The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) Poster

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I can tell you: Wonderful! On the other hand...
DomiMMHS29 December 1998
The mirror has two faces: Barbra Streisand and ... surprise! ... Barbra Streisand! More explicit: the funny Barbra Streisand and the divine Barbra Streisand. Well, this miraculous metamorphosis is of course kind of disgusting and I wouldn't be the first person to argue that Barbra Streisand has a tendency to fancy herself pretty much (and I myself was already able to tell so from the unnecessarily long ending of "The Prince of Tides" - a very good movie). But as annoying as it may sometimes be, this is an extremely well-done and multi-faceted movie. Let me try to tell you, why I voted "7".

It starts rather mediocre when Streisand and Jeff Bridges get to know each other, talk some silly stuff and behave like little children. From time to time it gives a number of very good lines to Lauren Bacall, who is perfect as Streisand's mother. By the time Streisand and Bridges get married you are tempted to say: "Yes, very nice, but it's crap actually, isn't it?" But you won't think of saying that in the end.

The movie is a romantic comedy - containing a couple of cliches, fine - but with a new, non-cliche structure. This is no kitsch, not at all, oh no! Instead, it's made up of very good lines and very truthful moments. These are connected in a way that makes our emotion rise but leaves us unable to tell which words, which gestures made it rise. How come? The romance doesn't develop in the way we would expect it and have seen it many times before, no, this romantic comedy goes the long way round: First there is only a small deal of attraction, then there is previously unknown disillusionment - a black hole almost - and then love enters the stage. The final romantic scene fits into romantic comedy conventions, but it also fits into the picture and Streisand and Bridges deserve it. What a wonderful movie!

Basically Barbra Streisand is a good actress, but she loves exaggerating. She is able to manage difficult scenes, but she tries to be funny where being funny can't work and sometimes she's just hopping through the scene like a twittering sparrow instead of performing the emotions required for that scene. And after her metamorphosis she's more interested in her make-up than in her character.

Lauren Bacall plays a mean, self-addicted and vain old beast with a heart and a vulnerable soul. The scene where mother and daughter talk openly in the kitchen is wonderful. Even Pierce Brosnan is better than I would have expected.

Finally, the movie shows us the great versatility of Jeff Bridges: you've never seen him so very soft before (rude as he was in "The Fabulous Baker Boys", cool in "Nadine" or smooth and evil in "Jagged Edge"). However, he is exaggerating, too: which man can act this untruthful and affected?! In the scenes from Streisand's and his marriage his character is almost eerie - may this be good or bad for the movie...
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Never realized that I have watched this 12 years ago
ladymilano19 May 2021
Love this movie because it is a how single professor found her love, which I felt so related to my life.

The surprising fact is when I want to rated it, it turned out I have rated it before! For me now it's an 8, while my previous rating was 7. I think for a movie which had released for almost 30 years ago, it's still so good.

I was curious and checked when I watch this before, because I have no idea during watching. Thankfully IMDB has history record! I found out watched it on February 2009, it's about 12 years ago and the rating getting higher 1 star 😆
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Mirror's Two Faces Are Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges.
anaconda-4065826 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996): Dir: Barbra Streisand / Cast: Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges, Lauren Bacall, Mimi Rogers, George Segal: Clever romantic comedy regarding relationships and our warped expectations. The two faces of the mirror could have a variety of meanings but the theme that emerges the strongest is the sex and marriage issue. Barbra Streisand removes sex to demonstrate the value of friendship. She plays a teacher who lives with her mother and is insecure with regards to her appearance. Jeff Bridges sits in on a teaching session and admires her methods. They strike up a friendship and agree that sex is ruining relationships. When they do marry the pressure of sex invades her. Intelligent film delivered with wit and humour by Streisand. She previously directed The Prince of Tides and Yentl. She plays a smart yet sympathetic woman of independence and insecurity. Jeff Bridges completes the chemistry as her husband. Strong supporting work by Lauren Bacall as Streisand's mother who brings comic wisdom. Mimi Rogers plays her sister whose husband was the sight of Streisand. Both roles are more or less comic placements yet portrayed with great care. Outside the leads, other roles are either brief or flat. While somewhat predictable it is still a wonderful portrait of relationships that make the mirror worth looking into. Score: 8 ½ / 10
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Weeper for Just the Right Movie Night
padres0126 September 2011
OK. If you accept this movie for what it is, it's actually pretty entertaining. It's a Cinderella story for middle-aged folks. I won't recap the film. That's not my job. I'm here only to give you my impressions on the watchability and impact of this movie. If you love Barbra Streisand (and I do) and you love Jeff Bridges (and I do), you will love this romantic comedy. Both are at their funny, witty, comedic best in this film. Mimi Rogers is gorgeous as Bab's sister. (Oddly, Netflix has her mistakenly identified as Fran Drescher on its website.) Lauren Bacall is stunningly beautiful - still. Overall, the film has a lot of heart. What I love about Streisand is that she knows her weaknesses and her strengths, and plays both up to much effect in this film, which she directed and, I believe, co-wrote. This is a quintessential "chick flick," the kind you enjoy on a raining Sunday night with a big bowl of popcorn. If you are in just the right mood for a film that shamelessly exploits your feelings about romance, this one is it. Enjoy.
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The production values are great; the sentiments are false.
foxycat-118 March 2007
I just saw this film again the first time since 1996. The production values for this film were great, but the sentiments are false. First I have to say that the acting is superb, especially Streisand and Bacall. Their mother-daughter revelation scene is wonderful, a gem shared by 2 consummate actresses.

Here's the dishonesty: In the first half, we see that everyone who's attractive is also defective in some way. Husband is a jerk, sexless, a bore, mother jealous and vain, sister has no personality. In fact, why is Streisand so madly in love with a man who's such a jerk? Streisand shines as funny, intelligent, personable, well-liked by everyone. And our view of what's pretty has changed a lot since Streisand came along in the 60's. Meryl Streep's long nose or Jolie's oversize lips would never have been acceptable before Streisand. OK, she doesn't know how to dress, but is certainly printed as attractive. The camera, as usual, loves her. And in real life Streisand has always been attractive to attractive men.

After showing us that physical beauty is not that important, the film then goes on to prove that the same woman, made more physically beautiful, can now attract her cold jerk of a husband and her sister's shallow ex. Husband even tells her that he's always found her sexy, it's just that he hadn't been interested. Such inconsistency in the writing.
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If you like Barbra Streisand, you will love the movie
jo-erg22 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"The Mirror Has Two Faces" is, actually, a great romantic comedy. It counts with all the elements of a successful one. It has a sympathetic main character(Barbra Streisand's Rose), a charming good looking man that falls in love with her (Jeff Bridges) and a great supporting cast(including an Oscar deserving performance from Lauren Bacall). But it's main problem is that it is directed by Barbra Streisand. Those who are familiarized with Streisand's previous work (Yentl, The prince of tides) will agree that she loves to be the center of her movies, and she hurts her films by making this, and "The mirror has two faces " is not the exception.

The story centers on Rose Morgan(Barbra Streisand), a literature teacher in Columbia's University, and on Gregory Larkin(Jeff Bridges), a math teacher on the same university. Gregory looks for a relationship based on mutual respect and not in physical attraction, and Rose looks for any relationship with an average good looking man. So when Rose's sister joins them by answering an internet advertisement put by Gregory, they begin to date and the even get married, without having any physical contact. But when Rose looks for it, Gregory argues with her and she decides to go to her home with her mother(Lauren Bacall).

Until this point of the film, Streisand looks at her character(Rose) with objectivity, never making of her a very desirable good looking woman. But in the second half of the film she works in her characteristic self absorbing way. Rose decides, thanks to her mother's advise, to change her appearance. So, she begins to do some exercise, to wear make up and very elegant clothes, and to eat less. But when Gregory looks at her, he only criticizes her and she goes from home telling him that she doesn't love him anymore. At the end, Gregory realizes that he loves Rose, and they both end up together in a very romantic closing scene.

Many people, specially critics, hated the movie arguing that it was another vanity project made by Sterisand, but it much more than that. "The mirror has two faces" is a serious analysis to the relationships and how the physical and intellectual part influences them. It is true that the movie would work better if Sterisand had chosen another woman to play her character, but at the end the result is a satisfying movie with great performances and a good story.
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What the other reviews aren't telling you...
nairisimonyan12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just start off by saying this movie does NOT deserve the rating and reviews it has gotten. I was skeptical going in because of the low rating and how lost it had become in the endless sea of romance movies but I found myself in tears when I finished!

Barbra Streisand is a master, no doubt about it. Everything was carefully crafted from the pacing of the story to the complexities of the characters. You found yourself drawn into the storyline and the personalities of the characters. Jeff Bridges, Lauren Bacall and the rest did a fantastic job in selling the believability of their respective characters. There was glorious tension between the characters and you could see the shift in tone and emotions for them which is ESSENTIAL to creating a successful romance movie.

Now where I begin to disagree with the other reviews on this movie is the whole makeover part of the movie. I know we have been beaten to death with the terrible trope of the ugly duckling getting a makeover and suddenly becoming desirable and therefore equating worth to beauty. However, I dont think that's what's happening here. I think a lot of people miss that because what Barbra Streisand is doing is relating to a very specific sort of woman. The sort of woman who, admittedly, is not conventionally attractive and doesnt take care of herself but still is certainly not HIDEOUS. The sort of woman who has been brainwashed by her parents and society ever since childhood to believe she is ugly and not worthy and has in some cases lived in the shadow of a more beautiful sibling or mother. At that point, it doesnt matter whether you're actually ugly or not, what matters is what you've been led to believe. And so Rose's low self esteem and her firm belief that shes not attractive is very very realistic, especially when Gregory recoils away from her when she tries to seduce him and he even TELLS HER that he doesn't find her physically attractive even if we, the audience, dont necessarily agree. It's all about PERCEPTION. That scene and her reaction was painfully authentic. Not only that, but Barbra makes damn sure to mention that this isnt one of those terrible makeover tropes when she rejects Alex because she realizes he didnt find her worthy when she was her original self. And she tells him that hes not good enough for her because not only does she have the added bonus of being pretty now BUT she also loves herself and accepts who she is and WAS before the makeover. She sees that picture of herself as a child and realizes, by God I AM pretty naturally, there was nothing wrong with me as I had been led to believe.

I'm so glad I found this hidden gem, definitely worth the watch!
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I enjoyed it despite its flaws
maximenigma15 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I admit this movie has flaws. It gets a bit too standard rom-com in its last 3rd, and I don't think many male viewers can (or want to) relate to a lead who nearly faints each time he encounters an attractive female. I agree also with other reviewers writing this film is a vanity project of Streisand (e.g. the reaction of the male students after she loses some pounds and wears nicer clothes - c'mon!).

On the other hand, the film just does so many things right that it ends up being very enjoyable (that is, if you like romantic comedies). The dialogue is smart, there are a lot of funny scenes, and especially the great chemistry between Streisand and Bridges as well as Streisand and Bacall stands out. Bacall steals every scene she is in and has the best one-liners, Bridges and Streisand also do a great job. I especially liked the scenes somewhere in the middle of the film, where both of them get more intimate (which is actually quite hot), followed by an argument. This argument just feels so rough and real. This more toned down acting is where Streisand really shines. It is also nice how Bridges comes to realize how much he misses his wife whilst he travels, which has nothing to do with how she changes her appearance later on. So it's not the typical ugly duckling story, where the male lead only shows interest after she turned into a swan (he actually rejects the swan - as probably much of the audience will do - we want the 'old Rose' back!). This is a nice contrast to Brosnan's character, whom he portrays as a wonderfully shallow, simple-minded pretty face.

Unfortunately, in trying to wrap things up, the film becomes a rather formulaic rom-com with cheesy ending. A bit more of fine-tuning by another director (removing the Streisand-vanity-scenes and the sometimes too strong female wishful thinking) could have made it a great flick. For me though, the acting (of the entire cast) and many funny and witty lines save this movie to be still well above average.
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Mirrors, Puccini, and the triumphant Ugly Duckling
theowinthrop6 November 2005
This was the third film directed and starring Barbara Streisand. It did get a whopping big two Oscar nominations for the best song and for best supporting actress (Lauren Bacall). Neither won. Ms Streisand hit the Oscar gold with best actress for FUNNY GIRL, and since then has met with indifferent success - and almost none with her three directed films.

This film is a modern spin on Hans Christian Anderson's tale of the Ugly Duckling. She is the "homely" daughter of Lauren Bacall, a beauty specialist, and her younger sister Mimi Rogers is also beautiful to look at. But Mimi has had two unsuccessful marriages, and is seen at the start having her third marriage - this time to Pierce Brosnan, who initially showed an interest in Streisand.

Throughout her entire life she has been having a low esteem problem regarding sex. She is seen breaking dates with Austin Pendleton. We learn her closest friend is Brenda Vaccaro, who has also failed to do well with men. Yet she is a highly articulate and intelligent English professor at Columbia University.

It is Columbia University where the other part of this equation is found. Jeff Bridges is a leading figure in the math department. He is finding it difficult to recover from repeated failed sexual relationships. So he puts an add in the newspaper requesting to meet a suitable mate. Mimi Rogers notices the ad, and puts in a response for Streisand. After watching Streisand handle her English class (far better than Bridges can handle his calculus course), he calls her up and sets up a date.

Bridges has worked out a perfect solution for his sexual failures. He will marry a woman he can be chummy with, who is intelligent, and who will not require a sexual relationship (and who is so plain looking as not to invite his own sexual responses). Streisand follows this, not knowing to be insulted or to go along. Finally she agrees to go along with it, and they get married. But can they maintain this palsy-walsy pseudo-marriage, or it doomed?

Bacall gave a terrific performance as an apparently bitchy woman, who likes to show up her younger daughter (even at the latter's wedding), but who turns out to be more caring and wise than we first suspected. Brosnan gives a good performance, but it could have used a few filler scenes to broaden his character's history (we don't know how he and Streisand first met, nor how Rogers stole him away). Bridges is wonderful as a variant on the absent minded professor, who can't see the trees for the forest he wishes to plant. George Segal (who co-starred with Streisand in THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT two decades earlier) is good as Bridges' friend who sees too clearly how wrong-headed the experiment is. Rogers does well as a nymphomaniac who does not mind marriage as a badge of sexual success, but cannot stand the actual reason for that institution.

In the end Streisand does triumph - and she does hear Puccini in her ecstasy (TURANDOT by the way). You see, you are supposed to "hear" great romantic music - especially Puccini - when achieving sexual climax.

The film's title is a reminder of the whole issue of surface appearance that bedevils Streisand's ugly duckling (and several other characters too). It is a reminder of dressing up for dating, of looking attractive to men, and of the fact that we face ourselves in the mirror - and so do we face ourselves honestly or lying to ourselves? But watch carefully - in many scenes Streisand will shoot the scene from the point of view of the mirror. It becomes an all encompassing theme in this wonderful film.
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A most under-rated romantic comedy!
Joey-546 December 1999
It's unfortunate that so many people give this movie a low rating. Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges do a fantastic job in this funny and romantic comedy. This movie is for you if you like a sweet romance where the leading actress doesn't look like a 16-year-old model. Barbra looks great for her age and more power to her!
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The Mirror Has Two Faces
jboothmillard9 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the meaning of the title, although the leading actress did look in the mirror quite a bit, anyway, what appealed to me about seeing this film was a good cast, and the fact that produced and directed by Barbra Streisand. Basically college professor Gregory Larkin (Jeff Bridges) has been let down with sexual relationships many times, and places a personal advert to find a woman companion, only condition a good knowledge of something, and he has no care of looks and (although they wouldn't know) no sex appeal or interest. Then he meets plain English literature professor Rose Morgan (Golden Globe nominated Streisand), after her sister Claire (Mimi Rogers) answers the personal ad. For a long while it seems they both have the same opinions of how sex and true love can complicate a good relationship, and they eventually marry not for true love or sex, but just a good companionship. Of course Rose is getting very bored, and starts to get desperate for sex, and even though Gregory might be the same (slightly) he backs away from the opportunity. For a while, they split and she tries her chances with a man she once loved (and probably vice versa) before he married Claire, Alex (Pierce Brosnan). When that doesn't work she decides to change her image to be more appealing to herself and others, of course when Gregory sees he is quite shocked, but don't worry, he sees he has true feeling for her as well. Also starring Golden Globe winning, and Oscar and BAFTA nominated Lauren Bacall as Hannah Morgan, George Segal as Henry Fine, Brenda Vaccaro as Doris, Austin Pendleton as Barry and Elle Macpherson as Candice. There are a couple of giggly moments, and the cast of a few good stars kept me interested, but it did have its many moments of pure cheesiness, but still worth watching. The Oscar and Golden Globe nominated song "I Finally Found Someone" by Streisand and Bryan Adams in the end credits is good, if only Streisand and Bridges weren't doing a long dance in the streets. It was nominated the Golden Globe for Best Original Score for Marvin Hamlisch. Worth watching!
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Your Own Private Math Party
bkoganbing10 January 2008
The Mirror Has Two Faces is one of those old fashioned romance stories, in which Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges prove that love can be had in middle age and romance might even be better at that point.

Both Streisand and Bridges are a pair of Columbia University professors, she of English, him of Mathematics. They've come to opposite conclusions about life and love. Barbra wants some love in her life, but Bridges having been burned a little too often in relationships is swearing off sex.

I like what director Streisand did with Bridges's character. I can identify with the students in his class, you spell it B-O-R-I-N-G. There are some people who are turned on by math, I'm not one of them. I sat through too many teachers who could not pique my interest in the slightest and many who were like Bridges as Barbra describes him, having his own math party at the blackboard. No one ever made it relevant for me in my academic career.

Barbra didn't do too bad with the rest of the cast which includes her mother Lauren Bacall, her sister Mimi Rogers, her wolfish brother-in-law Pierce Brosnan, best friend Brenda Vaccaro, and Bridges best friend George Segal who is a cheerful middle aged hedonist and loving every minute of it.

Lauren Bacall got her one Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress and I thought sure she would cap her career with that Oscar. She lost to Juliette Binoche for The English Patient. But Bacall is absolutely stunning as the mother who Barbra convinces that her life isn't over either.

For the acclaim it got, The Mirror Has Two Faces should have gotten a lot more, including a Best Director nomination for Barbra Streisand. And this review is dedicated to all of us who had to sit through a boring professor having his own private math party at the blackboard.
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People misunderstood the message
HotToastyRag15 June 2018
The Mirror Has Two Faces is two movies rolled into one-which fits the title perfectly. I loved the Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy comedy Without Love, in which an unromantic scientist marries his assistant because they're great companions, not because they're crazy about each other. I'm a realist in romance and think it's infinitely more important to like who you're with than to love them. Adding romance into the mix often ruins the best relationships!

In the first "face" of the movie, Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges are both professors at the same college. They're both unlucky in love; Jeff has too many surface relationships and Barbra covers herself up for protection and doesn't get any attention. One day, Jeff sits in on a lecture of Barbra's, and he's incredibly moved by her speech on why people pursue romance even though it's painful. They strike up a friendship, and then Jeff proposes a platonic marriage. The second "face" shows that even though adding romance into the mix often ruins things, it is inevitable. Human beings have feelings (and hormones) and Barbra just isn't content living with Jeff without being his wife in every sense of the word. Would you?

This movie has some very funny scenes, but also a lot of poignancy, too. There was a lot of unfair criticism of the idea that Jeff would only fall in love with Barbra if she gave herself a makeover, but those who thought that was the point of the movie completely missed the message. Barbra's frumpy appearance was an outer display of her own self-image. She didn't think she was pretty, sexy, or worthy. If she learned to value herself, she would enjoy wearing nicer clothes and makeup. She wouldn't be doing it to look attractive. She would just feel better within herself. Films are a visual medium, and movie audiences need to look at something in order to understand it. If she didn't doll herself up, it wouldn't have been very clear that she'd grown into her own on the inside (or it would have taken pages and pages of dialogue, which probably would have been criticized for being boring!).

If you watched the movie once and dismissed it for exactly that reason, give it another shot with fresh eyes. You'll see George Segal, Lauren Bacall, Pierce Brosnan, Brenda Vaccaro, Austin Pendleton, Elle Macpherson, and Mimi Rogers in the supporting cast. And you'll see two very attractive people fall in like.
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Poor Barbra never felt pretty....
JLA-27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
No one ever told her she was pretty growing up. So, Barbra had to make a self-loathing piece of reassurance that, yes, she is pretty and that, yes, the WASP handsome guy will fall in love with her. It didn't work out in "The Way We Were." But in her own production, she can give herself the happy ending she always wanted. And that, when James Brolin married her, she got in real life.

This movie goes around and around: "Are looks the only thing that matter?" Yes. No. Yes. No. Barbra rejects poor Austin Pendleton, the ugly, nerdy guy who pursues her. Why? Because he is ugly and nerdy. We see him later with a doppleganger girlfriend, as unattractive and nerdy as he is. That's it, implies Barbra. Ugly people only get ugly people. She decries superficial attraction, yet it's the only kind that she herself seeks. Why won't the handsome guy love her? Pierce Brosnan rejected her because she wasn't pretty. (Mimi Rogers is held up as the ideal. Really?) But when Barbra emerges reborn as "beautiful" she rejects him for his superficiality. Yet she had only been attracted to him for his looks. So, who is the superficial one?

This movie should be structured so that the "Ugly Duckling" is transforms into a swan. "The Girl Most Likely To," has this before/after structure. Stockard Channing goes from unibrow frump to svelte beauty. (It's the apex of physical self-loathing, written by Joan Rivers, no surprise.) But here, the vain Barbra can't let herself be seen as truly unattractive.Her "Before" is "Before and After." Barbra is beautifully photographed and every hair is in place. People say she never wears make-up, when clearly she is perfectly made up. She wants to be loved "warts and all," but let's get rid of the warts first.

And, because Barbra has been too vain to ever look truly unattractive, her reveal is unrevealing. She is still no great beauty - just someone trying very hard to look that way. Yes, hair and make-up are better. Yes, the (product placement) Donna Karan dresses are more flattering. But she is never going to look like the stunning Elle MacPherson, who shows up as Jeff Bridges' ex at the beginning of the movie.

Get over it, Barbra.

But she, like Joan Rivers, bore the indelible scars of rejection. And no amount of plastic surgery - for Joan - or plastic movie-making - for Barbra - will ever heal those wounds. I think it's kind of sad and pitiful.

Some people reading this review might think, "What about the rest of the movie?" It's nicely produced. The writing is quite heavy-handed. The best scenes are given to a wistful Lauren Bacall. She remembers being beautiful and mourns her own aging. But the movie is all about the relationship between attractiveness and sex and courtly love. Taken as a treatise on superficiality - it's not pretty.
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I enjoy the romance, and sympathize as well as identify with Rose's feelings...the transformation inspires a sense.
Perdido Magia13 June 2001
Indeed, I am greatly inspired by Rose's transformation, as I myself have never imagined that anyone may consider me beautiful, nor attractive in any manner. Until recently I have found myself to be rather plain, and yet, once noticed, have understood what the character of Rose may have felt. The music in the film is truly inspiring as well, and Barbra Streisand's singing is, as usual, wonderful. I do wish that she would do another film like this...and perhaps even with Jeff Bridges. It would be nice...
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No sex please, we are intellectuals!
jotix10019 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible as it seems, "The Mirror Has Two Faces" is based on a French film of 1958 directed by Andre Cayatte, something the creators acknowledge in the credits. The American version has nothing much in common with the Gallic model. The great Michelle Morgan was the star of the original, in which the viewer is asked to accept an ugly version of the radiant actress. Bourvil played the opposite lead.

This, being a Barbra Streisand project got a lavish production. Richard LaGravenese, wrote the adaptation to suit the talented Ms. Streisand, who had not attempted to direct anything after "The Prince of Tides", which came out in 1991. The vehicle was perfect for the star because in the film she is supposed to go from one of her kooky characters that she did so well, with a more serious side of her. The end result is a film that is pleasant, if a bit predictable.

Ms. Streisand plays Rose Morgan an English literature professor at Columbia University. She attracts the attention of Gregory Larkin, a mathematician, by the strength of her rapport with her students. Unknown to Rose, her sister Claire has decided to submit an ad in the personals as a way to find her a boyfriend. When the two finally meet, it's a match made in heaven. The only problem is that Greg does not believe in having sex, even the kind performed by a married couple.

Jeff Bridges plays Greg with flair with a good dose of chemistry between him and his co-star. Ms. Straisand does better during the first part of the film before it becomes more somber as Rose decides to leave Greg because there is nothing to hold them together. Lauren Bacall, Mimi Rogers, George Segal, Pierce Brosnan, Brenda Vaccaro, and Austin Pendleton are seen in the large supporting cast.

We remember the time when this film was shot in New York's Upper West Side where the filming went on for quite some time while the neighbors became angrier by the way the night schedule interfered with their daily routines. One certainly hope they might have enjoyed the looks of their area when the film was finally released!
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make over
SnoopyStyle19 December 2016
Gregory Larkin (Jeff Bridges) is a math professor at Columbia. His students are bored. He is always distracted by beautiful women. His ex Candy shows up for his book signing and he is completely flustered. He asks adult phone sex operator Felicia for advise and he puts up a personal ad with "Physical appearance not important!". Rose Morgan (Barbra Streisand) is an ugly duckling, Yankees fan, and English Lit professor at Columbia. Her beautiful sister Claire (Mimi Rogers) marries her ex Alex (Pierce Brosnan) whom she still holds a flame for. Their mother Hannah Morgan (Lauren Bacall) is inappropriate and pushy. Claire answers the ad for Rose. Gregory finds her intelligence and lack of sex appeal perfect for him.

Their relationship is cute and Rose's struggling sexual desire is funny. I don't really buy Rose completely as an ugly duckling but the movie is filled with pretty girls and she's ugly by comparison. The first half is a mildly amusing romantic comedy. Then the flow cracks with the big blow up. The amusing little romance takes on some ugliness. Neither characters come off well from the conflict. Both become less appealing and so does the movie. The only fun part of the post break-up is Rose's students seeing her new look. This is a rom-com that doesn't quite fit the formula and suffers from it.
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Don't get the low rating
mywakinglife0112 June 2021
I thought this was a wonderful film. Yes it's improbable but it doesn't make it any less fun. It just came on Netflix and I finally got to watch it. It's funny, silly and sweet. I've never watched a Barbra Streisand directed film and now I want to watch all her films. Jeff Bridges's performance was great, Lauren Bacall was great and the movies conflict and conclusion was so satisfying. I absolutely loved it!!!!
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It is flawed but also fun...and Lauren Bacall is memorable!
nbdtkt29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie s riddled with cliches, but it addresses something rarely discussed. Beautiful people enjoy countless advantages in society, but furthermore, in current times dominated by the media, standards of beauty and concepts of true love are constantly manipulated and homogenized for commercial purposes. Jeff Bridges' character gives a tremendous summary of this problem, which according to him, prevents people from finding meaningful relationships as they try to hold on to false aspirations to youth, beauty and sex appeal. Still, both he and Barbra's character only fall in love with beautiful people. Jeff Bridges is gorgeous, and his character establishes a relationship with Barbra because he deliberately chooses her because she is unattractive and he can prove his theories on the subject. The movie still stumbles to offer a compassionate view of people who manage to fall in love. No matter its flaws, this movie contains a masterful performance by Lauren Bacall. Do not miss it!
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A thoroughly enjoyable film!
annac22514 September 2005
For all those people out there who are thinking 'how could a movie directed by and starring Barbra Streisand be good?' please leave your preconceptions at the door! This film, in my opinion, is a thoroughly enjoyable and delightful romantic comedy.

Babs stars as Rose, a Professor of Literature at Columbia University in New York who is basically, desperate and dateless. Jeff Bridges (in a humorous and charming performance) plays Professor Gregory Larkin, a man who is constantly losing his mind over unobtainable women. In his frustration and belief that "sexual attraction ruins all relationships", he decides to place an ad in the paper for a female companion, "appearance unimportant". When Rose's sister (Mimi Rogers) answers the ad on her behalf, the 2 begin a relationship that eventually reveals what love is really all about.

This film is funny, moving and romantic. My husband really doesn't really enjoy it, which could indicate the average male's perspective, but I'd highly recommend it for someone looking for a soppy night in!
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Fair to middling romantic comedy
vincentlynch-moonoi13 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
All my life I pretty much avoided films starring Jeff Bridges (although I really liked his brother Beau). Looking back, it was more due to the movies Jeff Bridges appeared in, which didn't suit my taste. Here, however, Bridges is excellent as the somewhat befuddled math professor who is afraid of intimacy. The other reason I didn't watch this film until now (and it has been out for 20 years) is that I somehow had no idea it was essentially a light romantic comedy. And, it's a very good one.

But I think there's a huge flaw in this film -- the Streisand character seems totally inconsistent in terms of behavior. And I'm not even talking about how the character changes when her life situation changes. I'm talking about inconsistent in terms of being an ebullient college profession by day and a near shut-in by night. Nope. I don't buy it.

Lauren Bacall is interesting as the mother; quite stereotypical, but still interesting. George Segal has a rather mundane role as a friend for Bridges. Pierce Brosnan and Brenda Vaccaro have significant, though not interesting roles as friends who move the plot along.

It's good, but not great, overly long, and very nice fluff. Not one of Streisand's best, but not bad. ehhhhh
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For Streisand fans only; a no-holds-barred exercise in Ego
lemon_magic30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I know other people think highly of Streisand's skills as a singer and an actress, and I understand their reasons for feeling that way. In fact, I agree she was excellent in "Hello Dolly", "What's Up, Doc?" and "Funny Girl", I agree that she can belt out a Broadway show tune with the best of them, and I agree that she has enormous charisma.

But I am not a member of the Streisand-As-Diva Fan Club. As great as her talents are, her taste sucks, and she consistently overestimates and overreaches her talents in pursuit of really cheesy and juvenile self gratification. So we get misfires like "Yentl" (which Isaac Bashevis Singer hated), and we also get bloated exercises in ego,like her remake of "A Star Is Born", "The Prince Of Tides", "Nuts", and this piece of fish-wrap.

The problem with this movie isn't in her performance, which is good in the service of the script. The problem is in the writing, and it's the same problem with every other recent Streisand film: she wants to be viewed as some kind of beauty queen and sexual powerhouse, and apparently she also wants to be seen as 20-30 years younger than she actually is. But with her face and features, that just isn't going to happen. Well, if your definition of sexual powerhouse includes overwhelming belief in and seriousness about your talents (ie, Diva-like self-importance), maybe she could skate by there. But no one will ever include her in a Playboy calendar or a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Accept it, Barbra, and move on.

But the goldarn movie just won't let it rest. In every scene, even the ones where Streisand is supposed to be a dowdy ugly duckling, her skin is perfect, her makeup is perfect, the lighting on her is perfect, and her every line and delivery is calculated to frame her in the most sympathetic and flattering way possible. In every scene she's in (and Streisand is front and center 90% of the time), Streisand the director is shoving herself in the viewers' face, saying "Aren't I sexy? Aren't I precious? Aren't I actually the most winsome, lovable, attractive young thing you ever saw, even if the script says I can't get a man - yet?'

As Joe Queenan puts it, her entire 'transformation' from ugly duckling to desirable goddess "consists of losing six ounces, getting a frizzy poodle haircut, and buying a cheap dress." She looks exactly the same as before, only now Jeff Bridges' character is supposed to be stunned by her desirability and beg to take her back. And let's face it, even in the persona of a nerd math professor, Jeff is still one of the sexiest leading men of the last two decades. So this is about on the same level as me fantasizing about Dominique Swain begging me to take her back after I buy some new suits and lose an inch off my waist on a low carb diet.

And in response to Jeff begging to get back together, Streisand the director has Streisand the actress deliver an "I desired you once, but now I've moved beyond you" oration that is a patent by-the-numbers REVENGE fantasy put down; it's the speech composed in the fantasies of any girl who was ever dumped by any boy in the history of romance. Hell, it's not a speech, it's a bumper sticker. And it is delivered with such relish that you can literally see Barbra getting her own back from every unhappy romance or unrequited longing she ever felt. It is completely self indulgent and has a stale musty aura of intellectual and emotional self-diddling. IMO, this is supposed to be the emotional climax of the film, but it's got the maturity of an old "Virginia Slims" commercial.

On the positive side, this is an 'A' level production, with great sets and costumes, good performances from Lauren Bacall and Mimi Rogers, and even a few funny lines. And Barbra sounds great on the sound track singing the title piece.

Note to Barbra Streisand: You are one of the most admired and respected singers and actresses in the world. You have millions of dollars and unlimited license to undertake any recording project you want. You even look pretty good in a middle-aged-dynamic-businesswoman kind of way. You've won. Please, please, stop scoring easy points in self-indulgent movie fantasies about how gorgeous and young you are.
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My Favorite Film
VivienLeighsnumber1fan18 March 2000
This film is my favorite film because I love Barbra's talent and charisma! The film has major heavy hitters. I knew everyone in the cast! Even Lauren Bacall was in this ! I thought Babs looked better at the beginning than in the end. I couldn't function through the week if I didn't see this film ! I ain't kidding. The movies beginning got off to a good start and continued to develop interest. I recommend this film to anyone who is a fan of Babs and hasn't seen it. Even though the critics hated the film it still was fun and sort of like Cinderella in ways. Great Soundtrack! Lots of great moments and see it around Thanksgiving time, I did and I loved it

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Stick with it, it's worth it
ub921 May 2021
A little pretentious at first (thinking of that lecture on love). But the movie blossoms in to something quite mature, and fresh. It has its faults. The message is a little dated. The arc about being attractive kind of came from out of nowhere and didn't feel relevant. BUT, overall a very enjoyable film.
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Trivial and clichéd, with slightly cloying rankness, except for Bridges.
cskoog1 May 2011
We see lots of romantic comedies, and this one has left the most rancid aftertaste since Moonstruck or one of the ones with Hugh Grant. It is artificial and contrived, as well as simultaneously polemical and narcissistic. We stayed with it for one reason only: Jeff Bridges. His performance is in fact whole-hearted and engaging, even though he is given a character upon whose implausibility the entire film depends. Streisand's limitations as an actress are painful to watch, and Bacall somehow seems aware that she is playing her part in a Streisand vanity project. The actress cast as Streisand's sister (the pretty one of the two), is not really beautiful enough to justify Streisand's character's angst, which makes it all even more fishy, as does the paper cut out role given Pierce Brosnan.
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