My Hero (TV Series 2000–2007) Poster


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Superman Meets Dougal McGuire
Rabical-9122 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Following the end of 'Father Ted', Irish comedian Ardal O'Hanlon graduated to his own vehicle, 'My Hero', in 2000 ( written by Paul Mendelson and Paul Mayhew Archer ) in which he played George 'Thermoman' Sunday. George is a health shop proprietor from Killarney who whenever danger arises, is transformed into a superhero named Thermoman. Just try and imagine Superman with Dougal McGuire's brain and you should be able to get an idea what 'My Hero' was like.

George ( as Thermoman ) meets sexy nurse Janet Dawkins when he saves her life after she is blown by a freak gust of wind into the Grand Canyon whilst on holiday. George is keen to get to know Janet but does not want her to know that he is a superhero. Eventually, he comes clean and the two end up courting and later getting married, much to the dismay of Janet's parents Ella ( who in terms of snobbery could give Hyacinth Bucket a run for her money ) and Stanley, who never find out of George's alter ego.

Janet works at Northolt Health Centre under the smarmy Dr. Piers Crispin, whose receptionist is the frosty faced Miss. Raven. Other characters include George's Canadian cousin and former superhero Arnie and Janet's space cadet neighbour Tyler.

It was corny, predictable stuff, but very funny. O'Hanlon's George is not far removed from Dougal McGuire. Emily Joyce as Janet made a good foil for George. Also hilarious were Philip Whitchurch as Tyler, Tim Wylton as Stanley and Geraldine McNulty ( am I the only man in the world to find her sexy? ) as the obnoxious Miss. Raven. Lou Hirsch often got laughs as Arnie, who later had a thing going with Miss. Raven. Less amusing though were Lill Roughley as Ella and Hugh Dennis as Dr. Crispin. I just could not take to them.

Later in the series, George and Janet gave birth to Ollie ( voiced by Finlay Stroud ) and Cassie ( voiced by Madeline Mortimer ), who like their father, possessed super human powers. However, this didn't really do the show any favours.

After four amusing series, 'My Hero' went into decline with series five. You sensed that ideas were starting to run low. Series six ( which saw James Dreyfus cast as George following Ardal O'Hanlon's decision to quit ) was even worse. Viewers did not take to Dreyfus in the lead role and as a result it did not return for a seventh series. Overall, 'My Hero' was unassuming, good entertainment. Not widely remembered as a classic, but certainly a lot funnier than some that are.
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Super wit
haildevilman17 June 2007
I've only seen shows from the first two years here. I'm going on those alone. It's important to mention because I heard the lead actor was replaced.

The shows I saw were really funny though. O'Hanlon plays a great naive hero/alien. Totally clueless about everything earthling. And because he's a hero, his powers lead to even more awkwardness. The Irish accent adds to it.

Doctor Hugh plays the ego-maniacal type with a hint of comedy likableness. Like Dan Fielding on 'Night Court,' you dislike him but still want to have him there.

His buddy in New York is a real New Yorker too. Hence the realistic accent.

Otherwise it's typical comedy. Single woman with overprotective parents and wannabe suitor, who also has a wise mouthed co-worker. The hero angle gives it more to work with.

Will it last? Time will tell...
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Just relax and enjoy it
martinepstein9 June 2020
A silly but rather sweet comedy, nicely written and performed. Conedy divides views, but I am highly enjoying it. If you don't, fair enough but that is up to you. Switch over or off.
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Leave your brain behind and you will laugh.
Allie-1817 March 2000
On the surface George Sunday (Ardal O'Hanlon) appears to be a mild-mannered Irishman who runs a health shop but in reality, he is Thermoman, an leotard-wearing superhero who hails from the planet Ultron. When he rescues nurse Janet Dawkins (Emily Joyce), he is so taken by her he moves to England to be nearer to her and the pair fall in love. The comedy of the series is mainly based on George's attempts to come to grips with everyday life and combining a dual career as a superhero and a slightly odd earthling.

Make no bones about it, the premise of the series is very very silly but the excellent cast carry it off. Ardal O'Hanlon (better known as the dim-witted Fr Dougal Maguire in Fr Ted) is lovable as George and Emily Joyce is suitably droll as his girlfriend. The cast is rounded out by some other good characters - especially Mrs Raven the sharp-tongued doctor's receptionist who abuses all comers to the surgery and Dr Piers Crispin, the clinic's doctor who's more concerned about his career on breakfast television.

Leave your brain behind and just enjoy the ride.
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This show never fails to make me laugh
azcowboysingr23 April 2007
This show is one of the funniest I've ever seen, it never fails to make me laugh. I've heard it said that Americans can't understand British humor, but My Hero (along with Benny Hill, Keeping up Appearances, Open all Hours, Are you Being Served, & a couple of others) is one that I never miss. The entire cast gives their best in every episode I've seen. The actor playing "Tyler" drove me crazy trying to figure out where I had seen him before, then it suddenly came to me...he was Capt. Fredrickson in the "Sharpe's" series! the character of "Mrs. Raven" is an absolute delight to watch...reminds me of one of my late aunts. Anyway, if you haven't watched this show, I highly recommend it, just bear in mind that the whole show is a parody of the superhero genre.
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Integrating extraterrestrial...
poe42621 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Thermoman, it turns out, is nothing if not adaptable: eschewing the traditional phone booth, he changes into his bright red outfit in the seemingly ever-handy men's room. It's a practical approach when one considers the scarcity, these days, of phone booths. Ardal O'Hanlon (so over-the-top funny in FATHER TED) outs himself in the very first episode to his lovely Earthlady, nurse Janet (who, propped up in bed in one episode, is seen reading MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS). "You've captured my hearts," Thermoman tells her. O'Hanlon is a likable lunkhead whose nose for trouble literally has him globe-trotting at a moment's notice (if that). "The writers do all the work," O'Hanlon says in one interview. (And O'Hanlon, who is himself a writer- KNICK KNACK PADDY WACK, U.K. title THE TALK OF THE TOWN, according to the DVD extras-, should know good writing when he sees it.) Rest assured: the writing is on-the-money funny from episode one. (One of my favorite characters is the older nurse, Mrs. Raven, played by Geraldine McNulty. "That's what life is," she laments: "The odd, brief smile in the midst of prolonged weeping." Amen, sister.)
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From Hero To Zero..
anxietyresister4 August 2006
I shouldn't be wasting my time writing this, but..

Tonight I watched 'My Hero'. I've seen a couple of episodes since the lead role was taken over by James Dreyfus (The gay dude from Gimme Gimme Gimme) but had not felt inclined to comment until today's show. Ardal O'Hanlon, who played the inept superhero for all of 5 series, declined to be involved with this one. I wonder why? Read on, and all will be revealed..

The premise for George's new appearance was that he lost big in a poker game and each bit of his anatomy had to be given away to pay his debt. He then got a new body, but kept the same irritating personality. Ta-da, problem solved. I hope the scriptwriters gave themselves one big pat on the back for that incredibly imaginative turn of events there. Unfortunately, there are a few other areas with them that I'd like to take issue with..

Simply put, this is a comedy that isn't funny. It has no good jokes, no hilarious slapstick, no appealing characters. It was below par when it started, but at least it could make you smile a bit. Not anymore.. Dreyfus's endless mugging to the camera and outrageously camp acting make me want to crack the wall open with my head. No wonder his career flopped in America.. he has a single talent (the homosexual stereotype) which he repeats ad nauseum. He had his moments as Kathy Burke's goofy sidekick, but he hasn't got the talent or charisma to be a leading man. Hes a one trick pony, and hopefully after watching his rotten performance here TV execs will realise this too and show him the door. Next stop: The Plaza in Brighton, playing the Dame!! You heard it here first..

Even in a sitcom as abysmal as this, you can normally look to the supporting parts for at least a few good moments. Not here I'm afraid.. Everybody from George's weird alien friends to his two talking babies (awful special effects there BTW) ranges from tolerable to just about unbearable. Yes, his mother-in-law hates him. Yes, his two super-intelligent children are wise asses. Yes, his best mate is a freak who talks gibberish consistently. It ticks all the boxes, but somehow every vestige of humour is sucked out of this can't-miss scenario until the programme is dead in the water. How could this have happened? No idea, ask those scriptwriters, who are no doubt enjoying their yachts on the Channel with their undeserved earnings. Which brings me neatly to..

Tonight's episode, which had to be seen to be believed. Heres the background: George wants to get back into the bedroom with his wife , but she refuses. Then, he sees how attracted she is to cats, so he asks a moggy for its advice. The conclusion he comes to is that if he can suck out the essence of feline, spray it on himself like a perfume and let his missus catch a whiff of the aroma, she'll fall head over heels for him again. So this is what he promptly does. Believe me, I have a very strong stomach, but seeing Dreyfus licking Emily Joyce's elbows and running after a strip of material she drags along the floor almost made me cough up yesterday's breakfast. This was was truly terrible television, and just when you think it can't get any worse than that.. There are five more episodes till the end of this series. And lots more barrels waiting to be scraped, no doubt. Oh, joy. Hang on, is that the Four Horsemen I see above me? Or just wishful thinking on my part?
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re: Wonderful Comedy Show
carl17015 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A show that seems to get people angry if you dare to say you like it. Well, I'm going to do just that. I love this show. I really do.

When you get lines like this just peppered in throughout the show...

Dr. Piers Crispin: What are you doing tonight, Mrs Raven? Mrs. Raven: I'm taking the triplets to see the Exorcist. Dr. Piers Crispin: Hmmm. Terrific movie. Mrs. Raven: Who's talking about the movie?

You can see why I like it. The dialogue between the characters is sharp and cruel at times especially between Mrs Raven and Dr Piers Crispin, and also between George and his wife's parents.

All the characters here all play their part. The only one that weakens the show in my opinion is the baby that speak fluent English, etc, etc.

However failing that. All the characters are a joy, and for me makes me want to watch every last part of the show.

My favourite are Mrs. Raven and George "Thermoman" Sunday...They are so funny in different way.

This gets as 10 out 10 for me - just because of Mrs.Raven alone
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Holding out for a hero
studioAT15 June 2010
This was a good sitcom that had good writing and a strong cast. The plots though silly were entertaining and unlike some modern sitcoms did not get bogged down by sentiment.

The public seemed to like it to and it was a regular fixture in the Friday night schedules for many years. For a British sitcom to reach five series' is a pretty big achievement so credit should be awarded.

Then all of a sudden things changed. The main actor left - not sure of the reason but one episode he was there and the next... gone. This should have been the end of the series because the lead guy was really the one everyone tuned in for, it was his show.

However the BBC knew they had a hit on their hands and were determined to milk it for all it was worth so tried to tweak the format. In came James Dreyfus playing the lead role with only a really silly story to back it up (something about a body swap.

The public didn't like it, the critics jumped onto the show like a vulture and before you know it the show is being moved around the schedules like crazy so that the BBC can burn off all the remaining episodes. Unsurprisingly it was axed soon after.

The BBC's inability to let the show die when the lead actor left proved to be the downfall of a good comedy.
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Great Show
bridget-1311 February 2004
The best comedy shows are where the actors all seem to have fun working together, and you get that feeling about My Hero. It's really good fun. This is only a knock-off of Superman, or Lois and Clark, in that the basic idea of a super hero is the same. There the similarities end. Ardal O'Hanlan is superb with his dead-pan delivery, and is ably backed up by the rest of the regular cast, which includes a completely insane neighbor whose world is sanely comprehensible, an ego-centric doctor, enough said, and the receptionist at the doctor's office, whom we have all met in one role or another. Back this up with a foil to them in the hero's long-suffering girlfriend, and you have a combination which is hard to beat. I love the clever writing and snappy dialog. A Great Show.
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First few years are hilarious
lisaintally10 July 2020
The first years of this show are hilarious with Father Ted's Ardal O'Hanlon playing fish-out-of-water alien George Sunday.

His responsibilities, as superhero alter-ego Thermoman, often conflicts with his attempts at a normal life with his human girlfriend and her parents who despise him.

As with most British comedies, the casting is spot-on and the writing often deadpan, dry and daft.

Should have attracted the same US cult following as Father Ted, but maybe it just wasn't shown often enough.

Hopefully, Britbox or someone will pick it up.
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Wow--how did this cute series get such low marks?!
planktonrules16 March 2007
Wow. If a person JUST read the IMDb scores and not the reviews, they'd have the impression that this series stinks--with a score in the 4.0 range! I don't understand this, as it is one of the better British TV shows I have seen. While it's not as great as FATHER TED (also starring Ardal O'Hanlon) and it's not especially deep, but it is very very funny and original. Perhaps as another reviewer said, the earlier episodes aren't quite as good because the show hadn't yet hit its stride, but this is common of many sit-coms. How can anyone hate a show with bizarro neighbor Tyler, cranky and evil Mrs. Raven or the self-absorbed Dr. Piers Crispin?! There must be some evil conspiracy afoot to get you NOT to watch the show--try it yourself--if you like to laugh, you'll love the show.

Perhaps another problem with the show is that Ardal's O'Hanlon's previous series was so good and so perfect that in contrast some are disappointed. All I know is that it's unfair to use such harsh language about a harmless and cute show. Heck, The Donnie and Marie Show and many REALLY bad shows have more favorable comments, so there's something amiss here.
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Not my hero
kclambeth30 April 2007
OK, the premise is not too bad, an alien superhero living on earth and coping with a family and other human beings, but despite this, this show just fell flat on it's face.

This is just silly and not in a funny way like Father Ted and The Brittas Empire. The laughter track is irritating, i could never warm to any of the characters and i always feel like i'm watching a pantomime (which is fine if you are at the theatre) The receptionist cracks a few good jokes and Piers has potential but i find George's wife irritating and dull, the American guy pointless, and the other's just boring. Ardal o'hanlon is a great actor and his talents are wasted here. His Irish accent sometimes raises a smile but nothing more.

My dad watches this but i have to leave the room when he does because it makes me cringe, you can see the jokes coming a mile off and the babies just scare me! Not cute at all! Overrated, i can't believe it's been going this long.
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Can't watch anymore
topcat120016 August 2006
I'm sorry for the change in Thermoman. Loosing Ardal O'Hanlon has dealt a death blow to the show for me. James Dreyfus is too creepy too watch. I very much enjoyed the series up till the the change. I will keep an eye on this site & hope yet another change comes along & we get a new George Sunday. How did James Dreyfus even make the list as a possible replacement for O'Hanlon? A note to the producers of 'My Hero', PLEASE get rid of this new, gay type Thermoman. James Dreyfus seams to have brought way to much of his character with him from "The Thin Blue Line"(only other thing I've seen him in). Good luck to the rest of the cast in keeping the show afloat.
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A very average sitcom.
13Funbags2 May 2017
I just read another review of this show and discovered that Ardal O'Hanlon left after the fifth series.Well kudos to that guy and anyone else who could stick with this show for that long.I sure couldn't. When I first discovered this show, I wondered if it was just an excuse to put the cast of Father Ted in a new show.By the time I got to the second series, it was clear that is the case.It's basically just the same jokes over and over and the stories are very predictable.I was never surprised by anything that happened.The first series showed a lot of potential.This show could have been great but they dropped the ball in the second series.The introduction of a ThermoBaby was the worst thing they could have done.And they don't even try to make the baby interesting.His accent is so thick that I have to rewind every time he talks and still only understand half of what he says.Not only does he not add anything to the show, he hurts it big time.Even worse, they expect us to believe that Ultron babies know everything and can talk but they never grow.I have only been able to sit through four series but the baby hasn't grown at all in three years.That's pretty lame.And the joke about George being stupid gets almost unbearable after a few years.The funniest thing about the show is the "American" cousin.He has the stereotypical New York accent and always wears sports teams shirts and jackets.Like that's all they know about America.We wear sports teams clothes and have terrible accents.It's basically the same as an American show having an Irish character that is always sloppy drunk and wears a bowler with a shamrock in the band.Except that American show would be offensive but insulting Americans is fine.Anyway, if you're looking for something to watch every once in a while, this show may do.If you're looking to binge watch, you'll never make it all the way through.Like the I said, it's very average.
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Fecking Hillarious!
Dyonus30 April 2004
Whether he's an idiot priest or a superhero from another planet that just doesn't get it, Ardal is hillarious.

When I first saw this show, I thought it was kind of dumb and cheap, but it soon grew on me.

The show is about a Super hero who comes from the planet Ultron. He lives on earth running an herbal medicine shop. He falls in love with the woman he saved, but because she thinks he's daft, he has to prove to her that he's Thermalman and eventually he moves in with her.

In the second season they have a child who talks, but since they have to keep everything else a secret, the kid is a bit of a risk.

It reminds me of a mix between The Adventures of Lois and Clark and Third Rock from the Sun.

I give this show **** out of five.
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My Hero-spread the word round the world!
ashton-warner3 November 2007
I think My Hero is the best comedy I know! My friend and I did interviews on tape and in turn, we played the character or interviewer. I did Tyler and Ella and my friend did George and Janet. Here is a sample: Interviewer: Tyler, do you want to say anything else? Tyler: Beware the pod people. And you're one of them!!!!!!!! Anyway I think everyone on the show is perfect at their character, especially Ardal O'Hanlon! I am so happy that I got to see him live once, and once with his family! It was so weird actually, seeing Ardal and thinking of him as George, than seeing him on My Hero and thinking of him as Ardal! But anyway, I missed the point. So I think it's a cool comedy and could everyone out there give it a chance?
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My Hero
onetrace4222 May 2006
I strictly watch BBC for My Hero, I think if all episodes were available, I would purchase every one. The character George Sunday, o'Hanlon is my favorite. I do not miss a show. Keep it coming. This show is a show that I share with my son, and friends, It is the type of show that I could watch 7 days a week. And I have DVR so I do watch it 7 days a week. We can barely wait until the next episode in order to see what George is going to be up to. Again please consider the sale of all of the episodes, I would certainly purchase everyone. I think George Sunday is the most funniest character I have ever seen. Sincerely! Onetrace
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adrian_solbakken18 May 2006
this program is fantastic funny. The actors are weary good. specially Emely Joyce and Ardal o' Hanlon. I hope to see them in other programs or movies in the future. i recommend this sow to all people. :) what makes this series so funny. the way this Altronian (alian) handles the way people are on earth is wary funny. the concept on super man is a subject ho sold be made more fun of. all the people in this sow is wary funny. I'm not the best comment maker but please listen to me. go and by my hero. you will love it. there are so many funny things in this series. like the man next door, Tyler:) and Miss ravens:P and best of all the fantastic chemistry between Ardal and Emely. Emely is also weary beautiful by the way:P
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Funny and Surreal
rajimom13 November 2003
I love this show! I've been watching it on BBCAmerica, and it makes me laugh out loud--unlike American sitcoms. Ardal O'Hanlon is perfect in the role of an alien superhero, sniffing out trouble around Earth, dashing to the rescue quickly and efficiently--but absolutely clueless as to the ways and mores of earthly relationships. His attempts to adapt to Earth and England are for love, which makes them oddly endearing. The peripheral characters are a bit much; the Health Centre's receptionist Mrs. Raven and pompous Dr. Piers Crispin for example are one-note characters, and quickly become tiring. But the central relationship of George "Thermoman" Sunday and his lovely Janet (played with the right balance of affection and exasperation by Emily Joyce) sustains this lightweight but thoroughly enjoyable comedy.
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One of the best shows!!
alexpeychev16 February 2023
After sifting through these comments I would like to add my own. I think this show is one of the best I've seen around in years. It is a very funny show and above all, enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of TV - but I will definately sit down to watch this.

The actors and actress' who star in this show play their parts to perfection and make the show very believable.

And for the people who have posted the negative comments, I'd like to say - you are entitled to your opinion, but, in all honesty - if this show is as bad as you make it out to be and you think the actors and actress' dont play their parts well, then you need your head examined because, at the end of the day, if this were true, they wouldn't be as successful as they are.
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Very Entertaining
supa_fun-129 August 2004
I find this show to be most funny, mostly because of the characters.

George is an idiot amongst Humans, yet, being a superhero, is from another planet where his level of knowledge is acceptable.

Janet is the only normal one, caught up in the middle of a superhero husband, two always problemed parents, and the crazy health clinic she works at.

Arnie is George's cousin, who has become more Human like since he lost his powers for charging people to be rescued. He's a complete slob.

Tyler is George's neighbor, who believes he's from another planet, and that he visits planets and aliens all the time, most friequently, Gandalf the wizard.

Janet's Mother is a pain in Janets side, and Janet's Father is always dumbfounded by the situations he gets caught up in.

Mrs. Raven is the health clinic receptionist, who is pure evil.

And then there's Dr. Crispin, who is so amazed by himself, he never really understands what people actually think of him.

It's a great show, so go watch it.
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Funny and Original
rjhey16 November 2003
My Hero is a classic example that if you wait....several years a good show will come along. I am now so sick of "reality t.v." that I turn over and watch the news, desperate or what. When i first watched My Hero I must admit I was bored, so I sat down and watched it. After that I was hooked, it was funny and original and I looked forward to it, I can't understand people who its sad or boring, its a piece of pure comic genius that I hope the BBC will continue to show it.
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great show
paul__kenworthy4 September 2004
this show is absolutely hilarious, Ardal O'Hanlon is great as George Sunday / Thermoman, his role is the perfect follow on from Father Ted, the show that made him a star.

George is a superhero from the planet Ultron, who came to earth as a superhero, he doesn't know anything about human life and therefore seems to be a total idiot, this is perfect for O'Hanlon who played the same sort of role as Father Dougal Maguire in Father Ted.

There are many funny characters in this show, there is Piers, a doctor that is a nationwide celeberity, he also doesn't realize that no-one likes him. There is Mrs Raven the evil receptionist at Piers' clinic, who says something nasty at anyone she sees. Then there is Janet, she is George's wife, and she also works at the clinic, she has two parents that hate each other, Janet and George have a baby with superpowers, it can talk as well, in one episode George loses his memory and the child is then forced to save people using his superpowers.

There was many very good episodes in the four series, my favourite episode is where George goes on a super hero training course and he has a replacement called Hillary, that episode was hilarious.

Overall, a very funny TV show, with great characters, great scripts and a very good leading performance by Ardal O'Hanlon. 9/10
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One of the best shows!!
RsPerez11 December 2003
After sifting through these comments I would like to add my own. I think this show is one of the best I've seen around in years. It is a very funny show and above all, enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of TV - but I will definately sit down to watch this.

The actors and actress' who star in this show play their parts to perfection and make the show very believable.

And for the people who have posted the negative comments, I'd like to say - you are entitled to your opinion, but, in all honesty - if this show is as bad as you make it out to be and you think the actors and actress' dont play their parts well, then you need your head examined because, at the end of the day, if this were true, they wouldn't be as successful as they are.
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