Prom (2011) Poster


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Starry night, holey night
StevePulaski24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Prom is standard Disney fare, and that's not necessarily a good thing. Disney movies are known to be, well, "Disney Clean." But when a film is swabbed down to the point of utter harmlessness, and it sugarcoats the nightmares and sadness some experience during prom, it ultimately becomes laughably unrealistic and a pale shadow of the real event.

There's nothing wrong with being all well and good, but the events in Prom are executed very poorly, the drama is handled in a fictitious way, and the overall result is calamity. Even the characters, mostly teens playing Seniors, when really, some appear to be Seniors in College, are almost walking mannequins who aren't given enough freedom to be themselves rather than just the stereotypes and the Disney bodies they are told to be. Hollywood is able to create a convincing high school premise, but they can't create convincing high school characters.

The story is almost an anthology series of a plethora of boys and girls getting ready for "that one special night" of prom. Prom is said to be one of the greatest nights in a teenager's life, and these kids are hellbent on that believing in that philosophy. The lead girl is played by Aimee Teegarden. She is the over-achieving high school girl who wants the Senior Prom to be perfect. She is paired with an incompetent, loner who is more interested in believing his own philosophy of "prom is just another stupid night" after all the original prom decorations burn in a fire.

Prom then continues spitting characters at you at rapid fire, and giving them their own set of problems. My favorite character was Luke, played by Nolan Sotillo. He is the shy and scarred kid crushing on the popular girl, and is waiting for the right move that never comes. He is a little like me in that sense, but even he can't escape the true high school formula for creating teenagers.

This film has everyone; the jock, the cheater, the scared girl, the persistent boyfriend, the geeks, the pretty girl, the over-achiever, the rebel, etc. All of which aren't convincing, and are poorly-drawn figures.

If John Hughes had handled the script, what would he have done? For one, not work with Disney. And two, maybe give some monologues which this film desperately needs, and maybe give the characters a greater personality rather than a stereotype. The story itself is very slim, but even being so small, it could've spawned a good film.

I always try to find the target audience in films, and it seems Prom is shooting below the bar. Seniors who will be attending prom will likely not be amused or even interested by such a film, and people around the age of eight will either not know what prom is or find the film by complete accident. It does a fine job at showing the very basic problems and events that go into such a dance, but still, if this had been made by any other company but Disney, it likely would've focused on more personal problems and more of the serious issues rather than just "what dress should I wear?" This isn't incredibly disgraceful film-making. It has heart, I'll give it that, but the reality is that this isn't reality. This is the fictional world we should live in but don't. Cheating is mentioned, but not focused on, every character takes the path they're expected, and many of the serious issues are taken in a brief and quiet manner. Again - standard Disney fare, but this time, Disney misses the target and the target audience.

Starring: Aimee Teegarden, Thomas McDonell, Yin Chang, Nicholas Braun, Dean Norris, Danielle Campbell, Nolan Sotillo, Cameron Monaghan, Christine Elise, and Raini Rodriguez. Directed by: Joe Nussbaum.
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An innocent guilty pleasure! :)
JimmyCollins16 August 2011
I will freely admit, I'm a sucker for trashy teen films, so obviously I enjoyed Prom. This is a Disney production so don't watch it expecting any of the antics you see in Glee or Skins, these kids are SQUEAKY CLEAN! Even the supposed rebel in the film us quite tame.

In saying that though it isn't extremely Disney either, if you didn't know it was Disney you wouldn't be able to tell. The acting isn't marvelous but a film like this doesn't call for tremendous acting, Aimee Teegarden is pretty enough to just ignore her acting. Also, the soundtrack was impressive.

Cliché yes, bad acting yes, cheesy yes, but hey, its not trying to be the next Mean Girls, so just take it for what it is. :)
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Better than I thought it was going to be.
Matt_Layden28 August 2011
...but that isn't saying much. Prom tells the story of a bunch of teenagers who all want to go to prom. Their troubles with getting dates, fixing destroyed decorations, and a bunch of other high school drama stuff that is neither interesting nor realistic. I understand Prom is geared towards the TWEEN crowd and I'm sure those tween girls will love this movie.

The cast is full of a bunch of no name kids, first time actors. This was done on purpose to get the innocence of young kids caught on film. The director wanted it to feel real. Big mistake because a lot of these kids can't act. It doesn't come off as real, instead it feels forced and unnatural. This is the film biggest flaw, these kids aren't believable in their roles. The only one who manages to be interesting is Nicholas Braun, who does have some acting in his background. He was also in Kevin Smith's ambitious if flawed Red State. His story about trying to get a girl to go to prom with him and failing each time is the only funny bits and it's due to the performance he manages to give. He has good comedic timing and should have some sort of career after this. The rest of the cast I'm not so sure about.

There main story here is that of a young girl who has a bright future ahead of her. She is also the prom committee organizer and when two teens accidentally burn down all the decorations, she is partnered up with the resident 'bad boy' to get them all back in working order. If he doesn't help, he won't graduate. So these two polar opposite kids have to put their differences aside and work together to get everything done for prom. Hmmm, might they discover that their preconceived notions of one another were wrong and they start to like each other? No way, right? That would be too obvious and clichéd. But of course it goes down that road. It's a shame that the two actors didn't have any chemistry with each other.

The second character story I had a problem with involved a young guy trying to be on the lacrosse team. He's a freshman and he manages to become friendly with a really cute girl. Tyler, team captain, soon to be prom king and all around popular guy sees the cute girl with the freshman and decides to use him to get to her. The problem is, he's with another girl and they are going to prom together. The cute girl decides to be friendly with the freshman, despite wanting to be with the popular one. This is all fine and dandy, until the soon to be prom queen discovers that he wants to be with this cute girl and hearts are broken. Cute girl decides to ditch freshman to be with soon to be prom king and go to prom. She finds out that soon to be prom queen dumped him because he found out about her, but he told her that he dumped soon to be prom queen so he can be with her. She feels cheated and goes back to the freshman. Confused?

The problem I have with that is that she does to him pretty much what soon to be prom king did to her. He only goes to be with her because his prior relationship didn't work out. So he's the scumbag. Yet, she only goes to be with the freshman because her relationship with him didn't work out. How are we suppose to be okay with this? Mixed messages here.

The script, direction and even cinematography are all bare minimum. Nothing interesting ever happens on the screen, or in the script. It's as if they were on autopilot during the production of the film. Putting a camera on and making people do stuff in front of it is not exciting, nor is it good, in my opinion. Having interesting, complex characters in situations they have to overcome is. This is why Prom did not work for me and will most likely work for the tween target audience. They will find the film cute, the boys cute and the music good enough to dance to. This was not the type of Highschool I went to. If I want a film that helps me discover who I am at that age, I watch John 'fricken' Hughes my friend, not a cheaply made Disney flick.
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Innocent, funny, enjoyable, light-hearted: Prom
boonzeet28 September 2011
It puzzles me as to the low rating for this film. Although painfully innocent, rude or even subtly rude gags completely left out, and remarkably cliché (almost all moments were predicted by people in the room while watching), PROM is a light-hearted, humorous and generally nice tale of the most important moment to teenagers about to leave school.

Most enjoyable was the acting of Lloyd, played by Nicholas Braun, and just how believable and funny the small story lines for him were. Perhaps the less cliché moments of the film were enjoyed by his character.

Overall, a nice, sweet film that would be most enjoyable to people around the age of the characters in the film.
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good production value and time pass but story, dialogues and characterization is not worth it.
saadgkhan20 August 2011
PROM – TRASH IT ( C+ ) Prom is the dullest and inconsistent tween movie I've seen in recent times. The movie was supposed to be about prom and updated tween version but sadly it showcases the typical dilemma about prom with no consistency or regularity. The movie and its characters are all over the place. Scenes are badly edited and joint together so badly that even supposed funny scenes couldn't produce any laughs. The only thing made me go through this movie was Amee Teegarden and Thomas McDowell's story because as incomplete and typical it was, they brought some charm to it. Besides these two, Danielle Campbell, Cameron Monaghan & Nolan Sotillo scenes was little interesting. Nicolas Braun looked aged and not funny at all as he looked in trailers. Overall, good production value and time pass but story, dialogues and characterization is not worth it.
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A fairy tale ending for teenagers
rgkarim29 April 2011
So I'm sure a lot of people saw this from the trailer, but Prom is a classic Disney spin on a very big moment in a teenager's life. Yes this movie is a preteen/early teen's dream about the life and drama involved in asking someone out for prom and the plans that go in it.

To star off on this review Prom centers on about five different scenarios all wrapped up into one movie. The scenarios are a romance story between the class president and a ruffian, another love story between a dweeb and a beautiful sophomore, a small side story about a guy trying to get someone to come to a prom, another story of deceit and betrayal, and finally a story about an ideal relationship hitting a rocky course. I know sounds like a soap opera doesn't it, and in fact I would call this movie a teenage soap opera. The story lines in my opinion were predictable, very linear, and felt similar to a plot found in most Glee episodes. The dialog in this movie was not strong enough to keep the story interesting as well, as it was more juvenile and not really deep. However, from the trailers this is what I was expecting would be the case and thus am not too shocked by it.

Despite the poor main story line and the intense drama from others I enjoyed the brief interludes present throughout the movie that involved the unknown loser Lloyd and his quest to ask a girl out. These funny, although weak, scenes gave the film a little more pace and took away from the drawn out drama. The other story was the sophomore geek Lucas and his quest to impress the lovely Simone while ditching his best friend. This story was also weak and predictable, but the acting was done well enough that I was dragged into feeling sorry for him. In fact I could even see some qualities of myself in Lucas, which is probably why I was interested in this story.

So what else is there to say about this movie? Well the acting is not bad, and although young, these actors are already showing potential for being good actors. However, most audience members may be caught up in the dramatic actions these teens do in the movie. However, I believe the teenage girls will be focused more on the sulky, pouty, and rebel nature of the main dude and will be making various sounds that represent their attraction to the man. At least that was what I saw when I saw this movie. Another thing is that the soundtrack is very mainstream radio with songs from All Star Weekend, Taio Cruz, and yes even Katy Perry being played throughout the movie. It adds zest to the film and makes one feel like they are in prom, but if you're not a fan of mainstream radio then you will not enjoy it. The camera work is nice too, and the setting does actually feel like a high school setting so that's another thing I find positive. However this movie was also like being in high school musical, except get rid of the singing and dancing and instead replace it with Twilight qualities.

To wrap this up, Prom is a movie that will make teenage girls go gaga and laugh at almost every scene. If they are not laughing, then there is a good chance that they will be swooning over the guy leads in this movie or awing at the cuteness this movie does have. As I have mentioned before the dialog is weak, the story is predictable, and the pace can be a little slow and boring at times. However, it is a cute, high school soap opera that will entertain those that like to see happy endings and smiles. This is also a movie that could be good for a date as well. Regardless looking at this movie for what it is I will give it a 7, but that's being a little generous. Until then enjoy and please email me if you have any ideas to improve my writing at
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Not What I Expected
lovinlyfex719 May 2011
This movie was far from what I expected and certainly not worth my $8.75 movie ticket. It's not exciting and extremely predictable. The whole time I kept hoping it would get better or more exciting and it just never did. I was very disappointed. There was really not even any sparks between characters. They just kind of read their lines and moved from scene to scene. There is never a "wow" moment in this film. I can however see how it would be a great movie for much much younger kids because it is very clean and good natured. Nothing for parents to worry about. But if you're looking for the kind of teen romcom humor as in John Tucker Must Die or Mean Girls, do not waste your time on this movie. Definitely not worth your time.
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Honestly not that bad
simoneblue17 April 2020
I knew the second I watched the trailer that it wouldn't be a good movie. The quality, acting, and characters were all kinds of bad. But it was still cute and funny, and it had a happy ending. It was certainly enticing enough. It made me flip off a couple of characters for being sucky, so it can definitely keep your attention. Plus, the main guy Jesse was reeallllllllyyyyyyyyyyy cute. He was pretty much the main reason I watched. He reminded me of Flynn Rider. Anyways, this movie is good for curing boredom. If you like teen acting and happy-ending storylines, enjoy. It's a good pick-me-up.
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a G rated teen film
MLDinTN29 January 2012
This movie, by Disney, is about as G rated as they come when dealing with teens. I mean most high school flicks have got someone smoking dope or being sluts or cussing all the time. But, none of that is in this movie. The only scandalous thing is a couple of kisses. This movie should have been about 6th graders instead of high school seniors. Any way the main story centers around the prom decorations being destroyed. So prom committee leader, Nova, has 3 weeks to make new decorations. She is partnered with bad boy, Jesse, whom must do this in order to graduate. So, of course, they are polar opposites, but end up liking each other at the end. Then some of their friends have problems, like who can I take to prom, and I'm going to go to college out of state. Such difficult problems.

FINAL VERDICT: 6th graders may like it, otherwise skip it.
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"Prom" is based around multiple "couples" and their journey that they take to prom.
tincherkatelyn1 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Prom. It's one of the biggest night in high school and Disney's movie "Prom" brings to life the biggest days for many juniors in high school. With multiple story lines, humorous interactions, and real life situations the movie captures what is going through the minds of teenage girls all over the United States. The movie steps into the life of high school students trying to prepare for prom while still managing all other aspects of life. The main focus duo, Nova (Aimee Teegarden), who returns to the role of the perfect A+ student that she played in "Friday Night Lights", and Jesse (Thomas McDonell), who is the resident bad boy in the film, are forced to work together after a fire destroys all the prom decorations. Because of Nova and Jesse being polar opposites, they share witty lines of banter. You get to follow the roller coaster of feelings that Jesse gives Nova. Nova also faces the fear of going to prom alone as all her friends are getting asked and she's not. But as you see into every prom relationship, you notice that everyone is going through a struggle and facing doubts. As the movie progresses and you see more so into the life of these high schoolers, you see that they are all going through a struggle. Simone (Danielle Campbell) falls for two very different guys and has to face reality of choosing between the two. One of the boys being a fellow underclassman, Lucas, who is obsessed with weird bands. He shows the awkwardness that a pretty girl brings out in most boys, and the real struggle of trying to get the girl. Jordan (Kylie Bunbury) is the typical prom queen candidate with the perfect varsity jock star boyfriend Tyler (DeVaughn Nixon). As their relationship faces the fear of break up, their characters develop in a new way. Tyler brings to light the "typical" jock that does whatever he wants and has no fear of repercussion. Jordan's fears in the relationship show what many girls are afraid of, losing someone they invested a lot of time into. Lloyd (Nicholas Braun) brings the most humor to the movie with his failed attempts at asking girls, yes plural, to prom. In one scene he cuts out letters from a magazine and writes what he thinks is a heartwarming sweet message on a girl's locker asking her to prom. But, in reality is extremely creepy and would send any girl running. Having numerous story lines usually leads to confusion but in this movie the cast works smoothly together feeding off the chemistry and skills of their co-stars. As they intermingle within each other they create a sense of unity and cleanliness. But, however girlie this movie may seem the men should watch it too, even if it is just to get awesome promposal ideas for their future prom.This movie overall is the exact right combination of passion and humor to make any teenager to fantasize about their prom days and for adults to reminisce about their magical day.
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Good clean fun
mrsgatorbranch12171 May 2011
I (28) took my 2 daughter ages 9 and 4 to see this movie. Me and the 9 year old loved it. It didn't hold my 4 year old interest which completely understandable as its geared towards the tween-teen group. It had a great story line that was smart, current, but able to stay clean. :) It was about young relationships and the "Hype" that goes along with Prom. Its not a comedy, but there were a few funny parts. The actors chosen did a wonderful job. I am really glad there are some movies out there that me and my kids can enjoy together. Disney usually does a great job doing that and thats why I am proud to say we are a Disney family!!!
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Very entertaining, touching high-school movie...
FireWave2 September 2011
First of all, I don't see many reasons for this movie to be hated. It's really not that bad, at all. Movie shows to us some activities and problems that teenagers have at the end some of theirs' spots in life.

When we are talking about the acting, I can say that I was quite surprised how decent it was. Aimee Teegarden and McDonell did really good job with their roles. Their story was predictable ( like the whole movie in general), but it was nicely done. It was touching, softly and for someones heartbreaking. All of the characters were interesting, likable and pretty good to see them again in another scene. I have to admit, that it was rare movie with all likable characters in my case and opinion. Again, there were a lot of them, and because of that, we can't reach full character development, which is weak minus, but it happens with this movies.

Soundtrack of this movie is great. It perfectly matches with all of the scenes.

Cinematography was also great. All places in the movie were very beautiful and interesting.

Of course, just like I said, movie is predictable, sometimes corny and unrealistic, but that doesn't mean that it's bad. It's just there to add some charm. At the end of the day, it's just comedy about high- school.

Overall: With all of this, some positive energy reaches to your heart, while you're watching "Prom", at least in my case. You're not gonna be disappointed, unless you have high hopes. My final rating: 7.5/10
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Improves dramatically after a terrible start
mike_251118 October 2012
How I ended up watching a clichéd Disney produced film at two in the morning is anyone's guess. How I persevered after the first fifteen minutes is an even more puzzling question.

The opening of this film is truly diabolical; bad lines, bad acting, totally derivative, the characters nothing but stereotypes. There's also what feels like dozens of people introduced within the first five or six scenes, which is never good. The hero (anti-hero) was pretty much a carbon copy of Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club; and of course, the guy from the wrong side of the tracks falls for the rich girl, dad warns him off, but it all comes right in the end.

To my surprise it picked up, and I even had a smile on my face by the end, which is surely the point of these sugary tween movies. The highlights were the two hipster indie kid sophomores, played by the very promising Cameron Monaghan and Nolan Sotillo. The banter was funny, they had great chemistry with each other, they acted great and looked the part. No reason they shouldn't go far in the future, and I believe Monaghan has already established himself in television. The rest of the cast were serviceable if a little less memorable.

As for the plot and writing, it was all of course hopelessly predictable, and some of the lines will have you laughing for the wrong reasons, but somehow it was almost refreshing to watch a film where I knew there would be a happy ending. Grown up Hollywood has a tendency to feel their film won't be considered 'serious' or 'artistic' if they don't end it with tragedy, which leads to many an inane and pointless death to close out a movie. Here, the good guys get together, lessons are learned, and there are enough nice little sweet moments like the candy necklace (no pun intended) to feel your intelligence hasn't been insulted too much by sitting through a movie that really anyone over thirteen will have seen many times before.

It helped that the soundtrack was excellent, especially the M83 and Passion Pit songs. Films like this are a great way for tweens to find music other than what is promoted on the radio or music channels.

There are many worse films than this, although I can't think of many worse opening few scenes.
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Its not horrible but I wouldn't watch it again, its not the best movie from Disney.
cutiechloster4 March 2012
I would say this movie is probably for 14 year old and up. I'm 12 and I thought it was just a bit too much kissing, I really wouldn't even call it a Disney movie! I think lemonade mouth is one of the best (not animated) movies, I like how its not completely about couples and stuff its about enjoying life, having fun, and to chase your dreams :D And I have never seen someone get punched in a Disney movie, most of the Disney movies I have seen there had only been minor violence, not someone being punched.... I also just loved the movies and shows they used to do like Hannah Montana, wizards of Waverly place and that's so raven. and even the ones like lion king, and all the princess movies. They should make movies that kids can watch at the ages through 5-13 that don't always have kissing and couples in them! And I like movies like lemonade mouth and lion king and tangled because its not all about teens. and whats the point in having a movie with a bunch of soon to be college kids when seventeen year old aren't even bothered about watching movies like prom! And I rarely watch movies like prom but I had nothing left to watch so I decided to try and watch it, BAD CHOICE.
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The Vidiot Reviews...
capone6661 September 2011

When a high school hosts a 1920s-themed Prom and the graduating class comes dressed in Civil War attire, it is irrefutable evidence our education system is failing.

Thankfully, the premise of the promenade in this teen-comedy does not involve any historical accuracy.

When all of the decorations for the prom perish in a random fire, the class president (Aimee Teegarden) is left scrabbling.

Serendipitously, the class badass (Thomas McDonell) infuriates the principal, garnering himself a severe punishment, wherein he must help craft the new ornaments.

Simultaneously, a host of other clichéd high school romances sprout up and play out in similar fashion.

A rose coloured representation of high school graduation, Disney's Prom is squeaky clean: the actors are fresh faced, the vignettes are wishy-washy and the jokes are sterile.

Besides, how can you even call it a senior prom if there wasn't even one abandoned newborn found in the toilet? (Red Light)
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Waste of time!
tejastaneja6 April 2014
It just doesn't make sense at most scenes. Total crap. Can make kids go gaga about this movie. If there was something about this movie that would attract, it is just the title. I'd suggest watch some other movie. Why waste time on this? Unless this is the last teen movie you have, don't watch it. Really unexpected from such a good production house. Some scenes take a U - turn as if it's a fairy tale. At least those ones are more interesting. And they have a reason for every turn. Fantasy land! I don't know why I've rated it 3. It doesn't even deserve that. The only thing I liked about this movie is that the bad guy turns out to be the winner. Which did not even make sense. Out of the blue. I wish I'd not seen it.
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Disney-ifying of prom for an immature but sweet re-hash of predictability
napierslogs18 September 2011
"Prom" is the Disney version of prom for teenagers. Or make that 17 year-olds acting like 12 year-olds (but of course acted by 20 year-olds). It's immature because it fails to bring in any humour, reality, or surprises that people of any age could enjoy. The plot is like every other adolescent romantic comedy. High-schoolers are getting ready for prom, led by the over-achieving, blonde, class president, but who is being opposed by the local rebel.

The rebel is the leather jacket-wearing, too-cool-for-school, dark and handsome type with long hair. There are many examples of movies with this character, but the one that comes to my mind is "Cry-Baby" (1990), the Johnny Depp starrer. Thomas McDonell is a Johnny Depp look-a-like (as in, looks exactly like him), and at least in comparison of their two identical movies, he even acts like him too. McDonell could very well become the Johnny Depp of the next generation. Next year, he will at least play him in the up-coming "Dark Shadows" (2012) where Depp is the vampire Barnabas Collins and McDonell is the "young Barnabas Collins." Instead of writing in additional plot lines (i.e. more than just getting ready for prom), we got additional characters (all of them getting ready for prom). There were way more than I could possibly care about. The movie probably would have been better spent turning the "main" characters into more endearing people. None were unlikable, they were just fairly bland, and a lot had difficulty delivering the cheesy lines.

"Prom" is at least predictable on purpose, nobody is supposed to be caught off-guard, and we're just supposed to naturally fall for the sweetness of the overly simplified teenage relationships on screen. It is sweet and good-natured, but despite all the characters' insistence for perfection, "Prom" is far from perfect.
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OK Movie
bboy2823 December 2011
This movie could have been better but they did add a good plot, theme, and setting for the story of a high school prom. The directors of this Disney film casted this show properly.

For example having Nicholas Braun as Lloyd was humorous. He acted out being a kid who is very nerdy and not able to get a date to the prom, Perfectly! Another good example is Thomas McDonald who played Jesse. He displayed the type of person who changes in a story at first he didn't care about prom at all he felt like it was a waist of time, then he fell in love and made the show a great one that i enjoyed greatly.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who is an adult or teen 11-any age.
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Bad teen film
dar041731 January 2020
Please Hollywood stop making dumb teen movies. I think after 5 minutes i could have wrote the entire outcome of the film.
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Disney & Prom
SnoopyStyle24 February 2014
Nova Prescott (Aimee Teegarden) is busy organizing the senior prom hoping to be asked out by Brandon. However, Brandon isn't asking and the decorations get all burnt up. Nobody has the time to help, and the school principal forces the misunderstood bad boy Jesse Richter (Thomas McDonell) to help redo all the decorations.

There is really only two things anybody needs to know about this movie. It's about prom, and it's made by Disney. It has the potential for a John Hughes lite teen movie. The kids are all adorable if mostly amateurish. The story has no bite. It's a movie on the edge of the pass fail line.
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lovefallsempty2 February 2020
I've seen better high school flicks. This one was a bit bland.
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I ended up with a smile on my face at the end of the movie
ssra_2517 February 2018
I don't usually like teenage movies because they are all pretty much the same, but I admit I liked this one.

I ended up with a smile on my face at the end of the movie, something which for me is an indication that I enjoyed the movie. So there's no reason I shouldn't give it a 10.

And I remembered some of my experiences from my high-school experience (which was a calm and beautiful one), which was another indicator that I liked the movie.

So yep, it gets a 10 from me.
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A surprising but clichéd film
caiged11 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had resisted watching Prom for the longest time, as I'd seen the low rating and read more of the unflattering reviews. I needed space on my PVR so I decided to get it over and done with...kind of like pulling the band-aid off a knee in one quick motion. Turns out that the motion didn't hurt as I thought it would, and underneath everything was normal.

Prom is like that- surprising. Yes, there are a fair bit of cheesy dialogue, clichéd moments and stereotyped characters. But it could have been worse...The Wayans brothers or the Farrelly's could have directed this as either a spoof or a gross out teen school comedy. What you get for 100 minutes is a semi-sweet semi-interesting story that's unlike your own high school days...with a few exceptions of course.

Even though the movie starts by quickly introducing several cast members the only one the movie really concentrates on is Nova, the nice, super involved class president trying to get the perfect Prom event organized, until a fire destroys her efforts till date and she's got to start all over again.

The downside to the movie is that Nova's story is not really that interesting. The only side plot that's worth following is that of Lucas, who pines for the cute Simone. Thankfully, this is underplayed so that we get snippets of their story as the movie unfolds, allowing us to empathize with Lucas and, perhaps reminisce about our own crushes. Even the tall nerdy Lloyd's efforts of trying to land a prom date at the last minute is worth a smile or two. But the rest of the cast are not that interesting. To be fair the script never really gave enough attention to them. Did I feel bad for Jordan? Briefly. She got over it quickly. Jesse's character is too one dimensional and superficial...the misunderstood bad boy rebel that we've seen in practically every teen movie, spoof or not. The oblivious preppie friend was more original! What was interesting at least was to find out just why Nova puts so much effort into the Prom...and we get to see her misguided sense of one night that really represents the last day of adolescence, and onto the forage into adulthood. According to Nova Prom represents the togetherness, the camaraderie that four years of high school has developed. Poor, naive Nova. In the real world, that may the view of some but it's just a minority. For most it's a night to party, drink, have sex, and stick it to four years of high school hell. No one cares about the shiny decorations or the tuxedos. Thankfully, the movie doesn't drag too long or over elaborate the plot any more than necessary. When it ends, it ends. As does this review.

Verdict: it's worth watching. It'll surprise you, cause you to smile, roll your eyes, and even reminisce about the "good" old days...
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Another Disney teenage drama
spiderdib28 December 2020
First, I have got to say they dedicated too much time to a simple plot like I surely got the idea of a film with intersectional stories, but I'm sure it could have been done in less time and still achieving the script's goal; anyway, I'd say that, despite that natural term and on the edge of cliché from their characters, this film is pretty decent considering the common tendency in a whole wide list of corky teen dramas made by Disney. Also, the soundtrack is great, again...considering the tendencies.

Finally, I will not criticize this movie if it had to apply to the Oscar, so I can only mention I enjoyed it, so...if this movie showed up to you in Disney +, just like it happened to me, give it a try.
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Prom, a rite of passage
bkoganbing14 June 2014
No doubt that had some other studio made Prom we might have a somewhat more realistic interpretation of that rite of passage. Me I never went to my prom and don't regret it for a bit. I wonder what John Waters might have made of this in the 80s. Still given Magic Kingdom parameters the Disney Studios they came out with a nice G rated product.

Several teen romance stories are involved in Prom. The main one involves Aimee Teagarden, teen queen who is the darling of her parents eye with a 4.0 GPA and a Princeton bound boyfriend in Jonathan Keltz. She's in charge of the Prom committee and she and her team have worked hard on the decorations. Then a fire burns them up about three weeks before the main event.

As her team has other obligations Teagarden is faced with an impossible task to make those replacement decorations. Enter Thomas McDonell, a motorcycle riding teenage rebel who the principal decides to punish for some infraction by forcing him to work with Teagarden.

The inevitable happens especially Disney like inevitable. Do I really have to go any farther. I never quite bought McDonell as the latest version of James Dean and I wasn't wrong.

Still Prom is a pleasant 100+ minutes with a nice score that had a few surprising oldies. Audiences of various ages will find it easy to take entertainment.
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