Forces of Nature (1999) Poster

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Fun road romcom with Ben Affleck, a zany Sandra Bullock and a great ending
Wuchakk17 September 2018
A man (Ben Affleck) sets out to fly from New York to Savannah to be married to his bride (Maura Tierney), but circumstances compel him to use other means of transportation with an attractive, but screwy traveling companion (Sandra Bullock). Will this new relationship and their misadventures change his plans over the course of the next two days?

I'm a sucker for road movies and Affleck is great as the principled protagonist, but Bullock's character, Sarah, is so erratic she becomes seriously irritating by the midpoint that it's hard to see how anyone would find her appealing, at least as a possible lifelong companion. Thankfully, the sights are interesting and the pair's mishaps are amusing enough (although I feel the script needed a rewrite to flush out better prospects). In addition, the last act is actually ballsy and totally changed any negative feelings I had. The movie's not really anti-marriage; it just shows the awful truth and potential glory. In other words, it's realistic and balanced.

What's funny is that Roger Ebert expressed outrage over the climax and called it smarmy. All I can say is he didn't 'get' it because it's not disingenuous at all. In fact, it's revelatory; and wholly fits. I don't want to say anything more because I don't want to spoil it. Reflect on the key points and everything makes sense.

The film runs 1 hour, 45 minutes and was shot in New York City, Washington DC, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Steve Zahn is on hand as the best man.

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Interesting concept, but not well narrated
anton-7917 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at this film from the ending, I think that the intention was that this is mainly a story about Ben's cold feet before a wedding, with the moral that worrying to much if you are marrying the right person is not helpful (because you cannot know in advance).

So, viewed this way, the film presents this as a kind of road movie to the wedding, with lots hurdles along the way, including Sarah, and also lots of people (including Sarah) telling Ben how bad marriage is. If narrated believably, this might have been a great film.

Where the film fails is in actually showing that Ben loves his bride and also making it believable that he loves Sarah (I love Bullock, but I failed to see that a character like Ben was really attracted to Sarah enough to jeopardize his marriage). So just before the end, the situation presents itself as a decision between Ben marrying a woman without us knowing anything about their relationship, or leaving her at the altar for another woman for which he did not have believable romantic feelings. Not really a way to make us care for the result.

Still, the ending made some kind of sense out of the story fragments that had been shown before and did a lot to reconcile me with this film.
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Hollywood Morality
longislandlloyd26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think the song "Love the One You're With", which played prominently in "Forces of Nature", told the entire tale. Few Hollywood celebs take relationships and marriages seriously, and they seem to last only until the next casting comes along. I never saw a movie with so many negative remarks about marriage, and with Ben Affleck's romance record, he could have written the script all by himself. While the movie had its funny and "oh, not again" moments, there just seemed to be that underlying feeling that Ben's marriage may never happen and he has discovered that his buddies are right.."Why tie yourself down to one woman when there are so many others out there interested in you". Even when Ben decided that he'd better do the right thing and marry his fiancée, he just didn't seem to make the decision with all his convictions. It's definitely "art imitating life" when it comes to love commitments in Hollywood. As far as all the symbolism many people have written about here, it's just hard to take any of it seriously in this love farce of a movie. The only symbolism that I took to heart was Stephen Stills' song of free love. "So if you're down and confused (and just waiting for something to do") on commitment and marriage, and you think that Sandra Bullock is hot enough to break up a romance, then "Forces of nature" is the perfect movie for you.
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conventional romance with a surprise brave ending
Buddy-5122 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
In "Forces of Nature," Ben Affleck stars as Ben, a repressed, buttoned-up stuffed shirt writer who, through a series of natural and manmade mishaps, ends up spending the several days before his impending marriage in the company of a freespirited, totally spontaneous and liberated young woman named Sarah, played by Sandra Bullock.

For the vast majority of the film's running time, the screenplay follows the conventions of the opposites-attract scenario almost slavishly. The script even provides Ben's fiancee with an overly-convenient replacement in the form of a now-hunky childhood friend she has not seen in years who rekindles sparks with her on the eve of the wedding.

Thus, the stage is set for the predictable true love romantic finale. But, damn, if the writers don't pull the rug out from under us and shatter the time-honored cliche. This is particularly surprising because, up to now, the film has exhibited no trace of iconoclasm in either its plot or character development. In fact, the screenplay is less a full-fledged narrative than a series of photographic montage sequences strung lazily together as Ben and Sarah engage in one cutesy situation and encounter after another. Thus, the unconventionality of the resolution comes as an even more stunning surprise than it otherwise might.

Affleck and Bullock are very appealing as two young people who complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and who learn to offer one another valuable life lessons. "Forces of Nature" emerges as one of those rare films that is, perhaps bizarrely, actually better in retrospect than in the watching.
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confused collage of meaningless moments
rose-5821 March 1999
This movie seems as if someone had a cute idea for a movie, thought of two or three funny possibilities, hired a good cast, then turned the whole thing over to a really bad screenwriter and even worse director. The director filmed a screwball romantic comedy as if it were a dark, artsy film---weird camera angles, blue filtered shots, lingering, close up looks at raindrops. Steve Zahn was good, as always. Ben Affleck was charming, sweet, almost shy; he was perfect for a romantic comedy. Sandra Bullock struggled along valiantly with a character who was supposed to be zany, but whose wackiness consisted of things like madly kissing a husband she hated, abandoning her child, going on carnival rides, offering to strip for money, and bumming a ride with a fellow airline passenger. The script had very few funny lines; there was no physical comedy; it was boring. It introduced potentially funny situations, then cut them off before they could develop. To top it all off, the "twist" at the end was a slap in the face to anyone expecting a fun romantic comedy. If you saw the trailer for the movie and liked it, as I did, my advice is: don't go to the movie. It will only spoil a nice trailer.
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Sometimes the people we meet change us forever.
lastliberal8 July 2007
I cannot imagine anything that would be more fun than taking a road-trip with Sarah Lewis (Sandra Bullock). That is why I really think this film is worth watching. Ben Holmes (Ben Affleck) got something that very few of us ever get to experience - a couple of days with someone who will truly liberate us from our staid conventions and open our eyes to a world that we never knew even existed.

Working with the developmentally disabled, I have to constantly remember that I cannot say they don't want to live or work or do something until I have exposed them to that opportunity and let them make an informed choice.

How many times have we made choices without knowing all the opens - or even that there are options. Ben got the opportunity to make an informed choice. I am not saying I would have made his choice, but he knew what he was doing.

Don't watch this movie looking for a comedy, even though it is funny; don't watch it looking for romance, even though there is plenty to see; but watch it to open your eyes to another world and ask yourself if your world is really what you want.
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Tepid rom-com
mnpollio7 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Take two Hollywood performers at their peak, place them in a romantic comedy loosely inspired by the riotous Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and watch the fireworks FAIL to ignite. Ben Affleck is a rigid businessman who finds his efforts to make it home to Savannah in time for his nuptials with Maura Tierney constantly confounded by the weather, mechanical failures, coincidence and the temptations provided by wacky free spirit Sandra Bullock, who keeps getting thrown together with him.

Singularly Bullock and Affleck can be very entertaining, but together they do not have much spark between them. They come off more as a brother/sister pairing than potential romantics. Part of the problem is certainly the writing. Affleck's character is written as such a stick and Bullock is stuck playing such an offbeat stock character that the audience is never allowed to warm up to them. The less said about Tierney as Affleck's colorless fiancée, the better. Their misadventures grow tedious fairly quickly and events are not helped by Bronwen Hughes' uneven direction. Hughes either concludes scenes before they have built up a head of steam or allows them to drag on forever. For instance, the events at the hotel where Affleck and Bullock really start to bond and then run into acquaintances of his runs on and on and on. Meanwhile, a potentially hilarious sequence where, to earn money, Affleck reluctantly has to do a strip tease at a gay bar abruptly concludes right when it was starting to hit its comic high point. And these are only two examples. Hughes does not seem to understand what works and what does not. As such, we get a romance that is not particularly romantic, and a comedy with some scattered laughs that dry up long before the film has reached the two-thirds mark. I would venture to say there is not a smile to be had anywhere in the final third of this film.

Another issue that fails is the ending. It probably sounds very mature on paper and it is certainly a non-Hollywood climax, but it is incredibly dull and renders the majority of the preceding scenes pointless. In a romantic comedy, one should never introduce a female character that is more colorful and appealing than the woman with whom the leading man ends up with (and vice versa). That is exactly what the writers have done here. They manipulate two characters together for romance and then in the final moments of the film, they have Affleck do an abrupt about-face and declare his undying love for Tierney, while a wise-beyond-her-years Bullock slinks off alone into the sunset. Affleck needs to sell us wholesale that the sight of Tierney alone has made him fall back in love with her (after a scant moment before he was planning on breaking off their engagement) and it is beyond both the actor and the screenplay to convince the audience of this. Rather than making it seem like Affleck is a great guy, it makes him seem more than a tad fickle. The next time he is stuck away from his beloved Tierney for a day or so, is he going to have another crisis of love? Does Tierney need to be in his line of sight in order for him to maintain the love affair with her? The entire scenario is just plain foolish. Affleck and Bullock have been much better elsewhere, and fans would be advised to find those other efforts.
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Still horrible ending in 2020
george_mavridis23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't make sense from the ending of the movie. I have read a bunch of reviews that "explain" why Ben didn't stop his marriage but any of them really make sense to me. The whole movie was supposed to make Ben realise that he isn't ready for a marriage right? Instead we have Sarah waiting for him to come and kiss her after stop his wedding, while he was unexpectedly saying Brisget that he loves her. The problem is not that the story doesn't have a typical, rom-com happy end, the problem is that the film has a happy end that doesn't make sense and nobody (except married people) enjoyed it.

6/10 for Sandra Bullock and the first 80% of the movie. Watch it if you want something that will make you angry for the next couple of days!
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The 'Force' isn't with these two...
moonspinner556 September 2005
Ben Affleck, about to be married, is shaken up by a plane accident and gets involved with one of the other passengers (Sandra Bullock, forcing herself to act insane). Who is to blame for this inept, ugly morass? It is so badly edited, when I looked in the credits it wasn't to read the editor's name--it was to see if the person actually took the credit! Rife with clichés, contrivances, and Sandra Bullock in raccoon eye-makeup, the movie doesn't even concern itself with creating chemistry between the two main characters. Laughs are non-existent: the scene in the gay bar with Affleck might have gotten a big laugh if it weren't so stupid (the bar patrons--a big rowdy bunch of them!--shout for Affleck to strip and start digging out their cash). It's not supposed to have any significance other than getting Ben to loosen up a little, but the direction of the whole scene is wrong-headed, and the outcome is unseen because the idiot editor cuts away...or was that all the film he had? It's a small moment but it's typical of this film, an amateurish piece of pop-goods that wants to be an edgy modern comedy but doesn't have any guts. It is tailor-made for the bottom shelf at your video store. * from ****
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Atypical rom-com. Not without its moments
DavidSim24018312 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Forces of Nature is a very unusual romantic comedy. Unusual in that it seems determined to avoid all the natural conventions you would expect from the genre. In fact as I watch it, there's something about the film that places it just a little outside the mainstream. I don't mean it would be embraced by the indie crowd. Especially with stars like Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck at the helm. But it is not your standard rom-com.

Forces of Nature is a film that borrows a few plot lines from the superb Planes, Trains & Automobiles. But instead of a businessman trying to get home for Thanksgiving saddled with an annoying travelling companion, instead we have a man trying to get to his wedding, and meets a free spirited woman along the way who might just be the girl of his dreams.

Ben Holmes (Affleck) is an uptight publisher on his way to Savannah to be married to his fiancée Bridget. But the plane he's on never even gets off the ground when a pigeon gets sucked into the engine turbine. Seated next to him is Sarah (Bullock), one of these eccentrics you tend to meet on public transportation.

Ben is unwilling to wait for another flight to Savannah, and since she's headed in the same direction, Sarah wants to help Ben get to his wedding on time. But of course, their journey proves to be anything but smooth, filled with detours, jail cells and all night K-Marts.

Although Forces of Nature is slightly predictable, I do have a certain affection for the film. Perhaps because it is willing to take the whole romantic comedy genre in strange directions. Sandra Bullock, one of my favourite actresses, is no stranger to rom-coms. But in this film, she plays a slightly more edgier character than what I've seen of her previous work.

Sarah is the complete opposite of Ben. Where he is a tense, uncertain man who has to think everything through, Sarah is an impulsive, free-thinking spirit who goes with the flow. But her willingness to be so spontaneous sometimes leads to problems. Like the scene when a train they're on stops in the middle of the track, and she actually climbs on top of one of the carriages and invites Ben up just to feel alive. But the carriages are uncoupled and they end up seriously sidetracked.

Forces of Nature does have some unexpected depth. Granted the screenplay is a little contrived the way it keeps throwing up obstacles to prevent Ben from reaching his wedding. Its all designed to keep Ben and Sarah in each others company. But that comes with the territory. And we do find out some surprising things about Sarah over the course of the film.

Naturally of course, the more time Ben and Sarah spend with each other, they begin to open up to each other, and a strange sort of attraction develops. But not exactly love. Sarah helps Ben to loosen up, and Ben begins to question whether or not marriage is such a good idea now. But FON raises some fascinating and unexpected left field turns.

Ben believes he may be falling in love with Sarah, but she doesn't agree. After all, they've only known each other for inside of two days. How could he possibly love a complete stranger who only just walked into his life a short time ago? She helps Ben to reexamine his feelings for Bridget, and make the right choice in the end.

FON is never as outright funny as it should be. But then maybe its not trying to be. It tries to ground the trappings of a romantic comedy in more serious surroundings. Its nowhere near as successful as the wonderful Lost in Translation, but FON does have some pleasant surprises in store. Bullock is terrific, and plays one of her most fascinating characters to date, and although Affleck is as stolid as ever, at least its in keeping with the character he's supposed to be playing.

The ending is a little downbeat, especially for Sarah's character. I genuinely did feel real sadness for her in the end. Bullock does such a great job of fleshing out Sarah's character I was left with genuine concern over her future.

Forces of Nature is no classic, but it does have some unexpected merits. It would be a shame if it faded into obscurity.
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Stylish but pointless. ** out of ****.
Movie-1224 April 2000
FORCES OF NATURE / (1999) **

"Forces of Natures" is a romantic comedy that gradually builds for a presumably happy conclusion, but completely disregards its momentum in the end, making this movie a hypocrite of itself. Although advancing through this story is sometimes amiable fun, the ending results are forgettable and pointless.

The movie's entire story is a series of uncanny coincidences ranging from heart attacks and drug busts to robbery and fires. Book-jacket blurbologist Ben Holmes (Ben Affleck), is becoming married to his fiancée, Bridget (Maura Tierney), in two days. At his bachelor party in New York, a stripper excites his grandfather into cardiac arrest. Ben stays with his relative a little while then catches a flight back to Georgia where Bridget is waiting.

Ben meets a young woman making out with her romantic interest at the airport. This woman, the pretty Sarah Lewis (Sandra Bullock), later ends up sitting next to him on the plane. Ben is a very nervous flyer, and when his flight crashes before it leaves the ground he becomes even more profoundly afraid of flying.

He and Sarah buddy-up with a man at the port hitching a ride to his wedding destination. This man turns out to be a criminal, however, and is busted with the unlikely pair in the car with him.

Many more events occur keeping Ben away from his wedding location. Such circumstances include a train wreck, a striptease, and mistaken identity. His parents (Michael Fairman and Janet Carroll), are not happy with his findings or state of affairs.

The film's conflict is getting Ben from New York to Savannah, Ga. to wed with his fiancée. No recent structure complicates its initial problem as clearly as "Forces of Nature," imaginatively written by Marc Lawrence. The gradual increase of passion between Ben and Sarah makes for rich romantic chemistry, although there is none developed between Bridget and Ben. "Forces of Nature" concentrates on creating chemistry with Sarah and Ben, but never with Bridget. I did not know what to believe. Is Ben in love with Sarah in which he has known for only a few days, or is his heart with his eagerly waiting to wed fiancée?

Lame conversations featuring Ben and Bridget on a bed videotaping themselves enhances what little character development present. Such lame dialogue present includes "I'm scared" and "It's the rest of our lives." Why doesn't the movie show us how the two characters feel about marriage instead of explaining it?

"Forces of Nature" contains an interesting style, consisting of neat camera effects, scenes cut short, believable cinematography and jaunty soundtrack numbers. Some of the film's style is over the top, however. There is a magical hailstorm sequence that plays like a music video on MTV. And most of the film's laughs come from witty one liners, not the many incidences of stylish film making.

Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock are the right choices for Ben and Sarah. They bring forth effective performances thanks in part to stylish directing and cleverly written dialogue. Most of the final segments of the second act are spent on Ben making a decision between spending his life with Bridget or Sarah. Though the entire second act is wasted anyway in the manner this movie concludes itself.

"Forces of Nature" is a movie too silly for serious romantics and overly thought-provoking for audiences looking for a good laugh. Teenagers may identify with the film's glossy look. But for most viewers, this is just a music video with plot.
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I'm sorry, I liked it
csauer16 November 2005
I read the user comments and was reluctant to view this movie. Well I'm sure glad I went against the crowd. This is a good movie! What more could you ask for. (Sandy is great) The scene I adored is when Sarah is beckoning Ben to come and dance. If a women ever did that to me I would run to her. I really enjoyed the ending but I won't discuss that. There were enough laughs to keep it lite and enjoyable. The gay bar was a real hoot. Ben did a superb acting job doing his dance all be it Sandy does'st hurt the eyes. The one thing I liked is this movie is not a tear jerker. Most of Sandy's movies have me shedding tears like a water works. The story line surely shows that people live their lives in very different ways and that gives the movie credence. What's to not like? Easy to follow has Sandy in it what more could you want? One criticism, what did they use to put on sandy's eye makeup on a putty knife?
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Nice Enough
mjw23054 January 2007
Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck star in this romantic comedy. Ben (Affleck) gets stranded in New York when his plane skids out of control, the trouble is he is getting married in 2 days and his only way back seems to be a ride with a free-spirited traveller called Sarah (Bullock)

The duo get into lots of trouble on their road trip and the results are pretty amusing. Affleck and Bullock both provide nice performances without ever excelling in the roles, the screenplay is nicely written and the direction is nice also.

Basically it's a nice movie, with enough humour and charm to entertain, but it will never be a classic. 6/10
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Total waste of 1 hour 45 mins
ronjinz21 January 2021
Sandra Bullock portrays an artificial character desperately trying to exude morality and being free spirited soul while crying all the time about her lying, deceiving and uncaring past... Ben Affleck portrays a confused, undecided, insipid jerk who cannot make up his mind or decide for himself... Steve Zahn's talent was wasted... other characters are lousy and forgettable at best... the movie completely fails to be either romantic, or comic, or funny, or serious, or inspirational, or emotional, or absolutely anything... EXCEPT... A TOTAL WASTE OF 1 HOUR 45 MINS!
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Pretty darned good movie, better than we thought it would be!
TxMike13 October 1999
This is a review of the DVD version of "Forces of Nature".

My wife and I rented this movie because we like Sandra Bullock, especially, and also Ben Affleck. We didn't have high expectations, except to be entertained. And we found it very entertaining and not particularly predictable. Affleck, the prospective groom, has to make his way to Savanna in two days after a plane problem, complicated by an arriving hurricane. He meets up with the ditsy Bullock, and both of them learn quite a bit about themselves.

If you watch the special features on the DVD, Bullock explains how every one you meet, even short "chance" meetings, have some impact on you, and this is a large part of what the movie tries to convey. And it does it very well. There's good acting, lots of interesting "developments", and a very good story in total. I give it 7 of 10. It is a much better movie than I expected.

The DVD picture is very well done, and the sound track likewise, with appropriate use of the rear surround channels. My only complaint? Not enough bass rumble during the lightning and thunder scenes during the storms.

July 2010 update: Saw it again, a pretty entertaining movie with a good message.

May 2020 update: Ditto.
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Drawn out, ridiculous, and really quite awful
kergillian31 March 2001
I firmly believe Ben Affleck is a gifted actor. But this is no Dogma, no Good Will Hunting...hell, even his role in 200 Cigarettes is more memorable. Ben proves the age old theory that the best actor in the world does not a good film make. Basically, the story is horrid. The script is horrid. Add that to the fact that I can't stand Sandra Bullock (scrawny and one-dimensional) and that makes an awful film. The upside? Maura Tierney's really cute and I really like Steve Zahn. That's about it. The story is absolutely ridiculous; why do writers feel the need to overdo and over-dramatize *everything*. Excessively melodramatic (the shining light through the hurricane onto Affleck and Tierny made me gag) and excessively unbelievable. I hate it when 'everything goes wrong' films don't leave any room for reality. Every five minutes some new mishap or disaster happened, and they were usually awkward and eye-rolling. And when a little bit of story actually started to take place, it was interrupted by yet another misadventure... And the film was *way* too loooooooong!! Nearly two hours of non-stop schlock. Could've chopped an easy 20 minutes off of it. Overall, I'd recommend a pass on this one. There are some really cheezy sentimental films out there that are still enjoyable despite any excess or melodrama. This isn't one of them. If it didn't have a decent cast or one or two mildly amusing scenes I'd rate it even lower, but as is: 4/10.
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Bullock And Affleck Make An Engaging Couple In Movie With Surprise Ending
slightlymad225 February 2015
Plot In A Paragraph: Ben Holmes (Ben Affleck) a professional book-jacket blurbologist, is trying to get to Savannah for his wedding. He just barely catches the last plane, but a seagull flies into the engine as the plane is taking off. So he is forced to hitch a ride with an attractive but eccentric woman named Sara (Sandra Bullock)

Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock make an attractive romantic pairing, and have a certain amount of chemistry. Michael Fairrman Bridget Thurman, Moira Tierney, Steve Zahn, Ronny Cox and Richard Schiff are all good in supporting roles. The plot moves a long at a good pace, their are a few laughs to be had and the ending is a surprise too.

I don't understand the hate that Affleck gets, as I usually enjoy his movies that vary in tone, style and subject matter drastically 'Company Men' or 'Armageddon' 'Argo' and 'Hollywoodland' or the (what I consider the under rated 'Jersey Girl' I enjoy him in all of them.

As for Bullock, she remains one of the most talented and beautiful women in movies, and her ladylike sexiness is in rare supply. Any movie becomes promising just by having her name in it's cast.
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Wonderfully mediocre
tableeightproductions24 March 2022
This movie has so much potential with everyone in it and they were all wasted. If it has been directed as a straight rom com it would have worked but they tried to shoehorn in every cliche 90s trope (as if they wanted a mix of natural born killers, the matrix, and you've got Mail).

It's not a good movie but I still kind of like it.
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Sandra Bullock Rocks!
tbills226 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bless Sandra Bullock. Bless her to eternity. This movie rocks! It's a real romantic ride. FoN takes you by storm. You might get caught up in Sandra Bullock's lovefest. Her sweet, undying loving nature. Ty for all of that love, sweet Sandra. I love you Sandra so bad!!!! You're sooo hot.

(FoN has gorgeous colorful cinematography with direction like a whirlwind!)
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I dont know WHAT this was supposed to be...
azerda20 March 1999
It seems on the surface to be a romantic _planes, trains and automobiles_ but at times tried for something more, where it failed miserably. Some may like the nontraditional ending, but the attempts at "deep insight" into the world of marriage flopped around not really going anywhere.

But if you were interested by the story, the movie tried other methods to distract you. The unnecessary special effects, of which the falling rain was the most obvious, served to do nothing but annoy. The camera-work is erratic at best.

One note of caution, however. My movie experience as a whole was less than satisfying, sitting in the first row with a group of young'uns around...
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It's in the title. A whirlwind Romance, supported by the universal laws.
rpiapicciuto12 April 2020
So 90's. Whimsical and even poignant amidst the cheesy American vibe it has going on. I'll admit I was hesitant, but I feel pleasantly surprised. An unpredictable ending. Some cool birds-eye view shots throughout. Sandra Bullock's performance is awesome. I actually rated all of the characters - I didn't feel anyone was over-bearing. The protagonists are polar opposite - watching them unravel is nice and organic. It's true that people show up in our lives to re-ignite us, and teach us something about ourselves. Hidden beneath the conventional fabric of this Romance - lies profound sentiment to the Universe and it's signs. You just have to be open to seeing, like I was when I clicked play.
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bscadlejr18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really intrigued by this movie since I drive by South of the Border frequently which is featured in a scene. The movie is kind of touching, but the dark blue tinted photography was annoying! I watched it on different TVs on different platforms and the color was still a muted blue and dark to the point of being distracting. Sandra Bullock was great and Ben Afflack not bad. I could even suspend logic and ignore the fact that in reality, people would not hold an outdoor wedding with immanent hurricane. The Kmart scene was silly and awkward and made me feel embarrassed for Sandra and Ben. I hated the ending. So wanted Ben to bail out of the wedding and run off with Sandra. The soundtrack was good. This movie could have been so much more, but it was still special.
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Are People Too Shallow to Appreciate this Movie?
mdf61518 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am stunned by how many people are disappointed by the ending of this movie, saying it is depressing, unexpected, unwelcome, dissatisfying, etc... I guess these folks think that being stood up on the day of one's wedding makes for a feel-good movie!!! The ending affirms the beauty and magic of real love, an emotion that is exalted and pure, and lies above fleeting whims and senseless, immature attractions. Ben realizes that Bridget is his one, true love. Yes, he was distracted by the human tornado that is Sarah, but upon seeing his fiancée once again, he remembers all the reasons he fell in love with her to begin with, and he recognizes that what Sarah said earlier was right: all the things he found exotic about this stranger would one day be all the things he hated about her. He had no true bond with her, they could never sustain a life together, and he was smart enough to realize that before he threw away the best thing in his life. He comes full circle at the end: Sarah tells him not to be polite, and to be honest, just like his fiancée did at the beginning of the movie. For him, honesty is admitting that Bridget is the only one for him. By the way, Maura Tierney is one of the greatest actresses of her generation. She deserves continued success.
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This world's gone topsy-turvy! Suspend your disbelief and enjoy...
travis_iii1 September 2009
I take on board all the criticisms cited here about this film and I accept that most of them are justified, but I have to say that I had an enjoyable hour watching it (missed the first 20 minutes... cooking my tea). Yes, it is clichéd, the plot has been done many times before, the script is often disjointed and has more holes than a Swiss cheese, the characters are left half painted, the actors are playing to type (though that never hurt Bob Hope, Cary Grant, Carole Lombard, etc., etc) and elements of the story seem to be largely superfluous (the most egregious example being the climactic hurricane); but it is a romantic comedy... and I found it both romantic and gently funny in places. The weaknesses in the script and the editing can't be laid at the casts feet; and they perform really well. Sandra Bullock and Benn Affleck's romance isn't the most believable you'll come across, but they do work well together and have the chemistry needed to carry the heavily flawed plot.

It also should be noted that very little in the story is believable; so much so that, at one point, Affleck and Bullock arrive at a bank where Ben Affleck is due to pick up some money that will enable them to get to Savannah, only to find the bank engulfed in flames. They turn to each other and laugh at the sheer improbability of it all; it's as if the characters are momentarily saying to the audience, "yeah! we know that you know that it's all so fantastical and contrived... so don't worry, it's meant to be". Lazy script writing or a foray into the realm of magical realism? The former I suspect, but the film obviously set out to have a fairy tale quality about it, and it has enough charm, wit and warmth to compensate for the holes in the script. Sadly many of the comical shoots do seem to inexplicably wither before they get a chance to bear fruit, but the comedy is without exception well-played by the cast. It just needed tighter scripting.

I can't believe it has such a poor rating on IMDb - it has many faults, but I was contented to spend an hour-and-a-half watching Sandra Bullock looking lovely and being charming and witty on screen. Compared to so much of the exploitative, clichéd, adolescent, emotionally empty, fantasy violence out there that gets higher ratings, 'Forces of Nature' is Palm D'Or material... maybe it's rather naff title hasn't helped it...
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MarioB8 April 2000
My girlfriend made me watch this. In the beginning, I thought it was just the 8976e version of a Hollywood screwball comedy, just another routine with Afleck as Cary Grant and Bullock as Katharine Hepburn. After 30 minutes, I was sure it was a Doris Day & Rock Hudson film. No originality, no surprise, bad script, neutral acting, clichés: just another boring Hollywood formula movie. But I think it's worst, for the values shown here : this is a very very conservative movie, as so many US film of the 1990's. Rich wealthy White American people (who, of course, don't smoke)are into such traditionnals values as marriage as a way of life. Everybody wants to be Pat Boone and Patti Page here, except Miss Bullock, the bad girl who had a divorce, don't live with her husband, ain't a good mother for her kid and, of course, by the end, she's punished because they man she loves decides to decide to marry Patti Page. By the way, my girlfriend enjoys this crap. Now I'm thinking of having another girl friend...
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