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Metropol Mayhem!
hitchcockthelegend25 October 2019
Demons (Demoni) is directed by Lamberto Bava and Bava co-writes the screenplay with Dario Argento, Dardano Sacchetti and Franco Ferrini. It stars Urbano Barberini, Natasha Hovey, Karl Zinny, Paola Cozzo, Fiore Argento and Geretta Giancarlo. Music is by Claudio Simonetti and cinematography by Gianlorenzo Battaglia.

A wonderfully nutty spiced Spaghetti Horror, plot has a group of people trapped in a Berlin movie theatre that suddenly comes under attack by ravenous demons.

It could reasonably be argued that Bava's movie has some cheeky narrative depth underneath the gloop and schlock, this is after all purposely set in a movie theatre and features a film that basically becomes real, sort of. But really it's a pic that's set up for like minded horror buffs to feast upon, to jump head first into its feverish horror comic book glee.

The script is as poor as the dubbing is, with a roll call of cardboard cut out characters and loose end scenarios jettisoned in readiness for the next plasmatic explosive sequence. Yet the care free abandon of the gruesome killings on show, and the rapid pace of it all, ensures it's a fun packed ride.

Even the musical score is schizo as it ranges from typical 1980s synth plods to heavy metal thunder - joyous. 7/10
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Simple, effective horror film should have had a bigger cult following
burlesonjesse510 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Long before the TV show The Walking Dead and Ruben Fleischer's exhilarating Zombieland (2009), came this campy motion picture rooted in good ol' fashioned blood and gore. Filmed primarily in Berlin, Germany and made by an Italian director, Demons is a clear snapshot of what an 80's horror film is supposed to be. Although the idea for it is surprisingly original, this puppy runs rampant with nostalgia from that era. Characters have the big hair (the women really spritz it up for this one), they tie their sweaters around their necks (everyone has got that Kmart look going on) and the grimness of cheesy synthesizer music is abundant in every frame (added to that, heavy metal tunes sometime appear in the movie's soundtrack). Most of the actors in Demons also come off as mean and shallow. They all however, have perfect, innocent faces for the look of a scary movie (except for this one guy who's got a chrome dome and sideburns the size of Texas). Plus, they are all quite amusing due to the virtual dubbing (it sounded like dubbing) in every spoken word of their dialogue. And let's not forget another trait for splatter films of the 1980's. Most of the cast in Demons accomplishes it in that they are virtually unknown and comprised of actors and actresses you'll never see or hear from again. Let me ask you a question, have you ever heard of Urbano Barberini and Karl Zinny? Yeah, me neither.

The make up of this high jinks exercise in unabashed fun goes like this: A woman on a subway has visions of a mysterious man who is facially scarred and wears a creepy mask. When she gets off the subway, this same man follows her and gives her a ticket for a free movie showing at a theater in West Berlin. She then proceeds to invite her friend (the two of them skip their high school classes, not a good idea) and they venture to the theater along with 40 or so other people (these people were also randomly given tickets and summoned by the same creepy dude who doesn't utter one word). Once everyone is settled in the half empty building, a random horror film is shown on screen, a woman in the audience turns into a demon (I can't tell you how, you gotta watch for yourself) and chaos ensues (the rule is that if a possessed person bites or scratches you, you become a demon as well). Everyone therefore is trapped in the theater for some strange reason (I figured why don't they find out where the entrance is at which they came in and try to break it down, oh well).

I must say I was entertained and sort of taken aback by this flick. It harked back to my childhood where you could wake up, flip on the cable box at 4am, and see something like this playing on Showtime or Cinemax. Like I said earlier, Demons has what I like to think of as a pretty original idea for a fright fest. But make no mistake about it; it's still a run-of-the mill exercise in horror fare. It does just what you want it to do, nothing more, and nothing less. And that's okay with me. Yeah its got elements from the George Romero movies and The Evil Dead (1981) (minus the slight comedic vibe), but Demons still manages to be effective because it does an adequate job of establishing the characters, setting up the shocks and scares (it takes a good 20 minutes before things get going and this is an 88 minute flick), and not straying too far away from the focus of the story (only during the 1 hour mark do things go off on a small tangent). Another treat is that this special effects behemoth marks the first time I've seen or heard the following tidbits in any movie of any genre: Billy Idol's rock anthem "White Wedding" playing in the background, two female characters who are deadpan look-alikes of the late Corey Haim and late rock superstar Rick James (I'm not kidding folks), another character wielding a samurai sword while on a motorcycle (hacking zombies along the way and riding through a movie theater no less), even another character who is blind and actually taking in the movie within a movie (huh?), and an interesting product placement for Coca Cola (you'll know it when you see it).

If you're into horror films and want to invade the time warp which is the mid 80's, Demons will probably satisfy your thirst for terror. I mean who doesn't want to see the indelible sight of flesh eating ghouls walking down a corridor with their creepy ceiling shadows. Ah, they sure don't make em' like this anymore and if they did now, they'd be hard pressed to emulate the veritable time capsule that is this movie. Oh, and I almost forgot about the ending. It makes it an even better film than it really is. I was caught off guard by it but I thought yeah, this makes sense. So to end this review, I'll say this: if Demons ever makes it to the midnight movie circuit (I'm not sure it hasn't) then you should get a bunch of your friends together and check it out. You'll get to see a movie within a movie at a movie theater. Got it. Now get to it ASAP!
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Good Gory 80s Horror
ryan-100755 November 2019
If you love gory horror flicks I am not sure why you haven't seen this classic. From Lamberto Bava comes one of his most memorable films and a total must-see for the gore hounds.

Cheryl (Natasha Hovey) is given a ticket to the new theatre called Metropol by some creepy dude (Michele Soavi) with a mask that's a mix between PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and THE TERMINATOR. So, Cheryl takes her friend Kathy (Paolo Cozzo) so they can skip class and watch a movie. Within the theatre there is a mask that through a pimp named Tony (Bobby Rhodes in a role that is downright hilarious) and his two prostitutes Carmen (Fabiola Toldedo)and Rosemary (Geretta Geretta) we see Rosemary get cut by the mask. Uh-oh!!! Soon violent, starving demons take over the theatre by storm.

Amazingly gory and not for the weak stomached. The acting is so bad it is memorable, which is much like the film. Another funny note is one of the people in attendance at the theatre is a blind man named Werner (Alex Serra).

The demons were created by Sergio Stivaletti. The music is awesome with a score by Claudio Simonetti and soundtrack that includes Billy Idol, Motley Crue and Accept to name a few. Written by Dario Argento (who also produced), Bava, Dardano Sacchetti and Franco Ferrini. Must say it is sort of a paper-thin story, but it sets everything up nicely for the great and bloody effects done by Stivaletti.
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What more could you ask for?
billybrown4129 December 2002
For an 80s gore-fest, you couldn't want anything more. This is another one of those "kitchen sink" movies that's in the same vein as "From Dusk Till Dawn". Put the same scenario in a movie house, back in the 80s, substitute the vampires with demons, and you pretty much get the picture. You can definitely see the influence here. With that said, if you liked "From Dusk.." and don't mind dubbing, then you should be right at home with "Demons".

There isn't a whole lot there in the way of plot. Some random folks are invited to a screening in an old movie theater. As the movie that they are viewing gets more and more violent, real life starts to imitate art and pretty soon, they discover that they are locked inside and what we're watching becomes a survival flick. That's pretty much it.

As far as gore, there is PLENTY of the red stuff with enough eye-gouging, throat ripping, and blood spurting to satisfy even the most ravenous gore hound. To say much more would give away a lot of the surprises, but it's well worth a rental. Check it out.
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Demons:Part 1.
morrison-dylan-fan1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Taking a look on Amazon UK at the DVD titles that the UK company Arrow has brought out,I was delighted to discover that they had released 2 titles by co-writer/ (along with Dardano Sacchetti, Franco Ferrini and Dario Argento) director Lamberto Bava,that I had heard about for years,which led to me getting ready to see Lamberto's "demonic" film series.

View on the film:

Before getting to the film,I have to give a special mention to Arrow,who along with delivering a perfect transfer pack the DVD with tremendous extras which go from 2 lively audio commentaries, to an official Demons 3 Comic-book.

Backed by a soundtrack featuring sharp Rock songs and Claudio Simonetti jumping score,Lamberto Bava and cinematographer Gianlorenzo Battaglia turn the cinema into a dazzling nightclub,with Bava and Battaglia giving the film a flashy,soft lights appearance.Closely working with practical effects maker Sergio Stivaletti,Bava displays ever bit of Stvaletti's superb work,thanks to using a number of closely-held tight shots,which allow the demons to slowly burst onto the screen.

Whilst the screenplay offers the exciting chance of seeing a gang of mismatched characters take on Stivalettis blood thirsty monsters,the writers disappointingly never allow any of the audience members to be given "their" moment.

Due to none of the enjoyable cast members being given a moment to shine,this leads to none of the individuals in the crowd to be that distinctive,and also causes the fake film- within-a-film to be far more atmospheric than the actual film,as Bava lets his blood drench demons stomp across the big screen.
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The Night of the Living Demons in a Movie Theater
claudio_carvalho2 June 2004
In West Berlin, a stranger wearing a mask randomly distributes tickets for the reopening of the Metropol movie theater on the streets for different persons, including a blind man. Cheryl (Natasha Hovey) gets two tickets in the subway and invites her friend Kathy (Paola Cozzo) to skip their music class and go to the movie theater to watch the film. The viewers come to the restored Metropol without having any information about the film they will see in the advance screening. While waiting for the beginning of the preview, a woman sees an exposed promotional mask of a demon and accidentally scratches her face with the object. When the film begins, the foregoing woman transforms in a monster in the same way it is happening on the screen with the characters of the film, in a kind of weird connection. She attacks the audience, and each viewer that is infected by a monster, is contaminated and transformed in another monster, threatening the rest of the defenseless persons. Sooner the survivors realize that they are trapped in the locked building.

The first time I saw "Demons" was in the mid 80's. I recall that it made me feel very uncomfortable. Then I saw this film many other times on VHS and today (04 November 2010) I have just seen it on DVD. This claustrophobic and sick film is a scary horror movie indeed. The story recalls "The Night of the Living Dead", only using gruesome demons instead of zombies. The disgusting make-up and special effects are excellent and compensate the weak performances of most of the cast. Bigas Luna used part of this idea in his 1987 "Angustia". The music score is awesome and this movie is only recommended for fans of trash-movies and is a classic in the genre. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Demons – Filhos das Trevas" ("Demons – Sons of the Darkness")
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100% entertainment.
misterronaldweasley31 December 2004
This has got to be one of the best Italian horror flicks ever made, which is no surprise considering it was produced by Dario Argento, master of Italian horror himself.

The plot can be summed up with one sentence: people are trapped in a movie theater with a horde of ugly, long-clawed demons and must fight to stay alive! Sure, the acting is completely over the top and laughable, the movie doesn't make any attempts to explain why the events are happening, there is really bad '80s rock music playing at all the wrong moments and the whole production screams cheesy B grade flick, but if you care about any of this anyways, what kind of horror fan are you?! This movie is just an 88 minute roller coaster ride of gore, rock music, and cool demons. What more could you ask for? It isn't very likely to scare you so much as make you laugh, and there are some classic moments for the genre such as a blind guy getting his eyes scratched out by a demon, a revolting puss-bursting scene, a crazily fun massacre near the end that never gets old to watch, and one of the best climaxes to a horror movie ever where the lead male character severs demon limbs left and right with a sword on a dirt bike! You have to hand it to director Lamberto Bava. He may not ever be remembered as the genius his father was (acclaimed Italian horror maestro Mario Bava), but he managed to create one of the best horror flicks of the '80s and today. The film exudes with an almost Gothic atmosphere and the setting of the big movie theater could not be more perfect in creating a mood.

A word of caution, though: this movie is a horror buff's wet dream, and it's strongly advisable you be sure you like real horror movies before seeing this so you know what you're getting into. This ain't no "Scream" or "The Grudge." This is a REAL horror movie. Fans of modern horror beware! You'll only end up thinking this was the worst piece of trash ever made.

So horror fans, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! You're in for one hell of a fun movie.
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Sanguinary Demons Infest West Berlin
Lamberto Bava's "Dèmoni" aka. "Demons" of 1985 is a gory, stylish and very entertaining horror flick written by the master, Dario Argento. I'm sure getting acknowledged in Horror cinema wasn't easy for director Lamberto Bava , being the son of Mario Bava, beyond doubt one of the all-time greatest horror geniuses in motion picture history. Expectations must have certainly been high. But although Lamberto Bava does certainly not manage to reach his father's brilliance, "Demons" is definitely worth watching.

Cheryl (Natasha Hovey) is given free tickets for a sneak preview by a mysteriously dressed man at a Berlin subway station. Accompanied by a friend, she goes to see the movie at the eerie-looking 'Metropol' cinema. Before the film starts, a woman scratches herself on a creepy silver mask in the waiting hall. The film, which turns out to be a Horror flick tells the story of a prediction by Nostradamus, connected with a demonic mask.

The plot is not that original, but the film is made in a very stylish manner, with a good cinematography, and great color play in the tradition of Mario Bava and Dario Argento. The gore is intense, lots of slicing, stabbing cutting and biting. The cast may not be phenomenal, but Natasha Hovey delivers a good leading performance and there are a bunch of funny characters, such as a black pimp named Tony (played by Bobby Rhodes) and the two hookers he is accompanied by, as well as a strange blind guy and his wife and a very strange usherette. The main part of the score was composed by Claudio Simonetti of the great Progressive Rock band Goblin, whose ingenious soundtracks have also complimented many of Dario Argento's movies.

Being a huge fan of Dario Argento, I must say that "Dèmoni" does definitely not live up to most of the movies Argento directed himself. Nevertheless, it is an extremely entertaining Horror flick that doesn't scant with blood and gore, and especially the gory sequences are very stylishly made. If you expect the quality of Argento's or Mario Bava's masterpieces, you will probably be disappointed. Just expect a very stylish, gory and extremely entertaining Horror flick, and your expectations will easily be fulfilled. Recommended. 7/10
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Demons is a great roller-coaster ride, from beginning to end!
efrain-219 January 2005
Demons epitomizes everything the early to mid eighties were about. A lot of things didn't make sense - but neither did the era so it fit in just fine. In the end, it plays out to be a great horror movie, with plenty of gratuitous violence and gore, a killer 80's soundtrack, and a couple of good scares! At the time this movie came out, Italian horror meisters Dario Argento and Lamberto Bava wanted nothing more than to have a hit in the American market. Dario had experienced a taste of that with his collaboration on Dawn of the Dead, but never from a full Italian production. To appeal to American audiences, they went with the soundtrack used here (songs from Billy Idol, Rick Springfield, etc.), and even used some American actors (like Bobby Rhodes who plays the pimp, in even comes back in Demons 2 as a different character).

To add to the hype, they released it to limited distribution (not by choice I'm sure) in the states, unrated (just as "Day of the Dead" had just been released in similar fashion). Back in the 80's, it was real hard for an 11 year old to be allowed in to see an unrated movie, even with a parent (or someone posing as one as in my case!) - nonetheless, I got to see both of these - and although I was disturbed for weeks - I loved every second of Demons.

Years later I have acquired it on a double DVD with Demons 2. I love the original, in all its uncut glory! Knowing more about the production, I get a kick out of the fact that the guy at the beginning giving out the theater tickets (the guy with the mask) was then aspiring filmmaker Michele Soavi, who would just a couple of years later become an Argento protégé with movies like Stagefright, and his own classic Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetary Man). I also get a kick out of how many movies, older than the original Demons, claim to be Demons sequels and have even had name changes. Unfortunately for us fans, there were only two real Demons movies made, the third never saw fruition. Too bad - if a real one ever came out - I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd run out to see it.
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Extremely violent and bloody film that spawned several sequels and imitations .
ma-cortes9 January 2013
Gruesome picture in acceptable budget plenty of chills , suspense , screams , lots of gore , blood and guts . This actually is a very terrifying and frightening film ; dealing with a demonic infection spreads people in modern cinema . Selected at random , people on the street are invited to an advance screen of a new horror movie . There a prostitute is bitten and becomes a drooling , fanged demon . In a killing rage , she tears apart other in the movie theater . As a group of people are trapped in a large movie theater in West Berlin that is infected by ravenous , clawed demons who proceed to kill and posse the humans one-by-one, transforming into bloody creatures who attack the remaining humans , thereby multiplying their numbers . When the members of the cinema attempt to getaway , they find themselves caught within .

This exciting picture contains thrills, chills , graphic violence , action-filled with fierce fights and loads of gore and guts. The horror and action moments are fast moving and compactly realized . This is an effective and simple movie ; it results to be an acceptable Italian horror , including functional special effects realized in traditional style , but also some plot elements are plain stupid . The creepy images of wide range from the genuinely horrifying to the bizarre along with scary and amazing frames . The flesh-eating demons appearance deliver the goods, plenty of screams, shocks and tension . The picture displays shocking and well-crafted transformation in charge of expert make-up artist Sergio Stivaletti . The make-up assistants create a truly horrible cannibal demons , zombies-alike . A poster for ¨4 flies on grey velvet¨ is visible in the lobby of the theatre: it's the title of writer/producer Dario Argento's third film ; there also appears other posters such as : ¨Nosferatu¨ , ¨Metropolis¨ and ¨Non Nukes¨ . Commercial musical score , full of hard rock and catching songs performed by known singers as Billy Idol and Rick Springfield . Good production design , as the building used for the exteriors of the Metropol theater still stands in Berlin ; it's a club called Goya that's been host to several horror conventions thanks to its appearance in this film.

The motion picture was compellingly directed by Lamberto Bava , he cites this as his personal favorite of the flicks he has filmed and in which he shows nice visual style . His father, Mario Bava (1914-1980), was a legendary filmmaker ; he entered the cinema as his father's personal assistant, starting with ¨Planet of horror ¨(1965). Bit by bit he gained experience from his father, who made him the assistant director for most of the rest of his films. He even co-wrote the screenplay for ¨Shock¨ (1977) . Lamberto enjoyed his best commercial success to date with this "Demons" , produced by Dario Argento, co-written by Dardano Sacchetti and filmed in West Berlin, Germany . This international hit smash allowed him to co-write, produce and direct a sequel, Demons II (1986) that was also successful and turned out to be an improvement on previous film . He also directed a remake of his father's "Black Sunday" (1960), which was titled "La Maschera del Demonio" or International title "Demons 5: The Devil's Veil¨ . He used the pseudonym of "John Old Jr." , which was a tribute to his father Mario, who often used the pseudonym "John M. Old" . Lamberto has directed films about all kind of genres such as : ¨Blastfighter¨ , ¨A blade in the dark¨ , ¨Shark: red on the ocean¨, and ¨Macabro¨ that achieved critical fame in some quarters ; however , today Bava Jr. only directs television movies : ¨Fantaghiro¨ and sequels , ¨Caribbean pirates¨ , among others . Rating : Acceptable and passable atmospheric film-making from genre master Bava's son that achieved great acclaim among gore buffs . A must see for horror fans .
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Zombies from hell
p-stepien1 August 2010
Cheryl (Natasha Hovey), a student in West Berlin, travels the subway where she encounters an eerie masked man ('Phantom of the Opera' style), who offers her a free ticket to the cinema. Intrigued she asks for a second for her girlfriend Hannah (Fiora Argento). That evening they arrive to the Metropol, a long closed theatre on the night of its grand reopening. The premiere movie is a horror flick as if taken from the annals of "Evil Dead" (they even find a Necronomicon type ancient book). Swiftly and deadly the fiction on the silver screen transforms into reality as cinema-goers start changing into zombie-like demons...

I can't help but feel that the undeserved high ranking of the movie is given in a large part due to the participation of the legendary Dario Argento, an icon of horror movies and poster boy for Italian cinema in general. But in general this movie is a total bust with over-the-top kitsch gore, bad acting and no interesting plot to hold it together. It's not frightening or entertaining and the special effects do not withhold time well (unlike i.e. the aforementioned "Evil Dead"). Additionally the storyline basically is a not too clever take on zombie flicks with a slight movie-becoming-reality twist. One of those movies which show that Dario Argento was slowly losing his edge in the 80s (albeit he is only culpable for scriptwriting to awful excuse for a movie).

Somehow this gory pointless flick got a second outing and given it has no atmosphere or point I am audaciously surprised with the high marks this movie has. I fail to understand the cult status and stay by the opinion that this thing is almost as bad a "The Ghoulies".
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A gory trash classic of Italian cinema
Leofwine_draca18 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To enjoy this film, one must throw aside any preconceptions you may have about it. Ignore the fact that Argento produced it (except for one claustrophobic tracking shot around a brick wall, there is no evidence of Argento's presence), and ignore the fact that the director is the son of Mario Bava, the son of a man who helmed some of the best, most stylish movies of the Italian Gothic era. DEMONS is an all-out visceral assault on the senses, packed with frenetic action, all manner of slop and gore, and not an ounce of realism anywhere.

Thank god for the Italians and their willingness to push the boundaries of convention and good taste. These guys dwell on the violence, enjoying every bit, using every opportunity to disgust and offend the viewer. Throughout the film we're treated to eyeballs being torn out, necks ripped asunder, stabbings, decapitations, and for the piece de resistance, a character getting his head impaled on a spike. What more could you possibly want? How about some amusing dubbing, bad acting and hilarious dialogue? Check. The fun factor is lifted about a hundred times by the presence of Bobby Rhodes' pimp, a heroic leader who spouts some of the most hilarious lines you'll ever have heard - all the more amusing as he was dubbed by some loud-mouthed American. Action man Rhodes is the real star of the two DEMONS films, although he only has a supporting role in them. Acting amid a cast of nondescript youngsters in DEMONS, he plays Tony, a pimp who has come to the cinema with his two prostitutes. When people start turning into demons, Rhodes immediately takes control of the survivors.

Personally, I love films set in just one location, and this one doesn't fail to create a claustrophobic feel, as well as a spooky atmosphere. It's also frequently scary, partly due to some effective slow-motion scenes of demons walking towards the camera, backlit, with shining blank eyes (so good they used it for the video cover). The low budget is fairly obvious, but gives the film a gritty, dirty feel adding to the horror. If you're expecting this film to make sense, then don't bother watching it. Minor characters frequently disappear and no more is heard of them, some sub-plots are added in just to further the plot.

The most obvious one of these is the arrival of a group of drug-snorting cokeheads in their car, their presence merely allowing a demon to escape into the streets and make way for the "shock ending". One of these guys is a dead ringer for Sylvestor Stallone, and this pointless plot makes little sense or reason. A good example of this film's contrivances appears when a helicopter crashes through the roof towards the finale, merely allowing for an escape route for our heroes. What gets me is that a lot of people criticise this for not being realistic, but is the whole premise of people turning into drooling monsters realistic? I think not.

The fast pacing means that there's plenty of opportunity for some quick, sticky shocks. This gore isn't disturbing - it's highly unrealistic - but merely adds to the fun. Goo flies everywhere at every opportunity as the cinema goers get slaughtered. The pounding score adds to the manic feel. Good use is made of the film-within-a-film factor, as events are played out in parallel in front of the big screen (a good example is when a knife rips through a tent in the film-within-the-film, while at the same time a possessed victim rips through the screen material with her fingernails!). The makeup is actually very good, really disgusting and disturbing because of this. The demons overact wildly, but it works for me here, and comes nowhere near as embarrassing as the over the top actress in DEMONS 2. A highlight of the film comes when a wonderfully-scary looking demon climbs out of some poor soul's back (!) and runs off into the shadows. Would this have looked as good with CGI? I don't think so. It's animatronics and prosthetics all the way, and they've never looked so good.

DEMONS isn't an intelligent film, but then again it doesn't claim to be so. The visceral excess sets it way above many other American dumb gorefests of the '80s, and it has a unique quality which makes it very worthwhile. It's not a brilliant film, but a greatly enjoyable one nonetheless. The sequel followed a year later but lacked both the imagination and the impact of this one, seeing as it was just a rerun set in a tower block instead of a cinema.
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The horror, the horror
Jeremy_Urquhart9 June 2023
I like to think about older movies I'd love to see on the big screen. I'm lucky enough to live near a place that tends to do at least one classic movie screening a week. It's something they started to do more when COVID-19 was affecting new movie releases, and I think they've just kept with it because people understandably flock to them. I've been fortunate enough to see a bunch of Kubrick and Miyazaki movies on the big screen, as well as other films like The Wild Bunch and The Godfather. I'm still holding out hope they'll screen some Sergio Leone or Akira Kurosawa one day, because both seem like no-brainers.

Anyway... I tend to think about how great epic, lengthy, big-budget movies would look on the big screen, but it's less common for me to watch a small-ish movie and feel a little sad I couldn't see it at the movies. But Demons is the rare movie that is fairly simple/low budget that I imagine it would be even better if watched in a cinema. This is because the premise is essentially people inside a cinema needing to survive hordes of demons that attack while they're watching a new horror movie. Cool visuals, ludicrous gore, and cheesy performances ensue, with all proving to make this a fairly fun movie.

It would be more impactful if watched inside a cinema, especially with the early scenes where people don't know whether the screams they're hearing are real or part of the movie they're watching. Divorced from the ideal viewing experience, this is still a very entertaining and no-nonsense Italian horror movie that's frequently silly but also never boring. It's probably not for everyone, but it was a good movie to watch on a Friday night that never proved too challenging or mentally taxing.
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Not even good as a "bad" movie.
latherzap9 May 2002
Imagine watching a 90 minute home movie of a friend of yours running back and forth in a single room, frequently screaming as '80s heavy metal music blasts from a cheap radio. That right there gives you a pretty good idea what the Demons experience is like. The only difference is that instead of a single friend in a room, we have a whole audience of idiots running around a movie theater.

Absolutely NO sense of pacing. Monotony. A complete bore. But throw in one or two scenes with interesting lighting, and some people with bad taste proclaim this a classic.

Is there anything good about this movie? Well, sort of. A couple of good special effects, and some (one scene, actually) of the lighting is interesting. Some of the '80s fashion is amusing. But ultimately, it sucks.
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Now this is a horror movie!
darlenefraser20003 February 2001
Watching "Demons" I came to the conclusion that, no matter how many of the "Scream" films they make, nothing compares to this horror flick!. I'm not saying it's the greatest horror flick of all time. But it certanly entertains, and scares the hell out of you. Even after several viewings. The setting for the film is just right.The music terrific too! honestly I've seen this flick like 1000 times. And it still freaks me out. I've not seen parts 3 or 4 yet but from the reviews I've heard, they sound pretty interesting, so I'm certanly going to track them both down. For those of you who think that the 90's versions of horror films are the only saving grace to this genre, do yourself a favour catch a few of the 80's horror flicks like "Demons" they are what horror movies should be!
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Gory Italian fun
darksyde-635086 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While previews for this make it seem like a zombie flick, its technically a demon possession one, the demons share some similar traits to zombies. They move slowly and attack their victims in a swarm. The movie begins with a selected group of people being invited to a movie premiere. So for about the first fifteen minutes, its a movie within a movie. It doesn't take long for the first victim to become possessed, and then the fun begins. Although this is a gore flick, the gore is daily restrained. Throats are torn and ripped open, and a blind movie goers eyes are gouged it. (Why there's a blind guy at a movie premier is anyone's guess). As the bodies pile up, the survivors barricade themselves inside the theater to product themselves from the onslaught of demons, while repeatedly telling those of us watching that "demons are instruments of evil", as if we didn't know it already and needed to be reminded Meanwhile while the survivors are trapped inside, the movie cuts to a side story with four coked out losers who really don't serve any purpose except as fodder for the demons shortly after being introduced. After being reminded of how horrible 80's metal music really was as the demons attack in a non stop barrage, only two of the main characters survive after hilariously underacting as they watch their friends become demons one by one, a helicopter inexplicably crashes thru the roof of the theater, offering a way out. As the heroes escape back into the outside world, they see what they just went thru was a city wide occurrence, not just isolated to the theater, leaving the door open for the sequel. While it has many many flaws, this is still a.classic for midnight viewings
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Mercifully fast pacing
hellholehorror8 January 2018
This is tacky Italian horror. It is one of the better Italian horror films although still sat down near the bottom of films in general. It just suffers badly from a god-awful production value. It also felt like they just shot as much as possible and then botched a film together with their footage. The scripting is terrible. On the plus side it is nice and gory. Not particularly engaging. At times it was comical and at others dull. If it wasn't gory then this would be totally pointless. Mercifully fast pacing holds attention.
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This gory horror film is entertaining for fans of the genre.
hu67525 September 2005
Sereval people are invited to join the opening of a new movie theater is been renovated from an old Gothic structure. Cheryl (Natasha Hovey) and her best friend-Hannah (Fiore Argento) decide to skip class to be there for the opening night. When a prostitute (Geretta Giancarlo) tries a demon prop mask from the new film and it cuts her face. When Cheryl and Hannah become friends with two young guys:George (Urbano Barberini) and Ken (Karl Zinny), while watching the movie. When the Prostitute watches the film, her cut is eventually starts to fester, turning her into a green-drooling demon. She kills and then can transforms people by scratching with her nails. The movie theater is unexpectedly blocked from the inside, not letting people get out. While sereval survivors are trying to get out of the movie theater before it is too late.

Directed by Lamberto Bava (A Blade in the Dark, Delirium, Frozen Terror) made an amusing gory horror film with some strong visual style and a heavy metal soundtrack. Although the film is badly dubbed in English, too bad... The DVD (From "Anchor Bay Entertainment") doesn't have the original Italian dubbing. The story is extremely thin but it has some good moments (The film within a film is the highlight).

DVD has an clean non-anamorphic Widescreen (1.66:1) transfer and an fine-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. The DVD has an audio commentary track by the filmmakers, a short behind the scenes featurette and the original theatrical trailer. The film has become an international hit that spawned a sequel (Made by the same director) and a non-related sequel in 1989 titled "The Church". This film is written by Dario Argento (The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, Creepers, Deep Red), director:Bava and Franco Ferrini (Sleepless, The Stendhal's Syndrome, Two Evil Eyes) . From a story by Dardano Sacchetti. Argento also produced this film. (*** ½/*****).
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The confusing mess that is the 'Demons' series
frightfan6 May 2005
In 1985, 'Demoni' (the original Italian title) was such an international success that director Lamberto Bava and producer Dario Argento quickly followed it with 'Demoni 2' in 1986. While mostly a proper sequel, there are several puzzling elements not the least of which was the reuse of actors whose characters were killed in the first film for new characters in the sequel ... yeah, I know!!

After that, things get a little funky.

In 1988, Lamberto filmed 'Casa del L'Orco' for Italian television. Internationally it was sold as another 'Demoni' sequel, hence the title: 'Demons III: The Ogre' for R1 DVD. According to an interview included on the Shriek Show release, Lamberto did not create this as a sequel to 'Demoni'. That title must have been made up by a distributor. Once again, you'll again find re-used actors from 'Demoni' and 'Demoni 2', but since Lamberto did not make this as a sequel, it's kind of a non-issue.

In 1989, Michele Soavi (he played the masked man seen in 'Demoni') directed and co-wrote 'La Chiesa' ('The Church'). The script was co-written by many others, including fellow 'Demoni' alumni Dario Argento and Dardano Sachetti. This film further adds to the confusion by occasionally being titled 'Demons 3' internationally.

In 1994, Michele Soavi made a big name for himself with the widely respected 'Dellamorte Dellamore' (released in R1 as 'Cemetary Man'). Why mention it here? Well, *THAT* film has also, rather inexplicably, been titled 'Demons 95' in at least one Region 2 DVD release.

There may be others, but for my own two cents, I consider 'Demoni' and 'Demoni 2' to be the only proper 'Demons' films... although 'La Chiesa' is so close, it almost makes it as well.

I hope this helped!
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Carnage in the cinema!
Stevieboy66611 January 2021
I can remember seeing posters for Demons before it was released in my local video shop, then when it was released I talked my Dad into renting out the VHS tape for me. I was blown away! A mysterious, half masked man (played by Michele Soavi, an Italian horror director) hands out tickets for a free movie screening at a Berlin cinema/theatre. On show is a horror film, four kids discover the tomb of Nostradamus, one becomes demonically possessed and brutally murders the others. This spills out into the audience, who find themselves trapped within the theatre whilst they gradually turn into murderous demons. I adore this movie, quite possibly my favourite Italian horror film of the great 1980's. The film within a film worked brilliantly, the gory action is relentless and the pounding Claudio Simonetti soundtrack is accompanied by artists such as Go West, Billy Idol, Accept and Saxon. A real treat for the ears. I have just watched it on Blu-ray for the first time and it looked stunning, much use is made of colour in a similar manner to the likes of Dario Argento's "Suspiria" (Argento produced Demons, Lamberto Bava - son of the great Maria- directed). The special effects are fantastic, courtesy in part of Italian effects wizard Sergio Stivaletti, and films such as Evil Dead, American Werewolf in London and Dawn of the Dead sprang to mind. One of my favourite horror movies of the 1980's, one of the standout decades in horror cinematic history. Highly recommended.
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Hits the mark on every level
MonkDeWallyDeHonk6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie stuck with me from my first viewing as a 14 year old, purely through it's originality of style and setting. Even as a 14 year old I thought it was good stuff, and it stuck in my memory. Watching it again at 45 years old I was pleasantly surprised at how much enjoyment I got. It hits the tone perfectly in many departments and things that should work against it only make it more fun. For example, I have never thought it a good idea to use heavy metal in a horror film as most end credits of 90/00's horror movies do - but the use of it here works. The awful script, ropey acting, heavy metal music just make it all the more campy and entertaining. When the first demon appears with green foam exploding from her mouth, I couldn't stop laughing, as with most of the gore splatterfest scenes that followed. I'm not sure if this was intentional or whether it's just dated but whatever, it's funny as hell, and in a good way that does not ruin the film. The difference between the gore in this movie and modern horrors is that this is all done with such a sense of humour that it never becomes too sick or gross. It just looks like they had a great time with as much blood and guts as they could.

The European feel to the film, the locations, including some seriously contrasting 80's red and blue lighting just adds to the campness and the 80's atmosphere, while still leaving the film to be atmospheric and creepy without going into total comedy. The shots of demons approaching with glowing eyes with bright light behind them, or as they approach from the back of the cinema or at the bottom of staircases is creepy as hell, and the use of the cinema space and it's claustrophobia is well done. There are some things that don't make sense but you can easily bypass it and enjoy the story. If there is a weakness, I'd say the middle third of the story when they are all trapped inside can start to wear slightly thin, but at an hour and a half it doesn't labour too long. A delight for horror fans, who like a funny, eerie, well made splatterfest with a difference
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Over-Hyped Horror Trashtacular.
Espontaneo28 July 2003
I had heard alot about this film and having finally tracked it down was most dissapointed with what I found.

The initial concept is a good one, a film within a film dealy, which causes demons to infest a cinema full of bad actors.

The execution is sadly lacking however, after a promising start it quickly descends into a string of pointless gory scenes with absolutely no suspense whatsoever. Eyes are gouged, scalps are ripped off and boils burst forth green goo. But the imagination is strickly limited to bizarre deaths and little else. The dialogue is atrociously bad (even for a trashy horror) and the final climatic katana wielding demon massacre is unintentionally hilarious. The film contains one genuinely good visual moment which unsuprisingly is the shot featured on the cover and posters displayed here but thats as far as it goes.

Its hard to see what this film had to offer well after the likes of "Night of the Living Dead" or the "Evil Dead" apart from a couple of poorly edited and drably shot gore sequences.

Its derivative and drab, only appealling to the kinds of goofy horror fans who are more interested in modes of death than genuine thrills and movie craftmanship.

4 out of 10
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A Semi-Coherent, Metal-as-Hell, Glorious Slice of Eighties Horror Cheese
SpotMonkee4 December 2016
My status as a film buff seems to exist in two separate states. On the one hand, I will wax lyrical about the subtle genius of Godard, Fassbinder, and Bertolucci. I'll watch pretentious European art-house cinema of the most stereotypical variety without even a hint of irony. I will regard Ingmar Bergman as a literal god-figure to worshiped in all of his glory. On the other hand, I will spend forty-plus dollars on a blu-ray of Dario Argento's Phenomena and gush over the sheer lunacy of B-movies. Demons (or Demoni, in its native Italy) is everything a geek like me could want. Gratuitous gore and violence, questionable dubbing, explosions, and a kick-ass eighties soundtrack. Co-written and produced by Italian horror maestro Dario Argento (Suspiria, Deep Red), Demons came from Argento's desire to create a purely commercial film after tasting such success with 1978's Dawn of the Dead. Thus, Demons is a film with little in the way of a coherent plot or deep characterization. And yet somehow it manages to be wholly appealing at the same time. The plot, which follows the spread of a zombie-like form of demonic possession spreading through a Berlin movie theater, exists solely to facilitate the numerous action and scare sequences. The score by Argento regular Claudio Simonetti (of Goblin fame) manages to be exciting, creepy, and perfectly suited to adrenaline-soaked visuals. This film is entertainment, pure and simple. To anyone looking to get into B-movies or Italian horror (or better yet, both) I highly recommend this film as it's a very accessible entry point into both genres. Just sit back, open a can of Coke, shut your brain off, and prepare to have the time of your life.
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Gory and Original but the script must have been lost.
loomis78-815-9890341 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A student named Cheryl (Hovey) finds herself being stalked by a masked man in a abandoned subway station in the films exciting opening. When he catches up to her, he gives her an invitation to a film premiere in Berlin. Cheryl talks her friend Kathy (Cozzo) into going with her and soon two guys George (Barberini) and Ken (Zinny) have invited themselves to watch the horror film with the girls. The film on screen tells the story of resurrected demons that infect the living by attack them and turning them into demons. A audience member who was scratched in the lobby by a replica of the demon mask used in the film starts turning into a demon herself. Soon the entire audience is mysteriously sealed in the theater infecting each other and turning into slobbering demons that rip throats out and takes chucks out of audience members. The four friends fight for survival. Director and co-writer Lamberto Bava is the son of Mario Bava who helms this energetic crazy Italian horror film. Produced by Dario Argento who also co-wrote, this film is a little short on plot but big on style, lighting and use of color and of course gore. The film looks great gushing with deep reds and blues and outstanding lighting. The gore is violent and repulsive which will please gore fans. The storyline….. well, did I mention how great the film looks? Four screenwriters and you're still scratching your head trying to figure out why and what is going on. Generally fans of these films are looking for style and gore and "Demons" is full of both. The bare plot will frustrate some audience's and others will just enjoy the mindless beautiful slaughter and colorful gore.
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Horrible, Horrible Horror
jabrbi20 January 2014
I know this movie is loved by those who like TRUE horror films. If that's the case then true horror fans love terrible acting, awful dialogue, cheap special effects, pointless events, plot holes the size of the Sun, no character development, obvious scares telegraphed minutes in advance, and gratuitous 'gore'.

For 'special effects' it looks like someone bought a bunch of cheap poster paint and then had it ooze out of every pore of the demons and the victims. No more red, just use pink. This green is a nice colour, let's have it ooze out of the mouth of the demons.

You know the plot from the beginning of the film, and the characters keep uttering famous last words like, "they'll never get through there", just before the event actually happens. Yawn.

If you like pointless films, with lots of dripping liquid, no plot, bad acting, and with no proper resolution as to what was really going on, then Demons is a must for you.

If you have any critical functions left then avoid this trash like the plague, it's just a festering boil that'll ooze green pus on your new clothes.
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