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More cheese than a Swiss delicatessen
Big S-23 March 2001
I've read other hacks' reviews of this movie, and while it certainly isn't the best movie ever made in the sci-fi / horror genre, it isn't THAT bad if you accept it for what it is - low-budget, b-movie fare that (shall we say) "borrows heavily" from the likes of 'Alien' (nasty extraterrestrial monster that cocoons its victims) 'Species' (gorgeous and confused "space girl") and 'Incubus' (the beastie-breeding-with-captive-girls angle). This is one seriously cheesy movie, and the whole thing was obviously done on a shoestring budget, although the alien isn't too bad (I've seen far less convincing men-in-rubber-suits at any rate). None of the acting is Oscar material and the Isle Of Man doesn't really double for Boston Massachussetts very convincingly. The plot is fairly predictable too and the premise that an alien craft would travel squillions of miles and crash land smack bang in the middle of an all-girls college campus - thus conveniently providing a rich source of perfect breeding victims - is utterly laughable. However, the movie does have its suspenseful moments, there's a few helpings of nudity and semi-nudity and the film does feature one of the few movie appearances by the beautiful and tragic model / actress Kadamba Simmons (as the "Space Girl") who, at the age of only 24, was murdered in London by her jealous boyfriend shortly after making this film.
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My instincts tell me this should have been better.
Aaron137529 May 2020
What does this film give us? A rather decent looking monster, an all girl college and lots of goo and monster attacks! However, despite all that, it was still rather bad. Granted, it was entertaining in a bad way, but this thing should have been able to get a five or six from me and instead I am giving it a three. It just missed the mark and though it featured copious amounts of girls and goo and police searching the most elaborate basement ever for a college campus it left me thinking it should have been much better.

The story has a meteorite crashing upon a campus and a girl and monster emerge from it. Then we get a very annoyed head of the college getting the janitor to clean up the mess as the art teacher goes ahead with his class. As far as one can tell, the head of the school, the art teacher and the janitor are the only three people working at this school. Well the monster begins making its move ever so slowly as everyone just wants to wear a piece of the meteorite and sleep with the art teacher and settling for the janitor when art teacher is too busy with attractive blonde girl! Then we get lots of footage of the basement as they try and save space girl and the rest of the missing girls who they do not really try too hard to save and instead elect to just shoot them.

The film could have been rather decent, but it moves a bit slowly at times wanting to focus on the head police guy thinking the art teacher is guilty of something with virtually no proof. Then there are head scratching times as the art teacher stops the blonde girl from attacking by removing her meteorite piece, but neither of them do this with the girls underground and instead blast away. It is also rather sad an art teacher handles the fight underground with the girls running around attacking, better than the police did with just the one monster!

So, it is worth a look see and a few good chuckles and I really thought the blonde the art teacher was hooking up with was very attractive reminding me of a girl I had a crush on in high school. Too bad they were unable to make a really good movie as there are too many parts of the story that just do not work or make sense, like what was so awesome about the meteorite that everyone wanted to wear it as a necklace and how would the monster even know they would because it could control people who wore it? Still, lots of goo to go around for everyone!
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Good nude campy fun
rlcsljo21 September 2002
The trailers for this movie promised and this movie delivered exactly what was promised: Good campy fun with lots of very good looking naked broads! If you were expecting a major Hollywood movie with major stars, stellar budgets, and MPAA tamed money shots, you will be *very* disappointed.

However, if you are a fan of the old "B" movies with unknown, but very good looking young stars that act amazingly well, given the material, some hokey, but surprisingly well done special effects, and very tight naked nubile bodies, this movie is almost heaven!
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why you should rent this one
drahcir-222 June 2000
Okay, so the only reason I rented this flick was because the box at the video store had a cool picture of a monster on the front and the back had some cute chick being terrorized by said monster. But it was entertaining enough. Cheesy acting and a plot that doesn't make a whole lot of sense aren't the only qualities of this movie. It also has a shower scene in an all girls college! What more do you want?

In conclusion, rent this for a good time. Laugh with your friends at the horribly low-budget explosions, and cheer for the half naked women.
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So Bad You Must Watch It
Vincent_B9 February 2005
This is one of those movies where the acting, set location, direction, and effects were so bad you need to rent a copy get 5 or 6 buddies, a keg of beer, sit down and watch it. To borrow from the late Douglas Adams, "Watching this movie will be like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon... wrapped around a large gold brick.".

What is wrong? Everything. British actors posing as Americans, there have been many that can pull it off like Bob Hoskins but he isn't in this one. It wasn't even necessary to choose North America as a location why not say it took place in England or something? The director seemed to like taking shots of girls tits and asses more than actually coming up with some kind of character motivation. So at this point you drunken buddies will be saying, "ALL RIGHT! Another T&A shot!". There isn't much dialog so feel free to skip off to the kitchen and make those sandwiches. What did I like about this movie? After my friends passed out, I managed to collect $185 off of them and told them they spent it at the strip bar after we finished watching the awful movie.
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Unbelievably bad
Chancery_Stone12 February 2001
Dire beyond belief. Obviously set on the Isle of Man masquerading as the US - very badly - and full of cut-rate British actors who can't do American accents. A monster that looks like an unarticulated promotional cut-out for Alien from a movie store, with the most inflexible feet ever seen. Girls in the shower, undressing, catfighting, blah, blah, blah. You get the idea. Don't watch it, run away, hide, AVOID.
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The Isle of Man Tourist Board has lot to answer for!
DP-725 May 2002
Imagine the most cliche ridden b-movie horror plot you can. Add more plot holes than plot. Have it scripted by a 10 year old. Have the acting done by A-Level drama students faking really bad US accents (in the Isle of Man!) Add monster special effects that the lovers of B&W Dr Who shows will appreciate. Result: duff film. Throw in Samantha Janus taking her clothes off (make a point of this on the cover) and you'll probably sell enough copies to make a profit anyway!
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Not exactly remaking Casablanca, but why bother?
kellicough003 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the movies in the history of movies I can't imagine someone sitting down and saying, I want to spend X amount of dollars (or pounds sterling) to remake that flawed classic film called "Breeders." Lots of stories have been turned into films about meteors coming to Earth with something sinister lurking inside. Why not put your money into making a spectacular 3D remake of "It Came from Outer Space" instead? Why look for a dingy nudie flick that existed only for the purpose of showing off a rubbery set of monsters and some naked coeds? Was the script for the 1986 version of "Breeders" so inspiring that these producers felt it had to be done again and this time done correctly? When you come down to it, the only reason this film exists is to show off Britcom cutie pie Samantha Janus. But if you're gonna make a skin flick and exploit Sam Janus in it, you'd better have her more naked than this and naked more often than this if you want to succeed.

Meteor lands ... monster escapes ... coeds duff their clothes ... monster eats people ... and another "what if?" ending ensues.

Honestly, I never thought I would ever recommend the original "Breeders" over any other film but this would be the one to come in 2nd Place to it.
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Cheap, boring and stupid--but not in a fun way
willywants25 July 2005
After a meteorite lands in "Boston" (really somewhere in the Isle of Man), a hideous, fanged alien monster is released and is on the loose in a local girl's school, causing mayhem and turning the students into zombie-like creatures. This film is apparently a loose (and I stress loose) remake of the 1986 film with the same name, as it features the same monster but a different plot. Both films are terrible, but to the credit of the 1986 version, it was watchable. This isn't. Let's start with all the problems—the acting, especially from the lead professor, was very, very bad. This film is supposed to take place in Boston (we know this because the film makers had the ingenious idea of putting "Boston police" or "Boston gas company" on everything), yet everyone seems to have rather muddled British accents (At least they didn't try using Boston accents, thank God). The script is a big flawed mess. The best example of how dumb the writing is when it's established that you can turn the zombie-students back into humans by removing a necklace containing a piece of the meteorite. Is that what our brave heroes do? No, they run around SHOOTING the zombie-students instead. Nice. Director Paul Matthews, who also wrote/directed the weak 1995 monster movie "Grim", clearly doesn't know how to pace his films. The movie is terribly boring in places. The lighting is awful. The film looks cheap and bland. One of the most disappointing aspects is the lack of notable gore. 99% of the death scenes involve the creature popping out of a dark corner and dragging someone away, while we hear they're "horrified" screams off in the distance. This convention never worked well in the past, and certainly doesn't work here. The visual effects were AWFUL. The CG opening sequence in space looked like it could have been created on Microsoft Slideshow for God's sake! The "explosion" of the Gas tanks at the end was just as awful. Okay, I like to consider myself a fair critic, so I'll give credit where credit's due--the creature effects were actually pretty cool. Gotta love those close-ups of slimy, drooling teeth!

To sum the film up, "Breeders" is a terrible, cheaply made horror movie that should be avoided like the Ebola virus. Not recommended.

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A deadly dull dud
Woodyanders25 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A meteorite crashes on Earth and unleashes an alien beast (Clifton Lloyd Bryan in an obvious and unconvincing rubber suit) that wants to procreate its species with nubile young human women on a Boston, Massachusetts college campus. It's up to lecherous jerk art teacher Ashley (a drippy performance by the charisma-challenged Todd Jensen) to stop it. Writer/director Paul Matthews, who previously failed to deliver the goods with the lousy subterranean creature feature "Grim," doesn't do it once again with this celluloid stinkbomb: The overly talky script, sluggish pace, meandering narrative, complete dearth of tension and vitality, cruddy (less than) special effects, blah acting from an insipid cast, limply staged monster attack scenes, and an inert and unexciting climax all make this movie a heavy mind-numbing chore to endure. Worse yet, this drab flick crucially fails to realize the sleazy potential of its gloriously lurid premise: There's precious little in the way of either graphic gore or gratuitous female nudity. Only Samantha Janus' frequently erect nipples and the striking pulchritudinous presence of Kadamba Simmons as the mysterious space girl prevent this picture from being a total wash-out. A hopelessly tedious clunker.
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Boooooooooooooo!! MBBBBB
TriNitroToluene19 January 2001
This was a pathetic movie. The Alien was decent, but the movie itself gave a new meaning to pitiful. The plot is something that's been done over and over again! However, this one does it the worst! The acting was c**p, the scenes were often too dark to get what was going on. No one developed any concern for the main character. The movie was far too slow paced, and the murder scenes that there were were foolishly crafted and ended up looking no more interesting than the rest of the movie. There are some movies which "suck" but can still be enjoyed because of there total outrageousness, but this doesn't even have that!! Whoever made this film thought that they could make something good and they failed miserably. There is nothing this movie has to offer except a headache. Avoid it!
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Paul Matthews at his best
slotaa4 December 2005
Undoubtedly, Paul Matthews will go into the history books as one of the true masters of the sci fi/horror genre. An alien crash lands into an all girls college, and runs amok attempting to fulfill its inborn mating desire. This movie has it all: action, suspense, characters, setting, a plot, girls in the shower, undressing, catfighting. All that along with powerful performances by Todd Jenson, Clifton Lloyd Bryan, and especially Nigel Harrison. With jaw-dropping special effects, and flawless camera work, you WILL feel like you are actually a part of this wild ride. On the minus side, the DVD special edition I had viewed lacked any actual special features. It contained only a selection for playing the movie, and changing the audio options. Although, 'audio options' was misspelled to be 'Audio Optons,' and obvious jab by Matthews at modern society and correctly spelled words.
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A great guilty pleasure
slayrrr66617 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Breeders" is a great example of a guilty pleasure.


A meteorite crash-lands near a College University, and a piece is removed and taken for study. Art teacher Ashley Rowe, (Todd Jensen) and student Louise, (Samantha Janus) suspect something weird is involved with the fragment, and a murder on campus finally convinces them. After several more women disappear from the college, they begin to investigate the meteorite more. A police force arrives to deal with the story, and they all end up slaughtered. Police Chief Horace, (Nigel Harrison) trying to save face after the disaster, agrees with the two faculty members that an alien force is loose on campus and they have to work together to put a stop to it.

The Good News: There are very few examples of a cheese-fest, but this one clearly falls into that category. Practically everything here is an example. From the constant nudity to the almost non-descriptive story to the setting, everything here has a feeling of cheese. There's some moments that are indicative of other styles creeping in. A long sequence where the alien stalks a group of policemen through a series of catacombs. It shows the main sign in the film where it doesn't try to be a cheesy film and aspires to something more serious. It has some suspense woven through, a couple of minor shocks when the creature comes roaring out to take a victim, and the combination makes it look a lot more like a horror film than a cult film. The creature itself is one of the best parts, with the appearance of a large imposing creature, with big claws, a huge mid-section and mean, imposing head with large fangs and rows of teeth. It makes for an impressive looking creature. And then there's the nudity, again, which is never a bad thing either.

The Bad News: Any movie with this much cheese has some bad things with it. The biggest one to hurt this film is it's very slow pace. It doesn't seem like the kind of plot that should sustain a film as long as this one is, forcing a lot of scenes to carry out longer than they should and ruining the pace. It's not as tight as it should be, and at times, it meanders around for far too long than it should. There is also a lot of moments that are either written to the point of confusion or show what little thought was put into it. The college that only has about a dozen or so attendants. There's only one teacher on campus, and therefore one class being taught, and the entire subplot with the police are mere examples. There is some other small little outcries here and there, but they aren't as damaging to the film as the other ones are.

The Final Verdict: Guilty of mainly being a cheese-fest, that doesn't mean it's all that bad. It's got a little bit of everything that makes it a little better than it should be. It's still got some problems, so take caution with it and it will be, at best, a guilty pleasure.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Nudity, Graphic Violence, and attempted interspecies Rape
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Stink Bug
artpf1 November 2013
It's an invasion of the most personal and terrifying kind. When a meteorite crash lands onto a Boston college campus and an alien beast is released, only one man understands its mission to mate. From the depths of an all girls college, the grotesque monster stalks his prey in a cat-and- mouse chase until the final conflict where only one species can survive.

Strange movie. Not particularly good either. Supposed to be Boston but filmed in the UK! Go figure. Unbearably slow. And the girl in the vinyl outfit can't act and she looks like a female wrestler. In fact, no one can act.

This movie stinks.
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C*** title, worse film
Lexo-28 October 1999
Hopelessly awful B-movie horror flick. Blatantly shot in the UK but featuring lame American accents, it's set in a girl's college (uh-oh) which, needless to say, means there's going to be at least one scene of naked nubiles in the shower - and, oops, there it went. And that's yer lot for the rest of the film, Mister Raincoat. To fill up the rest of the time, there's a rubber monster covered in squelchy goo that appears to want to coat the girlies in marzipan (at least, I _think_ it's marzipan); a not even comically inept but fortunately swiftly-massacred SWAT team; Oliver Tobias as a detective (his presence onscreen is always a sign that you've rented a Turkey) and a final scene in an oil refinery which, despite the efforts of an under-budgeted special effects team, is quite obviously not blowing up. Even the terminally bored/sexually frustrated are advised not to touch this waste of time with a ten-foot pole.

The irony is, Samantha Janus is a fine comedienne. We can only assume that she did this for the exposure, cause that's what they gave her. Indecent at that.
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A really bad remake to a really bad movie!
Dr_Adam_Warlock14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay what to say? The original Breeders (1986) was a really bad movie. The monster look like a college kid wearing a bug mask and a garbage bag. The acting was non-existent, the story was just as non-existent, the directing was non-existent. Are you detecting a pattern here?

Fast forward 10 years later, the director of Grim, Paul Matthews, helms this remake. Looking at the creature design on the VHS cover, I actually was sold on the movie, until I read the title. All I could think is why the hell with anybody think about remaking a movie that was so terrible that nothing could save it? So, my curiosity got the best of me, I shelled out $2 and rented it.

While I will admit the creature looked mildly more realistic, and when I say mildly I mean to the mildest, any other redeeming quality was lost in a series of bad special effects, bad acting, and a bad story that felt like it has been done to death.

Now, a question to any aspiring movie makers out there. If it ain't broke don't fix it. If it's broken beyond repair, don't bother!

I was originally going to give this one star, but I decided to add two extra stars because the creature design was worth it. At least when you don't have to stare at for long periods of time and realize that it's just a guy in a costume!
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A polar opposite to the original.
DigitalRevenantX712 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's strange what fate does to some people. While looking in the discount bin at a DVD retailer, I came across a copy of Deadly Instincts. Being a collector of any film that is either sci-fi, horror or featuring alien monsters, I decided to buy it (not to mention the fact that it cost five dollars – a bargain, believe me). After viewing it, I came to the opinion that it was nothing special. But after doing some research on the Internet, I discovered that the film was actually called Breeders & was a remake of the Tim Kincaid horror flick that menaced video stores in the mid-1980s. Which I've already seen. My appreciation of "Deadly Instincts" grew following that discovery.

A meteorite crashes on the lawn next to a private girls' college. The sole teacher there, Ashley (played by Todd Jensen – that's right, the guy who gets turned into a cyborg in the cult flick CYBORG COP four years earlier), notices that some of the students are beginning to disappear, while encountering a black-haired woman with a scarred face & wearing a kinky leather outfit. His investigation reveals that an alien creature had hitched a ride on the meteorite & had come to Earth to breed using the local womenfolk. Along with a local detective who believes him to be responsible for the disappearances, Ashley tries to stop the monster.

The original BREEDERS, directed by Tim Kincaid (who would leave the genre to make gay porn), was a sci-fi / horror film which was actually a thinly-veiled soft-core porn film designed to take skin flicks to genre fans. It is, in my belief, one of the worst films made in the 1980s. Why anyone would want to remake it is quite a mystery.

This remake is actually a better effort than its low-budget source. The film, which takes the basic concept of an alien monster trying to interbreed with human women, eliminates any pornographic elements. In fact, the film is actually very tame. There are no sex scenes, no nudity (even during the shower scene), swearing & violence are kept to a minimal level & there is no gore (which may cheat gorehounds). This makes the remake a film safe for the whole family, that is if the kids aren't scared by alien monsters (which brings me to the film's M 15+ rating, which seems a bit much).

Tameness of subject matter aside, the film does have some faults. The script, while featuring some good characterizations, has a number of holes so big you can crash a meteor through.

What? You're mad at me for that? Come on, this review needed a bad pun so it will remain interesting.

Anyway, the film's setting is one problem the script failed to fix – the film is set in Boston but the buildings don't look like they belong in Boston. Something about the architecture ain't right. Another thing is the college itself, with a rather large building housing about twenty students (all female, of course) & only having one class – art. The only teacher there has a relationship with a student (& so does the janitor!), which somehow escapes the attention of the principal. Not to mention the cops, who are so one-dimensional (& stupid) that the real Boston PD would have a good case if they ever decided to sue. Oh, & the meteor… well the chance that a meteor which is sent from Saturn (check the opening credits) reaches Earth with no onboard propulsion is astronomical. That doesn't include the chances that any passengers in the meteor will survive the landing.

As far as the acting goes, Todd Jensen gives a dependable performance as the heroic teacher while the late Kadamba Simmons (who was murdered by her boyfriend shortly before the film came out) cuts a striking figure in that leather outfit, as well as proving she can act. The visual effects are run-of-the-mill, with credits due to the filmmakers for bringing us a cool-looking monster.
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This movie sucked.....
jstoddard9725 March 2002
Just to let everyone know, this is possibly the WORST movie I have ever seen, and I've seen pretty much everything. If you're thinking of renting it, DON'T!!! It's not worth the cardboard container that it came in....
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I had to write a review of this cheesefest!!
anxietyresister28 January 2008
College students (who are actually in their late 20's) on campus in Boston (which looks strangely like the Isle Of Man) are menaced by a fierce monster (assembled during a Blue Peter episode). The new teacher must save the day (Even though he is really... Oh, who cares?)

I'll start with the positives... there is a nice shot of Eastenders new gal Samantha Janus's can in the obligatory campus shower scene with her best mate Katy Lawrence. A bit of side trivia: Katy was hired when she arrived at auditions with her sister, just as moral support to her sibling but ended up landing a part. Oh, joy. Picked from obscurity to... flash her pert buttocks in a meaningless scene added for titillation, then getting killed 30 minutes in for her troubles. Her latest (and only other credited role) is as Probationary Nurse #5 in Atonement. I wonder if she snuck a look at Keira Knightly (if extras and stars are allowed to mix) and wondered: where did it all go wrong?!

I'll give a few hints Katy: If all the other British cast members are asked to speak with American accents in a doomed attempt at mass-marketing, and the only person who can manage it is the B-movie veteran USA native Todd Jensen, you know you're in trouble. If you look at your wage slip and it'll only just about cover your lunch and your bus ride home, you ain't starring in a movie with a trillion dollar budget. If the premiere is attended by loads of family members of the fourth assistant director and provokes gales of laughter when the Stickyback tape monster rampages through the sewers, it should dawn on you that this isn't exactly Alien. Or even a Critters IV, come to think of it. So Katy, in your next life (I'm a Buddhist, you see) perhaps you'll be a bit more selective in your choice of debut feature rather than impulsively jumping at the first pile of crap that heads your way. Flashing skin in your first movie does not guarantee long lasting success. Unless you're Sylvester Stallone. And he had the script to Rocky to back him up.

To all intents and purposes this is as 0/10 a movie as I've ever seen. However, for sheer unintentional laughs and pure camp value, it gets a 1. Well done ;)
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Lots of cheese
Leofwine_draca23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
DEADLY INSTINCTS is a cheesy British ALIEN rip-off in which a meteorite lands on Earth, emitting a slimy alien intent on massacre and reproduction and a random hot space girl who adds nothing to the storyline whatsoever. The most laughable thing about this production is that it pretends to be an American movie, when in fact it was shot on the Isle of Man and nothing feels American for a moment, from the buildings to the rented cop car and the dodgy accents. Oliver Tobias plays the dogged detective on the case, but the stand out is Samantha Janus who would go on to much more fame and prominence in the succeeding years. Expect lots of cheese and random nudity in the place of a real plot.
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BandSAboutMovies21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The alien in this movie has a funny way to go about saving its planet. It's mating with us, but also killing us, so that seems kind of over the line, you know? How lucky for that alien to land in an all-girls school, I guess. Or unlucky, if I'm taking the side of the humans.

Also known as Breeders, this movie left me with so many questions. Why is Ashley the only teacher? Who is that woman in the leather running about the place? Why is she called Space Girl? Is this a remake of the 1986 film Breeders? Can a shotgun kill a breeder alien? Was the ending setting up a sequel?

Sadly, the actress who played Space Girl, Kadamba Simmons, was murdered by an ex-boyfriend not long after this movie was finished. I really enjoyed her in this film, a true bright spot in a film that's kind of dull.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine13 January 2019
I watched this back in the 90s when I thought it was a remake of the 80s "Breeders" and it only was in spirit.

And I have also spent a bit of time mocking "Dr. Strange" or rather Benedict Cumberbatch's attempts at an American accent.

This is so much worse than Dr. Strange.

The title should really be "Horrible American Accents and Breasts"

That is really all it is, minus the fun of the original "Breeders"

So, all you get is British people failing at acting like Americans and breasts. And now I am wondering if I should click the spoilers button because that is ALL the movie is.
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Awesome Male Lead
gavin694217 October 2013
When a meteorite crash lands onto a Boston college campus and an alien beast is released, only one man understands its mission to mate. From the depths of an all girls college, the grotesque monster stalks his prey in a cat-and-mouse chase until the final conflict where only one species can survive.

The male lead of this film is awesome, and so is the running subplot of a professor being involved with one of his students. While that sure is nothing new, it gives a bit of depth and character to a story that otherwise is more or less aliens running amok on a low budget.

Do not let the budget fool you, by the way. For whatever reason, the opening credits look terrible, something any kid could do on their home computer today in a matter of minutes. But once you get past the cheesy text and space pictures, this has a really sense of something more.
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Eh.. 1 star reviews are harsh, this one is a funny romp at least
majerhawk4 March 2019
This movie looks like an 80s b film. The creature and effects are laughable and made me chuckle multiple times. The acting and dialogue are funny and enjoyable. Story is not satisfying and kind of confusing. But some of the aspects of the film here are hilarious. Like the cop parts costumes are so cheap it's hilarious. If you're looking for a cheesy Sci fi film with some laughs it's worth it. I rated it higher because it made me laugh out loud multiple times.
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Bulldog-519 June 1999
If you are going to have a gruesome beast like the one pictured on the cover of the DVD, don't have so many supporting actresses and actors that are pure idiots. The beast was seen here and there and was very vague. It was set in an all girls college, so why was a man the leading actor and the so called hero of everyone. The B in B horror on this one would be bore......Don't like the DVD, so you can buy it from me and see for yourself.......Why did they put this on DVD anyway?
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