Boogie Nights (1997) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for strong sex scenes with explicit dialogue, nudity, drug use, language and violence

Sex & Nudity

  • Two topless women sit in a hot tub as men video them for a pornographic film. At one point they lick each other's tongues.
  • A main character is shown wearing tight Speedo underwear in a few scenes.
  • At a pool party men and women wear swimsuits and bikinis that show cleavage.
  • Scenes of pornography, although they are generally not overly graphic. Some thrusting and moaning, and several instances of topless female nudity.
  • A topless woman jumps out of a box during a magic show, and we see her nude briefly.
  • A gay man tries to kiss another man who is straight and rejects him in disgust.
  • There is a sex scene in a car that is being filmed for a porno. The scene is not graphic and cuts to another scene frequently. Only a man's buttocks is shown.
  • A high school couple is seen in bed, in their underwear. They are shown kissing a few times. The girl compliments the boy on how massive his penis is and how good he is at sex. But penis is not shown.
  • A boy imitates oral sex towards a girl in his class. She is very offended and she leaves the class.
  • Man and woman have sex, includes breast nudity, but no male nudity. It is filmed for a pornographic movie.
  • A man and woman have sex at a pool party where a man is on top of a woman, and a brief instance of his buttocks. Many people stand over them, watching.
  • A man asks a male and female teenager to have sex in front of him. The female strips off her dress, leaving her nude, and then climbs on top of the male. They stop making out as the view moves to the man watching.
  • A man picks up another man in his car and asks him to masturbate in front of him. The man starts, but is told to do it faster and harder, but then says he cannot and stops.
  • A teenage boy says that men pay him to masturbate in front of them.
  • Two masturbation scenes, both of the same character. The first is somewhat uncomfortable, and the other is more disturbing than anything.
  • A totally naked woman asks a man to "fuck her in the ass". He accepts but the act is never shown. Breasts and brief genitalia are shown during the scene.
  • Since it is a film about porn, there is frequent nudity throughout.
  • Two scenes of non-graphic fellatio. And two scenes of non-graphic male masturbation.
  • Graphic sexual dialogue during much of the film, although it's not overly vulgar.

Violence & Gore

  • A small shootout takes place were one man is shot in the shoulder with blood spurting. He falls to the ground and shoots another man multiple times in the chest, bloody bullet holes appear. Then he opens a door only to be shot in the stomach with a shotgun and killed. A big hole forms in his chest.
  • A woman overdoses and tons of blood can be seen pouring from her face. She starts spasming and it's implied she dies. Bloody and disturbing.
  • A man is beaten and kicked by a few other men. Little blood, no severe injuries. There is eerie music played throughout the scene and it is more stressful and hard to watch than graphic.
  • We briefly see some blood on a woman's legs when she's giving birth. Shown for less than two seconds.
  • The second half of the film takes a very dark and brutal turn. People graphically kill themselves, there are graphic shootouts, and multiple people are graphically beaten to a bloody pulp. Blood, brains, etc.
  • In a short, but bloody shootout, two men are shot dead in the chest with blood spraying; and another is shot in the head. Blood and brain matter splatter on another man. A man is shown in a puddle of blood.


  • Lots of graphic discussions about sex and ejaculation, along with penis's, breasts and vaginas.
  • 'Fuck' is said 164 times.
  • 'Sh*t' is said 23 times.
  • 9 uses of '*ss' including 1 in a sexual context.
  • 7 uses of 'c*ck' and 4 uses of 'd*ck'.
  • 3 uses of 'tits'.
  • 'B*tch' is said.
  • 'P*ss' is said.
  • 'P*ssy' is said.
  • 'Slut' and 'whore' are said.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A woman has some blood from her nose down to her chin after a cocaine overdose.
  • A character is shown smoking crack twice and is extremely high.
  • Lots of cocaine is show being packaged into bags
  • A character describes in graphic detail how a girl did so much cocaine that blood starting spraying out of her nose.
  • Three very brief interspersed shots of a liquor glass, pouring pills out of a bottle, and snorting a line of cocaine.
  • A woman smokes a cigarette while talking on the telephone, and a full wine glass is on a nightstand behind her.
  • A woman lays in bed after implied sex smoking a cigarette.
  • A man smokes a cigar while talking to another young man.
  • Two women take turns snorting several lines of cocaine and acting high.
  • A woman snorts cocaine and then tells a young man to snort cocaine even after he states he does not want to. When he says he wants a drink of water she says he must take another dose.
  • Cocaine is snorted multiple times throughout. Drug addiction plays a major role in the movie.
  • A number of characters are smokers and drinkers. Several scenes take place in a nightclub with some social drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The last 45 minutes of this film are quite dark
  • The movie, for the most part, is a dark comedy; as it deals with topics involving pornography, associated sex over indulgence and drug addiction.
  • The scene at the drug dealer/gangster's house is very intense due to the slow takes, firecrackers randomly going off, and the atmosphere of utter dread and claustrophobia, as well as the bloody shootout that ends up taking place.
  • Eddie's being mistreated and berated by his mother is very intense. She messes up his room and he pins her to a wall and yells at her. Eddie then runs away.
  • A few emotional intense moments.
  • Some scenes are very frightning and intense.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • A man seen in prison and it is implied he has been raped. He is slapped and has blood on his face.
  • At the end of the movie. The main character takes his penis out of his pants in front of a mirror. Penis and pubic hair are visible, although the penis is prosthetic.

Violence & Gore

  • During a party, a man find his wife having sex with another man. He shoots her and the man out of view. He then walks in the living room of the house party and shoots himself in the mouth. Blood and blain is shown splattered on the wall.
  • A man shoots himself with a handgun, blood is shown.
  • A man is punched and kicked several times on the head/face by a woman wearing roller skates and a man. Half of it is offscreen, but a lot of blood is on the nose and mouth after.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The murder-suicide scene is very disturbing.
  • The scene where Little Bill kills his wife and then kills himself is easily the most disturbing and graphic part in the movie.
  • While in prison, Colonel James confesses to Jack in the visitation room that he has weakness for the small and cute, implying that he recorded or photographed underage models in the nude. This could be upsetting to some.

See also

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