 1 has redeeming qualities: unique location, strong main character Vergara & deep philosophical questions, to name a few. Season 2 is too much, too grotesque & outward silly jumping from place to place, character to character. Nothing has gravity or a chance to sink in.

The psych ward plot line is something worthy of a C movie, not the idea itself but the execution. The way the patients are examined looks incredibly cartoonish. Not only that but also the police officer easily infiltrating the facility is ridiculous. The influencer & her fanbase plot line is similarly silly and tiring. Again, this plot line could work but is executed so comically that as a viewer, you just cringe. It makes you think: the creators had so much time and they came up with this?

Although season 1 is over the top too, it makes you ponder on the nature of good and evil without ever telling you what to think. Season 2 presents us no deeper meaning in this story, only shock value. In season 1 grotesqueness complements the plot, in season 2 it is overbearing. Season 2 makes you think the creators wanted to go ham with everything they could and overdid it.
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akira-hideyo20 January 2021
First half of series 1 had good potential. The last 3 nonsensical episodes= Bad.. Truly! My 30 coins worth.
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Finally someone takes the supernatural seriously. THIS IS WORTH WATCHING.
artistwriter-5470512 January 2021
There will be no spoilers. This is my review of the first three episodes.

If you enjoy the supernatural, if you enjoy things that are a bit gory, but not gory for the sake of being gory, and if you love watching characters being put through some stuff, then you will absolutely love this series. While culturally some may not understand the appeal, or want to read subtitles, this is one of the most interesting and probably well constructed series I have seen so far. It has compelling characters that you actually care about.

The exiled priest, the veterinarian, the mayor, the mayor's wife, the townspeople who are not just a backdrop. This series does something that I have not seen in a long time, and that is to create a sense of urgency with regard to the characters safety. If you watch other series or films where they failed to establish the characters, you have no feeling of urgency or danger for the characters you are watching on the screen and in tonight's episode you got a great example, (episode 3).

The characters in this story are actually good people and you watch them deal with phenomena that goes past the pale when it comes to being otherworldly. This is matched by the set design, photography, the effects, and of course the art direction. The color palette is what makes the horror elements interesting to watch and the creature design in the first episode was quite good. The effects though are some of the best I have seen in a while and probably a little over the top but still well done.

The acting is also first rate. While I do not speak Spanish I seemed to know enough cognates to understand what is going on, and watching it with subtitles does not detract from it in the least. I have a decent attention span and can read quickly as the dialog does move along pretty quickly.

If I knew more about Spain, and Spanish I might be more critical of the acting, but seeing these actors having to run up stairs, work in the heat, and still maintain their characters, they deserve all the praise I am giving them. The main characters being the priest, the veterinarian and the mayor get a lot of abuse heaped on them in these first three episodes and as someone who understands a bit of what it takes to do that job, they definitely deliver their lines on point. Everything is believable which is what really blows me away.

The writing in this is very calculated, and very well done. They have done their homework and have come up with an excellent story that they are putting together. While we have not been treated to the entire series, this series does not have that kind of predictability that you get with some others as you have no real idea where the direction is going. At the end of tonight's episode I was surprised at what took place and if you watched it too you probably had that moment where you knew this is very human kind of story. In a lot of things I've seen lately you see characters doing what you would expect their characters would do, but in the case of this latest episode you watched what a person in that situation would probably do, that is if they were indeed a good person.

Having said that, and I have not spoiled anything, I think that these first three episodes are a great start to a series that I immediately became wrapped up in. The first episode hooked me in a way that I have not felt in probably 20 years. The last time I saw something that good was probably when the series premier of "Millenium" hit the airwaves. Though neither series has anything in common, the feeling of "This is going to be good" was the same. I take a great deal of enjoyment watching actors not only do their job but you can tell there is a level of acting here that is greatly amplified by the choice in casting. The casting direction in this was really good from the standpoint that you are watching an ensemble cast all of whom seem to benefit from being around other good actors.

While this review seems a bit lacking in the details, it should make people who are on the fence want to see it. It is the simple fact that when something is done well, it should be praised for what it is and what it does. This show made me want to buy a heavy bag, get some tattoos and join the priesthood. At the very least work out more. It's not what you think it's going to be so do not let any negative reviews keep you from watching it because I guarantee you that if you sit through it, and pay attention, you'll see some things pop up that you should be looking for. There's some hidden details in this show that after a second viewing cropped up.

I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to watch this show especially if you love the supernatural, and all that it entails. Because from where I am sitting they are treating it the way it should be treated. HIgh Praise for this series.
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Wild opening episode offers plenty of intrigue
paul-allaer5 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"30 Coins" (2020 release from Spain; 8 episodes) brings the story of Father Manuel Vergara. As Episode 1 opens, we are in "Geneva, Switzerland", as a guy walks into a bank, shoots everyone in sight and manages to retrieve a coin from the bank's vaults. We then go to "Pedraza, Spain", a remote village where we are watching as a cow is giving birth. Inexplicably and shockingly, the cow births not a calf, but a baby boy, to the utter consternation of the small group there. They hastily call the village mayor, who in turn decides to call on the local priest, Father Vergara... At this point we are less than 15 min. Into the opening episode.

Couple of comments: this is the latest from veteran Spanish writer-director Alex de la Iglesia. Here he brings us another story mired in the supernatural-fantastical genre, but with a a decided dark humorous side to it. The opening episode runs 80 min. (whereas future episodes are about 60 min. Each), and covers so much ground, it makes the mind twist and dazzle. Of course when a story is as plot-heavy as this turns out to be, it would be inexcusable to reveal more than just the opening scenes, which I described earlier. By the time we reach of end of Episode 1, I thought to myself: 'wait, how did we get from the opening scenes to this point?', and that is actually a plus, as it tells me that the story is chock full of twists and turns. It is clear to me that no production expenses were spared and the special effects are impressive. I can't wait to see future episodes!

"30 Coins" premiered in November on HBO Europe, and is now showing here in the US, with new episodes airing on Monday evenings at 9 pm Eastern, and then made available on HBO On Demand and other streaming services. If you are in the mood for a fast-evolving story set in the supernatural-fantastical genre, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.

*UPDATE 1/6/21* I've now seen Episode 2, and this remains pleasantly entertaining, frankly more than I had expected. Episode 2 is where the Vatican becomes involved... And lots more rollicking story advancements!
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You gotta see it!
danimunoz2 December 2020
It is the most weird series of all, nevertheless I loved it! Tension, weirdness and scary in one episode only.
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Contrived but interesting
gaily_daily21 January 2021
Plot holes abound but damn if the storyline isn't compelling. Just ignore how contrived it can be and you'll have a good time.

Also, little nitpick here, it feels as if the show has chosen the wrong main character. Clearly the most interesting person in the series is the Priest Manuel. With a dark past and plenty of secrets he's a solid type for the spotlight. But somehow he's the side character?? It's really weird. Makes the show feels off. Like I'm just watching a bunch a secondary characters try and carry the plot along while the main character just sits there and does nothing.

Anyway, still entertaining.
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I had to split the difference. Season 1 gets 9 stars. Season 2 gets 4.
Reviewenstein29 November 2023
This is really a review of season 2. The first season was all the good things you've heard... I don't know what happened in between.

It's like the writer saw the difference between Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 and thought, "That's what I want to do!" So while the first season was serious horror based cleverly in Catholicism, the second season is horror comedy with a completely incompatible cosmology that brings in everything from Scientology to Lovecraft to Bosch. That's a shame on a couple of levels, partly because it undermines the first season, and partly because I would have loved to see these ideas presented seriously.

The characters' personalities have changed, too. Paco is now a bumbling goofball, Elena is relentlessly irritable and contemptuous, and Vergara... well, I can't tell you about him without getting into spoilers, but he's not the same man. The only character who seems consistent is Laguna, who's also the only actor who seems to be taking the story seriously. He almost manages to save it.

The basic lack of seriousness pervades the writing. Stuff happens without any attempt at plausibility... I'm not talking about the supernatural, I mean mundane things. People know things that happened in scenes where they weren't present, plot devices appear at impossible times. At one point a man who was strip-searched and dressed by guards moments ago suddenly has a cell phone in his pocket.

Ultimately, for me, having seen season 1 makes it impossible to really invest in season 2. It's not silly enough to feel like a completely different world, but it's not serious enough to take, er, seriously. I keep expecting the world from the previous season and being disappointed, which compounds the disappointment of seeing a great premise wasted. Maybe watch season 2 first? That might be a way to enjoy both.
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The intro alone had me hooked......
saucy_design14 January 2021
Watching the show mainly because this intro was so spectacular and shattering. My blood ran cold and I was almost traumatized by it. OK, that was being dramatic, but anyone who sees this intro will know what I am talking about. Sheer excellence. Father Badass is awesome. Insect people not so much but the actual show is funny and also diabolical.
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It HAD great potential
purpleakin6 February 2021
Not going to lie, this show had a great story, great actors, great reasoning behind most of the things done by the actors, but in the end the whole story fell flat since it lacked consistency.

In critical moments the story just wondered off, the fantasy monsters were not logical, story wise nor physically, how come some bad guys are just overpowered and in the next situation they are less than mere mortals? it just does not add up, the ending was horrible, too many unanswered illogical moves, all in all, not great but not terrible either.
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Jumped the Shark
dudewholikesthepits2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had to lower my rating from 8 to 5 after S2. This show was amazing in S1. It was everything I could want in a show like this. Horror, mystery, romance. S2 became a Charlie Foxtrot of convoluted ideas (a UFO...really?) with no focus. The characters weren't as interesting and the ending was moronic. There was too much "jedi" stuff with the coins and the rules of the story's world were inconsistent (Vergara didn't feel getting stabbed or shot after returning to earth, but screamed in pain every time he pulled a part of the staff out of his body, in example). The bad guy's idea is to fly a UFO into god's eye and go to another dimension? How far this show has fallen. There were some good ideas in there, but the execution was horrible. I'm not even sure I want a S3 after that mess. I went from loving the show to wondering what happened to it. Did the writers of S2 ever see S1?
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Great story
mnzero21 December 2020
People who say this is horrible or predictable are wrong, it got an amazing story, can't wait for more episodes to come out.
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It is ok
otnememento-229 November 2020
I have been a fan of De la Iglesia from Acción Mutante and I don't think this is one of his best jobs but still it is a decent start. The actors are pretty good and as always Eduard Fernandez makes an incredible performance. It is worth watching. We'll see how it develops.
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bbevis-4795416 January 2021
Love the setting and the three main characters. The performances from the three main characters are excellent especially Megan Montaner's as Elena. The plot kept my interest and the setting was unique. I am not one of the people that are bothered by subtitles and I enjoyed the unique-strange atmosphere 30 coins provides. It won't be for everyone but I hope to see more.
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the puzzle
Kirpianuscus13 January 2021
At the first sigh , with the viewer memories, fears, sensitivities puzzle. Each piece is recognozible. But the virtue is the game itself. Religion, a Spanish ordinary life bulversed, romance, duties, crimes, magic, so many ways than it seems pure chaotic. But, episode by episode, it becomes obvious different. For the details of near reality, the veil of old fairy tales and Gothic literature and for wise use of expectations for a story about old fashion fight between Good against Bad, theories and strange realism of characters. A film about vulnerabilities, courage, love and friendship. Admirable crafted.
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Season 1 was fun. Season 2 was just insane.
Otkon26 January 2024
Like they removed all sense of restraint and often logic to make everything just ramped up to eleventy trillion. Don't try to think too hard and figure things out. Just enjoy the side quests and the seemingly aimless nonsense for what they are.

So here goes a massive ramble about Season 2 but that is how the show went.

Paco is still mostly an ineffectual milquetoast. But so easy on the eyes. I mean, come on. Merche is wickedly dreadful cranked up. Paul Giamatti - oh boy. I am not entirely sure why he is in this. I am assuming a huge paycheck. Every one of his scenes is over the top. The scenes in the underworld are like a Lady Gaga version of Cruising. What was the Holy Death?!?! And the arachnid thing - inside of one thing with another inside thingy inside. And the goofy village surgeon - that was like half an episode. Oh, and the pope's stick of blood. Can't forget the deliciously-shaped petroglyph auction deal. Oh, and drone part was cool. I am not complaining at all. Putting Paco in a suit in the season 2 finale was quite a bold but pleasant touch. However, they NEVER explained the blue. That entire episode was just bat-stuff lunacy.

Bring on Season 3.
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Excellent show and binge worthy
virginiacottrell30 December 2020
This series is from Spain and I don't mind subtitles every now and again, luckily I managed to watch a dubbed version which wasn't too bad compared with the subtitles that I left on just to check.

What may appear to be a classic exorcist style show...... it is not, its quite different and with an interesting twist. No spoilers here as it would ruin the show. I've seen something similar but not for a long time. Perhaps a bit of a 'Damien' style series. It is well put together, a good cast, writing and concept. There are some scenes that you wouldn't expect to see. I'm up to episode 4 and have been binge watching this.

Clever show and definitely a good watch, well done Spain.
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Pretty good TV series stunningly written and directed by Alex de La Iglesia, including his usual trademarks.
ma-cortes12 April 2024
Father Manuel Vergara (Eduard Fernández), an exorcist by profession, boxer and former prisoner, lives in Pedraza, a town in Segovia, to forget his past and start a new life. However, paranormal phenomena soon begin to occur in the place and he will have to count on the help of Paco, the mayor (Miguel Ángel Silvestre), and Elena, the town veterinarian (Megan Montaner), to solve the mystery of a coin. Vergara could have part of the thirty with which Judas was paid for his betrayal of Jesus Christ. The three protagonists will end up at the center of a global conspiracy that involves the Cainites and that threatens to destroy Christianity.

Devilishly fun and entertaining terror series with some elements of black humor and wonderful performances. This is a full-on surreal terror movie that blends thriller, a lot of amusement , suspense, tension, an intriguing script full of underlying seriousness , horror, as well as comedy and embarrassing situations. According to the same director Eloy de la Iglesia himself: ¨the series is a demonic nonsense with blood, sweat, tears... and monsters, and feverish satanic sects, and couples destroyed by the hell of jealousy and also a final smile. The essence of the story really is that God is an author. God might not create reality, he might observe himself or exist himself surrounded by nothingness. But he decides to carry out creation, he decides that man exists and let's say that, in that divine plan, each of us plays a role. So we are all characters in a creation and, as Lucifer says, we are all a little bit of God and we are all a little bit of the devil. God is all the characters. Therefore, doing good is the same as doing evil, which is the idea defended by the Cainites, the cursed sect that liberates the rite at the end¨.

For the first season, the main setting of the series was especially on location in the town of Pedraza (province of Segovia), where most of the places were recorded. In addition, it was also filmed in the Aldeadávila de la Rivera (dam) , Salamanca, Castilla y León, the Calatrava La Nueva castle, the General Library of Salamanca, the Institute of Spanish Historical Heritage, in Alcalá de Henares and the Palace of the Marqués de Santa Cruz (Viso del Marqués) in Ciudad Real and Tenerife, Canary Islands. Likewise, it was recorded in the foreign cities of Jerusalem, Rome, New York and Paris; although Spanish scenarios were recreated for Aleppo. The second season was filmed in 27 weeks in Spain, Italy, the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

Adding a thrilling, suspenseful and evocative musical score by Roque Baños. And colorful, brilliant and dark at times, cinematography by Pablo Rosso, Jaume Balaguero's usual. The series was well written (along with his regular writer Jorge Guerricaechevarría) and shot by Alex de la Iglesia. Well known as the Spanish king of black comedy. He's a cool director who has got much successes as ¨Accion Mutante¨,¨Dying of laughter¨ or ¨Muertos De Risa¨ , ¨Baby's room¨ , ¨Oxford murders¨ , ¨Balada Triste De Una Trompeta¨ and ¨Perdita Durango¨, the latter is probably the weirdest Javier Bardem film ever made . And, of course , ¨Day of the beast¨ and ¨La Comunidad¨ obtained the unanimous praise of both the critics and the public and they result to be a lot of fun, especially for those who enjoy surrealist humor, won several Goya prizes and and turned to be a turning point in his meteoric career; from then on he became his own producer, beginning with '800 bullets' (2002) through the Pánico Films company . Winner of several Goyas (Spanish Oscars), however his movies have not yet reached box office in USA, but he has strong followers , as his films have a kind of comic edge to them. Nonsense, ridicule , laughters , absurdity , disturbing scenes and many other issues ; you can find everything in this series. Rating: 7.5/10.
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What happened between seasons?
anticide-k16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season one is a fun show with freaky monsters and mystery. You get some creature feature episodes and slowly learn about whos behind the demonic attacks on this once quiet town.

Season two is insane and makes no sense. Everyone suddenly gets jedi powers with their coins, sometimes they dont even need a coin theyre just psychic now. What was once about a small town under demonic siege is now about one womans fight against an international/inter-dimensional conspiracy. There are multiple government agencies full of forgettable faces in suits who might be working together or against each other, it gets hard to tell. Apart from the arguably useless scenes in hell we dont get any of the unique monsters that made season one fun. Its just psychic fights between rich priests or gun fights with regular humans.

The actors and visual effects teams are all far better than the stupid plot they were given. Visually appealing, but if you try to think about anything for more than 1 minute youll just get more questions.
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Long awaited. Deserved HBO's money
pablo_moriano29 November 2020
First scene disappoints me a lot. Afterwards interest increases and makes it worth the watch. Good staff of actors and the world Alex de la Iglesia has previously shown is entirely on display here. Even there's some resemblance or homage to other films he shot in the past.
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Really rough start, but with plenty of potential
sabrewolf842 December 2020
Having watched the first episode, I have to say, this is somewhat difficult to review, because for the first 3/4 of the episode, it feels like way too many hands in the cookie jar. Editing is extremely choppy, taking the viewer scene to scene, feeling like you've missed a fair amount of dialogue and context, and completely losing what significance the scene had, if any.

The audio is fairly rough as well. My Spanish isn't great, and having more than a few of the leads mumbling along or rambling off rapid-fire retorts of barely audible dialogue is very frustrating, even with subtitles struggling to keep up. Add to this that most of the dialogue itself is pretty cheesy or downright lazy and all this accompanied by a bland and forgettable soundtrack, and you sort of stop caring to listen further.

BUT!!! Despite this, the camera work and rare cinematography is really great, and many of the older actors put in incredible performances despite the material. AND!! In the final 1/4 of the episode, the visuals and effects really stand out and grab your attention and the editing finally stops jumping around long enough to give you one great, cohesive finale to fill you with enough mystery and intrigue to want to come back for another episode or two just to see where it's going!

Give it a shot, but keep your initial expectations VERY low.
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The character development is bad...
ryanmkincaid31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
... And that makes this show hard to watch. The stupidity of characters to ignore the forces they are dealing with only for them to stumble into foolish and implausible situations drastically steals any thunder 30 Coins could have. A brilliant opening is ruined by the most infuriating ending you could think of. I don't know if it's bad editing or just lazy story telling but I have an issue when characters do purposefully stupid things just to move the story along. I invite you to just watch the first episode and consider just this little sampling of foolishness: 1. You check on a 2 day old baby and it's bigger than the woman taking care of it and you don't get everyone to come investigate? Just the mayor? Not the priest? 2. You walk into the same house with said mutated baby and you don't bring protection or an army with you? By the way the baby was born by a cow; nope nothing to see here, huh? 3. Women and man are attacked, woman abandons man to get help. (My issue here is the scene makes the woman look cowardly, but she's supposed to be the hero). 4. Woman possessed by devil/demon and shot with bullets is still alive but allowed to ride unrestrained in an ambulance with another patient. 5. Priest and cowardly woman from before retreat to a church to get weapons to protect themselves. Priest tells woman to stay hidden. She instead comes out in the middle of a battle then hides in a... you know what I'm done. The ending is stupid, the characters are written as stupid, and the editing is bad in this first episode. If you watch, take a drink when you see something stupid. I'll give it 2 more episodes but the overall high ratings clearly are bought and paid for. If you're not desperate for something to watch (like clearly I am) skip this entirely.
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