Black Panther (2018) Poster


Chadwick Boseman: T'Challa, Black Panther



  • T'Challa : Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We can not. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we, as brothers and sisters on this earth, should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe.

  • T'Challa : We can still heal you...

    Erik Killmonger : Why, so you can lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.

  • Okoye : Just don't freeze when you see her.

    T'Challa : What are taking about? I never freeze.

  • T'Challa : My suit is good.

    Shuri : Old tech. Functional, but old. "People are shooting at me - wait, let me put my helmet on!"

  • T'Challa : I never yielded! And as you can see, I am not dead!

  • T'Challa : If you weren't so stubborn, you would make a great queen.

    Nakia : I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn.

  • King T'Chaka : What is wrong, my son?

    T'Challa : I am not ready, Baba.

    King T'Chaka : Have you not prepared to be king your whole life? Have you not trained and studied, been by my side?

    T'Challa : That is not what I am talking about. I am not ready to be without you.

    King T'Chaka : A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. Have I ever failed you?

    King T'Chaka : Never.

  • T'Challa : [on saving Ross]  I will not abandon someone to die, when I have the means to save his life.

  • [Shuri drives a car and runs over someone] 

    Shuri : What was that?

    T'Challa : Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!

  • T'Challa : What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world.

  • [TChalla confronts his ancestors in the ancestral plane] 

    T'Challa : You were wrong - all of you were wrong - to turn your backs on the rest of the world! We let the fear of discovery stop us from doing what is right. No more! I cannot stay here with you. I cannot rest while HE sits on the throne! He is a monster of our own making! I must take the mantle back. I must! I must right these wrongs!

  • T'Challa : [freezes]  Nakia... hi.

    [Okoye appears and saves TChalla] 

    Okoye : You froze.

  • T'Challa : How are you feeling today, Mama?

    Ramonda : Proud. Your father and I would talk about this day all the time. He is with us. And it is your time to be king.

  • [in Oakland] 

    Shuri : When you said you'd bring me to California when I was a kid, I thought you meant Coachella, or Disneyland. Where are we?

    T'Challa : This is the building where our uncle lived, where our father killed him.

    Shuri : [sees a condemnation notice]  They're tearing it down. Good.

    T'Challa : They are not tearing it down, not anymore. I bought the building. And that one... and that one.

  • T'Challa : You will destroy the world, Wakanda included!

    Erik Killmonger : The world took everything away from me! Everything I ever loved! But I'ma make sure we're even. I'ma track down anyone who would even think of being loyal to you! And I'ma put their ass in the dirt, right next to Zuri!

  • T'Challa : What do you want?

    Erik Killmonger : I want the throne!

  • T'Challa : Baba...

    [falls to his knees] 

    King T'Chaka : Stand up! You are a king!

  • Shuri : The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace. Strike it.

    T'Challa : Anywhere?

    Shuri : Mmm-hmm.

    [T'Challa knocks the suit across the room] 

    Shuri : Not that hard, genius!

    T'Challa : You told me to strike it. You didn't say how hard.

    Shuri : I invite you to my lab,and you just kick things around?

    T'Challa : Well, maybe you should make it a little stronger.

    [T'Challa notices a glow coming from the middle of the suit] 

    T'Challa : Hey. Wait a minute.

    Shuri : The nanites absorb the kinetic energy... and hold it in place for redistribution.

    T'Challa : Very nice.

    Shuri : Strike it again in the same spot.

    T'Challa : You're recording?

    Shuri : For research purposes.

    T'Challa : [T'Challa kicks the suit and is immediately knocked over]  Delete that footage.

  • T'Challa : So surprised my little sister came to see me off before our big day.

    Shuri : You wish! I'm here for the EMP beads. I've developed an update.

    T'Challa : Update? No. It worked perfectly.

    Shuri : How many times do I have to teach you? Just because something works doesn't mean that it cannot be improved.

    T'Challa : You are teaching me? What do you know?

    Shuri : More than you.

    T'Challa : I can't wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit.

    [Shuri gives T'Challa the finger] 

  • T'Challa : You want to see us become just like the people you hate so much! Divide and conquer, just as they did!

    Erik Killmonger : Nah, I learned from my enemies! Beat them at their own game!

    T'Challa : You have become them!

  • [deleted scene] 

    Everett K. Ross : It's not my place to say, but man, I really don't think you should do this. What you guys have is going to scare a lot of people in that room. They're going to come after you.

    T'Challa : Yes. But I will no longer rule out of fear.

  • [W'Kabi brings Killmonger in front of T'Challa and the Elders] 

    T'Challa : [in Xhosa]  Speak.

    W'Kabi : [to Killmonger]  Speak.

    Erik Killmonger : I'm standing in your house, serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your king couldn't deliver.

    [T'Challa stands up and approaches Killmonger] 

    T'Challa : I don't care that you brought Klaue. Only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are. Now what do you want?

    Erik Killmonger : I want the throne.

    [Mining Tribe Elder laughs] 

    Mining Tribe Elder : [in Xhosa]  My goodness.

    [the other Elders laugh] 

    Erik Killmonger : Y'all sittin' up here comfortable. Must feel good. It's about two billion people all over the world that looks like us. But their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate 'em all.

    T'Challa : And what tools are those?

    Erik Killmonger : Vibranium. Your weapons.

    T'Challa : Our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge, jury, and executioner for people who are not our own.

    Erik Killmonger : Not your own? But didn't life start right here on this continent? So ain't all people your people?

    T'Challa : I am not king of all people. I am King of Wakanda. And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you.

    Erik Killmonger : Mmm...

    Ramonda : Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long. Reject his request.

    Erik Killmonger : Oh, I ain't requesting nothing. Ask who I am.

    Shuri : You're Erik Stevens. An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That's who you are.

    Erik Killmonger : That's not my name, Princess. Ask me, King.

    T'Challa : No.

    Erik Killmonger : Ask me.

    [T'Challa turns around and walks back to his throne] 

    T'Challa : Take him away.

  • [Killmonger is going to kill T'Challa] 

    Zuri : I had your father killed! Take me.

    Erik Killmonger : I'ma take you both, Uncle James!

    [kills Zuri] 

    T'Challa : NOOOO!

  • [as T'Challa signals his guards to take Killmonger away from the throne room, the River Tribe Elder gets up] 

    River Tribe Elder : [in Xhosa]  Who are you?

    Erik Killmonger : [in Xhosa]  I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu!

    Mining Tribe Elder : [in Xhosa]  Son of N'Jobu?

    Erik Killmonger : I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest! You ain't the son of a king. You're the son of a murderer!

    Ramonda : [in Xhosa]  You're lying!

    [in English] 

    Ramonda : Lies!

    W'Kabi : I'm afraid not, Queen Mother.

    [W'Kabi pulls out a necklace with N'Jobu's ring, to the surprise of the Elders] 

    River Tribe Elder : What?

    Mining Tribe Elder : [in Xhosa]  You, the descendant of N'Jobu?

    Erik Killmonger : Hey, Auntie.

    [W'Kabi gives the ring to Ramonda] 

    Erik Killmonger : I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantles of the King. And Black Panther.

    Ramonda : Do not do this, T'Challa.

    Border Tribe Elder : As the son of Prince N'Jobu, he is within his rights.

    Ramonda : He has no rights here!

    River Tribe Elder : The challenge will take weeks to prepare!

    Erik Killmonger : Weeks? I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be here. I just need him. And somebody to get me outta these chains.

    [T'Challa sits on his throne, looking at N'Jobu's ring] 

    Ramonda : T'Challa, what do you know of this?

    T'Challa : I accept your challenge.

  • Zuri : M'Baku, what are you doing here?

    M'Baku : It's challenge day. We have watched and listened from the mountains! We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child! Who scoffs at tradition! And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince who could not keep his own father safe. We will not have it. I said, we will not have , oh! I, M'Baku, leader of the Jabari...

    T'Challa : I accept your challenge, M'Baku.

  • T'Challa : He will send our weapons all over the world. You must get them out of Wakanda safely.

    Ramonda : What?

    Shuri : What about you?

    T'Challa : The challenge will have to continue.

    Ramonda : T'Challa, we will not leave Wakanda.

    T'Challa : It is my duty to keep you safe.

    Shuri : If he gets control of our technology, nowhere will be safe.

  • Okoye : Our mission was to bring back Klaue. We failed. This man is a foreign intelligence operative. How do we justify bringing him into our borders?

    Nakia : He took a bullet for me.

    Okoye : That was his choice.

    Nakia : So now we are just supposed to let him die?

    Okoye : Let us consider that we heal him. It is his duty to report back to his country. And as king, it is your duty to protect ours.

    T'Challa : I'm well aware of my duties, General.

  • T'Challa : This ends today!

  • T'Challa : What happened to my uncle N'Jobu? My father told me he disappeared. There was a man today wearing a ring identical to this one.

    Zuri : That is not possible.

    T'Challa : He helped Klaue escape from us and he was wearing this ring! My grandfather's ring! Do not tell me what is possible. Tell me the truth!

    Zuri : Some truths... are too much to bear, T'Challa.

    T'Challa : That is not your choice to make. What happened to him?

    Zuri : I promised the king to say nothing.

    T'Challa : I AM YOUR KING NOW!

  • T'Challa : Agent Ross.

    Everett K. Ross : Your Highness.

    T'Challa : You are buying from Klaue.

    Everett K. Ross : What I'm doing or not doing on behalf of the U.S. government is none of your concern. Now, whatever the hell you're up to, do me a favor, stay out of my way.

    T'Challa : I gave you Zemo.

    Everett K. Ross : Didn't I keep it under wraps that the king of a third-world country runs around in a bulletproof cat suit? I'd say we were even. You really need to leave, now.

    T'Challa : Klaue is leaving out that door with me. You've been warned.

  • T'Challa : He killed his own brother and left a child behind with nothing. What kind of king... what kind of man does that?

    Nakia : No man is perfect. Not even your father.

    T'Challa : He didn't even give him a proper burial. My uncle N'Jobu betrayed us, but my father... he may have created something even worse.

  • Everett K. Ross : So this is a big mess, huh? I figured we could go good cop/bad cop. I'll talk to him first, then you guys go in.

    Okoye : [in Xosha]  We can't let him talk to Klaue alone.

    T'Challa : [in Xosha, too]  Better to let him talk to Klaue alone for five minutes than to make a scene here.

    [in English] 

    T'Challa : After your questioning, we will take him back to Wakanda with us.

    Everett K. Ross : What? No. Look, I like you, a lot. But he's in my custody now. He's not going anywhere.

    [thumping him on the shoulder] 

    Everett K. Ross : Listen, I'm doing you guys a favor by letting you even be here.

    Okoye : [in Xosha]  If he touches you again, I'm going to impale him on this desk.

  • Shuri : The real question is WHAT ARE THOSE? Why do you have your toes out in my lab?

    T'Challa : What, you don't like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day.

  • Ulysses Klaue : Oh, mercy, King. Mercy.

    T'Challa : Every breath you take is mercy from me.

  • Nakia : Eyes up. Americans. I count three.

    Okoye : Five. How could you miss Greased Lightning there behind you?

    T'Challa : [noticing Ross]  Six. Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA. It just got a little more complicated.

  • W'Kabi : Where is Klaue?

    T'Challa : He's not here. He slipped through our hands.

    W'Kabi : Slipped? For thirty years, your father was in power and did nothing. With you, I thought it'd be different. But it's more of the same.

  • T'Challa : Thank you.

    M'Baku : I owed you a great debt. A life for a life. Consider it paid.

    T'Challa : Please allow my mother to stay here.

    M'Baku : No harm will come to her. I give you my word.

    T'Challa : You know, I could use an army, as well.

    M'Baku : [laughing]  I bet you could. But no. I will give no Jabari lives towards your cause.

    T'Challa : It is our cause. It is for all of us.

    M'Baku : Oh, us? Us? You are the first king to come here in centuries and now you speak of "us"?

    T'Challa : I cannot speak for past kings. But an enemy sits on the throne right now. We both know the power of vibranium. If Killmonger gains control of it, who do you think he will come for next?

    M'Baku : We will not help you.

See also

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