Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Poster

Ryan Gosling: 'K'



  • Joi : Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I am only two: 1 and 0.

    'K' : Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart.

  • Dr. Ana Stelline : [crying]  Someone lived this, yeah. It happened.


    'K' : I know it's real.


    'K' : I know it's real.


    'K' : GODDAMN IT!

    [throws chair] 

  • Interviewer : [Baseline test room at LAPD HQ]  Officer K-D-six-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?

    'K' : Yes, sir.

    Interviewer : Recite your baseline.

    'K' : And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

    Interviewer : Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Do you dream about being interlinked?

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Within cells interlinked.

    'K' : Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer : Why don't you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.

    'K' : Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer : We're done... Constant K, you can pick up your bonus.

    'K' : Thank you, sir.

  • Rick Deckard : I had your job once. I was good at it.

    'K' : Things were simpler then.

    Rick Deckard : Why you makin' it complicated?

    'K' : Why don't you just answer the question?

    Rick Deckard : What question?

    'K' : I didn't figure you as one for bullshit. What's her name?

    Rick Deckard : Rachael. Her name was Rachael.

  • 'K' : All the best memories are hers.

  • 'K' : [pointing at dog]  Is it real?

    Rick Deckard : I don't know. Ask him.

  • 'K' : I've never retired something that was born before.

    Lieutenant Joshi : What's the difference?

    'K' : To be born is to have a soul, I guess.

    Lieutenant Joshi : Are you telling me no?

    'K' : I wasn't aware there was an option, madame.

    Lieutenant Joshi : Attaboy.

    [K walks to the door] 

    Lieutenant Joshi : Hey! You've been getting on fine without one.

    'K' : What's that, madame?

    Lieutenant Joshi : A soul.

  • 'K' : This is really somethin'

    Rick Deckard : The whole town was somethin'. One time. Forget your troubles, see a show, gamble a little. Win some money, lose some money. They made money seem like candy.

  • 'K' : I have memories, but they're not real. They're just implants.

  • Rick Deckard : Why? What am I to you?

    'K' : [smiles at him]  Go meet your daughter.

  • K : If this gets broke, that's it. You're gone.

    Joi : Like a real girl.

  • Rick Deckard : Got a name?

    'K' : Officer KD6-3...

    Rick Deckard : [interrupting]  That's not a name. It's a serial number.

    'K' : All right. *Joe.*

  • 'K' : You worked with Officer Deckard, back in the day. What can you tell me about him?

    Gaff : He liked to work alone. So did I. So we worked together to keep it that way, and that was it.

  • Luv : I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv.

    'K' : He named you. You must be special.

    Luv : ...I'm here for Mr. Wallace. Please come with me.

  • Joi : I'm so happy when I'm with you.

    'K' : You don't have to say that.

  • Rick Deckard : You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you boy?

    'K' : "Treasure Island"?

    Rick Deckard : He reads, that's good. Me too, not much else to do around here at night anymore. Many is the night I dream of cheese. Toasted, mostly. What are you doing here?

    'K' : I heard the piano.

    Rick Deckard : Don't lie, it's rude. You're a cop.

    'K' : I'm not here to take you in.

    Rick Deckard : Oh yeah? Then what?

    'K' : I just have some questions.

    Rick Deckard : What questions?

  • K : [toasting]  To strangers.

  • Rick Deckard : I like this song. We could keep at this or we could get a drink.


    'K' : I'll take the drink.

  • Mariette : What's that?

    'K' : A tree.

    Mariette : I've never seen a tree. It's pretty.

    'K' : It's dead.

    Mariette : Now, who keeps a dead tree?


    Mariette : You're not gonna kill me, are you?

  • 'K' : [to Joi]  They'll be coming after me soon.

    Joi : I'm coming with you.

  • [first lines] 

    'K' : I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. I was careful not to drag in... any dirt.

  • Interviewer : Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box? Cells.

    'K' : Cells.

    Interviewer : Interlinked.

    'K' : Interlinked.

    Interviewer : What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

    'K' : [a short pause]  Interlinked.

    Interviewer : Within cells interlinked.

    'K' : Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer : Dreadfully.

    'K' : Dreadfully.

    Interviewer : What's it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully.

    'K' : Dreadfully.

    Interviewer : Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct.

    'K' : Distinct.

    Interviewer : Dreadfully distinct.

    'K' : Dreadfully distinct.

    Interviewer : Dark.

    'K' : Dark.

    Interviewer : Within cells interlinked.

    'K' : Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer : Within one stem.

    'K' : Within one stem.

    Interviewer : And dreadfully distinct.

    'K' : And dreadfully distinct.

    Interviewer : Against the dark.

    'K' : Against the dark.

    Interviewer : A tall white fountain played.

    'K' : A tall white fountain played.

    Interviewer : You're not even close to baseline.

  • Luv : I see you're one of our clients. I hope you're satisfied with our product.

    'K' : She's very... realistic. Thank you.

  • 'K' : [after being offered something to eat, which is probably garlic-flavoured maggots]  No thanks, I prefer to keep an empty stomach, until the hardest part of the day is done.

  • 'K' : She likes him

    Luv : Who?

    'K' : This officer Deckard. She's trying to provoke him.

    Luv : It is invigorating being asked personal questions. Make one feel... desired.


    Luv : Do you enjoy your work, officer?

    'K' : ['K' gives her a look]  Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time.

  • 'K' : Why are you so good? What makes your memories so authentic?

    Dr. Ana Stelline : Well, there's a bit of every artist in their work. But, I was locked in this sterile chamber at eight; so, if I wanted to see the world, I had to imagine it. I got very good at imagining.

  • Joi : Would you read to me?

    [gets up, crosses to table, 'picks up' Nabokov's Pale Fire] 

    Joi : It'll make you feel better.

    'K' : You hate that book.

    Joi : [throws virtual book over her shoulder]  I don't wanna read either.

  • Rick Deckard : What'd you do? Who'd you bring? Huh?

    'K' : No one.

    Rick Deckard : Oh yeah? They know you're here!

  • Lieutenant Joshi : Do you remember anything? Before you were under me? Do you have any memories from before?

    'K' : I have memories but they're not real. They're just implants.

    Lieutenant Joshi : Tell me one. From when you were a kid.

    'K' : I feel a little strange sharing a childhood story considering I was never a child.

    Lieutenant Joshi : Well, would it help you share if I told you it was an order?

  • Joi : What's the occasion?

    'K' : Let's just say, it's our anniversary.

    Joi : Is it?

    'K' : No. But - let's just say that it is. Okay?

    [opens box] 

    'K' : Happy anniversary.

  • 'K' : What happened to the kid? Who put it in the orphanage? Was it you?

    Rick Deckard : I was long gone by then.

    'K' : You didn't even meet your own kid? Why?

    Rick Deckard : Because that was the plan. I showed 'em how to scramble the records, cover their tracks. Everyone had a part. Mine was to leave. Then the Blackout came, paved over everything. Couldn't have found the child if I tried.

    'K' : Did you want to?

    Rick Deckard : Not really.

    'K' : Why not?

    Rick Deckard : Because we were being hunted. I didn't want our child found, taken apart, dissected.

  • Lieutenant Joshi : What the fuck is with you? I put you on a case. I impressed on you the importance of that case, and then we pick you up fucking around outside an upgrade center? Scan said you didn't look like you on the inside. Miles off your baseline. Do you know what that means?

    'K' : I found the kid. He was set up like a standard Replicant, put on a service job. Even he didn't know who he was.

    Lieutenant Joshi : And?

    'K' : And it's done.

    Lieutenant Joshi : What does that mean, "it's done"?

    'K' : What you asked. It's done.

  • 'K' : They say you're the best memory-maker there is.

    Dr. Ana Stelline : Well, then, they're kind. I love birthday parties.

    'K' : You work for Wallace.

    Dr. Ana Stelline : Subcontract. I'm one of his suppliers. He offered to buy me out, but I take my freedom where I can find it.

  • Lieutenant Joshi : Hey. You've been getting on fine without one.

    'K' : What's that, madam?

    Lieutenant Joshi : A soul.

  • Lieutenant Joshi : [over video-link]  You're hurt. I'm not paying for that.

    'K' : I'll glue it.

  • 'K' : [K has just returned home to his apartment]  You were right. You were right about everything.

    Joi : Shh...

    Mariette : [door opens behind K and Mariette enters]  Thought you weren't interested working man.

    Joi : You liked her I could tell. It's ok, she's real. I want to be real for you.

    'K' : You are real for me.

    Mariette : You have a special lady here.

    [long silence] 

    Mariette : Ok, lets do it.

  • Gaff : [talking about young Deckard]  He wasn't long for this world.

    'K' : How so?

    Gaff : Something in his eyes.

  • Rick Deckard : What's the plan?

    'K' : We don't run.

  • 'K' : A little boy came through here about 30 years back. I need to see your records.

    Mister Cotton : Hmm.

    'K' : Legitimate placements, private sales, everything.

    Mister Cotton : Don't keep records that far back.

    'K' : You don't?

    Mister Cotton : I don't. Sorry. Can't help you.

    'K' : You can't?

    Mister Cotton : Nope.

    'K' : [taking out and cocking his weapon]  I think you can.

    [hitting Cotton in the face, breaking his nose] 

    'K' : I think someone like you keeps a long memory. Now, you can tell me what you remember...

    [tapping the center of Cotton's forehead] 

    'K' : ...or I can put a hole right here and take a look.

  • Sapper Morton : How's it feel killing your own kind?

    'K' : I don't retire my own kind because we don't run. Only older models do.

  • 'K' : I found him.

    Lieutenant Joshi : That's not possible.

  • 'K' : [to Joi]  I have to go. I'll come back.

  • 'K' : Are you Sapper Morton? Civic number NK68514?

    Sapper Morton : I'm a farmer.

    'K' : I saw that. What do you farm?

    Sapper Morton : [putting a handful of bugs on the table]  It's a protein farm. Wallace design.

    'K' : Is that what I smell?

    Sapper Morton : Grow that just for me. Garlic.

    'K' : Garlic.

    Sapper Morton : Go on, try some.

    'K' : No, thank you. I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done.

  • 'K' : This ends... now.

  • 'K' : This isn't possible.

  • 'K' : You want it gone?

    Lieutenant Joshi : Erase everything.

  • File Clerk : Everyone remembers where they were at the Blackout. You?

    'K' : That was a little before my time.

    File Clerk : Mmm. I was home with my folks, then ten days of darkness. Every machine stopped cold. When the lights came back, we were wiped clean. Photos, files, every bit of data...

    [snapping his fingers] 

    File Clerk : Ffft! Gone. Bank records, too. Didn't mind that. It's funny it's only paper that lasted. I mean, we had everything on drives. Everything, everything, everything! Huh. My mom still cries over the lost baby pictures.

    'K' : Well, it's a shame. You must have been adorable.

  • 'K' : [waiting in the dark]  I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. I was careful not to drag in any dirt.

    Sapper Morton : I don't mind the dirt. I do mind unannounced visits.

  • 'K' : How long you been here?

    Sapper Morton : Since 2020.

    'K' : But you haven't always been a farmer, have you? Your bag. It's colonial medical use. Military issue. Where were you? Calantha? Must have been brutal.

    Sapper Morton : Plan on taking me in? Let 'em take a look inside?

    'K' : Mr. Morton, if taking you in is an option...

    [putting his gun on the table] 

    'K' : ...I would much prefer that to the alternative. I'm sure you knew it would be someone in time. I'm sorry it had to be me.

  • Lieutenant Joshi : [K transmits a replicant's retinal scan]  One of the tail-end Nexus 8s. He looks like he could take your head off.

    'K' : He tried.

    Lieutenant Joshi : He went AWOL after Calantha with a few more in his outfit I wouldn't mind closin' out. Just him?

    'K' : Just him.

  • Freysa : You led Wallace to Deckard. You cannot allow Deckard to lead Wallace to me. You must kill Deckard. Deckard only wanted his baby to be safe. And she is. When the time comes, I will show her to the world, and she will lead our army.

    'K' : She?

    Freysa : Of course. Rachael had a daughter. With my own eyes, I saw her come. I dressed her in blue when it was time for her to go.

    'K' : It was a boy that you hid.

    Freysa : That is just a piece of the puzzle.

  • 'K' : [after a meeting with Wallace's replicant assistant, Luv]  Thank Mr. Wallace for your time.

  • 'K' : I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done.

  • [from trailer] 

    'K' : This is impossible.

See also

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